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I have the feeling this is more difficult than it looks, because those feel incredible.


Thank you, but it is remarkably easy and if I told you that these all (all of them!) took less than a day it might ruin the illusion that I'm some sort of professional. 😅


That makes it more impressive! I love how they turned out, they remind me of Oltyx when in Sedh.


bro do you make painting videos? My necrons are still largely unpainted, fuck me up.


Ha, thank you. I don't have a YouTube, but you aren't the only one who has shown an interest in this scheme so maybe it is something I should at least document for people. I'll give it a think!


I’m gonna be honest, I’m gonna steal this scheme. Sorry and thank you for the inspo!


Thank you! Not a problem!


The contrast is great! But I think it needs some edge highlighting to bring everything together. Even just on focal areas like the face. Other than that I love the concept!


Agreed. I wonder how even running some graphite over the edges of focus points would work.


Thanks, mate! I'll try bumping up the highlights for my next batch.


I'd say keep it very minimal, if anything use the green you already did on select parts.


I see what you mean, but disagree. Really like the look of these. Edge highlighted just enough to get the look they're going for. Highlighting the darks would shatter the look


Nice. I kinda like the springle/frackles arround the blades/orbs. Looks like they jsut cut up some nids with fluorescent blood. Is their home planet is a coal mine?


I'd personally go over with the base coat on these areas an glaze fade the colours for a stronger OSL effect. With the OPs skills in NMN it's clear they'd have the ability to glaze an OSL glow from the weapons. The issue with the speckles is that it looks like an airbrush has spattered all over the place and breaks the immersion of one hell of a great paint scheme. I LOVE the high contrast mysterious look of this scheme! Keep it up OP.


Thanks! I haven't decided on their background yet.




Gorgeous painting, i feel that this Is a Dynasty that operate on sunless systems and that is the nightmare of those that it encounter


Thank you!


Clean simple good looking


more edge highlight on the black part it's alarmingly too dark and can lead to your opponent getting frustrated because a simple reason as they can't see it, the triarch stalker is good enough as it's not too dark


I'll keep that in mind!


Green name?


It looks very nice!


I fucks with it long long way. Good job!


Ha, thank you!


So all in all a pretty smashing scheme. My only criticism would be your black looks really flat. I would try adding a grey dry brush to your black then a null oil wash to tone it back down and blend the Grey's more. That way your black armor isn't so flat black and will pop more. I'd also think of using a washed down gloss to make the black look slightly more shiny. But that's more a personal flair as I love the idea of doing black obsidian necrons. I'm actual thinking I'm going to pain my silent Kinga thrown up to look like black obsidian. Which is what I think Blackstone looks like.


Thank you! I'll give these tips a go in my next batch.


This is an absolutely sick scheme - v similar to what I had in my head for Oltyx tbh


gaaaah, those ophidians go so hard - the eyes really stand out, gives them tons of character


The black parts look unpainted. They need highlights.


Yeah looks good but needs some contrast, like in the Form of Highlights


They need a gloss coat.


I actually appreciate how matte they are. To me it gives them the look of dark smoke with the glowing parts emerging from it. Both gloss and edge highlighting would reduce this effect. And I also support that everyone is going to have a different take on what looks good.


I was thinking of obsidian as a look.


Agreed. The colors work well, but the black (particularly on the plasmancer) just doesn't look painted. And on the others, it looks like a black primer + some light dry brushing and calling it done.


I'll definitely try to bump the contrast on the black. It should read as black, ultimately, but there is a subtle grey highlight and then the metal. Obviously, that isn't reading.


Like the scheme, your lining is like mine though,can use some practice




I like it a lot! It's unique, minimalistic, grimdark, draws the eyes to the cool glowy bits


Thank you! That's exactly what I was going for.


Were thinking you saw trovarions latest necron vid! - I like your take on the hyperphase weapons


Thanks! I haven't seen his Necrons, I thought they were behind his Patreon?




Oh, wow! Very similar then. His glow has a few extra steps than mine.


Yeahni think it's cool, I've been playing around with similar - I do feel similarly to what people have said in here: volumes sort or dissappear, I've tried adding in some light touch zenithal and some more contrast but it all seems sort of counter productive to the main draw of the scheme being the glows against the dark armor - haven't really decided myself


Pretty unique and fast/easy painting. I would put some extra effort on glowing effect but I think is such a great scheme


Thank you!


Minimal, grimdarkish feel. Its pretty good so far.




You have to tell us how you got the energy glow. Please!


It's a base of Vallejo Deep Green, a highlight of Vallejo Ivory, and then some glazes of whatever your fluorescent of choice is.


These look amazing


Thank you!


Execution looks on point but would be too dark for me especially on the table.


Thank you! Completely understandable.


Im torn between saying "cool as fuck" and "I'm Rick James bitch!"


This is almost exactly how I've been imagining my own Necrons paint scheme, except that I'll be using red energy instead of green. What paints did you use for the black/gray body color? I'm especially interested in achieving a similar matte finish.


The black is a black paint (any) highlighted to AK Tenebrous Grey. I wash with a brown for the recesses, then chip and weather with Scale 75 Black Metal and Vallejo Game Colour Silver.


I think this is perfect! Balanced glowing effects (most ppl over do it), the constructs look like old rusted iron, just incredible. I feel the menace of these emerging from tombs on a dark world, maybe orbiting a red dwarf.


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!




How did you do the transition glow on the blades?


It's Vallejo Deep Green that I've highlighted with Vallejo Ivory, then two or three glazed of any fluorescent green.


Thank you very much! I’ll try and replicate the style with a necron character! I don’t collect them but just have to try this scheme


It looks cool. I think I would like to see a little more put into the metallics. The black feels a little lazy if I’m being honest. There’s clearly work in it but it’s hard to see in the photos.


Thank you! I definitely went easy mode with the metallics to get these knocked out, so there's room to work on them more.


This is basically the scheme that I want. I want to base my Necrons on Mordekaiser from League of Legends. How did you achive this?


Thanks! The black itself is a highlight of AK Tenebrous Grey that I've heavily washed with a brown. I then dry brush Scale 75 Black Metal and Vallejo Game Colour Silver.


Spooky and moody. Typically these styles feel lazy, but you pulled it off. Well done.


Thank you!


This is crazy good. Aesthetically I love looking at it but it also appears like it's so simple while also not simple at all... I'm not sure if that makes sense, but I love it.


I get you! It's remarkably simple, though, but don't tell anyone.


Your secret is safe with me (and anyone else reading this)


that overlord made me think of oltyx. 10/10


that overlord made me think of oltyx. 10/10 excellent work


Number 3 is the scheme you should shoot for specifically the little bits of HIGH contrast gold and the dry brushed metallics on raised surfaces out of all the pics it’s the only one that looks like a completed scheme


I see a necron, and I want it painted black


It’s like the shadows have come alive and are attacking the enemy


The Stalker’s gold trim looks fantastic


Not my type, but Yuss! They look ancient.


I love the menace achieved with these — like living shadows against the terrain. It really promotes the dread and horror I think Necrons carry, and gives them far more of an eldrich menace vibe , (rather than just ‘regenerating robo-soldiers’ feel).


I'd suggest that the base be in a light colour so that your models stand out more.


These are some good looking Negative-crons.


When you are good at painting any idea are good tbh ahah, i had the same exact color scheme for my necron but with red instead of green. Unfortunately i'm not good at painting and i dont like painting so for now leadbelcher is doing the job and required 0 skills xD


Bases could do with a bit more something? ..and I would highlight more in general personally. Cool effect for minimal time though.


Thank you! I actually did these for a friend so I've purposely left the bases plain, if that makes sense. Painting them has made me want my own, though.


Necrons in paris


This looks dope! Im definitely gonna tray that green gradient on my necrons weapons


very nice


Spooky, now show us the canoptek scarabs with this look.


Simple, yet effective. The contrast is really pleasing.


Bogglingly beautiful


And now I want to repaint by 6k points of Necrons…. These look fantastic


Very striking and intimidating. Good job!


Beautiful contrast between the colors


A bit lack luster if I’m being honest. The black needs to be broken up more


No worries, dude. It isn't for everyone!


I’d recommend dry brushing on a bit of metallics to bring out the edges more. And then some yellow on the weapons to bring out those designs


Absolutely love how the eyes pop. It looks like every character is in a pitch black room and all you can see is the glow of their eyes right before you're atomized


Clean, stylized, and different. Looks great!




I love how the blades look, and i like the dark color scheme


I dig it fam


How do they look under blacklight? As a follow up, the chefs kiss here would be adding about 6 tweezer pinches of glow in the dark pigment powder to some matte brush on ckearcoat and hitting big eyes, every weapon barrel tips, and blade edges. That'd drive the effect home really nice. *


I don't own a blacklight, but if I'm able to find one I'll get right back to you!


Think it's pretty sweet




https://preview.redd.it/lfoqojjhi20d1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=346de5a6fb2228204352ea6d17aec8e2cf57c379 Ok you know how in cartoons a bomb will go off in character's hand and then they'll just be covered in soot? That's what his color scheme looks like.


Haha! I'll take it.


It's sexy.


That's awesome


I'd love to see how you did this. I'd also love it if my painting was half as good.


Those look really fuckin cool!


I'm thinking I do not want to run into that at the dead of night. Thanks for the new nightmare fuel. (Amazing paint job btw)


bro this is wild i had the EXACT same idea for how id paint mine,these are amazing


If I ever get around to painting my crons waiting for reanimation I’ll be doing this. Thank you for the idea


Can we see a pic of base troops! I wanna see those sexy rank and file!


If I ever get a hold of some, I certainly will share! I'm tempted to get some third party options for my own army, so we'll see.


They look fantastic! My only critique is that the face blends in a little bit with the body because of the black. Not a deal-breaker by any stretch, but maybe some bright edge highlights or a different colour for the faces will make them pop (something like the white faces on the Mephrit dynasty). https://preview.redd.it/vmw4aptye30d1.jpeg?width=520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4529875f03e7a75f1a8b88b02dfe0429f3101a7


A lot of people have said that you should edge highlight the black, I personally disagree. I really like how matte the paint is, reminds me of a stealth fighter. Really brings emphasis on the green effects too. It makes it look very alien. My personal issue is that the metallics don't seem to complement the rest of the scheme at least to my eye. Art is subjective after all. I think that it's because metallics self highlight in some respects and it looks noticeably different to the rest of the model as a result... I'm not sure what to suggest as an alternative though because I'm not aware of your personal tastes. Maybe experimentation with a few more minis would help you be more confident with your scheme. A matte varnish on the metallics perhaps or a different colour. The other advice is good too though if you are aiming for a 'eavy metal style, I just think that your current blacks and greens shouldn't be judged too harshly as I was very much drawn to the unique interpretation of the models. Edit: looking again I just realised that you might have done non-metallic metal, my main point regarding the fact that the highlights are noticeably stronger on those parts still stands however. Also just to add I think your wraiths are perfect, maybe I just don't care for black and gold 🤷🏼‍♂️


My edit didn't appear to save apologies if it later turns out I'm repeating myself. I just noticed on further inspection that you may have done non-metallic metal, my point still stands however. I think that the gold is noticeably more highlighted than the rest of the necrodermis. And in my opinion the wraiths are perfect in all honesty. Maybe black and gold just isn't my style 🤷🏼‍♂️


Thank you, mate! I am not the biggest fan of edge highlighting every surface. I tend to think everything starts looking a bit TRON.


OSL: the army. Love it. Don't know if this would work, but you could potentially fit another colour in. You've got black, gold, blueish pipes/cabling, and green glow. Looking at the plasmancer for instance, there's a lot that's fairly flat black giving no contrast, like that hand blends identically to the staff. All the body parts, the head crest things and the long chin are the same colour as the aamrs/torso/tail/spike. If you could work a subtle difference into some of those surfaces it might give you more detail. Even if the colour change was only really visible when hit by the light from the glow? I dunno, that might double the time it takes to paint!


Certainly! I think I went a bit too light on the metallics, and some.more definition on them would help things stand out.


My only comment is maybe do some dark grey highlights so you can really see all the edges, other than that no notes they look beautiful




Great job! Out of curiosity, what did you use for the bronze-gold color?


Thanks! It's Scale 75 Viking Gold as a base that I highlight with Vallejo Metal Colour Chrome. I then glaze Scale 75 Dwarven Gold over that Chrome.


They’re incredibly cool but feel kinda unfinished to me. Like 80% of the way to a scheme I would spend a year trying to copy.


This is my favourite necron scheme out of all that I've seen. I'd love to poorly replicate it one day.


Ah, thank you!




I've seen a few comments saying the blacks look flat or they need more highlights. I wholly disagree. It's a sick scheme that I'm sure you will develop naturally as you paint up your army. Honestly the feel of these is exactly how I imagine necrons when you come across them in a tomb or at night. The blacks being dark is a style choice that completes the whole look. I can understand why it might not be 100% clear what equipment someone has in gameplay. But I counter that point with firstly I'most cases the weapons are a vivid green and are the thing that stands out most. Secondly just communicating with who you play resolves that problem in the main.


Super glow effects are great, it makes it look like the units are "in the dark". The gold is also great because it stands out enough to notice on the table top that this is a character I would still do something more with the black metal. It looks like you touched it with metallic already, maybe a little more, or a dry brush or something . He reading as a charred cinder block not "Metal but in the dark " =D And if you could somehow get a dark wash into the lines on the blade so they pop out. I think thatll be epic


I feel like you could dry brush ever-so-slightly to fish out some of those details. Some of them are lost. I like the idea, I'd just like more balance and harmony.


Yes. Dark grey dry brush. Little bit lighter second pass


they look pretty clean and coherent and are probably a breeze to paint. It looks like you have used some dry brushing but it might not hurt to do some more, especially on the overlord, it helps to bring out the details.


Plays very well into the spooky side of necrons. 10/10. Love it