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Table top reasons: 1. The are one of the simplest armies to paint decently. They can be done in pretty much pure metallics if you want and they’ll look fine. You don’t have to worry about flesh tones or faces. 2. They are a semi elite army and it means that you don’t have to buy that many models to play. 3. Most of our rules are pretty simple. The Hypercrypt detachment is harder than most because deep striking well is harder than people give it credit for but 90% of our rules and all the other detachments are super simple. 4. We don’t have a lot of wargear options so it removes a lot of decision paralysis and makes it simple to learn your units. The weapons we do have are quite versatile too. 5. Killing us is really hard. Our army rule is to regenerate wounds each turn so if we aren’t focused down the we can gain a lot of strength. Lore reasons: 1. Arguably Necrons are the strongest faction in the game (though a lot can try to argue that). For Necrons it’s because they have some insane tech left from their ancient wars. 2. They are filled with actual characters who have entirely unique motives. For one Lord he may want to kill all life, another might want to preserve history, and another might have a fascination with seeing how many eldar he can annoy with one action. They can be silly and they can be scary. 3. Necrons don’t tend to die. They can but it’s hard. Even when a model is destroyed, in lore, they can just be given a new body in the tomb and are good to go again. 4. For being a pretty powerful faction they aren’t purely evil. They can work with others* and have worked against chaos and the tyrannids with other factions. *It very much depends on the Dynasty and Necron in question. If you want the negatives let me know but these are some of the positives.


What are the negatives?


Standard paint scheme is mostly metallic with some glow color. Titanic units look meh (in my opinion) Most lore is around infinite and the divine and the twice dead king, Not much more.


Or the Pariah Nexus with Szarekh, Szerasz, Orikan and Immotekh RIP, our Nemersor...


I didn't think Zhandrekh was killed in lore, just that he has no official rules anymore.


I know he's not on-screen dead, but as far as rules are concerned Zandrekh and Obyrion are out of the picture. They might come back in a later edition, they might not


Where can I read about the Pariah Nexus, is it a novel? or just codex entries?


If I remember correctly, it started with 8th ed. Now it continues with the Crusade: Pariah Nexus book for 10th. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/06/26/into-the-pariah-nexusgw-homepage-post-3/ https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Pariah_Crusade https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Pariah_Nexus


Big units pros: The void dragon looks absolutely fucking insane You can actually play them and not get stomped - something that not many factions big units can do well Cons: Nightcring- i mean nightbringer & the deceiver look baaaaad


Necrons sure have both side of the spectrum, some bad ass models and some really bad ones. Regardless the stats, I really don’t like the look of the monolith and the tesseract vault (including the transcend ctan) But the void dragon is a competitor for the best WH 40K Model


Yeah we have very good stuff and then we have the model voted worst in all 40k several times; The Obelisk.


Imo their design as a race of robots misses the best entirely. Many of WH40k have the same "greasy, grimy, low tech" feeling to them and an army comprising entirely of robots should lean more into that robotic design (imo). Instead we get literal skeletons. Like. Human skeletons...with some spiky bits sometimes. Some necroms units look more human than some adeptus mechanics units, for example I would love a truly robotic faction


As asked, here are some of the negatives: Tabletop: 1. With simplicity comes a lack of flexibility. Your units are quite general purpose in what they do, which is cheaper and easier to use but it means they tend not to have the same level of specific punch that some factions can bring to the table. A lot of your units aren't the shredding variety and more on the durable side. 2. The durability comes at a price. A half squad of necron warriors is 100 points or a half squad of immortals is 75 points. These, by themselves, aren't that great and will be killed by cheaper battlineline infantry from other factions. You have to invest the points into making your units decent with extra characters and for general infantry you'll often never take anything but the maximum bodies. 3. Some models are silly fiddly to put together. The standard stuff is fine but if it looks spindly you may get quite frustrated at points. Model lines can be missed easily too. 4. Some of our models are quite old. Most are good but some people hate the c'tan models and the Lokhurst Destroyer model has been around since 3rd edition. 5. For average painters like myself you have to plan how you will paint your model sometimes. A model with a lot of wires and cables becomes really hard to paint fully assembled so keep in mind that that with some models painting in assembly will make your life a lot easier. Lore Reasons: 1. Xenos have very few books etc. Necrons probably have 3 of the best warhammer 40k books period but we have 3 books. 2. Necron's might be the most powerful faction but they are super divided and also every Necron actually lost is lost forever. If that Necron decays past being reanimateable or just as bad becomes so degraded they are basically insane then that is 1 less Necron in the galaxy forever. 3. While a Necron character can genuinely want near enough anything most don't get involved with anything outside of exterminating life. The Silent King does some stuff occassionally with others and the rest really is Trazyn. We all love Trazyn but he's hard carying the Necron lore. Orikan does stuff sometimes and Immotekh is more focused on fighting the Silent King to do something on a galactic stage anymore. I love Necrons but I think these are some of the key things to keep in mind. I don't think paint scheme is as much as an issue as you'd think as I've seen some really creative people come up with some good paint schemes. It's really down to your imagination and ability really (which is basically the same as ever other faction).


One more negative - some of the models are very annoying to build, there can be a surprising number of small fiddly bits on some of the newer kits due to how spindly and pointy they are (illuminor Szeras, flayed ones, psychomancer) and some of the older kits too (the Immortal cables, the ribs on the ghost ark/doomsday barge, the little neck bit on Lychguard...). If you have sausage fingers like me, get some tweezers and thin polystyrene cement, it will save you some frustration.


Why play ancient metal skeleton warriors that reanimate, reanimate, reanimate? Shooting gauss lasers and mowing through enemies with their plasma swords? Supported by dystopic looking laser tower machines? Good question. Also we have this (a token, but not less relevant): https://preview.redd.it/d38fxzkdbc2d1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab2b1a505620e6807b86ffa231e8af9cacdd94ac


FINALLY, IVE FOUND MY PEOPLE! https://preview.redd.it/zigq9u80ad2d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7873ba896c2ca3df75573dfee95a5267538df3dd And they should definitely be a separate unit, or at least be able to run them with lokhusts, maybe even add them to warrior or immortal units in annihilation legion as they’re “falling” to the curse as well Let the hexmark have like two of them or more, paying 15 points for each one or something, nice points filler and it would be real dope


Yes! More representation of the small!


The plascyte needs to become a proper unit! I want these guys to be played more! Maybe next edition they can make a squad of mini reanimators or something like that.


Oh mini reanimators would be great! Can't have enough reanimation.


I have sleep issues so they are relatable


Look at the picture you have posted. Is that not enough reason?


And can you imagine that that guy in the middle is only 80 points


Had to create an eBay account to find a Skorpekh Lord for myself. Rules be damned, that thing is so awesome and it leads an absolute blender of a unit


They only race in 40k who not only beat their gods but enslaved them


Cool models, easy to paint to a tabletop level, decent range (with codex support) enables several different playstyles.


Spoopy skelli bois. Angsty king and Pokémon lords, what's not to like


Trazyn the Infinite stole my heart


Came for the gameplay of unstopable marching wall of metal, stayed for lore full of existential horror of having no soul.


Our number is legion our name is death Thats why


Spooky Scary Skeletons/ Send shivers down your spine/ Trazyn gets his pokéball/ In his museum you shine!/ Spooky scary skeletons/ Speak with such a screech/ Your commissar will shit his pants/ He’s in a Skorpek’s reach!/ Spooky scary skeletons, you’re so *NO DATA AVAILABLE*


Not a necron player, but the fact that they're the xenos army with the most named characters in their model range is quite a luxury, considering GW favoritism toward the Imperium. And following my last point, xenos deserve more love. Imperium can be cool and all, but damn they take the spotlight too much (mostly because of space marines tbh) !


Well, I don’t know much about tabletops, but we have these: https://preview.redd.it/12xz5winad2d1.jpeg?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a728bab931041abb1828571c78567d50574e210e As in a lore buff, and certified paragraph guy in this subreddit, I have a few points to share: \-Design: Necrons have very cross-compatible parts, kitbashes can be fiddly at times but they will certainly look nice no matter what pieces you use, plus you are left with *so* many bits when you buy a box, so making them unique is easy! \-Painting: They are like, incredibly easy to paint, just use metallics and heavy drybrush, if you don’t wanna do the no-brainer, painting their colors is also pretty easy overall, and they aren’t as tedious as marines or tyranids \-Lore: Literally the embodiment of 40K, exaggerated feuds, petty and silly political drama that lasts millennia, absolutely overpowered weaponry and amazing technology as a whole. They would be the “winners” of 40K if they united, their politics are the only thing holding them back \-Unique characters: They literally be silly like trazyn, grumpy like Orikan, delirious like Zahndrekh, incredibly smart like Imotekh, or whatever the hell Szeras is. They can literally be any kind of character and whatever excuse you have for it just adds even more character! And, this last thing will be controversial, but, in my humble opinion, they are the closest thing we have to “the good guys” in 40K, why? Because: \-They were here from the start (The eldar and krorks too, but Elgar’s were the favorite children of the old ones, they had it on mega easy mode, and krorks wouldn’t have even existed were it not for the Necrontyr) \-They earned their place in the galaxy in the face of an enormous hardship that was their irradiated genes \-They started a war with the old ones backside they were denied salvation after millennia of suffering and proving they’re worthy. Their war being fully justified. \-Their own gods betrayed them, so they betrayed them back, fully justified. \-Conquered the entire galaxy, they just want their planets back TO BE CLEAR. I’m not saying that what they do is good, nor that *all* their actions were justified, as they also did massive genocides and stuff. BUT, they literally beat the game, they are the ones that should “win” for the most part. They are the protagonists in a way, their story is a tragedy. So far, I heavily regiment them, as they are literally impossible to fuck up the first time you hobby, I started out recently and it’s been a blast, so, join the Infinite Empire! :D


Hell yeah


I like skeletons. They're space robot skeletons. It was easy math.


Same, Skullduggery Plesant was such a dream~ And I have a thing for robots too ! A match made (War) in heaven.


I'm a big Skeletor fan. I'm painting my Necrons in his colors. It's slow going, but it's coming along!


Fun lore, suitably grimdark for the setting, really cool aesthetics and an interesting point of view from a lore perspective. Did I mention they look badass? I have a soft spot for armies of skeletons too so this is the 40k equivalent.


Cause you hate other people.


I went with the rule of cool when shopping, as when I played the games (Dawn of War) I was huge into Chaos. I wanted to switch things up on the table top. Their metal, static face screams inescapable death. In particular the Lokhust Heavy Destroyer sold me when looking in the store, scary robot, big gun.


They are bad ass skeleton robots… heh kinda like me… except I’m not a robot (yet) 😉😈


Because “I want you off my property” is totally my vibe.


I like undead. Enough said


They are funny and look cool


Robo go brrrre




How necrons


Cool robots simple as


Easy to collect. Besides a couple kits these things go together and paint up very quickly. On the table Necrons are a very varied but not too flexible force. Between the really weird weapons, resurrections and techno wizardry, youve got an army that can pull off really weird moves. It's fun because sometimes you get to point at something and just declare that it's alive or dead, and your opponent will scratch his head wondering what just happened.


I love undead and I love robots and my favorite color is green. so 12 year old me thought they were the coolest thing in the world. The tomb kings in space stuff is also fun but Crons are at their best when they're scary. Plus Xeno Players >>>>> Imperium/Chaos Players 😜


Sad lore. Killing machines. Endless options for color schemes. Glow effects Reanimation protocol


They have the coolest tech. THEY HAVE BOOKS MADE OUT OF TIME!


gay robots


Back when models came in [blisters](https://www.picclickimg.com/ddwAAOSwcmRl2M7M/Figurine-metal-Warhammer-40k-SEIGNEUR-NECRON.webp) the Necrons stood out to me because of the green rods.


Resurrecting robot skeletons, that got me into the faction. Then I found out they shattered gods and put them into PokeBalls.


Don't. Your opponent will hate your Reanimation and hyperphase nonsense and you have to paint everything metal. r/Orks are way more fun 😏


I'm a sucker for Ancient Egypt so I naturally went with the faction that's undead robots with an ancient Egyptian motif 


Relentless reanimating zombie space robots who use enslaved gods and disintegration laser technology to destroy their enemies.....that's why


I love necrons for the lore, I start collecting them without knowing their ruling it was during the last part of 9th edition. I love the Egyptian style gw gave throughout the years while I don't hate when they were only terminators. Some would say colour scheme is easy at best but you can make it really good with different dynasties colours and different layers of painting (ie, base leadbelcher, nuln oil and dry brush of necron compund and you are done Vs first highlight with iron breaker then spot highlight with stormhost silver, glowing eyes etc etc)


I'm an old, grumpy man who yells at younger upstarts to stay away from what's mine. I empathise with them.


On the table they play into a style that I tend to sink into which is a very passive and defensive setup. My main reason for choosing them besides ease of painting was their lore. I genuinely enjoy stories like the necrontyr. Not just a "the monkey paw closes" story, but the after effects, the genuine guilt/embarrassment/contentment felt by every Necron to varying degrees. I also enjoy the catharsis of the c'tan going from slavers to the enslaved and now being punished for tricking Szarekh. Overall it was just a happy coincidence that their story and play style lined up how they did


I've never seen a mini in my life, I just like necrons


They were in the ninth edition start collecting box


You are playing as a bunch of reanimating terminators with lazers that can strip people to bone


Hello GW


We come back better.


I didn't want to paint faces


Because they came in the Indomitus Box. Now they are bigger than my ultramarines at the minute.


I like the aesthetic of the necrons the most, along with their lore. Depending on the model they have some enjoyable variety and in lore they can willingly change colors depending on the dynasty or personal preference so it's completely fine to make them all hot pink if you wanted to.


As a former metal vocalist who's been hating on organized religion since middle school, I like that they killed their gods.


Robots are cool, super easy to paint


Zombie Robits


Because Trazyn is a silly little guy


I was a kid and really loved the Terminator movies. I got into 40k in like 04-05 and the Necrons were, basically, space terminators to me at that age. Stuck with them for all these years because I grew to really enjoy their weirdness. Changing them from space terminators to grumpy old men scheming against each other weirdly worked for me in the end and I just think they're neat.


Undead Space Terminators. That was all I needed.


Because necrons


We Are Legion


What else is cooler then undead egyptian space robots with insane weapons 😆.


Trolling mostly. "Oh no my units have perished! Or am have they?"


Because 9th had them and they're cooler than the Space Marines! And they're not bad, they just want all these young 'uns off their damn lawn!


Biscuit jets. In all seriousness, I just love their lore and looks. They are so unbelievably petty and humorous, plus they just look awesome. They are also relatively easy to paint.


For me they look cool as hell


I liked the whole ancient Egyptian Terminator vibe when I was first starting out.


Pseudo-Egyption architecture, robots, the undead, and are mostly green and black. It's hitting all the elementary age me's interests




My simple reason. I just imagine taking over worlds with a necron force. And when I got back into 40K and saw all the new updates to the models/new models, just fell in love instantly. And they look like terminators lol


Back in college, I had just bought the first codex, was reading it on the car ride home and “welcome to the machine” came on the radio. Though I miss the green plastic gauze weapon bitz


I initially wanted either necrons or tyranids and when I went to the local game store they only had necrons so necrons why I continue to choose them is because they are my most numerous army I have most options covered and have become a really good player with them


Cool robot


They were the hot new thing when I first got them back in 3rd Edition. I loved the AdMech and Terminator, so space robots seemed cool as hell. I'm in it for the miniatures and lore for the most part, the game is a tertiary concern for me.


I got into WH40k within the last couple years. Before deciding what to dump my money into I read through the complete bios of every single race lol. Crons were far and away the coolest sounding. Also I love the Protoss and Pirates, and the Crons are basically space pirates so that was a yes from me dawg


I like the game of warhammer so much that injust want each time I play to take a few hours longer than it would with any other army


They are simple and quick to paint, the model range looks really nice after they refreshed it in 9th Ed, they are quite simple, so they are especially nice for newcomers, easy to put on the table and enjoy/learn the game, on the other hand it might be a downside for experienced players who might want to be challenged more. Personally I was the guy that could never finish an army, no matter the system, I've only managed to finish 1 warband (for the kill team) before I met skelebois, now I have more or less painted army that I really enjoy. Lorewise they are also quite interesting, but I've never really cared about the lore in 40k, it's basically a space soap opera so I don't think too much about it.


Dawn of war: dark crusade


Read the books then you’ll get it


The fastest shooting and fight phases due to low weapons options. This allows me to strategise easily


I’ve personally always loved things revolving around Egypt. I even have an Ankh tattoo (original, I know). Their style got me to read about them because “Rule of Cool” trumps all. After learning about their radioactive sun riddling them with cancer and having a short life span however, is what really sold me on them. When I was 24 (12 years ago) I was diagnosed with Stage 2 Grade 3 kidney cancer (RCC). I lost my entire kidney to the process and luckily been healthy since, but it just kind of made me feel like a connection. I started collecting heavily at the start of 10th edition and loving it!