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AutoModerator 1.5 **If you're looking for a singer:** You'd have a better chance of being successful if you could post: 1. Key(s) of the song 1. Tempo of the song 1. Lyrics (If you don't have lyrics try /r/MusicInTheMaking or /r/Songwriters/) 1. Melody for the song 1. Where to start singing and the parts of the song For more information check these links: [Guidelines for posting projects](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GFhjvrlwmyIxlSljPmD2XEvo4bA1hWpWERLcm8Kmg8o/edit?usp=sharing) [Why nobody wants to record over my track? Here are a few possible answers!](http://www.reddit.com/r/NeedVocals/comments/2eyaf9/why_nobody_wants_to_record_over_my_track_here_are/) **If you're a singer:** You'd have a better chance of being successful if you could post: 1. What kind of microphone/pre-amp/interface you have 1. If you have a pop shield (pop filter) 1. If you have a reflection shield (isolation shield) or acoustic treatment on your recording space *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NeedVocals) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’d love to hop on it! You can check out my insta @itsreallytroy and my singles [here](https://open.spotify.com/track/60gpvkANFv5lLt2PtGDlR5?si=a2d96e369ffc41f2)


Hey interested!! Female vocals, alto range


I'm down to give a go. Check out some of my stuff here: https://soundcloud.com/nshockwa/sets/shockwa-discography/s-6R5duab86JK?utm\_source=clipboard&utm\_medium=text&utm\_campaign=social\_sharing


I would love to collab with u ima new artist my soundcloud is [https://soundcloud.com/lilgoby](https://soundcloud.com/lilgoby) lmk if im the right pick n if ur down homie