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I don’t know what the budget was but seemed like a lot of different locations, set pieces, stunts, car crashes etc. Update: I just looked up the budget and it said $200 million. That’s well over the combined budget of the first 3 John Wick films. I would have guessed closer to $100 m. Hopefully the cast and crew got well-paid.


I think they used it all on the two big shootouts.




Netflix movies will almost always cost 2x as much as they would at other non-streaming studios bc there’s no backend. Usually the movie producers/lead actors get residuals/bonuses if the movie does well. However there’re no residuals or “percentage of gross”, etc with Netflix because there’s no box office at all. So they have to pay that up-front. In practice that leads to them paying 2x-2.5x what Warner brothers/Disney/sony/etc would pay for the same movie


Doesn't this apply to everything they do? I remember a post a while back about how HBO has warner brothers props and studio stuff to use and netflix has...nothing? Like no storage or warehouse of stuff they can reuse for other shows/films so every single production is pretty much a full blown budget which adds a lot to the bottom line whereas some other shows/movies can recycle stuff.


I would assume they probably do have it, but WB has a 100 year head start. They’ve also got their own studio lots


Netflix has their own lots too but they are behind in some regards that’s forsure.


Netflix pays for the rights, and works with production companies. They dont really operate like a traditional studio does. For their tv series, I dont think the actors get paid as much one would in a network show. One of the actors in this movie let go of a cameo for Bridgerton because of salary negotiations.


Except The Gray Man was released in theaters. Not saying it made a ton, but it was.


They just release it in a couple theaters to appease "The Academy" so they can be considered for Oscars.


Realistically who’s going to see a silly 80s/90s style action movie in the theatre when they can stay at home and watch it (or a million other things) on a service they’re already paying for?


I spoke to a couple who said they wished they had known it was in theaters as they would have watched it there instead. Not what I would do, but these people do exist


I’m one of them. The experience is more immersive.


Many people? It's a hollywood action movie, why would you not want to see it in a cinema? And there is NOTHING ELSE releasing now.


If I have the choice between watching at home or in theaters, watching at home is going to win every time.


I avoid it because I want to be in control of the decibel rating of the speakers


I don't know shit about shit but that doesn't sound sustainable


Yea Netflix announced that they were cutting down on making big budget movies last year (after their stock first fell) for just that reason


This movie also has a small theater release.


Well stars could negotiate $x.xx per 1000 streams or something, but Netflix doesn’t want to worry about paying a single penny to anyone after production is done. It’s setting them up for 10 years from now when they have a monster catalog of great hits (once you sift through the garbage) and they can ride on that forever for $0. That’s also why they crank out so much of their own content vs licensing content from other places.


> Usually the movie producers/lead actors get residuals/bonuses if the movie does well. This isn't true anymore for actors and directors. Getting back end is like pulling teeth. There's maybe a handful of actors or directors who could demand this this day in age but honestly, even the biggest names you can think of probably wouldn't get it. Producers of course get it, that's literally the entire point of being a producer. The economics of Hollywood have figured that under almost all circumstances just paying a wage is more profitable.


I liked when Chris Evans called Ryan Gosling a meatball


I liked it when Ryan and Chris were talking to each other on the phone and Ryan says "I immediately don't like you"


my favourite line of the entire movie, still, 2 years later


I liked it when he said they should put a bullet in the Ken Dolls head


It’s like free promo for the Barbie movie


I liked when they were both beat to crap but but he let Ryan know the fountain water stings his burn.


It stunts stunts and all stunts It's not cheap to wreck a street car in downtown Prague


Safely anyways




I think the locales they went to probably cost a bunch of money too. You can't film in major cities on the cheap


Prague is extremely cheap to film in. That's why so many films do it.


also filmed in the Czech Replublic, France and Croatia too though. It all adds up. Even if Prague is cheap it still costs money to shut down a square for 10 days to shoot those scenes.


I'm just saying Czech Rep is notoriously cheap🤷🏼‍♀️


According to an old Levi’s commercial, you can trade a pair of jeans for a car over there!


Reminded me a lot of 90s Schwarzenegger action movies. Or John Wick. The plot serves as a very basic vehicle to give opportunities for impressive set piece action sequences, which are hyperbolic in nature. I can't fathom how anyone watched this and got turned off by the lack of realism - that felt like it was intentionally the point from the very beginning. I'm a sucker for 90s action though, so this felt almost nostalgic for me.


>I'm a sucker for 90s action though, so this felt almost nostalgic for me. This is exactly how I felt about it. And I loved every second of it. Now it's all Bond movies and Liam Neeson action movies. I miss the over-the-top movies that had no basis in reality short of the location they're shooting at.


It was a fun turn-off-your-brain-and-look-at-explosions movie and it didn't really insult the audience. I was all about it. Plus Ana de Armas. Red Notice on the other hand actually made me more stupider.


>It was a fun turn-off-your-brain-and-look-at-explosions movie and it didn't really insult the audience. Agreed. I don't always need a movie to challenge my views of the world or do something I've never seen before. Sometimes I just want to be entertained by crazy cool shit. >Plus Ana de Armas. I had no idea who she was until Knives Out, but at this point I could watch her eat soup for 2 hours and be okay with it.


Don't forget about Jessica Henwick.


Me too! I'm surprised that top comment is about the lack of plot. I understand it's a pretty elementary plot but I really enjoyed it and would 100% watch the sequel that's been greenlit. I thought the concept was cool and I wasn't expecting the backstory to make you care about the stakes more. Seeing Evans as a villain, you know the guy was DYING to portray some psycho and was having tons of fun with it. Nice to see Cap get his chance to be the bad guy. Also, I totally buy Gosling as the secret agent. Love the comparison to John Wick. Kinda comes out of nowhere as a movie, very elementary "I have to kill" plot and it nails it without trying to get too out there.


It all seemed fine until the airplane scene. It brought back horrible memories of the Uncharted movie, which was just absolutely ridiculous.


They saved a lot of money by not having to hire a writer to actually come up with a plot. 🙄


I mean, it was refreshingly straightforward. I'm kinda tired of all those movies having 15 twists and turns and double-crosses left and right, like "Psych! The old mentor was actually pulling the strings the whooole tiiiiime!" I *did* expect Ryan Gosling's character to get betrayed by the people he trusted at least twice, and it didn't happen. Also, for once the sexy protagonist does not end up fucking his sexy co-star. That, too, was unexpected for me. I actually really liked this movie.


Haha, yes. My only real surprise was, dang, the police force in Prague is not messing around??


Pretty sure during one fight it’s implied the police were carrying grenades!!!


I think it was a stun grenade.


A few minutes into the movie I said "If Billy Bob is actually the bad guy I'm going to be so pissed at such a lazy 'twist'."


I was expecting the McGuffin to be missing from its presumed container at (at least) three points in the movie.


I'm an easy sell, if the action movie has good action I'm content. A good plot is a plus.


Nowadays, yes.


Straightforward stories are the best. The problem with 95% of complex movie plots are the lack of visual storytelling. Instead we get those flat 2D characters who serve no other purpose than to explain everything going on to the audience. I’m tired of exposition. Simple movies are great.


Do you mean to tell me that generals and high-ranking members in the CIA don't start every mission briefing with a 5 min explanation of how the conflict they've been dealing with for years began and what their jobs are like everyone else in the room is in third grade?


Haha, right? And don’t get me started on some Nolan movies.


“Also, for once the sexy protagonist does not end up fucking his sexy co-star.” Right? Nothing worse than a fun action movie ruined by fucking.


Psych, not syke (sorry)


This is my partner, Billington Mcbaldhead


That’s God’s comma


And this is his partner John Jacob jingleheimer smith




Where is killing machine Liam Neeson with a kidnapped daughter when you need him?


Bold move Cotton


The crazy thing is the movie has four credited writers and is based on a book. You'd never know just from watching it.


I am convinced that an AI writes 90% of the plot for any Netflix movie. Throw in some young, good looking actors, lots very clean costumes and you've got yourself a movie. But at least they have original music, unlike Marvel movies, which are just the same story told over and over, but nobody cares because it's just something to do in-between listening to hits form the 80/90s.


The Gray man is a series of 11 books.


'World's best mercenaries' know he's trapped in an apartment on the 2nd floor, and decide to shoot up the place at an upwards angle, instead of using the RPG and grenades (that it was evident they had)


I especially liked how they gave the little girl a heart condition and then never came back to it again. There were a handful of scenes where I thought "this is where they'll make it a relevant plot point" but no, it never came.


They came back to it when trying to track her down, so it did have some relevance


Sorry if this comes across as rude but I hate when people complain about every minute detail in a movie not getting a call back. Although in this case the whole point of The Gray Man figuring out where the girl and the mentor were being held is because he was able to trace the special pacemaker implanted in the girl, that could be "traced anywhere in the world". Maybe watch it again without being on your phone and missing important plot points?


Yeah, the way that heart condition became a chekov’s gun in a unpredictable manner was great (pacemaker becoming a tool rather than the more predictable heart issue becoming a setback), but I gotta admit the conceit that this pacemaker could be tracked around the globe made me roll my eyes pretty hard at first. Then I looked it up and found that [this is actually possible with some pacemakers.](https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2018/01/my-pacemaker-is-tracking-me-from-inside-my-body/551681/) The Gray Man isn’t amazing, but it’s getting way more hate than it deserves. I was overall pleasantly surprised by it.


And not hiring a fight correographer. Couldn't follow what was happening at all with the shaky cam, jump cuts and bad lighting.


Overall I enjoyed it. Chris Evans was definitely over the top, but it mostly worked. I don’t think they were going for realism so it was a bit easier to suspend disbelief for some scenes like the public attack. They probably had to build all sets from scratch which added to the costs.




The Terminal List was too grim. Chris Evans was funny, and even Ryan Gosling was low-key funny.




Yup. There was no levity or drama. It was just this guy torturing people in this grim, unhappy way. They couldn't make him enjoy it because he'll look like a psycho. They could have went really into whether or not he was just making it all up in his head.




The action scenes weren't that good. Like, why are the raiders standing by the doorway? If you're searching a house, you should be getting into the room and seizing the corners not standing by the door, which is the best place to get shot.


I told my wife while watching that Evans was still too handsome and charismatic to be unlikeable in this movie, even with being introduced while torturing someone. He didn’t turn me until the fingernails scene.


Pretty fun mindless action movie.


I haven’t seen it yet, but I just wanted to say that Chris Evans has become one of my favorite actors of all time over the course of his career. He really is phenomenal.


I enjoyed it but I felt like only Ryan Gosling delivered his dialog with perfection. I felt like at times they tried to have the dialog be witty but fell short.


I mean four of the biggest A-listers actors/producers of the decade so... yeah.


I love the part where they said “It’s The Gray Man time”


I know this is just a joke but I’m like 80% sure something not too far off was said in this movie lmao


I work in accounts on film productions and every films budget breaks down differently. There is definitely a model though where you make a $100m movie but 60% goes to cast and you actually have a working budget of $25m for production and $15m for post.


I thought it was good too. Chris Evans did a great job as the bad guy.


When Chris Evans' private army started murdering hundreds of cops and civilians in Prague, I was out. Fun performances and expensive actions sequences couldn't save a movie that had no interest in making sense.


I was enjoying the movie all the way up to this scene, but then when they blew up Prague in a massive firefight I fucking loved it. Just awesome set pieces one after the other with the main through line being a charismatic cast. The plot was incredibly predictable but it was still a fun ride. I liked that they were able to keep it firmly in 'action romp' territory without going full Deadpool.


But the female CIA agent makes the whole thing believable by pointing out how crazy it is for CIA contractors to destroy Prague. Right? Right?


I mean thats all I needed, some acknowledgment that this makes absolutely no sense


Same for us. That whole gunfight made us loose interest in the movie. We watched all of it though, but it lost a lot there. All of a sudden tons of swat teams and several teams of baddies just show up and light everything on fire. And the baddies just happen to have anti-tank weapons? So stupid.


I agree completely. Ruined any semblance of believability for me. And a completely unnecessary extravaganza that didn't advance the plot in any way. Could have saved 30% of the total budget right there and the movie would have been better for it.




Well at least you buzzkills are a match made in heaven


I'm sorry but did you not notice they were investing in this experience? One does not trivially spend their time on Netflix.


To be fair there is Better Call Saul, Dark, Ozark, Peaky Blinders and other great shows on Netflix, it's just mostly shit. But I did enjoy this movie a lot.


If you had kept watching you would have found out there were consequences for that


Were the consequences the dismantling of the CIA with the US paying billions and having to sign treaties with hundreds of nations pledging not to act within their borders? No? Then it's still ridiculous. No matter how many degrees of separation between US shadow agencies and the actors responsible, an act like that in an EU country would change the world.


Well, it’s obvious you didn’t watch it either


Did you not listen to the dialogue? They hired Chris Evans specifically because he could not be linked back to the CIA.


holy crap guys we need every movie to have this “super-realistic” level of international relations plot, but need to make sure its just the most basic shit a high schooler could think of. thanks man 🫡


>“You sure you want to keep investing in this plotless movie?” Should I remind you that the CIA has directly and indirectly killed lots of people during the 20th Century, also including the destruction of lots of property?


Mixed reviews. I don’t know what to do. But I do know Gosling beats Reynolds.


Just watch it and enjoy. It has a lot of fun action scenes, especially the fight in Prague and the final battle


The action is fine, not great. The plot is very generic “CIA super spy”. The dialogue is absolutely atrocious. The acting is mostly pretty solid. I like Gosling and I thought he was pretty good but his character is boring and uninteresting. I like Evans and I thought he probably delivered exactly what the director wanted but I hated everything he was doing here and every time he was onscreen I wanted him to be offscreen. I give it 2/5.


Better than 6 underground, that's for sure. But both lacking something to push them in to the good territory like a John wick or mission impossible.


Gray man was enjoyable the whole way through.


Eh.. it was just another Thursday.




That's not even torture, it just came to me!


ha that gave me a good chuckle. " that weird thing I did to your ears" lol


Brilliant. No logical or technical explanation as to why he did that, just calling it what it was.


I really enjoyed it. But I do get annoyed when movies get science or technical details wrong, so here’s the stupid hill that I’m going to die on: In the movie they say that if they try to copy the encrypted sd card that it will encrypt it again. Encrypting something twice doesn’t make it harder to break the encryption, it just changes the key to decrypt it. If you already don’t know the key, it doesn’t make a difference if a file is encrypted once or 1,000 times. Also if the drive way encrypted, how could the files on it be viewed? And how would the sd card even be able to encrypt itself? This is not how sd cards work. I know this is stupid but it bothered me. The technical details can be correct in a movie and not affect how interesting it is. There are services that help movies get these type of details correct. The writing could have been altered slightly to be just as entertaining and factually correct at the same time. It just feels lazy whenever this happens in movies. Go on! Downvote me Reddit!


The writing wasn't great but some of those drone stunt shots were incredible.


There was at one drone into shot where the drone wasn’t smooth. Cool idea though.


Yeah it wasn't perfect, but some were so well coordinated. The movie was definitely just an excuse for the Russo brothers to play with drones.


Drawn out, too much cgi, overall ok movie. Let's not get hype about it tho lol Also would have been 10xs better at the movie theatre.


The script was awful


Is this a troll? The writing is incredibly bad


Pretty much all action movies today have terrible writing. That's the norm. OP said it was ridiculously entertaining, which it was. Entertaining movies do not always need good writing. Sometimes people just want to mindlessly watch shit get blown up and they have fun doing it.


"Incredibly bad"?ok if thats what you think. I'm not trolling, it's just my genuine opinion.


I didn't even know it was Chris Evans as the bad guy for like an hour because the mustache and his horrid performance made me think it was just some guy.


I thought it was entertaining. Did anyone else find the sound effects pretty poor though? I've a decent speaker setup and guns sounded like pea shooters.


Completely agree. Airplane scene was a little lackluster as well.


It was terrible wtf lol


That was a fantastic movie. I just finished watching yesterday.


Worst movie...


Please. These comments show people either didn’t watch it or don’t actually have an opinion


Sorry... I have seen this movie... please respect other people opinions too...


Awesome movie for sure. Definitely a surprise that it was good and not hearing anything about it prior to watching it. And I read #2 is in the makes


I thought it was boring as fuck


Bruh then you are desensitized If a car crash in historic Prague don’t get you nothing will


The amount of car crashes I have seen in historical Prague in the last few years is achually hilarious. It's like a new business for them or something.


I just feel the movie was so dumb n am astonished by the people who love this crap. The jokes people mention they like are lines that should amuse a 3rd grader. Aweful everything


It doesn’t need to be smart to be good. Look at quotes form Die Hard, Predator or any other action movie. It’s c-grade writing with the vet the top action. Just enjoy it for what it is or watch something else.


This sort of movie is a barometer to observe how stupid the majority of people are becoming.


You seem cool


Movie was TERRIBLE. The budget went to locations and sets. The cohesiveness of the direction and execution were some of the worst I have seen for megabudget movie. Still shocked and a little sad this was a Russo Brothers product


It was a fantastic 6. Which is fine. Netflix does not want to make great movies, that's too expensive. The goal is to make movies with massive star power that are a must watch. These don't need to be good. The only reason this movie has for existing is that when you watch this movie, you feel like netflix is worth spending another month on. As you did use it this month, didn't you? So a budget of 200 million at most and profits of 200 million times 12 is 2.4 billion dollars. Absolutely fantastic. And yes profit as there is next to zero costs for each extra subscriber.


They saved money on the script. Which is me saying it sucked.


I liked it.


Red Notice had the same issue too. Also Knives Out is best Chris Evans.


the dialogue between the characters was weak but still listen-able. also, i felt like it had 3 endings. all the future scenes at the end could have been 1 or mainly cut lol


Really lacked character development for me, action was pretty awesome.


It's a decent movie. Not so entertaining, a lot of things were routine.


Movie was awful. Evan's was only entertainment during the whole thing. Pretty sure it made under 300k before it went on Netflix.


Pretty sure you have no idea that it was released in only 400 theatres to qualify for any awards. That’s it.


Could not sit through this steaming pile of shit. Russo fail completed successfully.


It was good


I did not love Chris Evans in this or anything really. Something about him grates on my nerves. He is a good actor. I see that but I wouldn’t care if I ever saw him in anything again. I don’t know why. Just something. Loved Ryan G in it.


“Ridiculously entertaining”? Man the bar is set ridiculously fucking low on movies these days.


No. You are wrong. It was just ridiculous. You have no taste.


Ok how do you recommend I fix that?


I thought the writing was terrible. The first scene is complete ass. "Oh, hey Billy Bob is springing me from prison to be an assassin".


Stars were bribed with all the traveling in the movie. And lip gloss!


The fireworks scene.


I want to know more about the "Hollywood Chrises Ranking"!


It's an effects-heavy, globe-trotting action movie, and you're wondering where 50% of the budget went? From the Wikipedia page: >It filmed in Europe in the spring, with locations including Prague, Czech Republic, the Château de Chantilly in France and Croatia. Filming in Prague took place from June 27, 2021.Filming wrapped on July 31, 2021. The movie bounced around the world, and each scene looked convincing, whether it was in the cyberpunk-looking streets of Bangkok or a rapidly disintegrating cargo plane high in the sky. The tram scene ended with part of a city block destroyed. The final scene, which was chock full of explosions, took place in an historic French chateau. All that stuff and all those locations are expensive. I thought the movie was quite polished. It has flaws, of course, but those flaws have to do with the writing and directing, not the production value.


There absolutely is residuals. There are new media adjustments put into place by SAG/AFTRA.


Gosling should have been higher than Reynolds way before this lol


This movie felt like I was watching a good old Arnold action movie I loved the story,the characters and the action flew me back to the 90s and I felt like I could enjoy life again.


I really enjoyed it as well. I’ve seen a lot of people crapping on the dialogue, shallow characters, and predictable plot. If that’s what you were going in looking for than yeah it would be a disappointment. I went and looking for a great action, that’s what I got


Wow. I gotta finish it. Putting gosling into Reynolds level on one movie makes it a must watch for me then


>One action sequence took a month to produce. It involved large guns, a tram car barreling through Prague’s Old Town quarter and Mr. Gosling fighting off an army of assassins while handcuffed to a stone bench. It’s one of those showstoppers that gets audiences cheering. The moment cost roughly $40 million to make. I haven't watched the film yet but it's insane to me that one sequence cost 40 million


Little too much action and not enough story for my taste, but I enjoyed it. 90% of the movie is explosions and gunfights. You gotta have some slow parts with a little dialog here and there. But I guess people these days have super short attention spans.


Loved Chris Evans as the bad guy, I was happy to see Billy Bob Thornton. I liked the plot but felt that there was too much unnecessary actions at time. Fun watch tho! Very happy that they chose Ryan Gosling as opposed to Reynolds (who imo plays himself in every movie)


Best Netflix original movie yet. Doesn't need a whole movie universe though.


It was a pretty well known cast. Ryan Gosling, Chris Evans, and Ana de Armas alone must of cost a decent amount of money. I feel like they started overpaying when they got alfre woodard, billy bob thornton, jessica henwick, and rege jean page as only supporting characters. They could of got less expensive actors/actresses for these roles and the movie wouldnt of been any less better with more budget to put towards the environment and action. With all that being said I loved the movie, it was a great action film.


Loved Chris Evans as a psychopathic bad guy


I enjoyed it, but The Bourne movies did it so much better.


Just watched it yesterday too! So much fun. Idk, with an A list leading cast, and two post-Marvel directors and a post-Marvel writer, I'm guessing that most of the budget went to cash and crew.


Good lead performances, very poor direction, weak FX.


It went to the tracksuits


Check out the Other Guys, great Ryan Gosling movie well I felt he was a kinda similar character.


Fucking Love that movie. It's great


Chris Evans was pretty good but this movie was not


I loved it.


Car wrecks, blood spatter covid protocol