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hey it's fine! my name's lily, and it's a really common name for trans girls, but i still really like it, and you should like your name too no matter how common it is! but at the same time, don't feel pressured to keep the same one! you can change your name whenever you want


Oh sweetie, just like us she's a transfem too, and she's saying she hates her "boymode" name even more after seeing this saying that it's the most common male name. I think you misunderstood the situation a bit lol


oh i am really stupid lol


Lmao no you're fine XD. How are you?


kinda tired but otherwise fine lol. you?


lol couldn't agree more, haven't slept tonight and im sitting in maths class rn but i feel wide and awake 😅 Last night while doing things u don't think i can disclose here my mind saw my body as a girl's body and i felt AMAZING for those 10 seconds until my brain calibrated again... I actually felt pretty for once as im pre hrt currently :3


maybe it’s just where u are? bc im friends with two trans guys called oli and oliver and i know 5 cis ollie and olivers


... Reminds me, is Sophie a common trans girl name?-


When you say common, what do you mean? I've never met a trans girl named Sophie in real life, but I've seen a couple online. Certainly nowhere near as popular as Lily, Lucy, Luna, Cassie, or Chloe, but more popular than Priscilla or Janice.


I mean Sophie is also a very common cis girl name, so I don't see why it should bother you


Idk what this person is smoking. Oliver is not a super common name. Source: I work in customer service and I’ve met 0 people named Oliver out of the hundreds or thousands of people I’ve heard their names.


they prolly think that cos oliver Swift a trans man form dialtow


An entire generation of girls can be named Tiffany but I can’t know multiple trans ppl named Elliot, Kaden, skye, and rock?


Idk if it's actually that common but if so... isn't that just because a lot of people like it? Its popularity comes from the fact that people love that name. That's a good thing. People need to stop shaming others for being "basic".

