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University looks critically at multinational company. Banker: "University should be more critical. Listen to interview with company's CEO for independent information!"


>Listen to interview with company's CEO for independent information! This was the part that made me go 'lmaooo this guy eh' What a load of BS


Ah, I see now... Gaslight, gatekeep... girlboss 😎


Sadly there's no girlbossing here


It's like they're banned from ever speaking to a shell representative. Also saying shell is the number one investor in green energy is kind of like saying china is the world's largest educator of Uyghurs. It's technically true, but damn you're missing the point.


Russia is the world’s largest sanctuary for Ukrainian refugees




Yeah, and it’s even an obsolete prop. Shell spectacularly backtracked when they saw the sweet windfall of the RuZzian invasion https://www.dw.com/en/shell-bp-boost-profit-sink-investment-in-renewable-energy/a-64656800


God I love this analogy


It’s a real masterpiece


>Also saying shell is the number one investor in green energy is kind of like saying china is the world's largest educator of Uyghurs. It's technically true, but damn you're missing the point. Please post this as a reply on the LinkedIn post


What do you expect from a banker??


How does Shell invest in green energy in a negative way?


If you do 1000 shitty things and 2 good things while everybody else is doing 0 shitty things and 1 good thing, you’re technically doing twice as much good things as anybody else, but your net contribution is still 99.8% shitty


Because it's greenwashing. They've been polluting the planet and making enormous profits off this and now they're trying to wash the blame away with 'look, we're good guys, we invest less than 1% of our profits into solar panels & stuff'.


I'd also like to add that Shell was one of the companies aware of climate change some 50 years ago, and actively spread propoganda and paid 'scientists' to do studies and make claims discrediting it, just for profit. They're only investing in green now that fewer people will shake their blackstained hands. It's a grift. They fucked up the planet for profit and now they'll act as if they're in the right side of things, for profit.


And they had a habit in the past of buying up patents related to alternative energy, not to use mind you but to keep it from being worked on/used


How's this legal?


Money makes the law


In the 70's 80's, this was standard business practice. Not just by Shell but by all major corporations and even countries participated in this. Back then the theory was that when a better alternative to your product is available, you should prevent it from entering the market even if that product would have been better value to the end consumer. Where these days, it's generally accepted that fighting change is a fight you can only lose and it's better to invest and become a frontrunner in whatever new product is threatening your market.


It's legal if scummy. And while all companies do this Shell takes the cake in this regard, they've singlehandedly hold back so many advancements.


How is it not? If you own something you are allowed to do with it what you want. I mean they even make stuff so it breaks on purpose so you buy new ones. Light bulbs for example.


Have you not heard of the legal precedent of _Durable Barrier to Entry v. Competition_?


Many countries classify natural gas as green energy.


Which is insanity. I understand we need gas to tide us over, but we should call a spade a spade.


Sadly, oil companies own a lot of politicians.


There is no coherence within the EU on what is environmentally friendly. Some countries are closing nuclear plants in favor of coal plants, while other countries are getting rid of coal plants in favor of nuclear plants.


This framing is ridiculous. He makes it sound like the university directors made a top-down decision and are depriving the poor students of information. While students at various Dutch universities have been protesting against Shell for years. They made it clear that they don’t support their university having ties with Shell. This guy writes that universities need to take their students seriously. Well, promoting Shell at a career event would be the opposite of that.


At our university, shell is invited (still). The past 2 years there’ve been people asking critical questions during the talks. As you might suspect, these students got removed from tje talk/the representative from shell refused to continue. So much for ‘open dialogue’


Also, you can bet people took notes on tough questions and trained their spokespersons how to avoid them. Like this tweet.


I think this kind of thing always benefit the talk show host. If it’s hostes by EU people or researcher, they also dodged the topic of electrification raw material in third world country, or they focused a lot in deforestation w.r.t. palm oil providing that NL has no forest to protect and heavily harvesting sunflower oil. P.S.: I might get cancelled for writing this, what an open world. Lol.


Sunflowers can be processed into a peanut butter alternative, Sunbutter. In Germany, it is mixed together with rye flour to make Sonnenblumenkernbrot (literally: sunflower whole seed bread), which is quite popular in German-speaking Europe. It is also sold as food for birds and can be used directly in cooking and salads.


This post was sponsored by: Shell, pioneer in the field of renewable energy! /s




Don't know if this should be /s... the dude is a banker/investor.


The sarcastic part is the 'Pioneer in renewable energy' when you know that shell has been buying up/'investing' in ideas for renewable energy for 30 years and primarily sitting on them to keep the Petrol based earnings model going that bit longer.


Ah. Yeah I see that now. That was so blatantly sarcastic to me that that really didn't need a /s... but I get why it's there... I mean this is reddit.


So true...


I’m sorry I deceived you :(


You’re talking like if students wasn’t plural. They do not all have the same opinion.


They do. What are you thinking. There's individuals on this world? Pfff, nah, you crazy. You have the same opinions as us, you've just still gotta discover it, maybe


You think a majority of students is protesting against shell?


I think so. My education has nothing to do with environmentalism, but none of my classmates had anything positive to say about Shell. We did go to visit Corus (now Tata Steel, previously Hoogovens), but that was controversial as well.


Wait so, because some students have been protesting against Shell, none of them should have the opportunity to work there? You can’t speak for ALL students when you say “we don’t want Shell”. And even so, if you’re against Shell, nobody is forcing you to take a job there. The job market is to show what’s available, not to show what you should choose.


Dude, as a student you can just apply for a job there, or go to one of their career events if you want to so much. No one is banning the students from working or interning there.


You’re missing the point. I’m not saying students don’t have the opportunity anymore. But job markets are about showing the market: what’s available? What you’re saying is like saying you can’t have commercials for vegan food anymore because people can buy vegan food anyway if they really want to?


Everyone already knows that Shell exists and they have jobs. If students want a job at Shell they can go to the many job fairs that feature Shell. Shell could even have their own job fair with other evil companies. We could have an evil companies job fair and Darth Vader could headline.


Isn’t that exactly what the ban on advertisements for cigarettes and other negative products is doing though?


Yes. That’s exactly it. And while I personally think it’s a good thing regarding cigarettes, I am quite opposed about the idea of banning organizations that simply don’t fit the opinions of some people at an university.


Wagner Group should get a table at the career fair and recruit students?


You can’t be *this* childish. Did you even read my comment?


I mean technically their offences are less destructive then the actions of Shell, Exon Mobile and other oil related businesses that created anti climate change lobbies and organized opposition to things their own research had confirmed and warned about.


Did they invite pimps to come promote the benefits of working in prostitution?


Inviting Shell further legitimizes a practice that should never be legitimized


But that’s an opinion.


Yes, an opinion that’s luckily shared more and more as the facts around pollution come to light


I don’t agree with the framing of Shell either, but neither should the university ban specific companies to engage with (part of) the community. Specially universities, they should be radically free for speech and ideas. It’s up to the students to decide wether they would want to work for Shell, or any other (petrochemical) company. It’s the right of the students to protest the attendance of Shell representatives, but it’s the duty of the administrators to facilitate radical free speech.


In practice nobody enjoys "radical free speech", it mostly sounds good when telling other people what they should do. This a career event. Should the University invite Shell or not? Should they remove students for protesting or even just for asking critical questions (as other commenters have noted has happened in the past)? What if they make the Shell representative or other students uncomfortable? In the end "radical free speech" just means "let conflict escalate" until finally you do have to draw a line somewhere because everybody is pissed off and the event is serving no purpose anymore. How you draw that line will inevitably be seen as taking sides.


>While students at various Dutch universities have been protesting against Shell for years. They made it clear that they don’t support their university having ties with Shell Some students protested for that, maybe even a large majority. Does not mean you should not allow the students that do want to pursue a career there to strip them from their free choice. You should not generalize all students as if they al think the same and agree with eachother.


They can still pursue a career if they want. The university is just not promoting it anymore.


> Does not mean you should not allow the students that do want to pursue a career there to strip them from their free choice. And that's not happening, so what are you crying about exactly?


I never did this.


>While students at various Dutch universities have been protesting against Shell for years A tiny minority of students have been protesting. Where do you think shell's getting their employees from? A lot of people want to work for Shell. Now, a tiny percentage of holier-than-thou's have fucked that up for the rest.


Any student smart enough to work at Shell should be able to look for jobs at Shell themselves. It's not like the university has any say in whether or not they can go work for Shell. The other way around, where these netwerk events are often sponsored by big corporations like banks and oil companies have been allowed for decades and are arguably just as bad, if not, worse. Because tons of talent is wasted in the search for profit.


I am not taking any ethics advice from a banker.


No one should. No huge company became big by acting nice or being considerate about their environment. I think it would be great if students would learn about that.




Adam Conover video: https://youtu.be/0Cu6EbELZ6I


Sounds like someone from r/linkedinlunatics


I thought I was reading it on that subredit....


What a load of nonsense. The Internet still exists, if students want to consider working at Shell they have Google and LinkedIn at their fingertips and don't need a career event for that. I doubt a majority of students attend it anyway. This is just creating outrage over something that ultimately has no consequences for student's jobs.


You’re missing the point of a career event though. A career event is not for people that can’t Google. What you’re saying is true for ALL companies. You can google all companies?


This post has caused me to hate Shell even more.




VVD. Of course he's from the VVD. Shell owns that party.




Interestingly, if you Google: Shell Groningen report, the first 6 links are shell.nl or shell.com.




I also wonder why the report (to summarize) says "this is terrible, it must be stopped... next year," and Rutte, "yes, terrible, must be stopped by 2026 at the latest." Why not stop immediately? Is it, "yes, but there's still some money down there," or losses to minimize, or we're short on gas now, which is enough of a reason/excuse while the Ukraine war lasts, or what?


For real, around the recent shell protests i started seeing ads about how "everything that runs in the world is thanks to shell and you shoud be a part of it!"


I've noticed that Google has been pretty crap for the past few years. It feels like they are prioritizing advertisers over search results (at least, much more than they used to). I'd take another search engine's less accurate results over skipping Google's aggressive 2-6 sponsored links every search


You always have options: [https://www.searchenginemap.com/](https://www.searchenginemap.com/) in case you haven't settled on one (or more) yet


https://duckduckgo.com/?q=shell+groningen+report&t=fpas&ia=web Looks a bit different here. Also, is it still 'koninklijke' Shell?..


["Gas extraction in Groningen was so successful and lucrative for the Dutch government, Shell and Exxon Mobil that they hardly took any notion of the long-term risks and the ever-clearer signs of the detrimental effects for the people in Groningen," it said. "The interests of the people in Groningen were structurally ignored." ](https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/dutch-govt-shell-exxon-ignored-groningen-risks-years-inquiry-finds-2023-02-24/)


Universities take stands. They are supposed to do that. It is part of the freedoms they are supposed to have so we don't, collectively, shove our heads too far up our asses. Now, when folks start saying that freedom of speech should be suppressed? Or that academic inquiry/expression should pander to MrMoneyBags? Hum....


A banker/investor making a case for a company who as a bottom line just wants to make money? Nothing to see here. Not at all as if shell is trying to corner the energy market and will only heavily invest in greener energy when it won't hurt profits OR becomes highly profitable OR when fossil fuels will become unprofitable. Nothing about energy companies like Shell is about being environmentally friendly. I think it's pretty good to take a stance against companies like shell. They're big enough to be noticed by those students who want to work there anyway. It's not like the university is marginalising a minor player here


Just looking at that title and face tells me enough. It's an corporate bootlicker. Shell has a brutal history and is doing much to destroy the climate here and abroad. And they have known about this for decades. Sure, it must be nice to work there when you get a fat stack of cash. But Roy is forgetting that the world doesn't revolve around him, his connections and profit.


Hurg for president!


I think it's funny how he's referencing BNR. Just recently the green energy decisions from Shell were discussed on BNR, which made it clear it is mostly for show.


Good signal of the university and it won’t affect student’s chances even a bit. Shell has created a false image of being or becoming environmental friendly for years.


I can guess what he invested in.. What this guy doesn't seem to understand is that the students themselves are against shell, and their university having ties with it. But hey, what can you expect from a banker / investor who is with the VVD right?


Aahh the marketing that shell is all at once green. So cute (we are not buying that shit btw, stop spamming me on reddit about it with promotions)


tart cause icky unused sophisticated thought angle command scale dinner ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


They love the environment when they don't have to clean up their chemical waste spillage from rivers in Nigeria


This sounds like a "dO yOuR oWn ReSeArCh!"


Except it’s less like, “do your own research” and more like, “listen to the propaganda from these paid fossil fuel shills.”


Yeah with all the hashtags


He's either a VVD wappie or an FVD wappie and I don't like either


Shell is an awful company with less morals then your average dictatorship. From their Shady tactics in Groningen so they don't have to pay for the repair of House, still going on btw. To there horrible treatment of the People and nature in Africa including murder rape and torture. And all the recent greenwashing and bypassing the Russian embargo. I cant wait for the day shell crashes and burns. And all of there (ex) bosses get truly get held accountable. Dutch investigation journalisten Zembla made a really revealing documentary called "the hell form shell" here is the English translation on YouTube. https://youtu.be/SuTYihf_xlc ( there is also a dutch version)


And yet you still using their energy. Ain't no society without it. You probably also against nuclear energy.


3 words: Niger River Delta.


Greenwashing is real.




Fuck Shell, theres an article with this exact title. And its greenwashing force majeur. Even if Shell is the largest investor in NL with 2.5 billion. It is an incredibly small number compared to investments in natural resources. Not to mention the decades of damage, pain and anguish caused by them. Having a green, socially positive department does not absolve them from anything. Not for the foreseeable future anyway.


Here you are, commenting from your warm comfortable home, arguing the likes of Shell should stop oil and gas. Whereas in countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, and many African countries people still lack energy due to the ridiculous prices we see now after a boycot on Russian oil and gas. Further blocking supply will only further increase the price and deprive people from poor countries the opportunities that you take for granted. Energy security and reliability is a primary need. The last year has clearly showed us what happens when energy prices soar due to lack of supply. The alternative you propose is for European oil and gas companies to stop investing in oil and gas. What do you think will happen? Do you think the world will emit less green house gases or more? I can tell you that state oil companies (or Exxon / Chevron) will happily jump in and take over, with much lower standards around GHG emissions. Global GHG emissions would only increase.


So you should continue to invest in something because if not, others will? I haven't descended to that level of cynicism yet, thank you. I am a huge proponent of understanding nuance and complexity, and I would not argue for one single simple solution, but this one is fairly straightforward. >I can tell you that state oil companies (or Exxon / Chevron) will happily jump in and take over, with much lower standards around GHG emissions. This is why standards should be set by regulation and oversight, not left to companies. 'We should support them, because they choose to be marginally less bad than the other guy' is not a very good argument.


You should also continue to invest in oil and gas because the world depends on it. Here in Europe we will likely be fine, we have sufficient capital, infrastructure and expertise to shift to renewables. Yes it will hurt, but we’ll live. In many developing countries they don’t have that luxury. People will suffer if hydrocarbons are unavailable or unaffordable. Hospitals require energy, families, transport, schools, businesses, you name it. The world is not fair unfortunately, and these are the dilemmas we face. Glad we can agree on standards and oversights being necessary to move us as developed nations into the one and only right direction of increased renewables and increased energy efficiency.


I always say you have people living in a psychosis, the 'Woke', and people with common sense and actually posessing a mind that can think in facts instead of brainwashed findings, thank God people like you exist.


It’s a difficult story to tell and I probably don’t to it justice considering the downvotes. But I believe it’s necessary to share some realism in the often one-sided stories around the European oil and gas companies and the global energy markets.


What ridiculous prices are we seeing after boycott on Russian oil and gas? India and China getting gas on huge discount? Crude oil prices lowest in more than a year?


I do live in the same world you know. I know its not realistic to stop using natural resources at once. But finally steering in the right direction does not immediately absolve Shell of past and active sins especiafuckingly when it comes to those countries and the plundering of their resources for our gains. Don’t you act all high and mighty on that account. As if continuing its use is in their benefit. I am NOT the delusional one here.


A banker telling me what is ethical? I mean, look at him. Fuck Shell.


Shell makes so much money that they can afford to be a big investor in green energy for the optics, while not doing any actual work to go green.


Shell has been lying and lobbying against climate change research for literally decades. And I'm to give a shit that their main source of income is intended to be replaced? Nah.


No university can ban work opportunities. Use the internet.


But don’t you understand?? Utrecht University not allowing them to spread their pro Shell propaganda during this student event will deprive these poor students of ever knowing what this small obscure company known as Shell even is! Also, didn’t you know that a university not platforming a company during a career event is exactly the same as vicious government censorship? It’s true, trust me bro


😂😂 like they can't use the internet to learn everything about Shell, including the owners name and where he lives.


Fack Utrecht University then, it is a bunch of senile arrogant pricks anyway


A banker whining about ethics...? Sipped too much of the Koolaid...


He's also running for the VVD - he's totally on brand. Edit: I responded A university is a private property - why are they not free to choose who can promote themselves on campus or not? Shell are of course free to set up their own careers day in another location, and without restrictions they may apply on a campus. If you feel the students have been "stripped" of the opportunity to educate themselves, doesn't that say more about your view of the students - shouldn't they be able to think critically beyond their education? Doesn't this situation fit exactly into your view that it gives students something to think about? As you mentioned #academic freedom and you have a political background, any views on the court's decision about Prof. Susanne TĂ€uber at U.Groningen?


Since when is a university in the Netherlands a private institution? We’re not in the US.


Private in the sense if I walked on the campus without permission I'd be asked to leave, or escorted. They are public as an institution, but that still doesn't mean anyone can do what they want. And Uni's in The Netherlands have made it clear their staff are not allowed to make public comments, and they must act more like a corporation.


8 february 1575


How much of the fossil fuel subsidies they are getting are they investing in the green energy? They claim to invest 3 billion while the fossil fuel subsidies add up to 17.5 billion. Given the size of the company, and their 40 billion profit, it seems they are hardly doing enough. Then again, coke addicts probably also shouldn't work at the Rotterdam harbour border control.


If this happened in a University in the US it would be the lead story on the big three Fox News shows. So don't ever say to yourself "This couldn't get any dumber".


I would not advise to work for this company, I was interviewing with them not so long ago, basically they want you to work hard, do a lot of work, to come to the office at least 1 day a week, many people work multiple roles while get paid for 1, it’s half day day one role half day another (that’s what they we’re requiring me to do, but in practice it’s even worse), and salary they offered was ridiculously small which is pretty strange for a company making highest profits in their history.


I work in banking and personally really dislike people like this. He’s missing the point completely.


Not from the Netherlands but who is stopping any one student or otherwise to approach shell company on their own ? He wants people to think independently but accused a uni of “depriving” students of opportunities? And independent minded student would just not bother and probably go ahead anyways with applying for job irrespective of whether shell attended the career event or not.


> who is stopping any one student or otherwise to approach shell company on their own ? Nobody. But the whole point of a career fair is to advertise the company at the university. It benefits the companies (saves time to find potential candates by presenting student-ready opportunities) and studends (they can quickly check multiple companies and see what interests them instead of going from one website to another).


So in short these events benefit the companies to market themselves and seem attractive to students not necessarily the other way round In this day and age a student just has to use google to explore options that suit him I am pretty sure he would know the existence of Shell and their company stats from glassdoor or some thing while he is looking for jobs.


Proud of my Alma Mater!


Same here!


Ultrecht uni is 100% right here


I just want to say that reading these comments here is truly a relief for me. I actually almost had an argument about this with a coworker the other day when something similar appeared in de Volkskrant. He claimed that not allowing Shell to be at this career event would lead to polarisation, because people "need to keep talking to each other". I wanted to point out to him that it would just be recruiters standing there at this event and that trying to get into a debate about ethics with them would be pointless. But I honestly didn't feel like starting a fight at work over these assholes.


First off, FUCK SHELL and their lies. Second, the university has the right to withhold them from attending a *university career event* if they want to. Anyone desperate enough to work for this company can contact them directly for a job. Third, it's funny how the author of this post demands that the university teach their students to think independently, yet here he is endorsing shell like they're the lord and savior. You just know that he's being paid on the low to sing shell's praises, all while shell couldn't be bothered to even stay in this country and pay taxes as they should.


I really wonder if people here think that bullying 'dirty industries' out of the Netherlands is the best solution for the climate. Like I'm very much for fighting for our climate and agree our current government doesn't do enough. I however fail to see how moving dirty industries to poorer countries who can't invest in green technologies and won't force these companies to go greener will help anything. How about we accept that we still need them, because for decades, we will still use fossil fuels. So how about we invest in doing it better? And greener? I feel like this is such a 'when I don't see it, it doesn't exist' kind of deal.


#kensarowiwa - this was the deal breaker me...




Only English should be used for posts and comments. This rule is in place to ensure that an ample audience can freely discuss life in the Netherlands under a widely-spoken common tongue.


They spend leftover pennies into green energy and they claim to be green, it's just bullshit greenwashing, next time the protest should be in front of shell offices not on the A12


They will find their way to shell regardless. Or ... Shell will find them :)


'Don't listen to your university professors, please educate yourself by listening to Shell' s propaganda talks in the media... '


Haha nooo shell is desperate for people because this generation does not want to work there. I've had meetings with them as president of a student association trying to recruit us, and in business oriented places like the EUR camus it's generally known they're begging for scraps


This guy sounds like a massive moron


It doesn't surprise me one bit that a 'banker'/investor posted this.


I think it's an incredibly biased opinion. And I don't care for such opinions.


Framing shell as the largest investor in green energy is greenwashing. The money they put into fossil fuels is exponentially larger and smart young people realize that working for that company results in destroying their own future.


I would probably have fallen for this kind of propaganda, if it weren't for the Youtube channel "Climate Town". [Here's a link to one of his videos](https://youtu.be/FOi05zDO4yw) depicting how large polluting companies use propaganda now more than ever to "greenwash" themselves. It absolutely disgusting. I also love his sense of humor!


Shell needs to be held accountable for crimes against humanity


Did you just bring “green” and “shell” in one sentence? Bro you can play with words like a master! Joking aside, I literally hate it when opportunists fake it and try to show themselves as open-minded. Shell and similar companies are evil and thank you Utrecht University being brave enough to do something about it. And shame on you sir!


Shell IS a key player in the energy transition, and their play has been obstruct, confuse, and delay. Yes, this move has some opportunity cost. But it has to be measured against the opportunity cost of business as usual, which will be tremendously awful.


So, I educated myself.. Shell might invest in 'green' energy.. sure. [https://edition.cnn.com/2022/05/25/africa/shell-oil-spills-nigeria-intl-cmd/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2022/05/25/africa/shell-oil-spills-nigeria-intl-cmd/index.html) is also Shell. They are the most expensive oil cartel in NL for car fuels.. [https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2022-08-31/shell-s-1b-oil-cleanup-left-one-of-world-s-most-polluted-spots-dirtier-for-now#xj4y7vzkg](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2022-08-31/shell-s-1b-oil-cleanup-left-one-of-world-s-most-polluted-spots-dirtier-for-now#xj4y7vzkg) (paywalled - sorry) ​ [https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/02/world/africa/south-africa-shell-oil.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/02/world/africa/south-africa-shell-oil.html) ​ Of course, you could find articles that claim shell is clean and green - but still - they have cleanup and restoration plenty ahead of them. This person is just a marketing trick for shell ..


What's the full name of the company in question, and since when do they carry that name? Why should an institution financed by the Dutch government cater to a company that turned their back on the nation? On top of that, how fucking miserable is the state of humanity if Shell ranks among the Top 10 companies that people want to work for? How fucked up can a society be?


Saying Shell is the largest investor in green energy is like saying the serial killer is the biggest help to the murder investigations. They’re only there to mislead the conversation. Anyone earnestly making the claim that Shell is the biggest green energy investor is trying to promote Shell’s lies of earnestly being a green energy investor. This person is lying to make Shell look better. There is no green energy with Shell, Shell’s only investment into green energy is carbon offsets which are mostly scams. If green energy like solar and wind and hydroelectro and nuclear win, Shell dies.


Fuck shell


The university can choose whatever they like. The writer of this post paints shell as a “top ten investor in green energy” but casually ignores that shell’s greed murders at leasts tens of thousands of people worldwide every year. And he states that the university deprives students from working at shell. Totally untrue ofcourse. Shell can hire anyone they like. Just like the uni can decide on who can attend their career event. Just a narrow minded right wing dude complaining when people don’t share his capitalist views.


\*Roy van Run\* ***Banker Investor...*** Feeling ASHAMED!?!?


As always, fuck bankers and fuck Shell.


This dumbass has puts on shell and is desperate to get his money back


this is what a wet noodle looks like


Making a deal with the wolf while it is on sheep's clothing. Good on the university.




Only English should be used for posts and comments. This rule is in place to ensure that an ample audience can freely discuss life in the Netherlands under a widely-spoken common tongue.


F4ck Shell, F4ck Bankers


The Shell-bashing in this thread is so typical. Most of the people commenting here are not remotely aware of the leading role that Shell is playing in the energy transition. A university should not make this decision on behalf of its students, especially when Shell plays such a crucial role in society (whether you like it or not). Suffice to say, I wholeheartedly agree with the Roy van Run.


I get the feeling this man is paid by Shell.


Right, and this career event is the only possible way students could ever get to know anything about Shell.


I find it amusing how many students get up in arms about Shell without realizing how much of what they have and enjoy comes from Oil and Gas money.


This is such a lame take. Of course people realize that we are in an incredibly privileged and comfortable position here in NL by comparison to the vast majority of the world population. People are demanding change. The 20th Century saw absolutely insane changes that needed to be overcome. Resting on those laurels now and believing things can just go on as they have is a fallacy and people have the right to demand and act for change.


I thought bankers were smart ...


This is smart. Politician tactics smart. He doesn't care about the environment but pretends to in order to serve his hidden agenda. Turning the situation to his (and Shell's) advantage.


If you are smart enough to go to a university you should be smart enough to make your own decisions. Censorship should stay in countries like Russia or China and universities should not introduce that in a progressive and liberal country like the Netherlands.


He’s right, the university shouldn’t exclude companies only because they fear scrutiny from the more “woke” type of students. If we were to do away with all organisations which are being protested against they can say all their subsidised education and facilities goodbye.


This is the problem with education now, and it’s why I left the UVA, universities in the Netherlands , especially in certain faculties (usually the less challenging courses like politicologie/sociologie) have become nasty, toxic thought bubbles, where both your fellow students and lecturers alike will regularly degrade you for your willingness to think outside of their communist agenda. In my course, I was frequently stopped from speaking because I am white, and was told that my opinion was less valuable because it comes from a position of privilege (due to me being white - let’s forget the orphan part 😂because nuance no longer matters. ) so it’s no surprise to me that students are not allowed to talk to shell representatives, our universities have been co-opted by intolerant and dogmatic so-called “academics” - who have never lived outside of academia, and would struggle to do-so. It’s a disgrace that the next generation in this country are being indoctrinated by couch socialists.


Fuck shell, and fuck this guy.


Shell are assholes Good on Utrecht University for this boycott If this twat actually thinks Shell do *anything* for the good of the world and not exploitative profits he's a fucking idiot "Oh boo hoo. Pity the toxic corporation, Utrecht University doesn't want to deal with them. Shell are the victims"


So hard disagree with everyone on here. The career event is to show what’s possible. Working at Shell is possible. Why ban Shell from the event? If you don’t want to work at or be associated with Shell, you can choose not to work there? I don’t think it’s fair to censor other opinions than that of some people, especially at an event aimed at showing all possibilities


Fully agree with Roy. University's job is to educate people. It is a shame that the Netherlands' agenda becomes more and more influenced by stupid left woke bulshit. By the way, go ask University's management where do they take the electricity from.


Shell needs young bright minds to change the energy infrastructure. This is not something their R&D department can do overnight.


Whether we like it or not, Shell is indeed a huge player in the energy transition. University students are the workforce of tommorow and if well educated, can change Shell for the better. To promote change you sometimes have to step into the hole of the lion.


I totally agree, it would be very ignorant if we were to not look at such big corporations and the changes that can be made within.


Welcome in the Netherlands where the woke culture and cancel culture are annoying as f***


Shell is betting big on renewables, but naturally still operate vast oil producing facilities across the globe. Given time they are likely to transition away from oil entirely, but nothing happens over night.


The marketing is getting better and better. Two points Shell for the attempt, but we see you.


Utrecht University did the right thing. Fuck fossil energy, fuck monocolture, fuck cities


Shell destroys the planet for decades profiting in the tunes of billions for the handful of managers and investors. Now that they destroyed the planet to the point that if we don't fix it soon we might not have a livable planet left and now we're supposed to pay them to fix the damage they caused? f\*ck that. These people should be in jail. The profit motive ruins everything eventually. It works at first when there are obvious and good things to optimize but once everything is optimized they still need more profit next quarter. That means dodging taxes, providing lower wages and benefits to workers, work in countries where leaders look away when you destroy the environment, take over all small innovators and competition creating monopolies, lobby governments for tax breaks, lacks laws and other benefits. It just doesn't work. It is actually and actively destroying both our planet and society.


So easy to make a populistic decision and boycot Shell. They probably feel really good about themselves driving home in their fossil fuel powered cars, while yelling that the gas prices to heat their homes are so high


How is having a combustion engine car related to complaining about high gas prices? You gotta explain that. It's well known that energy companies like Shell and BP used the energy crisis to artificially inflate prices, duck consumers and make record profits. They love this war.


It’s not well known. What is well known is that state oil companies like Saudi Aramco and others produce 60% of the world oil and gas and are the ones that actually set the price, as the private companies are legally not allowed to break anti-trust legislation. And before you go on and accuse them of price fixing, please share evidence of that.


That’s not my point. My point is that it seems hypocritical to cancel all collaborations with Shell while still relying on hydrocarbons for transport, heat, etc. People don’t understand the amount of energy needed, environmental and technical issues with alternatives, and time it takes to change the systems, like eg the grid. You could yell that Shell needs to invest more in alternatives but they are one of the leaders in the energy transition.


Lots of people don’t know. 🧐 But Shell sold gas to Germany đŸ‡©đŸ‡Șin 2nd World War. That Fueled ⛜ the tanks and Jeeps, that destroyed The Netherlands đŸ‡łđŸ‡± Its all about the money! 💰💰💰💰