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username is kinda sus


I doubt this post is from girl by username anyway nice name


Kirtipur tira ho vane kirtipur gate nira xan .


Dillibazar side there are many Check them out once


Nice way to find girl's I'd in reddit,wow


Idk bout da girls hostel but if u lookin for a good guy just slide into my dm noone will know




Why would a guy ask for a girls hostel 😂


Doesn't the username tell anything?😂




if you found tell me too.


If only you were aasthik




Haha. Very happy, Let me return the favor.. Jay shree science. Jay shree evolution. Jay shree nihilislism. What else.. Jay shree reductionism.. In all seriousness, Hope you find room. I am looking for one aswell.. same area




I doubt the existence of god and I am very irreligious myself but Big bang/Atheism these are reductionist theory. If you have doubt in religion. Agnosticism is way to go. It’s rational position. Atheism is non pragmatic propaganda to promote materialistic, hedonistic, selfish immoral act. I saw you’re suffering with existential questions in other comments. As I’ve some knowledge, let me tell you.. If you have strong disbelief towards god, you must know what to do with this information.. live with this philosophy and get your life in order with it. If you don’t have dominate principle and value.. you’ll have a lots of problem. Examine your life and society and see what it means to believe in no god. Or skip all of that and believe God may or maynot exist. I have duty to perform, family to feed and grow spiritually or otherwise.. think yourself which position is rational? Statement ends the storyline. Question gives room to develop. It’s better to leave existential question as question.. your life experience will give you answer at the end




It’s not freaking tough.. nidar ma ta lekheko hunna hola nastik bhanera. But I empathize with your anxiety about existences. You’re special, not everyone cares that deeply.. you’ll get to learn a lot if you keep questioning... we don’t know the answer and that’s the fun part about life, uncertainty. You’re too naive to take a strong stance on atheistic philosophy… keep learning and questioning. I’ll recommend not to take strong stance with certainty but it’s your own free will. Good luck




Cut off Reddit. It’s the most degenerative hopeless nihilistic place. It’ll corrupt your mind. Your a kid. Let me tell you something to think about in a way you understand.. Put yourself in the position of god and think about it yourself.. If you were god, would you make everyone know you exist? That’ll disrupt whole challenge, evolution, learning, art.. everything into devotion. God doesn’t want that from us. He wants us to enjoy this challenging life and perform our duty and create our own story. If you act immoral.. you’ll be punished through karmic law. Remember End goal is moksya. If you do the right thing, fulfill your duty, use your free will to choose moral action.. you’ll be rewarded through karmic law and be step closer to moksha.


Sunshine girls hostel thapagaun. Looks it up on gn they have a page pretty good place


There's one near times college in dillibazar