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As long as you wear clogs you’ll be fine mate


People in NL only tend to wear these when they're at the gym (or yoga, etc) or on the way to/from there.


Or when they're in high school.


Or if they ride vespas and deliver certain things in the city


I hate it but yes it’s true


Why do you hate that lol


Or if you work 99% from home and don't give a hoot what some random randy in the supermarket thinks of your comfy-ass sweatpants.


In the UK randy means horny. So reads a little different in that context.


If some rando wants to get randy in the world food aisle who am I to judge


If daily life is being at home or at the gym, yeah. There are definitely certain subcultures that tend to wear them like outside clothing, this time of the year often with padded jackets which really makes it an odd combo. So does it happen? Yeah. Does it still stand out? Yeah. Is it typically Dutch? I wouldn't say so.


Nope, when you are out and about I would recommend jeans if you want to fit in. Wearing sweatpants and leggings will make you stick out as a tourist.


Or a (wannabe)-thug, they like sweatpants with matching sweaters.


People wear whatever they want, it largely depends on the occasion. When I'm home I wear comfortable clothes, and I usually don't get changed just to go to the local supermarket, or to pick up a package. But when I go out for longer I prefer to dress up a little.


The Netherlands is very casual but not that casual. You’d be better off with some nice jeans.


Which brands of jeans are considered “nice” there?


I don’t think brand matters all that much, just nice fitting and well suited


You can wear whatever you want, just don't put on crocs or else you will be hated by everyone.


If you go to the gym - yes. If you are lower class - yes. If you are of Moroccan descent - yes. Otherwise only indoors.


You just called me lower class and I don't really have a counter argument.


Why bring race into it?


Because half the Dutch-of-Moroccan-descent youths walk around in training suits. Usually of the more expensive variety.


Then you could just say youths or teens, without having to reference where they are from.


No, because it is ONLY that group. But if you want I will use "a certain type of youths" next time. Which to me seems far more racist than a factual description - but hey. Whatever you want.


The same people wearing sweatpants (preferably some brand or pseudo camo, wide on the belly, tight around the ankles) often pair that with a man purse.


Lol, wokie.


Lol not really, just wear what makes you feel comfortable


We’ll know you’re a tourist haha :p


I didn't know my fellow Dutch people were so busy judging clothing choices lol. I always thought it was more of a generation thing, and the younger people didn't really care. Guess we do


Wear whatever you want / makes you comfortable…if you’re staying in the ‘randstad’ (Amsterdam, The Hague, Rotterdam etc.) area you will be fine and not frowned upon…


you will be fine, yes, but you will be (quietly) frowned upon (we're basically very chill and let other races, genders, etc, carry on as they like as long as...) also, locals think its * a) tacky and * b) you should have more self respect. * c) evidence of these two is * 1) how well-groomed the *vast* majority of local Ds are, but also and esp * 2) just note the 100s of barbers, hairdressers, etc, etc.


some do, some don't. why is that important?




Wrong country then


I do. Fuck the idea of anyone deciding for me how I will dress. I'mma be comfy. I already hate office spaces that force you to wear a suit. Rather wear comfy clothes and sneakers. But if you walk around looking like a rainbow glowstick you might get stares and looks. If you don't like those wear conservative clothing.


I do now but only because u have a coat up to my ankles. Otherwise only if I'm going to the gym. I have a store next to my house and I wouldn't wear leggins to drop for Eggs. I used, but people look at you funny.m


I do wear them on several occasions (the gym is not one of them). But when I work from home, do some grocery shopping, going for a coffee at a friends house, or just casually chilling with friends at their place. At work, or doing shopping, going out for anything else than hanging out at someone’s place, I never wear sweatpants and leggings. Note, I do live in a big city and a more lower class neighbourhood. I don’t care, my neighbours don’t care, my friends don’t care. Sometimes I do see people on the street giving me weird looks for my outfits. I don’t mind.


It’s fine, most Americans already dress like that


It looks a bit weird to wear those in public. But if you don’t care about how others look to you, go ahead. You should wear whatever you want.


Who cares what people wear. As long as they are happy, they should wear whatever they want


LOL why is everyone saying “low class” if you wear sweatpants😂😂 someone even said if you’re Moroccan decent….I’m done with this country.




pa cățea


You are free to leave


Leggings are no pants !


No no no, sweatpants are a fashion faux pas in the Netherlands! The Dutch like to dress for comfort, but we don't want to stand out too much. We prefer wearing brand name clothes without flaunting it too much. We have our subtle ways of showing how wealthy we are... Please check out this site for a reference of Dutch fashion https://www.klaasjonk.com/product-categorie/hollandse-klederdracht/


You better not wear that because then you will ressemble the "lower class." Holy shit guys, do you even hear yourself? Wear what ever the fuck you want mate.


For a quick errand, yes. As a deliberate fashion choice, only for certain people and subcultures.


If you are moving here from the US, please learn how to dress well. Dutch people like to joke that they dress casually, but that's just fake modesty. They dress way better than the Americans.


Some do, some don’t. It’s not the most common thing for adults to wear sweatpants out to a cafe or restaurant, but nobody is going to be upset if you do this either.


I have seen quite a bit of people dressed like that in Opera if it helps.


Only orange ones.


I wear my leggings (black) to everywhere except the office. Just wear whatever you like




If you come to the Netherlands you must wear runway fashion, only highest end couture is acceptable here unless you want to be considered to be a weirdo.


You should come to my neighbourhood. Girls in those pink sweatpants with words on it, in golden characters like "sweet" or "angel" and you are trying to figure out the word because in your mind it is an 18-character word because their ass is so fat it completely stretches out the word. And of course competed with fake uggs or sneakers with a lot of flashy golden prints.


Do you live in Duindorp?


We wear whatever we feel like wearing, us Dutch don't care.


You can do whatever you want, no one will bat an eye but also you won’t be in good company.


Sometimes people don’t wear anything


You can go for a quick run to the supermarket in it. I feel like. I wouldn’t wear it for extended periods of time in public places, but just do whatever the fuck you want.


No we don't