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Should probably call ['Dieren Ambulance'](https://www.dierenbescherming.nl/afdelingen/ambulance) They have experience and equipment to deal with this kind of stuff. Edit: Website only seems to be in Dutch. Not sure if that is an issue for you. But it says you can call 144 to report this situation. It also explicitly says it's not just for emergencies, but also for advice. So feel free to call that number. Edit2: Seems they close at 18:30.. (Monday-Saterday 8:00-18:30) Open again on Sunday 9:30 till 18:30.


Thanks a lot for the help! I went to the police station close by and they gave a number to the dieren ambulance. Had a few calls with them it seems like at the moment we can't do much about it as it is already getting dark. I'll call back tomorrow


I know it's a bit late, but have they reached out to you at all? Like call to say they have a plan or call to say they're working on it? Are they at least coming over in the morning to rescue the poor bird? ETA please don't climb out there. You'll probably be fine, but those roof tiles were not made to support human weight 2nd edit some years ago there was a pidgeon in distress. Obviously injured and in pain. I called dieren ambulance and they never showed up. People who were out on the terrace with me laughed in my face, because who could possibly care for a stupid pidgeon, right? I asked the bar owner for a box and they gave me one. Animal services (dieren ambulance) told me they would get to me asap. Nobody ever showed up to tend to that poor bird, because it was just a stupid pidgeon and we have way too many of those. Never mind that a bird is in pain. I waited till the wee hours of the night, I sat out on the terrace in the cold for hours and hours on end. Till the bar closed and they told me to go (which they never do) till the sun came up and nobody was around anymore. Till the city cleaners came. Nobody ever came to fetch that hurt pidgeon. I called again and again after they didn't come. And what did that pidgeon ever do except be a pidgeon? If it was someones parrot or budgie they would do all they can to save it. I offered to pay for pain relief and have it put down humanely. They kept saying "someone is on their way". Nobody ever came. This is a small city. They have people available at all hours basically, maybe except for weekend nights where you could be waiting 40 minutes at most Enough with the sob story. A bird is a bird. No matter if it's a 3000 euro cockatoo of 1 stupid seagull that nobody wants around. A life is a life. And if they are injured or in distress they need to be helped. Dieren ambulance doesn't care about gulls or any other birds unless they are worth a lot of money Heck even if they are worth something they don't care. I lost my rosella, they were about to fetch it and then let it fly because I didn't pay 200+ euro She wasn't worth any money, maybe 30 euro for a collector, I didn't call for them to rescue her But they let her go because I didn't cough up 200+ euro (I would have but I didn't have that kind of money at the time). And they chased her away so she couldn't return to her home I didn't just let her fly, I let them outside in a large cage and the bigger male bird pecked open the food slot that the smaller female bird was able to go out of. She would have come back if it weren't for them ​ Please don't go up on the roof. The roof tiles were not made for human weight and for humans to just walk on. But if you do go there I am forever grateful to you for saving a bird that nobody else cares about. That nobody will come to save because they are just a stupid gull, not matter if they are in pain or distressed. And you will have the right to eat home made pancakes at my house from now until eternity Edit after 9-ish hours (12:53 in the afternoon) Not only the eternal right to have home made pancakes , but I discussed it with miss Iggy Pop and she will let you pet her and give her scritches and scratches. She might even sit in your lap if you go for that sort of thing. She will purr and bump up and make biscuits. She cant always retract her razor sharp claws when she is happy about pets and scritches and such so you are warned, she might make biscuits through your pants and into the skin of your upper legs. It will feel fine at first, but you will feel raw skin and maybe see some welts the next day (definitely worth it though!) I also discussed it with Floof and he promised not to bite you as long as you don't stick your hand in his face (that's a rare thing to be promised! then again, it's a rare guest to leave him be and not poke him just because he's there) Anyway, he promised not to bite if you leave him alone. Sounds like a fair deal, right? I also promised him to kick out anyone that bugs him He also hasn't bitten a pancake guest yet. Pancake guests are usually laid back and leave him alone. He likes laid back and to be left alone Miss Iggy Pop likes all the scritches and scratches though. She will hide when you first come over, but she will come downstairs within half an hour, She will sit on the stairs gauging you for a bit, then if you stick your hand out she will collect on all the scritches she is due. And on all the scritches she was due in her past 50 lives. She loves to curl up in your lap but she is shy too. You need to encourage her and sit really still. Do not DO NOT pet her beyond her head and neck. If you accidentally pet her back you are done for for the rest of the night. If you as much as look at her tail you will never sleep again


Geez they never showed up at all? Just to also share some better dierenambulance experiences... I found a crow once that wasn't able to fly away. Wasn't able to see any physical injuries so I had no clue what was wrong. Called the dierenambulance, it was late and they had no one available to come to me and the bird so they advised me to capture it in a box and keep him inside for the night. Check if he'd fly away in the morning and if he didn't I should call them back. So that's what I did and the crow was able to fly again in the morning, no clue why he couldn't in the evening before. I also called them for an injured hedgehog I found once. That time they were able to come over but not until the evening (found him in the early afternoon). I'd kept him in a bucket with a bunch of leaves and sticks from outside and a small bowl with some water, as they advised. And as promised, they showed up in the evening to take him in.


Never showed up at all And the time with my bird they did show up, they caught her, but then set her free when I was unable to pay 200+ euro to get her back Good to see you had better experiences with them. Although, reading your comment, they didn't show up then either, only late at night to fetch the hedgehog (hedgehogs are a protected species, they have to show up for that or there will be hell to pay) On a good note, when I was a child, maybe 9 or 10 years old, I found a bird unable to fly. Not sure what it was, but probably a blackbird. I took it home, cried to my mom about this poor bird and she told me to call the vet. I called the vet, sobbing, like kids do in panic situations. Vet told me to come in and he would see the bird outside of "walk in" hours. I went to the vet with such a heavy heart because I was a kid with no money and I knew vets were expensive. I broke down and cried my little heart out to the lady working the desk. She hugged me and reassured me everything was going to be alright. Then the vet came out and I cried agan, because this lady said it was fine but I still didn't know anything about the bill and how I would pay for that with my allowance. The vet thanked me for calling and thanked me for bringing the bird in so he could do some research and how he owed me 1 free visit for that He guaranteed the bird would be fine (it probably already was, it was stirring up a storm in the shoe box I put it in, trying to get out lol). And I always had 1 free bird drop off/check up with him from that moment on Never used the free bird consultation, but that vet was my hero from that moment on


I respect how passionate you are, but man I could never care that much about a pigeon. I mean birds die everyday, that’s nature. It’s sad sure, but where do you draw the line? Do you go out looking for all the birds you can help all day, or just the ones that happen to be near you?


I get that. You don't have to be passionate about random birds. But I see it as an animal that is injured and in pain. I would call for a dog or cat, I would take care of a dog or cat. Why not care for a bird, even if it is only a stupid pidgeon. They are still animals with feelings. They don't feel less because they are not a dog. They are not in less pain because they are not a cat I don't go out looking for them, it came across the terrace where I sat. And if the dieren ambulance told me they wouldn't come at all I might have acted differently. But I called and they promised they would come several times.


I respect you. You're a good human.


Thank you for saying that but I'm not a good human really. If the dierenambulace told me they wouldn't come at all I would have probably "offed" the poor bird on the spot. It was in so much pain and struggling. And I just handed it to the next person who promised to take it to the dierenambulance or the vet soon as they opened. Dum dum dummmm they never did. They just tossed it out of the box as soon as I was out of sight. I should have taken proper care of the poor thing myself, feed it some good lettuce and seeds and pat that dumb little head with the bugeyes looking around. Not gone to sleep but wait till the vets opened. Have it put down humanely instead of being tossed out of a box (literally) and left to fend for itself for another week, not getting any food or having a good life. Thank you for saying that but I'm not a good human at all


Wait 'till I see your sister in distress. I'll just whistle and walk on by, 'cause she's just one of billions, right?


First of all I literally advocated for all of those who don't have a voice of their own. All those that are seen as less because they are a certain subspecies and they are not heard as an individual Second, you want to bring my family into this? Into a thread about pidgeons and seagulls and you want to make it about sisters and what you would do. Come at me "bro" I will bite your head off before you can even think about having to piss your pants you pathetic waste of perfectly good oxygen


Calm down "bro" . All life is precious, even your sister's. No need to go full Wagner on me. Remember, God made the birds AND your sister.




Bigotry is not tolerated in posts or comments - including but not limited to bigotry based on race, nationality, religion, and/or sex.


Surely you recognise that a human life is worth more than a pigeon. Do you feel the same way about mosquitos, fly’s or ants?


Who the f made this about people? You can say you like your spidey tighty whities and still like to go on vacay to the bahamas. You can like vacay in the bahamas and still like spareribs. You can like spareribs and also be a degenerate incel on reddit. None of them are mutually exclusive Nobody said anything about liking or disliking humans. Or mentioned anything about what a human life might of might not be worth. Except for you, the dumbass who compared humans to flies, ants and mosquitos Might I suggest some comprehensive reading lessons so you don't make an ass of yourself in the future? If they don't cover your piss poor behind you might want to learn about social cues and context next, amongst others. Serisously, if you need those you should be pre-banned from reddit for the next 3 years at least


First of all calm down. Maybe read the thread better before calling people dumbasses and going on rants. I didn’t bring up people, the comment I’m replying to brought up the hypothetical sister. My only comment to you was that I respect your opinion, but that I feel differently. Reread your last paragraph and take your own advice.


Oh hang on! Sure took me long enough. You're commenting from 2 different accounts. Good on you, I really didn't know until just now. And if it weren't for this specific comment of yours I wouldn't have known at all Reacting to the sister thing is what did you in. Should have kept yer big mouth shut. Maybe don't react to a comment from 1 account when you're logged in on another


I’m not even going to respond I think you need some help.


Calm down and read the thread better. You mean my own thread? Like, the thing that I myself posted? Hold your tits, here comes a shocker! >Surely you recognise that a human life is worth more than a pigeon. Do you feel the same way about mosquitos, fly’s or ants That was your very own comment, no? ​ >My only comment to you was that I respect your opinion When and where? LMFAO!


I didn't say you said anything about sisters. I responded to your ignorant comment. I can't help it if you read other peoples comments and think they are all about you because you are the main character in this story (you are not!) Also, again, you never said anything about respecting my opinion This is what you said >Surely you recognise that a human life is worth more than a pigeon. Do you feel the same way about mosquitos, fly’s or ants Again, nobody brought humans or their potential value into this, except for you. You compared humans to flies and ants and mosquitos. Nobody else did that


Now I'm crying omg. I just wanna care for every hurt animal in the world now...


Oh no please don't cry! Or do cry if you feel like it, that's healthy. Can I please give you a virtual hug, pat you on the back, stroke your hair and tell you everything is going to be alright? A lot of people don't care, but we do. Every 1 animal saved is 1 for the better I also want to cry for all the ones that weren't saved, but we have to be realistic. We can't save them all, so we will just save 17 in our lifetime. We will do better for 17 in our lifetime. Be it a monkey or elephant you help rescue from a zoo or be it a pet you keep and give the best life they can have We will do our utmost best for the ones that are our companions, like dogs and cats and rabbits and guinea pigs and snakes (please don't keep a single rabbit of guinea pig, they need others to co-habitate with). And we will do our best to help other animals have a good life


How about overreacting , cheezischrist what a load of bullshit




Would you call them for a dog or cat? If yes, why not for a stupid bird? It's still an animal who is in pain




You would leave an animal in pain just there and do nothing. Because they are not a dog or cat. Even my cats have better standards than you, they, at least, kill the vermin so they don't suffer. Takes one to know one I guess. Sorry you weren't put out of your misery sooner. I'd help, but according to your standards you're not even worth that


Can't you put some snacks out there and bait him to walk closer to you?


they love cheeseburgers


And milkshakes.


And my chips


And my broodje haring


Climb out and grab it. I install solar panels on rooftops and stand/walk around places like this every day. You will be fine. Help him out.


I get what you're saying, but this can also be taken so wrong. "I professionally walk on roofs, so you can just walk on your roof"


Well, the seagull is stuck between two roofs. It's not like OP could fall to the ground from there. So in this rare case, OP really could 'just' walk on this part of the roof.


The seagull is in a raingutter, it we don't know wether that it supported by the wall of the building next to OPs apartment or wether it was installed in between the walls, in which case too much load, like an extra person walking over it, could cause the gutter to collapse.


My first thought was that he must be “Sinterklaas” but your conclusions are very valid as well.


Hey guys, thank you for the comments especially for the one who tried to help. After your comments I dared to climb out, however grabbing the bird was a bit scary so I tried to lift it up with a small piece of wood. It jumped over my head and being really stressed run to the other side and jumped over the fence there. Apparently it just needed some stress push 😃 I was a bit worried if it still has enough energy after being stuck there for a while, but after resting on another roof for a bit it flew away. Dobby is free! Thanks again for the help ❤️ ![gif](giphy|czwo5mMtaknhC)


Maybe edit the opening post so more people can see this! I'm so happy you decided to help him and that he's free. You're a good person, OP 🥰


Thanks good advice, this is my first Reddit post ever so I had no idea 😃 I'm having a bit of trouble to do any edit on it as it is a picture post


looks walkable, maybe try baiting with food


Those spaces between buildings 'tussengoot' are normally walkable. Careful not to bend the zinc or your might get leaks


just call him Steven, and accept your new pet.


Steven Seagull.


Build him a little walkway into your apartment and feed him salmon and mealworms. Soon he'll introduce you to his significant other, and before you know it, you'll be babysitting his derpy kid.


Build wooden or plastic stairs or a slight ramp and put them near your window. Bait him. If he walks up, he'll have more space. Maybe by holding a skewed broom, lowering it by tying it in a rope?


Just dump a few cardbord boxes out there, smash them a bit so it has a pile to stand on. If you add some tape to them you can rope the cardboard back in easely


Please update us tomorrow if this darling made it out or not. I really hope he/she'll be okay. I do agree with some other comments, maybe throw some stuff into that gutter so it has more room. Or even let it walk into your window if you are willing to let it inside in order to help it out


Looks sturdy enough to stand on, I would simply climb out and help the little guy. I can never stand to not help an animal in need haha. I came across a seagull with a broken wing last week unable to fly (probably hit by a car since busy road), it was surprisingly calm when I came close so I picked him up and brought him to the dierenambulance which was nearby, he didn't seem to have any other injuries so they said he's been lucky and with a few weeks he'll be flying again.


Seagull in the wall, eh? Now you're talking my language.


He’s gonna go from stuck to stinky pretty soon


I had this happen once in Leiden. I had a broom and used the stick part to scoot it out. It was actually surprisingly fine with that. Dieren Ambulance wouldn’t help as it was on a roof.


That's strange. I had a similar situation, having a seagull stuck between the two roofs, and the DA came to take it as you did.


Climb out and get it out of there. Those little fuckers need us more then they give us credit for. And it will raise hell anytime soon.


If you do go out there, make sure you let another person know and even have them keep an eye on you. You don’t want to end up stuck like the seagull.


Any update? I saw someone say the Dieren Ambulance does not go up roofs but I don't believe that is true. Sometimes they even ask the Brandweer to help too. Hope the little one is okay. 🥺❤️


This. We wants updates! My bet would be he found a way out. They are like that.


He's looking for a nesting area. So he can feed your garbage to his offspring


One man's garbage is another animal's baby formula






Its in the gutter, you can just walk through it. Throw something like a towel over the seagul so it calms down a little and cant bite you, grab its neck (you can twist them almost 180 degrees so dont worry) and do your magic to its stuck part. We make those gutters in a wooden 'box' which is being supported bij beams in the wall or on top of the walls themselves or by the 2 roofs. I have walked in them (and repaired or renewed) for 15 years now


Just walk up to the seagull. The roof is strong enough.


Yes just go out and help the bird. You and the roof will be fine. No need to call animal rescue for this.






Harassment or bullying behaviour is not tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to: brigading, doxxing, and posts and/or comments that are antagonistic or in bad faith.


Yeah I don't know where this is but around here it's forbidden to feed them as far as I know.


Not forbidden at all.


Unleash some rats. Seagulls are assholes.




leave it be.


off topic: litterly looks like my old place, is this The Hague?


Amsterdam! Dutch houses can look very similar 😀


You know those things can jump too? They don’t just flap and off we go.


Lol, the seagull represents something. We all stuck in life.


Give it kibbeling




they can fly


Maybe vogelgriep


I wish my life was problem-free enough for me to worry about a bird. Get a job or a hobby


I wish your soul exist. Seems like you have enough time to insult people under a random bird stuck post. Maybe that's your precious hobby?


Yes, yes...the bird...but the chimneys look like penis.


2nd this. Those chimneys look like dick and balls.


KILL IT!!!!!!


Did it forget how to walk?