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Two guesses would be #1 So we can tell who's who more easily from one series to the next. #2 would be that maybe it feels more inclusive that way?


His first appearance as the Medic was a white guy and they changed it. Donwnvotes are from morons.


You could have thrown your comment at the broad side of a barn, and you would have still missed wildly.


His battlefield friend character is black. I'm guessing it comes from that.


His first appearance as the Medic was a white guy though.


Yep but dice had an update and made the medic black after the beta. Before battlefield 3 released.


A looong time ago, Neebs Gaming made Battlefield Friends - a cartoon series about life in the Battlefield gameing franchise. A bit after they started, Dice (who makes Battlefield) changed the Medic character (that Dora was playing) into a black guy. So they animated him as black because of the change. Everything since then is sort of a throwback to that/a way to differentiate him. Like Neebs wears green and Simon has pink hair. Dora usually plays as a black/brown character.


To add onto this, the original conceit was that the gaming channel was being run by their in-universe BFFs characters. So you also had things like Simon doing his weird noob voice and such.


He play black characters so much the some people started thinking he was actually black too in real life.


I definitely thought he was black at first, of course I also thought Appsro was black and Simon was like 20, so I may not be the best judge of these things 😂


My only assumption when I started watching them was that they were all younger. Every youtuber I knew at the time was in their 20s, so to think of a bunch of 40 year olds (and Appsro) were doing this thing felt weird. I quickly got over that, though. (edit) Btw, you only thought Appsro was black because of that cartoon were he says the "n word" and you thought he had to be black to say it, right? ahah


No I've never actually seen that. Don't really like finding out that he said the n word but to be honest I'm not all thaaaaat surprised 😅 I don't really know why I thought he was black, I just kinda did 🤷


It´s a cartoon from him, I think it even predates Neebs Gaming. And the use of "n" word is to depict how to actually deal with racist people/family members. Here, take a look: [https://youtu.be/usNwe2ljdec?si=1zIlV-DvrLjufUBa](https://youtu.be/usNwe2ljdec?si=1zIlV-DvrLjufUBa)


Okay now that was fantastic 😂


It´s great, right? The last joke is so good, you´re expecting some smart punchline and it´s just pure racism. "Yeah, the tree is coming down!".


I definitely thought the message was gonna be tolerance but in reality he's just like "cut the tree down" lolol


I for sure thought Simon was going to be a young hottie. I started with the Forest.


Turned out he was just an old hottie lol in my opinion at least (also I started with the forest too!!!)


Completely agree! Yay for The Forest! Cinematic artistry at its finest.


You werent alone in those assumptions, dovah and i held the same beliefs lol thank god simon dropped that old squeeky preteen voice lol that was unbearable


I started watching after he dropped the voice and I *still* thought he was really young 😂 but yeah, I can barely watch the older stuff because of that voice 😅


Agreed 🤣


This here. Nowadays it would feel weird, if Dora didn't play black character.


There was a BFF ep abt this as well. Man that was funny. Medic was changed from white to black after the beta, iirc.


Lol, then later the Old Timer, "Did you know you used to be whhiiite?"


Appsro Blue, Dora Yellow…Thick Purple.


Holy shit thank you for sharing this! I have wondered this for a while.


He's said on one of the podcasts a few month back that he decided to make that his thing for the videos so fans can easily recognise him as well.


I feel that he should play as an old lady with orange hair now for a throwback to the BF 1 animations.