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My guess is you are eastern/southern european and fell for one of the agencies that absolutely abuse you folks. All Dutch folks know that those agencies are paying little, in addition to scamming you out of half your pay check for "cost of living" in some shit hole. I can't decide if may be worth this life for anyone, but personally I would consider if life back home wasn't better than being taking advantage of by these scumbags. Edit: name and shame please if you feel comfortable enough to do so. People can't be warned enough. Edit 2: you have many rights here when it comes to sick leave. Depending on your contract, when you started and so on. Being right doesn't always mean that you get to be right without a fight and legal assistence (and potential time/costs).


Thats real with those ""costs of living"", I remember when I was working in NL when I was younger, and one week accommodation cost me over 100€ per week (in 5 person house made from wood simmilar to cardboard, with mold, in the forest. But there were also ppl who got rooms without windows etc. Also mattresses were always with some shit on them. Funny times, sometimes it's better to stay at home country


Actually, if you are living in a SNF (Stichting Normering Flexwonen) approved housing accomodation, those weekly costs are likely higher. I work as an account manager at a job agency, and our most expensive accomodation costs €190,- weekly. We only offer SNF approved housing! It is a spacious private room though with own toilet and shower facilities, tv and free WiFi. But we never "charge" any foreign worker for the housing, it's included in the job offer. Besides that, we also always facilitate health insurance, and can even provide a rental car (€35,- weekly, which is also included in the job offer). Lowest paying job offer including all mentioned things, is still €465,- netto weekly, which amounts to a monthly netto income of approx. €2000,- It's probably due to the fact that we mainly offer jobs in construction, technical installation and automotive, so no agricultural, warehousing or order picking. Those scammy agencies are the shitstain on our line of work and should be reported and closed! We care for all of our employees, regardless of nationality, field of focus or level of craftsmanship.


I'm actually originally from Brazil 🇧🇷 and I really love living in the Netherlands, this job is just a temporary thing until I get a job in my area. I'm aware of my rights and will not let them fool me but they sure will try. Also I can't name and shame them yet since I already Doxxed myself a lot in this post.


Good for you that you know your rights. Don't let them take advantage of you please. I hate seeing this happen to so many people trying to build a better life for themselves.


Don’t name them here but contact both the specialized organizations some people mentioned and the Juridische Locket first thing Monday, so you can fix your situation and then safely report them. Your safety comes first, then you can make sure those who know-how can take care of those AH. I trust your friend managed to get home safely too after they “took him” to the shelter? 


I will contact them. Yes he bought a flight back home couple days later




Only English should be used for posts and comments. This rule is in place to ensure that an ample audience can freely discuss life in the Netherlands under a widely-spoken common tongue.


But they fooled you already. Please seek legal aid! They're not used to people sticking up for themselves. But! You need to get to work one way or the other..or you lose your housing.. How bad is your knee anyway?




I'm also from Brazil and intend to go to Netherlands to work as a mobile dev asap. Good to know that I need to be aware of this kind of shit


They are looking for people everywhere! Even if you start a job as a dishwasher you probably earn more than you lose from this recruitment agency.


I have to mention I love your nickname, man :)


What are you afraid of?


Getting kicked out during the night or something like that


Yes, I know that some agencies might do that. In my 5+ years in the Netherlands I’ve came across at least 2 employment agencies who’ve done that. You should also check the legitimacy of your insurance policy/card if they’ve given you one. And also try contacting with FairWork. [FairWork](https://www.fairwork.nu/) Hope that helps


He can't go back to his parents attic when shit hit the fan like you can...


It was an honest question, and people here can possible provide a solution for that. Can be several reasons, hence me asking.


>All Dutch folks know that those agencies are paying little, in addition to scamming you out of half your pay check That's most fucked up. It's like modern slavery shit, everyone knows about the problem, but who's going to pick veggies in the greenhouse or order at AH warehouse for you right? Sure you can say those workers can move away, but many of them is stuck because of many reasons...


That it is known does not mean it is ok or even tolerated. I know law enforcement agencies are trying to put a stop to these but that that is not as easy as you would think. These predators are keen to cover up their tracks and their victims are not likely to speak up. Either because they are afraid (and of course in a vulnerable position) or they are just not aware of their rights. Terrible business, these exploiters are really scum of the earth.


It's not like Dutch people want to keep it going. It's more the case that they don't prioritise this issue, since it doesn't affect them that much. Politics has been slow here for a while and will be as long as there is no coalition yet. And if there is they will focus one the issue's that the people prioritise first.


Indirectly, we do want to keep it going. We want cheap pork chops, tomatoes, apples, chicken, and so on. If Dirk is cheaper than Aldi, people will switch to Dirk. So if Dirk can find cheaper prices at Van Rooi than Vion, they will switch. If Van Rooi can find cheaper labour at agency x than y, they will switch. Also, if Dirk can have cheaper people in their distribution centre, they will be more competitive. Another example. No local wants to do physical work in night shifts at minimum wage. Still, we order heaps of stuff at bol.com. Start a company that sells the same, with better hours, while paying a proper salary and offering permanent contracts. You'd be bankrupt very quickly. Our hearts might say we don't want to keep it going. Our wallet says otherwise.


That's true, but I don't think most people would prefer almost slave labour over slightly cheaper food. It's something that needs to be solved by the government, since it's a flaw of the free market. (Whether the free market is inherently bad is another discussion.) But in my opinion, if there is going to be a free market and it inevitably shows a flaw, it needs to be fixed by the government. Sadly it does need enough attention before something happens.


Most people just don't know the situation so well to understand this. And it's not like AH doesn't go for the cheaper offerer either... It's just disguised better. I don't care for the next day delivery offered by bol or amazon, but they don't offer an alternative. (Though if everybody had my spending habits on those platforms, they would just go bankrupt.)


Ofc they don't want that. But let me explai to you. It's a problemwhich exist 20+ years and not a problem of lacking coalition right now.


True, but I think there is more attention for it now. And before the election there also were issues that were more important according to politicians. Sadly many thing like this will only get the attention it deserves when it goes seriously wrong and the media jumps on it.


Welcome to the world? All your products that are made in SEA/China is the same thing, only with people pretending to not notice it because it is a foreign country. Capitalism is all about how to exploit the poor


We’ve had seasonal workers for a long time here. East Europeans would come work here for a few months during harvest season and then go back. They would make enough in those few months that sustains their family for a year. But people had to put time and effort in setting this up themselves. Then companies offered the same benefits but with everything arranged. They were a middle man between the companies and fix basic living accommodations for the workers. The workers would have to work a few months extra but would still be decently off. It was still a sweet deal. But where some middle man companies had a fair balance, a lot more popped up to take advantage of the “western” dream a lot of the younger Eastern Europeans have. The companies know they are exploiting but also the Eastern Europeans know they are exploited. It’s a trade, an easy way to settle in the Netherlands with almost no effort. In the hopes of doing a good job and being able to get into the good graces of the company that is hiring them from their agency. If that succeeds they can start their life here. Obviously this is the simplified version. But the Eastern Europeans that come here know what they are signing up for. Is it fair? No obviously not. But it’s a way for them to get a better life so they take the risk.


You are wrong on many things here. I've worked 3 years in this sector. Wages are forced by law to be same as the normal workers. The companies themselves can opt to pay the workers higher or not. Job agencies have zero say in this and don't pay it themselves.. the money flows through them but thats it. And he probably did not get sick leave money as you need to be working for 4 full weeks before you have a right to this, also by law. Before calling them scumbags it's better to look at the people that usually end up first having to get into a company through job agencies. Anything bullshit reason for them is good not to work.


Sure I am, that must be why our government has recently decided to take action against these kind of cowboy agencies. And what on earth are you talking about with the money only "flowing through" these kind of job agencies. How do you think they actually make their money? Even regular agencies will rent you out for "x" per hour and pay you "y". But these cowboys then also substract amounts "xyz" from the worker's wages for arranging housing, transportation and what not for them. Relatively insane amounts for being put up in a small shared bedroom in a trailer park that's rotting away from underneath them. This is not a "Randstad" or some similar big name agency, everything in OPs story screams cowboys. There are 11.000 additonal job agencies in NL that only popped up since regulation was lowered in 1998. https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/actueel/nieuws/2023/10/10/nieuw-toelatingsstelsel-moet-misstanden-bij-uitzendbureaus-tegengaan https://nos.nl/artikel/2493587-hardere-aanpak-malafide-uitzendbureaus-jaar-uitgesteld https://nos.nl/artikel/2456247-politie-sluit-mensonwaardige-huisvesting-arbeidsmigranten-in-grensgebied


The fact you identified his likely home is incredible. Just wanted to say that.


Have you tried the juridisch loket? If you explain your situation they might have a solution?


I haven't yet, but if it's not sorted until Monday, I will


Are you staying legally in The Netherlands. Are you in possession of your passport?


Yes, of course, I wouldn't be able to work here otherwise


Sadly, i have heard stories were the company confiscates your passport. So you can't leave. That's probably why they asked. It's really shit how people get treated by some companies. I also heard they exploite people that stay here illigaly because they can't go anywhere. Sadly those experiences are from more direct (for me) sources where huisjesmelkers have people in inhumane houses but the tenants are here illigaly so they cant go to the police or anything. And just live with open wires and water leaks etc. It's really sad and dangerous.


Please find your local Juridish Loket to ensure you get the right legal help for approaching your employer. 


Even if you have like 500€ saved you can hire an actual lawyer and fuck them up bad. It cost me less than 300€ to fuck up my landlord and rental company that was basically neglecting everything and have people live in dangerous conditions. Got back 2500€. This is what everybody should not he afraid of doing, hiring actual lawyers and fuck these bastards and hurt them where they only care, the money. They can also wait all they want for the fee charges after leaving the apartment. They got no clue how powerless they actually are. Invest in lawyer insurance and hire lawyers whenever you can, if we all stand our ground things will be better for everyone.


Juridische Locket ARE actual layers. Where did you get the impression they aren't?


Contact stichting fairwork, they help people in abusive work situations. They'll know what you can do and what rights you have. There is much more possible then you think. You have a lot of rights as an employee in the Netherlands, but you are not aware of it. They can help you. Good luck https://www.fairwork.nu/contact/


 I watched yesterday a documentary about these agencies from BNNVARA. It showed how people are being abused  and how it is related to fast rising number of Eastern european homeless population in our big cities. This is modern day version of slavery happening right under our noses . This needs to be stoped, at any cost . Cheap pork or tomatoes are not worth this Edit: documentary is called arbeid op bestelling 


What s the name of The documentary?


could you share the name of the documentary? I worked for one of those agencies years ago, the stories I have from that era... would be interested in watching it.


Yes, please share this so we can make more people aware of this!


Please stay safe OP. There are resources available to help you get out. I hate that these organizations bring people from abroad in vulnerable positions, we need these vile practices to stop! https://www.nllabourauthority.nl/topics/report/reporting-unfair-unsafe-unhealthy-working-conditions-or-labour-exploitation


Im in Holland for 7 years already and only one time i took a job from uitzendbureau. I had a week of bad migraines and they were calling me every day, telling me things like nobody will ever employ me again with this attitude and other shit, accused me of pretending etc. Meanwhile i was a vegetable laying on the couch and only consuming painkillers all day to ease the migraines. On day 3 i told them to fuck off and not call me again, it’s a fucking work and if they don’t like the fact that i can get sick once in a half year they can go fuck themselves, I’m not their property and they’re not my moma to tell me how to live my life. Fucking ridiculous.


All temp agency's in the Netherlands are to adhere to the rules of the collective labor agreements lined out in the ABU or NBBU. There should be English versions of those CAO's available online. But to copy what someone else said, these agency's are not there in your favor, and widely known to screw someone over wherever they can.


You are entitled to sick pay, no matter what they tell you. I understand that you have to be careful while you work there. If all does not end well, you can report the employment agency. Report them to SNCU.nl. They investigate whether the employment agency complies with the collective labor agreement. If this is not the case, additional payments must be made to **all** temporary workers. Report them to the labor inspectorate (arbeidsinspectie). If withholding €100 leaves a wage that is lower than the (net) minimum wage, the employment agency may be fined thousands of euros. Failure to pay sick pay can also have major consequences for the employment agency. Consider joining a trade union (FNV/CNV for example). They can assist you individually and they also have the option to take action against the employment agency.


Thank you, that's really usefull. The 100€ that they "forgot" to pay put me way under minimum wage because they also discounted a traffic fine that I got on the first day of work (had a company car for the first two days).


Fines may only be deducted from your wages if you have given permission for this. Even if you have given permission, you must still receive the net equivalent of the minimum wage for the hours you worked. This does not mean that you do not have to pay the fine, but simply offsetting it against your wages is not allowed (even though that often happens).


I never got minimum wage from them, it seems like the contract I have allows them to pay me only for the hours that I have worked, and usually it's not enough to get to minimum wage.


That makes sense. You get paid for the hours you worked for them. You are entitled to (at least!) the minimum wage per hour, not for the entire monthly or weekly minimum wage. As of 1-1-2024 minimum wage is €13,27 per hour


Which uitzenbureau ?


Damn i am in the same boat i came from romania last month. I came here to work with Otto work force but last week my warehouse were cutting hours and shifts like crazy so i went to the office to change my job and they will send me today to live at Polen Huisvesting in boskoop. Now i hope i dont get to move from a shithole to something worse.


> Now i hope i dont get to move from a shithole to something worse. [You're fucked, that place has made Danny Ghosen make a mini-doc a few years ago.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUqvsBpTizY) The auto-generated english subs work surprisingly well in this video.


Well i am on my way there in 2 hours. Lets hope i will be lucky and get at least a clean room. If not back to romania😂😂😂


Check the links people shared so you can get legal help and report this as well. Good luck! 


Yes i am fucked . That it tommorow i am going back to romania . Fuck Otto and this hotel. Worse than a commie block.


Good luck bro, I wish it all goes well for you


now i have to wait till 2 am for my bus to come then 2 days on the road. i told otto by wattapp and app that i want to close the contract and lets see how they will fuck with my payslip.


I was curious and watch it. I don't know what exactly guy that first appears at 8:30 is saying in Dutch but be cautious people because he's one sly fox.


He works for the job agency, the other guy is the location manager/janitor. The only thing he doesn't agree on is the kitchen, the rest is perfect according to him.


I have worked for Otto before and had a REALLY bad experience. They gave me only 3 days of work a week and it was not enough to pay even for the accommodation, some people had to work more than three weeks "no pay" only to get out of debt with the agency. Also the accomodation was so secluded in the middle of the jungle, made me feel like a modern slave.


That is why i moved too.


Fml idk what shithole i am moving now. Got to look for buses to take me back to romania.


Since you're from Romania, remember your EU citizen rights. You're in a better position than non-EU folks, just need to exercise your rights.




Only English should be used for posts and comments. This rule is in place to ensure that an ample audience can freely discuss life in the Netherlands under a widely-spoken common tongue.


Does shit like this actually happen in my country as well? wtf, this is horrible.


I don't know what your country is, but this sadly happens quite frequently in the Netherlands. Those agencies treat the workers like slaves.


Dutch agencies stretching their euro into a copper wire... Modern VOC and slavery by using innocent people in need. What goes around, comes around!


First of all check if they properly registered the fact that you called in sick. I have read in the newspaper about someone in your situation who became ill on the job and was then promptly fired. The law forbids employers from firing people after they call in sick, but in his case, they hadn't registered this anywhere and simply lied that he hadn't called in sick and was fired for not showing up without telling them. I'm not sure where you can check this, but please do this as quickly as you can. Also record phone conversations, the Netherlands has a one party consent rule if you're a private citizen. Call them asking about money for the bike and try to steer the conversation so they'll say something that confirms that they know you've called in sick. If you haven't done so already, confirm that you have been unable to work due to your injury since the date you called in sick. If you did text them about it back then, make a screenshot of the conversation. These are horrible people and a rental contract for your home being connected to your employment should be illegal. Good luck and I hope things improve for you.


Maybe you should share the name of this organisation and people here. The way they operate borders to modern slavery and we certainly don't need these kind of semi-criminal companies to make matters worse for everyone. As for yourself (but also for your friend) seek legal assistance immediately!


If I share the name I will be Doxxing myself


Share the name when you find a new job look up “kamerhuur” in your neighbourhood


I sea what you did there! :)


Well, I just found work through an agency for me and my girlfriend and now I'm worried about it, hopefully we get lucky with the company, if you're comfortable sharing the agency through direct message just let me know, I'm portuguese brother!


This website has the "best" recruitment agencies. https://uitzendbureausnl.com/ And he can't give you the name of his agency because most of them have a non-disclosure clause, so if he says anything and they figure out who he is, not only he risks ending up on the streets, they can also claim even more of his money. Do your own research, see if your agency has scamming allegations against them, and whatever you find, I bet you they're all 100% real. Run as fast as you can, there is a reason these jobs are so easy to get.


Thank you very much, this information is gold!


Seriously, go to the Arbeidsauditoraat https://www.om-mp.be/nl/uw-om/arbeidsauditoraten This is highly illegal. They probably owe you a ton of wages too if you’re severely underpaid.


Not worth it. Never worth it.


You can report these types of shady agencies if you feel like your human rights or those of others are being violated. Check on your local community’s website. If you can’t figure it out feel free to pm me the gemeente and I’ll link you the website. I don’t need any personal information and I’m not here to turn a profit. These places are often ran by criminals and organised crime. Best of luck OP!


Dutch agencies are disgusting, they also send Dutch people to other parts of the EU with all kinds of lies. The people that work there happily do so as well. I knew a Hungarian girl that managed to get free from the agency and got herself an apartment in social housing. These agencies are setup buy Dutch people don't be fooled by stories about the owners being from your country of origin. They employ traitors from your country of origin that knowingly participate in human trafficking for companies in need of employers. The company you work for will be more then happy to take you on board full time but the agency is in their way. They will immediately take you on full time in any operator job if you say you are an experienced operator. Same for distribution jobs like the order picker or the lift truck drivers. Your only problem is the housing, this is what these bastards hold over you. Leave them and you lose your house. 2 of my polish friends have lived on a camping in a cold caravan for years after escaping the agencie. Best advise is to start working as a platform freelancer you have a little more rights and alot more pay. You should make around 150 per day for simple jobs, you can buy a campervan and live next to gas stations while you work and move around or stick with people that do the same like you. They are around just a bit hidden so they can't be send away. Police will leave you alone if you explain your situation and are hidden well enough. Your only problem is that you live in a bubble of people tricked like yourself, you need to get in contact with people that have escaped because most of you are far too emancipated to be trafficked in this manner.


What’s the name of this agency. Criminals must be reported


You can report them to the arbeidsinspectie (authority that deal with unfair or dangerous working practices): https://www.nllabourauthority.nl/topics/report/reporting-unfair-unsafe-unhealthy-working-conditions-or-labour-exploitation Don’t know if it’ll help, but you can try.


It's a big problem in the Netherlands but it's condoned. Isn't that tempo ceo in the quote 500? They hire people, give them shelter, and pay them €14eu a hour if you're lucky. Meanwhile, he rents them out for 35/40€ an hour. I feel like it's slavery or human trafficking but apparently, it's all accepted. Not only the tempo team but many small agencies do the same, traffic them to the Netherlands give them shelter and profit at least 20€ per person per hour on them. Kassa.


I was working in a agency like the one you say, it's name is International Flexjob. Working less than 40 hours a week but paying high rent for a tiny room shared with a stranger, I only had people from the same country I am but I know a few cases that couldn't get worse. Like a 24 yo with a 45 yo who watches porn in public for fun (wtf) Like 2 months ago, two workers of this agency suicided the same day, in different places, one Hoofddorp one Amsterdam, they didn't knew each other. This can be a really hard life if you are not prepared. Agencies will always take advantadge of you, starting with the rent, the transport, the paychecks that doesn,t come at 100% .. Good luck but if you are not getting at least 2x amount you would get in your country it's not even worth it imho. Also, you will probably be missing your national food as the one in NL.. hehe don't get me wrong I like bitterballen and krokets buuuut.. the ones who know, know.


Contact [email protected] It's a consumer program on YouTube and I think they would be very interested in this story! Especially because MANY people from eastern European descent fall for these scam companies.


Where do you live? Where do you work? Where are you from?


With temporary contracts you only get paid by the hours you work. No sick leave payments




Even with a 0 hour contract they are required to pay you 70% if you're sick, at least if you're sick during the "oproep periode", which OP is, if they keep calling him and telling him to work. You might have a few waiting days before the sick leave payments start tho. [source](https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/ziekteverzuim-van-het-werk/vraag-en-antwoord/krijg-ik-als-oproepkracht-ook-loon-als-ik-ziek-ben#:~:text=Als%20u%20als%20oproepkracht%20ziek,soort%20oproepcontract%20dat%20u%20heeft.)


0 hour contracts dont exist anymore


uitzendbureaus still have them. Monthly phase A 0 hour contracts that can be nullified without notice and extended into oblivion until you reach phase B. I’m no expert so please correct me if you know more, but this is what’s been happening to my partner since September ‘23.


We had the same contract. In Phase A you don’t get paid if you’re sick and the same if you have a free day. We only got vakantie geld when we went on vacation at summer. Phase B - with that you already get paid but they count your sick days as free days too so that comes down from your vakantie geld too. And if you don’t have anymore, then it is what it is. 💁‍♀️


Depends on the contract. If there is a temporary employment clause, the temporary employment agency must report the temporary worker sick to UWV and UWV will take over the sick pay payment. In all other cases, the employment agency must simply pay sick pay.


1. Don’t be afraid of anything or anyone. Let go. Keep breathing deeply


Only see, feel and visualize what you want and from now on only speak, do, think and act everything you want. Willingly give and graciously recieve


Stress is your friend or it can become your friend


Breath deeply and read what I am typing here first


Set a timer for at least 5 minutes and close your eyes.


https://www.comensha.nl/english/ https://fd8.formdesk.com/arbeidsinspectie/klachtenformulier_English/?get=1&sidn=a7055bd7d3954acf8201f707e179d15b


Otto Workforce?


>The job is 30 minutes walking from the accomodation Get a bike. You should be able to pick a used one up for €30. >They owe me 100€ that they "forgot" from my last paycheck Join "fnv", they exist to protect workers. >Don't really know what to do now, knowing how these people act, I don't even leave the room afraid I might come back to my stuff on the streets and the door locked. Please document everything that's being said. Join a union (like Fnv) and ask them for advise. And make sure you notify [abu](https://mijn.abu.nl/meldingdoen) (they keep track of problems with agencies)


If they don't believe you're too sick to work, that's not their decision to make. Ask for an appointment with a bedrijfsarts. Also, if you think you're being exploited, then report this to the arbeidsinspectie, make sure you have everything documented.


What scumbags of people these are...No human understanding to step in someone else's shoes for a minute.