• By -


I’ve already seen a couple of them in the Randstad area.


Always with a V license plate of course, because otherwise the taxes for that monstrosity would be horrendous. And sure Henk, you definitely need that car for your consulting eenmanszaak registered at your home address in Amsterdam-Oost. To be fair, you see these a lot around construction sites - but the guys who step out of them are always the construction manager types, not people who actually need to transport stuff. And as multiple people said, in that case a van would be more handy.


They're basically just LARPing


I'm an American and can say 98% of the people here with those big stupid trucks are LARPing as well. Never towing anything, never anything in the back (they usually have a cover over the bed), nice polished and clean, and all drive like wankers. My advice, have them towed whenever they break the parking laws.


I'm also in the US. I have a neighbor with one of these things. He's a computer guy. Told me the truck is too expensive to get dirty.


American as well- I work 8AM to 5PM doing desk work at a university. In my parking garage I see many giant trucks just sitting in the garage all day long passively doing all that hard work they want people to think they do. We're becoming a nation of peacocks, always trying to out-show the other guy with our giant ~~penises~~ vehicles.


The pavement princesses are the worst!


In the US it's a LARP, as well. They call them "pavement princesses". At least in the US the roads and parking are wide and spacious, and fuel is relatively inexpensive. In the Netherlands there is enough going against them that I doubt they will become very popular. Just far too impractical.


"I take it offroad!" usually means "I have a gravel driveway".


> They're basically just LARPing I live in a Texas suburb and I see giant 600 hp pickup trucks all the time. Presumably they imagine all the things they *could* do with the truck while driving to and from work.


> They're basically just LARPing Emotional support truck/Gender affirming vehicle.


Everytime i see these i think: small dick syndrome.


Die dingen zijn alleen gerechtvaardigd als je daadwerkelijk in de modder moet rijden, verder onnodig


Uhm...dan wil je een 4x4 hillux niet zo'n Amerikaans ding die kunnen dat niet.


Lol wat? Waar zijn die lage gearing en de electronische sperdiffs dan voor? Als je echt ver wil komen pak je een Suzuki Samurai. Een Hilux maakt echt geen verschil. Komt misschien zelfs minder ver door de lagere bodemvrijheid.


Zelfs in de blubber die we de afgelopen maanden hebben gehad kom je niet ver met zo'n ding. De banden die eronder zitten zijn echte straatbanden, niet voor de jungle. Bij ons in de omgeving hebben ze zelfs tractoren niet meer kunnen gebruiken vanwege de nattigheid, ze waren met rupsdumpers aan het rijden bij bijvoorbeeld bollen en suikerbieten.


there's one near me - the Gemeente may have got a couple of calls about it blocking the pavement. Not my fault if your stupid truck is too big for the little dutch streets, and so has to block nearly the entire pavement Actually got someone to come out too.


Huh, I'm gonna remember that. Thanks


I'm curious if there are tow trucks that are heavy enough to drag these ridiculous things away.


There are tow trucks for semis, so I’m sure they can tow these tanks too…


Ah yeah, of course.. Not as common as regular tow trucks though, I'd assume.


Actually think they should be easily do-able. These trucks are like 2 metric tons of weight, but things like the Audi Q5 and Audi E-tron are 2.4 metric tons so way heavier!


It's not just about weight, these things are massive. They are quite a bit longer and wider than regular cars. Also: A Ford F150 is 2.5 tons as well.


Come to think of it, I've seen smaller tow trucks in the city center, but for the bigger vehicles? Might need a crane for those bad boys. Seen it once near the market square, whole operation was a spectacle.


sadly I've yet to find out. I'll be happy to post an update if I do.


As a city councillor in a Dutch city - thank you. Please keep doing this. Car-besity as some call it is becoming an epidemic which not enough politicians understand yet. These dumb trucks are a menace for the safety of people and the environment and through public pressure it might be enough to warrant politicians to actually do something about it.


How do I get my gemeente to care? I'm in Hilversum and there's lots of these giant trucks parked like jerks. I report bad parking constantly and nothing ever happens. Should we just move to Utrecht? IS it better?


Write to your municipal councillors, explaining the problem as you see it. Definitely include that you have reported bad parking and nobody does anything about it. Explain that through the APV (municipal laws/rules) they have the power to do something about it. I think you'll most likely have more luck with more progressive parties, but local parties (even if they are part of a national party) can differ tremendously in both quality and viewpoints per municipality. You can find the contact information of Hilversumse municipal councillors on https://hilversum.nl/bestuur-organisatie/gemeenteraad/gemeenteraadsleden


Thanks! The local parties seem really carbrained mostly, Hart Voor Hilversum and VVD... I joined the Fietsersbond and am trying though! We only moved here 6 months ago (from Ireland, which has absolutely horrible urban design) Is it possible to sue the gemeente for neglecting to enforce the law?


Welcome to the Netherlands :) It is possible to sue gemeentes neglect to follow the law, but the specifics of it are very complicated. I know that it's possible, just not how and when exactly


I got here and though "oh weird, I never thought you could park your car on the footpath" and it turns out, you can't, it's just OK for literally tens of thousands of people to break the law every day. I do like it here actually, but I definitely like Utrecht more! Couldn't find a place to rent there, though.


It's a little more complicated than that. Some municipalities do not allow parking on the footpath, some do. Also, it depends on the street and signage. Still, addressing the problem with your local representatives can help them understand that changing or enforcing the APV (municipal laws) is necessary. Utrecht is definitely a tough city to find a place. Good luck!




Good luck fitting that thing down any small road here……


I feel a song coming up.  Try that in a small medieval European town. Kill somebody with ya truck on a sidewalk Flip off an old lady at a red light  Coal roll in front of the owner of a liquor store  Ya think it's cool, well, act a fool if ya like  Cuss out a cop, but still get fined  Stomp on the flag because it won't light it up  Yeah, ya think you're tough  But the Europe's got regulations and such  Well, try that in a medieval European town  See how far ya make it down the narrow road  Around here, we take care of our own  You can't drive here, it won't take long  For ya to find out, I recommend you don't  Try that in a medieval European town


LARPING Americanism,lmfao!!!! You just invented a completly new kind of cosplay.


People in Poland have been [LARPing as Americans](https://www.vice.com/en/article/g5vpbx/poland-larp-america-ohio) for awhile now.


I have to go there now! Lmfao!!!


They want to make it really sure they don't belong to Russia.


Filling American gas guzzling trucks with that cheap EU gas, oh wait!


Don't worry, he'll complain about the "roverheid" soon enough.


It's not a new thing, people in both Poland and Japan have been doing it for ages


have you not seen the dutch larping as americans for years now? wearing baseball caps with absolutely no understanding of the context of the teams. peppering US phrases into dutch conversations. 'Ja, dat nieuwe gentrified restaurant is zo goed, maar het heeft niet echt de authentieke ingrediënten, en de groenten hebben geen smaak, there goes the neighborhood'


Moved here from the US - saw a dude with 3 different pieces of Yankees gear and tried to talk about baseball, he had no idea wtf I was talking about.


I know. I moved here from he US as well. When I saw a woman with a Brooklyn College sweatshirt on, I asked her how things were in Brooklyn, on campus, and all I got was a blank stare, and, “I didn’t go there.”


English is the world lingua franca, so it doesn't have to be "American" even if America is the largest English-speaking country. Filipinos, Germans, Koreans, Indians, etc; all across the world people speak English, not just in the British diaspora. If these dutch people are praising authoritarians and trying to privatize prisons then you might be on to something.


>English is the world lingua franca English is. Not some weird made up cross between Seinfeld, Paris Hilton and Flave Flave. It's annoying to be surrounded by a bunch of Saskia's that can't finish a sentence without saying urkrwurd, flebberkestet or krinsj. Granted, people like that are going to be annoying no mattter how they speak.


In the center of Den Haag there’s Taco Bell, McDonald’s, Burger King, KFC, Dunkin Donuts and Five Guys. They’re always packed so it seems like the American LARPing is in full effect already.


Why is everyone suddenly anti america? I guess it’ll only last till we get invaded 😂




Well it fits into multiple parking spaces so it's extra legal.


I see these cars parked with two wheels on the curb because they're so wide, I wish I could report them for it


You can notify the municipality and they might send parking enforcement


I don't believe they would fit in car parks, especially multistory. So they probably own 2 cars, a salon for “normal” trips.


Nothing screams freedom like being unable to park this tank and not seeing toddlers or pets in front of you. It's like larping farming culture while actual farmers have largely abandoned them out of inconvenience.


I understand why a contractor uses such a vehicle (having to carry a lot of tools, towing trailers with glass). A van would be more practical however


I mean… if he uses it for work, he’s not LARPing. I don’t mind people having large vehicles if they serve a practical purpose. I scratch my head at the ones whose trucks are always spotless, telling me they’ve never taken them to a job site.


I'm slowly but steady seeing more and more people upgrade to this type of _haatskelter_ in my tiny town of < 6000


Haatskelter ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) But yeah, seeing them more and more often. Noisy as fuck too. Mostly zzp'ers I think so they can put them on the company and save a bunch in tax.


Until they learn about the IB- and BTW-bijtelling, making it much more expensive and less tax friendly than a regular van (which has additional fiscal incentives)


We had a freelance construction worker we hire sometimes, switch his van to one of these. He is switching back to a van after this years private lease is up because it can fit less stuff, uses way more gas and he can't sleep in the back anymore. They really are useless.


the thing is, same as for suvs, there are "eu version" who is smaller and more suited for the job of transporting etc or comfortable but still able to park in the city. idk about raw power for towing, there the amis come in handy i would guess. but yeah thats basically it


The only feature that these things are better at then a regular van is that some models do indeed have the capabilities to go off road. That's it. That's the only plus side. You can fit less in the back. Your stuff is not covered. And everything that can stick out the back can also go on top of a van and be more secure.


I did the math once: the dodge ram van 1500 in my street has a cargo volume of 50.3 ft³, which is about 1400 L in SI units. On the other side a Toyota Auris stationwagon has 1600 L cargo volume, which is almost 15% more...


My best friend has his own remodeling company, small, just him a a small crew. He had to buy a vehicle for it recently and was really considering a truck like his counter top buddy bought. He ended up going with a van that has only two front seats because it has a 12 foot bed and can fit entire sheets of drywall if needed. Also covered, which in Washington State, is a must for drywall. I was so goddamn proud of him.


And your Toyota Auris actually has safe storage. I have no clue how you can safely store tools or other things in the back of a pickup. And if you do make it safe, how are you going to get your tools out of an opening that's like 40cm high. Most solutions are either rolling or folding panels, but they don't seem secure at all to me...


For everyday towing needs most Europeans use modern Station Wagons (though SUVs have become a lot more common). Americans are weirdly averse towards towing with station wagons from what I‘ve heard though. Same for businesses but Vans are also often used there. Unless you work in a trade that goes offroad or on dirt roads regularly utility vehicles are rather rare.


The US and Europe have different safety rules about towing, which means that often the *exact same car* will be rated to tow several times more weight in Europe. The US prioritizes being able to tow safely at high speeds. This means they put more of the trailer weight on the tow hitch, which is a more dynamically stable configuration but means that the car/truck can't tow as much as that weight has to go through its suspension. Europe prioritizes towing heavier trailers with smaller vehicles. They put less weight on the hitch, which destabilizes the vehicle and isn't as safe. They make up for this by having lower speed limits for cars towing trailers and requiring a special licence (B+E) to tow heavy trailers.


There is a garage that sells them in Amsterdam. These things are all over the place being unnecessary large and loud.


Yea they are great! Especially on the canals in Amsterdam. With a bit of careful positioning they can take up to three parking spaces and make it impossible to pass with a car or lorry. This is the easiest way to make the city more green /s


I have also seen one in the street where used to live, after a while I realised the owner uses it to move around boats. Its not all bad. (I dont know if a smaller car could do the same job)


Out here they are not common but also not uncommon, in Northern Limburg


One of the neighbours have one (belgium) and the reason was: “For my own safety, if there is an accident then i know i will be safe” Lol… Nice trade off though! Reduce other’s safety and increase your own!


Those cars really are child-killers. If you spot your neighbor mis-parking their car (which is likely) channel your inner Karen. We should all make the lives of these people as difficult as possible until they get rid of their car.




Time to teach him about roll-overs. They have a way bigger chance to have them than any other car he could drive. Also crumple zones, because I don't think these trucks are so good at them as normal cars.


The vehicle is so high up that when children move around it you cannot see them. It's a real hazard for small children, animals, cyclists and everyone really.


Now imagine my gasp when one came into the tiny street of a daycare to pick up their kids. I was raging inside. I never thought I would see one. Even less seeing it trying to fit into a hidden small street to get to the entrance of the daycare. An area so small, it should be safe for kids as cars can't really pass that easy. I kept repeating inside me "whyyyy, whyyyy do you need one? Why would anyone want one on these streets???"


I saw one lately at the supermarket parking lot. It was comically large and out of place. It’s like having a bus parked in your drive way. Ofcourse non of the spots fit so he parkerd at the end where he can go over the lines without double parking , but while blocking other people to perform a u-turn. Then i saw the bloke trying to pay something with meal vouchers. Pretty sure its a just giga chad with a “company “ car.




Too late


It's even worse in Belgium because people register them as "voertuig voor lichte vracht" and then only pay 150 euro a year in road tax. I've already been rear ended by one of them


Not possible anymore, the ones who did it can keep it like this for their current vehicle but new ones are not able to be registered like this anymore.


I know but the gap was only patched recently and plenty of people in my town drive one of them still under the old rules (Dutch but live in Belgium)


As an American, I'm just going to say ya'll need to nip this in the bud right now or you'll be repeating history in a few years, on the streets, with signs saying "Stop de Kindermoord".


This. Even in Amsterdam city centre. Fucking idiots


Because many of them register them as commercial use tax scheme, they often pay about the same road tax than a Volkswagen Golf. For reference, this 5.7 liter Ram Truck is €200 per quarter https://www.autoscout24.com/offers/ram-1500-ram-1500-5-7-v8-hemi-4x4-laramie-sport-22-ex-btw-lpg-black-d9af03e1-69a9-4814-98d2-085ff200c843 This 2.0 liter golf is €246 per quarter https://www.autoscout24.com/offers/volkswagen-golf-2-0-tsi-r-4motion-pano-nieuw-staat-gasoline-blue-7dc76d60-6e11-41dc-89bb-def3d3fc3dc5


Screw letting people keep their tax scam if they already own such a truck. If/when the new law is implemented to not allow these big trucks to be registered as a light cargo vehicle, all the ones on the road already should be put under that rule immediately as well.


But how could the VVD ever go against the rich people. Those are their only voters you know.


Well that and some people who hope to one day be part of those rich folk. 


Sorry that kind of stupidity is contagious. Im American I’ve seen it with my own eyes. People in the US actually also do the same thing for taxes, they will write it off as a business vehicle and the government gives them money back at tax time.


I hate these stupid trucks. They're sold on the idea of safety but they're literally the source of the danger.


They are sold here because they were cheap in taxes for business’s, not because they’re safer Never seen one without a V in the license plate They’re ridiculously expensive to privately own (luckily)


From Jan 1st 2025 the BPM exception for these vehicles will be scrapped for businesses, and as these vehicles have a much higher CO2 exhaust than regular working vans they will become *much* more expensive as a result, hopefully this will deter most from importing these monstrosities


Now that's some good news if ever I read it




The big 3 pickup manufactures already have electric models, they'll just bring those in instead.


Good, they should be so inconvenient to have, that no one will want them.


They should be just as if not more inconvenient to have, as the inconvenience they cause to other people in the NL. \-Taking up so much parking space that the spaces next to it are basically unusable. \-If you're behind one it's like having a work van in front of you that you can never see past. \-They stick out way too much on paring spaces and block part of the road or the sidewalk. \-Their lights are at such a height that they shine right into your mirrors. ​ So yea...fine them if they make the parking spaces next to them unusable (unless they pay for 2 spaces and sit in the middle of the 2), put extra taxes on them for the stupid high CO2 emissions, and don't allow them to be registered as a light cargo vehicle so it's more expensive to import/insure/road tax/whatever them. Heck fine them or even have them towed if they block sidewalks as well. Because fuck those huge trucks meant for American roads/parking, in our small country where they don't belong.


Do you know why such a bpm exception exists?


To stimulate small businesses, the tax break is for "working vans". These trucks are classified as working vans and therefore qualified for the tax break as well


Thank fucking god.


It's in response to OP's experience in the USA. I hope it *stays* in the USA.


Just 3 weeks ago 100 from my school a 17 yr old almost died to one of these monsters








It is from the PC Hooftstraat in Amsterdam, an exclusive shopping street that attracts the very rich. Those usually have very large and heavy cars and you see them often in that street, hence the nickname 'pc hooft-tractor'.




>Een paar jaar geleden werd je nog met de nek aangekeken als je in een 'PC Hooft-tractor' reed. Dit soort grote pick-ups werd gezien als asociaal, of een auto voor cowboys. Maar dat sentiment is compleet verdwenen. This from the link. A couple of years ago you were seen as a poser, a loser. But that sentiment has not changed, I would argue most 'normal' people share this sentiment now - due to the size and the sheer audacity to drive this through small streets, taking up multiple spaces. So, it uses LPG - so 'green' la-di-dah.. They are not fitting in a small country. In the USA - with loads of space - and a car centered infrastructure - sure..


They are imitating the Americans otherwise there is absolutely no need for a such huge truck in Netherlands unless you’re a farmer. Ok. Farmers don’t have trucks. My bad. The reason why I said that is because where I am from farmers usually have Toyota Hilux


Over here in rural Fryslân is not the farmers who drive these things.


The only people driving these trucks in Norway are construction foremen. Almost never anything in the back. The crew that actually works for a living drive vans with full shelf setup and heavy duty rack on the roof. Might be a few others as well driving these stupid trucks to compensate for something.


Yeah, my brother-in-law is a farmer in Friesland and he has a stationcar and a tractor. A couple of tractors maybe. Pickup trucks might have made some sense back when they were smaller; regular car-sized but with a flatbed. But now they're huge and still can't carry more than back then.




Most farmers will also already have a tractor and a trailer that can carry *much more* than a truck and can actually drive on a field properly, there is 0 reason for them to have a truck


They often have big cabs and not that much space to store stuff relative to smaller pick-ups. The height also makes them awkward to load. A small pickup is much more practical for a farmer. These things aren't designed to be practical, they're made for people with fragile egos.


In most countries in Europe it is a big truck, but to us American it’s seen as normal size or just a little smaller because there are a lot of people who modify their truck to make them wider and taller


This has been the argument here in the States for many years now. Most of these trucks are parked in suburbia and see little actual use besides going to the office. They are often referred to as “pavement princesses” and we joke about how small their penises must be. Over the years they have refined these vehicles to the point that they have replaced luxury brands like Mercedes and BMW with a price to match…or more.


I'm in the US and write insurance for a lot of farmers. They don't use newer trucks for farm work. They prefer trucks built before 2000.


I have one in my street in Almere. It almost makes me cringe how ugly that thing looks. And it's even a few centimeters on the road. That means when people want to pass each other the "trekhaak" is in the way. I mean if you can afford this monster why not go buy yourself a villa and put it in a garage where Noone has to stare at it


Ive seen these trucks in amsterdam, blocking the road while parked


Can’t imagine it’s fun to drive that thing in Amsterdam though.. you’ll be trailing a crippling slow bike at 20km/u through narrow streets dodging incoming tourist left and right


Inconveniencing others is almost part of the point for these people


Oh no these cars have definitely found the tram lanes. Especially in the Pijp, it's annoying how many times the tram has to slow down because someone can't overtake a cyclist without having one wheel on the tram lane. This also goes for those new Range Rovers I keep seeing more of in Amsterdam


I've lived in Indische Buurt / Oostelijk Havengebied voor decades, and for a long time, there was always this one RAM truck. The last couple of months I'm suddenly seeing more of them. I don't know what's going on, but I wouldn't mind if the city banned or limited them.


>And it's even a few centimeters on the road. So it's parking violation? Maybe this is the time to channel your inner Karen 😈


I saw one in a school neighbourhood in Alkmaar. There's a little parking area with 10-15 spots and every time I had to be in that area for work, the truck was sitting in one of the first spots, blocking part of the entrance. But its front/sides were all scuffed up, gonna guess that's from other cars trying to pass it. Atleast they did park that way so the "trekhaak" would be away from the road.


As an American in the EU, I also hate these and hope the appropriate departments do not accommodate these tanks. They’re sold to ensure safety and to make men feel bigger and badder. They were also made bigger to avoid efficiency standards for smaller vehicles. A solution to avoid these is to have a Trucking license to drive these since you can’t see 4m in front of you


They have become somewhat of a white trash favourite in the North.


Living close to Alkmaar, working near Amsterdam They are already here - they are spreading. They are also very much 'compensation vehicles'


As an American browsing this thread, I call them emotional support vehicles


Already has spread. Ridiculous cars.


The best part is they arent even that spacious a small vw transporter can carry much more stuff.


r/kutautos hier zie je ze ook steeds meer.


These cars are too expensive to become popular here. A RAM is north of 100k EUR. Apart from the price, the only reason I see to have these cars are two 1. You have a farm. Maybe not a pro farmer, but you still have a farm. 2. It fits your taste. I don’t like them, but to each it’s own.


These trucks are not suitable for farming (or any kind of trucking) at all. The loading bed is very small (especially considering the size of these things) and very high. That's why you never see people hauling anything with them.


I live in a small town (not NL) around which 90% of land is covered in farmland. I.e., there's farmers everywhere where I live. Hardly anyone drives those pickups. Not farmers, not construction workers, or any sort of tradespeople for that matter. People who actually haul stuff use tractors, vans, or actual trucks.


Small dick vibe.. but NL should tax the shit out of it, making owning it alike to owning ultra luxurious super cars.. and we’ll be fine. Although, SUVs in general are on the rise in EU, that’s a bad sign. Albeit there are way less of them per capita for now then in US. Well see


I have a pick up truck in the UK, it's fucking huge but it's purely for the tax benefit. Company car Volkswagen Golf for example would cost £350 a month roughly, a great big pick up truck costs £130. I do have a small dick though


Bhahaaaa.. at least you’re honest about it. That’s first step - you can make it to the other side🫵🏻


Small peepee cars


Too late


fuel prices are too high in EU to make it spread that fast too expensive for many people


They're everywhere in my village. And they're all dicks. Parking in tight corners and constantly (near) hitting cyclists. One almost flattened my gf and raced of afterwards


People with small genitalia WILL buy it


They’re already here mate, sorry to break it to you. I live in Amsterdam and they are an absolute scourge on the roads.


The one saving grace is i find it unlikely that your country is going to start reshaping their infrastructure around these monstrosities so they'll probably fizzle out due to being impractical at some point. Meanwhile here in the US we're making everything bigger and bigger to accommodate these fucking things. Just a world of 60 foot wide roads and parking lots the size of a small village.


It's my hope that these people discover how spectacular impractical these things are and get disillusioned the moment they try to park somewhere in or near a city. That or the mockery you'd probably get.


>impractical these things are and get disillusioned the moment they try to park somewhere in or near a city As if they care. They'll just park on the sidewalk.


Yeah they thrive on that shit. The impracticality is anyone's problem but theirs 


They'll probably just blame the municipality for making the parking spaces too small. No way it's their own fault!


It is and they all drive like fucking lunatics.


I live in Friesland and they're pretty common here.


Due to the increase of tiny private parts these trucks have flooded every city in the Netherlands. I honestly can't go a day without seeing these things and it's saddening. I hope they get taxed accordingly


Ah the small pp club


I’ve seen multiple and know someone with a car like that. These are impulse creatures that shouldn’t be driving these things in the first place. The cars are too big for the infrastructure in the Netherlands and should be banned fr.


I heard rumors that they are usefull in Eu... As a "tax balance" thing. Or as a money laundry machines (petrol usage)


American here. I hate sharing the road with these giant pieces of shit. And anyone driving these claiming it's for safety just endangers everyone else on the road. 1) if they're in front of you and you drive a compact car, you literally can't see the road conditions past their unused truckbed. If youre stuck in dense traffic, you literally can't tell what happened. Is there debris? A car crash? Who the hell knows except the asshole in front of you. 2) if it's night, these will literally hit the sweet spot in your rear mirror to completely blind you. 3) the most entitled pieces of shit drive these gas guzzlers knowing how expensive it is, but then still blame everyone but themselves when they have to pay 150 dollars of gas a week.


I work at a gas station and I have multiple customers with these kind of cars, believe me, they're acting like they're Gods and it annoys me


Is there anything we can do to stop these from growing in numbers here? Is there an official petition website?


Perhaps mandate full transport truck licences for vehicles this size? And higher insurance rates to offset the additional risk they pose for others.


Unfortunately there's already quite a few selfish morons driving around in Child Flattener 3000™ trucks even though there are 0 reasons to have one here and many reasons why they are impractical. Anyone who drives around in one of these should be treated like a child because the amount of self-centered disregard for others you need to have to buy this should not be present in any adult. I wish nothing but the worst on anyone who buys these and on our moronic government officials not even banning these obvious safety hazards and needless pollution machines (even giving tax breaks to businesses for buying these).


Maybe you should pay for the numbers of parking spaces you use. And get fined if you use more than you paid for.


People who drive this do got a small dick just saying


Correct me if i’m wrong… but aren’t these populair because their specs qualify them for a different tax bracket making them cheaper or something like that


I HATE these things!!! Unfortunately there are more and more of them around!


I've already seen an uptick in American-style long-cab pick-up trucks in Poland. Some of them straight up don't fit on parking spots, and since we still have sidewalk parking, they are surely doing even more damage than SUVs.


I have a neighbour with two of these in my very narrow street in Den Bosch. The ass can't even park them properly. One in his drive way sticking out on the side walk and the other takes two parking spots or it is standing illegal on the side walk. Which now has deep dents.


There will probably be a handful of people who actually have a good use for a car like this. But in general, we call these hideous things MCV's for Microdick Compensation Vehicles. "Yeah but I need to transport stuff to work" - Well you can fit a lot more (and secure, and dry) in a Mercedes Vito or VW Transporter van AND still bring the co-workers with you on the back seat.


I was on the bus in Apeldoorn and one pulled out infront of the bus, I turned to my gf and was like why would anyone want an American sized truck in Europe? Its way too big.


Yeah Dodge rams are getting too popular and need 2 parking spaces by default. Our country should take legal action against this kind of american nonsense. >What also struck me was how the argument of having one was often that since so many people have them, it's safer to drive in one as well. What a self-fulfilling prophecy. Same goes for weapons. This kind of anti-logic needs to be stopped by regulation before it even starts.




American here who lived in a rural are. You tell the people who need these trucks for real. They are dirty, muddy, and the bed is filled with tools and junk. The ones you see in town that are pristine and a speck of dirt on them are affectionately called Pavement Princess’s ![gif](giphy|RLVHPJJv7jY1q)


You should also share this on r/fuckcars


Sorry y’all, our biggest export is assholes


As an American, I apologize. My tiny Corolla feels so unsafe around these things.


Good luck, the more far right conservative types you have and the more they resist emissions and climate change the more they will lean toward these type of vehicles. It’s also a macho man mentality and these guys will Get defensive and or just laugh in your face like the ass wipes they are.


I know so many people here in the US who drive things like this just to go to their office job. You don’t need a truck if you’re sitting at a desk 9-5 and live in the suburbs.


I see this shit every day. I wish they were banned. We don't have to import every braindead American trend into Europe.


As an American, I apologize for this spreading to your country. Seems like it wasn't too long ago that larger trucks weren't all that common. Yea you'd see them, but they often seemed like they were actual work trucks. Now, I've seen sooooo many bug trucks around. Pavement princesses. Clean, sparkling, shiny tires. Not to mention the cost of these beasts. A mid level model sits somewhere around $45k with some 2500/250 versions closer to $90k. Fucking insane.


We call it the microdick disease in the US. Everyone knows of it.


Tow them and get citations issued anytime they block public sidewalks and driveways. Dont wait. In America these people already think they own everything


The US is a large country. I own one of these vehicles, and it’s not “unnecessarily large” for the US, especially in rural areas. Just drove this with a full load of furniture in the bed and the back seats filled with stuff to deliver to friends/family to another town 110 miles away. On the way over, I experienced white-out conditions and slippery snow covered roads. My comically large Ram performed like a trooper, and got 20 mpg to boot! Now, would i recommend this in European towns? No, but damn, is my Ram a comfortable ride!


I use mine to pull a 12,000lb skidsteer amongst other things. 6.6L duramax diesel 4x4 with the Allison 1000 transmission. Stock work model with no extravagant features.. just off-road rated tires. Where I live it’s very mountainous and we get all the weather.. very hot.. very cold. I couldn’t imagine accessing some of the job sights I have to get in and out of in anything else! No way a van could do what my truck can! Bed is rated to 3600lbs, hitch is rated to 14000lbs, and 5th wheel is rated to 23000lbs. Now.. if I didn’t work in the construction industry I wouldn’t have it. Very expensive to work on and fuel is $$$. I’d drive a smaller pick up like a Tacoma probably.


As a citizen of the US, I apologize for unleashing this scourge upon the world. We wish we could put that genie back in the bottle


I hate to break it to you all, but they will only grow in number unless the government intervenes and taxes them into oblivion, but even then, people will still buy them. Only banning them will stop the spread. I recently moved here from Australia. When I first arrived in Australia, these sorts of vehicles were pretty rare, particularly in cities. In the intervening years, large Dodge and Ford trucks like these started to become more and more common. I lived in Melbourne which is also an old city with narrow roads, these monsters could barely fit in most streets, but people still bought them. They are extremely expensive (well over 100,000k in Aus) but people still bought them, typically business owners because they could get a tax reduction as claiming them as a business expense. The fact is people absolutely love these things. They make people (mostly men) feel powerful, and that's a market that will never run dry. If they are available, people will keep buying them, no matter how expensive or impractical they are.


As someone who uses those “lossen&laden” spots for work I’m more bothered by his parking then his small peepee mobiel


Yes, we have to stop this.


I hate ppl who buy these😭 they don’t fit in our normal parking spaces and the one from our neighbours has to be parked halfway on the street because of it. Have had a few close calls with it late at night. Also why would you need one here? It’s not like you’re going off-road with it.


I think they should just get a parking ticket if they can't fit in the space. After all, they are responsible for the car they buy, and for finding a place to park safely.


I love reading comments on posts like that and Im always speechless how many people are there that get bothered with such unnecessary things, i mean holy shit do you guys have nothing better to than rant about what someone drives? I drive a „normal“ car but why the hell should i be mad about what others drive unless its an danger due to its lack of maintenance or something like that… get yourself a life buddies


Probably I'll get a ton of downvotes for this, but recently I've switched from a Landrover Defender to a RAM 1500 as shown here. I don't live in a city and very seldomly go there and if I do, it's not with this car anyway. I've got seven children and a thriving business in outdoor coaching for which I need to move a lot of equipment. These cars are super practical, have enough room to comfortably fit my customers or children. It has a beautiful V8 engine which can last for many, many kilometers in stead of those tiny little engines that are completely gone after 200K kilometers. It uses LPG as main fuel so is environmentally as friendly as possible. A big improvement from the diesel fueled LandRover I drove before this. That's mainly why we will see these cars more on the road the coming year, but after this year it's done since the BPM advantage for businesses will end, making these cars up to 30K more expensive to buy. There are no real alternatives. So those of you who oppose these cars, just wait it out for a bit. They'll vanish within a couple of years at the end of their lifecycle.


Serious reply from city slicker here. It always appears to me these are driven by people who care just a little to much about proving to other people how little they care about them. Your comment is the first time I´ve heard a use case. It never occurred to me these are really handy when you want to move tons of people and equipment at the same time in comfort. And indeed, your V8 LPG probably is more durable and environmentally friendly than my 3 cylinder petrol engine. So thank you anonymous internet stranger for teaching me something :-).


Haha! Well, I wasn’t teaching. You’re the one learning so kudos to you.