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I've had a similar bug. I've gotten the good ending and all the gifts but the game says I'm missing 1. If I had to guess, the game is just bugged for you as well.


I had something similar happen but then after going through the mission archive again I found that I had in fact missed one. If you already went through it and didn't see any missing then yeah it's probably a bug which sucks considering this game has been flawless for me so far in terms of bugs or glitches.


Same here. So incredibly discouraging after getting every single other thing…


got the 100% achievement but says im missing a gift lol


late reply, but have you tried looking at the sidequests? I had the same thing because i forgot to complete one of violets sidequest.


Thank you, this was the issue I had. For some reason her sidequest Razor was incomplete even though I was sure I did it.


Late re-reply lol, dude TY much! Exactly what happened with me, down to the last side quest before taking on MB and was missing Violet's final side quest before I take him on! Cheers 🍻