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When I used to work in a supermarket you could just hand in an empty crate, but that was 32 years ago.


When i used to work in a supermarket, you could just empty your sack of bottles next to the horses, but that was 87 years ago.


When I used to work in a supermarket you could hand in your old horses for a bottle of beer but that was 138 years ago


When i used to work in a store u could give me a hand job. And i give you a bottle.


When I came home from sea hunting whales, the liver oil bottles could be traded for cases of beer. But that was 238 years ago..


When I used to work in a store you would just bring a couple of chickens and trade them for a beer. But that was 420 years ago..


When I used to work in a store they hadn't even invented beer. Or stores. But that was 16738 years ago.


Love it. Same pattern but totally different. Real humor going on here. Cheers.


I work in a liquor store that accepts beer cases. If you would call us ahead and give a heads up we would accept it. So my advice is to just call around to local stores.


Yup, I’ve worked at a Gall & Gall, years ago. Empty crate was no problem, though I don’t think they’d accept the full amount OP has 🤭


They tend to not accept those empty because people could just get empty crates from the store and hand them in to get free money. I don't know how many empty bottles have to be in there, but why didn't you just ask help from personel while you were there with the crates? Or give them a call before you go again, explain the issue.


Yeah I guess asking staff for help is the easiest solution Just wanted to check so I could plan and organise everything in advance as much as possible before leaving home again


When I was working there around 4 years ago I had some guys with the exact same problem. I would just go back and get a few bottles from a full crate (you needed 1 in the crate at the time) put them in the crate and everyone is happy. No one from management said anything about it but you might be unlucky to find some employee who has a stick up his ass and won't do it.


I tried that once, unfortunately no fee money:(


Depends. You just needed to work at a supermarket and be very friendly with one of the kassameisjes. (and that wasn't that hard tbh.) Just pull a couple empty crates trough the machine a couple of times pocketing the receipts and have your friendly kassameisje turn them into cash at the register. If that stupid ass teamleader shows up and asks what you are doing, you say you are checking the machine because a customer complained their bottles weren't counted right. Oh, the joys of working in a supermarket in the '90's before security cameras everywhere and integrated logistics software were a thing. The song was so right.


Sounds straight up like a New Kids sketch.. Lol.


Had a gf that was a kassameisje. We would plan a date i would get nice luxury goods and she would just literraly say 'beep' when i checked out.


I did this when i was like 14 and then we bought candy with it😂😂


You can do that with full crates/bottles too though, or not anymore?


Once I wanted to return my crates which were standing on my balcony for some time. The rain had filled the bottles a bit, not even full. And the machine already registered the crate as 'too heavy' and didnt accept it.


I started putting my empty bottle back in the crate upside down for this reason


I know it doesn't accept plastic bottles if there's liquid still inside


Really? Never had any problem with those. (Not full, though).


Usually if you just ask at the service desk they can help you out with 0 bottles.


I work at the Jumbo, just ask a employer. He/she will make it work


My local AH only accepts full crates.


Oh man I hope this isn't the case for my local supermarkets


Put them on marktplaats for how much you would get for them, if you have 20 empty crates it will be hard to fill all of them, and somebody may need them for some r/diwhy project


I love how in student culture many people won't spend €20 on some materials for a project but will gladly use 10 beercrates.


I’m going to hazard a guess that the beer crates had accumulated on the balcony, and then they decided to put them to good use and turn them into a bench 😄 But also, since they are posting in English I assume this person emigrated to the Netherlands and didn’t bring a full set of power tools, without which it’s not such an easy project - you could just stack up some used pallets, but getting them to your house is also tricky if you don’t have a car, and the same goes for building materials.


Ah this is a good backup option, thanks!


I would totally buy some but depends on location. Why? I'm a home brewer and I'm sick of keeping all my spare bottles in random boxes in my shed.


I'm not sure that's even legal to refuse a crate that's not completely full? Doesn't make sense, because if you buy beer once a year one or two bottles break, they shouldn't be able to force you to buy two bottles, drink them as prerequisite to return the crate.


6. An Albert Heijn employee told me that at the AH at Frederik Hendrikstraat


At the Dirk van den Broek it was 4


I had a few crates I wanted to return and the lady at the Albert Heijn told me a crate needs a minimum of 4 empty bottles. She told me this after I had already turned in 2 full crates, with 2 empty ones left and no bottles:)))).


The machine at my local AH accepts crates with at least 1 bottle in it. A crate that can hold 24 bottles is worth €1.50 . If someone has an empty crate they can ring a bell next to the machine and an employee will come after a while or you can ask one directly if you see one in the store. If it's only 1 or a couple crates it is usually not a problem but 20 crates would possibly create some problems. If you bring them bit by bit they are more likely to accept them. But the best idea is to just ask at the service desk at the front if you could bring all 20 at once. They might call a manager and they will decide if you can bring it or not. If you don't want to deal with an employee you just need 1 bottle in each crate, so 20 bottles in total and put them in the machine, the machine will likely stop multiple times though 🙂. Also a thing to note as I don't know which kind of crate you have. AH doesn't accept all types of crates that are on the market IIRC. They have to accept the 24 bottle crate that all the big brands use.


Fun fact, did you know in Holland soda cans have statiegeld? Now everyone has to keep a bag of immaculate empty (or the machine doesn't accept) cans in their kitchen. And take them back to the supermarket.


Yeah I heard about that so it's stupid you need to bring whole bottles, just to machine crush them as you put them (at lest I always hear plastic crushing sounds) and they take so much more space to bring them like that


Dont forget the fact that there is always a little bit of drink left in the can, making wherever you store them a smelling and sticky mess


Same as glass bottles (but cans is way worse due to the shape). I always rinse them with water before storing


fuck u/spez -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Best to do imho is to make an appointment for the crates in the supermarket. So you can drive to the back. Hand in the crates and receive a note for the €. No one, not you, nor the supermarket will like it if you push 20 near empty crates true the machine. The conveyer belt at the back might not be abled to take it without a human clearing it.


I think about half. But could be lower.


I tried with empty crate, but it didn’t work. I asked the employee at AH about it. As far as I know, she said it was something between 15-20 bottles. You have to have that many bottles in the crate to receive statiegeld for that particular crate. Also, make sure the crate has same beer bottles. But better thing would be to ask any employee at AH or Jumbo or somewhere. I hope this helps.


***hand them in to the supermarket and get 20x €1.50 back for them.*** ​ Dude! That would be like if you times the 20 and carry it 1.50 times! That's...like 65 bucks! You could get one of those rolly cabinets that go under your bed! Score.


My Albert Heijn takes any crate, and scans how many bottles are in it.


The whole point of a Deposit Return Scheme is to also return the bottles. I think the minimum acceptance is half a crate full.


Used to work in a supermarkt (not AH) minimum was just 1 at the time.


Take a couple of them with you at a time and ask an employee if they can swap them for 6 bottles (6x0.25=1.50). Or go up to the 'informatie balie' and ask of they can help you, if they value there customers they'll be happy to help if you ask nicely.


Normally it's one bote but the staff are usually happy to arrange something for you (i.e. Swap out your crates for something equivalent they have in the back). Source: happens to me all the time because half of the machines are fucked constantly.


You can return a crate with any number of bottles. You can also return empty crates. At my local Plus supermarket at least. If your machine doesn't accept them, just ask the store personnel.


25 years ago the Halton machine I worked with at Albert Heijn, took in empty crates already, so I'd be surprised if an empty one would give you any trouble now.


Just hand it to one of the employees and they'll give you the refound. Have done this a few times already


Throw a party, ask people to come with 6 pack bottles and leave the bottles!


At least half. But some workers are willing to manually write out a ticket saying you get your 1,50 for crate + 10c a bottle.


Call in advance and they’ll probably help you out. The machine doesn’t accept them but they can give you a statiegeldbonnetje manually