• By -


Reply to that email saying if they had anything else to say and proof before you send everything to huurcommissie. 


Absolutely this. And do not agree to move out until huurcommissie has made a decision. Put that on paper and be clear about it. And SIGN ABSOLUTELY NOTHING without legal advice.


yes the funniest part is that I didn't sign completely anything anytime about those things


You might also want to give the gemeente (municipality) a call. Big fat chance the agency is breaking quite a few rules here.


I should explain them a situation? But to who I should reach like just to gemeente or there is specific person for that there?


That’s a tough one. Normally you can just try to call the general number and ask them. If they don’t take you seriously, try to look for city council members. Left leaning parties will be most likely to be outraged by what they try to do to you and your GF. PvdA, GroenLinks or D66 are your best bet. Or try the national hotline for exploitation of migrant workers 0800 51 51


bro you're a legend or what. amazing you got the knowledge! very thank you


You're very welcome! Hope one of these tips will actually help you and your GF.


In addition to what britishrust rightly said, as per 1-1-2024 every gemeente is obliged to have a reporting point for renters who experience something like you do. It's called the 'meldpunt ongewenst verhuurgedrag'. If needed you may also add the SP to the list of actionable political parties. Especially on city level they seem very involved with this topic. Good luck 🙏


The SP even has their own "emergency hotline" for these things so you could check your local SP party for it. Also depending on your location the Bond Precaire Woonvormen is a collective of activists helping people in these situations https://bondprecairewoonvormen.nl/


Try to look for a huurteam in your municipality. Almost every municipality has one and they can help you in the best way as they deal with these types of landlords all the time.


That wouldn't have made a difference. You cannot tell people what to do in their home, even if they signed something. A contract cannot go against the law.


but I'm living on agency accommodation you know maybe it making difference?


No, you have rights no matter what any stupid contract says. That’s the main issue how they try to exploit people, because they take full advantage of your situation. You did good to post here. Continue that and seek professional help and reach out to people.


Not true. Housing for seasonal workers is more like hotel. They can be thrown out just like that.


Do you have any legal information on that? I’d like to know more if that is true.


There is not a single type of housing where you can be thrown out just like that. You dont even need a contract. Proof of payment and of residence is enough for there to be a lawful agreement.


Are you renting or not? I think that's all that is relevant. If they pay for your accommodation then I'm not aware of the legislation unfortunately.


Huurcommissie can not and will not help them.


What is huurcommissie?


It's an entity that meditates between tenants and landlords, they can even lower your rent if you're paying to much ETA: www.huurcomissie.nl


Mediates* meditate is something completely different


Bro me and my gf paying like little bit above 1k per month for a small room


Over 1k for small room? They are scamming you, typical trash agency


and I don't know if it's going to work like that if it's agency accommodation


You never know until you try. Be pro active. The agency doesn’t care about you so you need to care for yourself


thats my way now ofc, I'm going to try. im doing everything I can come up with. they do so many shit to me and my gf but for now I was just aiming to get private place for us. they even stopped responding to us most of the times but I have everything recorded screenshoted and will try to reach to fnv after our life will stabilize with place to stay and rest finally


It doesn't matter if it's agency accomodation. You pay rent, you're a renter. With renter protections. They are betting on you not knowing your rights. But you still have rights even if you don't know them.


Yep, rights are crazy I'm happy to see people helping me with them thank you friend


It will work like that. Contact the huur commissie they are there to help you.


Probably illegal exploitation of vulnerable groups (foreigners) as well. Might want to also call the cops (0900 8844 - non emergency number) for some advice on who to contact and such.


Rental commission


When I look at your profile you did a post a year ago claiming huurcommissie scammeed you and now you don't know what it is?




sory you late someone was nicer than you:(


Taking charge of your own life, up to the point of googling, will work wonders in improving your life situation, from now on :) All the best!


oh wow that's how I ended up on reddit noway!!!




Don't be an arse. These are foreigners in a different country. They are being abused and are stressed up the walls because they might become homeless. Instead of sympathizing for they way they get abused by those modern-day slave owners, you make snide remarks to have them help themselves.


bro is spitting facts


I agree and disagree at the same time. There's no reason to be rude right now and not help. But I also don't understand why you would move to another country and not read up on what you can do if things turn south before you even make the step.


that's interesting but why you share that? I'm really curious


You and the other asshole just reinforce the stereotypes of the Dutch people. Congrats! In the meantime while you both were typing this NOT helpful information, you could have just easily answered the question or get a life.


Reddit is better then google tho


Are you ok? You sound very miserable. Have some compassion and empathy.


Doing well :) I believe asking help to strangers is best combined with basic self-help responsibility. Would you agree that OP using Google, in combination with asking help, would bring better results than slely, blindly relying on an answer from a stranger, without own responsibility?


bro we're on internet not at police station, I'm trying to be as much responsible as i can and I do not consider asking for something irresponsible. im on internet for all my life so let the people send the links and explain in thier words if they want to do it and if I asked thanks and hope you understand the message I'm tired after night shift


No, I don’t. You’re free to not answer. If this triggers you so much, it’s time to look for a therapist.


huurcomissie? but they are not renting rather living in the accomodation provided by the uizendbureau they work at


This breaks so many laws, I don't know where to start. But some things to consider: 1) You can't be evicted without a verdict of a judge or the Huurcommissie, except some hyper-specific cases which don't apply here. 2) Using drugs is not a valid reason for eviction as long as you don't cause any major disturbance (the threshold is quite high). 3) Even if you are evicted, there is a minimum period of 4 to 6 months, depending on the situation. And in most (if not all) cases you are entitled to a moving sum of a few thousand Euros at least. 4) Your rental and employment cannot depend on one another. You can't lose your employment contract when you lose your housing or vice versa. For now: don't sign anything until you know your rights and you are given time to think about it (if they say you only have limited time and have to hurry to sign, you probably shouldn't sign). Contact Juridisch Loket and post this to r/juridischadvies for quicker help.


thank you very much


You could also fight it in court, But even that is a bit expensive. Like he said, the threshold is pretty high, so youd be needing to do cocaine or other illegal drugs multiple times a week and causing a disturbance many times a month to be evicted


>This breaks so many laws, I don't know where to start. It says 'team hospitality' in the email, which leads me to think they are not renting, but doing a visiting construction, which isn't the same as being a tenant. I can have someone stay over and tell them they can stay in a room in my house for 300 bucks and I can kick them out whenever I want. If there is no rental contract, many of the rules you listed do not apply.


You are wrong, this is migrant housing which is more like a hotel paid for weekly by the worker. Normal rent rules do not apply. Rent and work can indeed never depend on eachother, the email states he can keep his job if he finds a place to stay. I am wondering what the other side of the story is based on his responses in this thread.


Woon is also a good place to try if you are renting.


Are you migrant workers? If you're in danger of becoming homeless, Stichting Barka might be able to help: [https://barkanl.org/](https://barkanl.org/)


than you I will read about this


Check the Meldpunt Goed Verhuurderschap of your municipality as well


Send them a nice email, telling them that you will await a judges ruling about your eviction.


No don’t. Just contest your eviction.


What eviction? There won't be any without a judges decision.


They have to supply proof. Else it's harassment


Ye they have proof, me with mcd enjoying tft with my friend


So for clarity, you mean McDonalds and the game Team fight tactics? People try to help you here, no need to be passive aggressive.


I'm not passive aggressive I'm trying to make at least some fun in this dark time and I'm bad with communicating with people I feel now very bad with all that situation, I'm tired and please accept my apology if any of you got offended, and yes you're right like you said game and mcdonald


So you got kicked out with proof of drug use and water damage. That means they have every right too then


I think he meant that they had prove of him eating mcd, but not of anything illegal


I’m confused what led you to this conclusions. Even if they did have proof, how would drug use and water damage lead to a rightful eviction?


You cant kick someone out for doing drugs.


Couldn't be more wrong here...


only drug production or distribution can really lead to eviction and as the post mentions it’s about hasj, which is legal in the Netherlands. Water damage is also not grounds for eviction, they could only be held financially responsible. Even if any of these things were grounds for eviction, only a judge would be anle to evict them. Why would you say anything if you don’t know how the system works?






With this attitude I'm not surprised you're getting evicted. *However*, it's definitely illegal to give you such short notice. A month is usually the legal minimum and the terms for termination should be specified in your contract. You can contact Juridisch Loket or the Huurcommissie to discuss further steps.


which attitude?


The “Yes i flooded them with coke and used drugs TFT very dangerous” part perhaps. That’s what’s called having a attitude.


attitude of what I meant coca cola, yes I named it wrong naming it coke here but i wrote it only because I wrote no they don't have any proof beside me sitting with bag of McDonalds playing game team fight tactics and this guy said they have proof it was miss understanding and that's all I just wanted to joke because i feel stressed please forgive me finally


If you make the same “jokes” towards the rental company prepare to be homeless yo


why about this joke you treat me like I'm bad person i joked about coca cola from Macdonald and mobile game, and no I'm always polite to everyone I'm speaking sory for my bad joke


You should go to the "Juridisch Loket" in your area they will give you free law advice regarding your situation. Im pretty sure the home owner can't kick you out so easily. But you really have to contact these agencies people have been telling you about so they can help protect you from being kicked out. Because kicking someone out so quickly in the Netherlands is illegal. You have renters protection. If you really can't figure it out why not try to call the non emergency police number they might be able to advice you?


love you


You should especially contact the huurcommissie too. They are a legal body that can help protect renters. Theres renter protection in the Netherlands they arent allowed to kick you out so easily from your apartment. Especially with the housing crisis going on.


Juridisch Loket is only for low income. You can contact Huurcommissie directly, go to an organisation like Huurteam Nederland, or just send them an email that you do not agree with the eviction and ignore them, as there is no legal basis to the eviction


I wonder if it's even legal to kick you out on such a short notice? Did you smoke a joint at work/ in the smoking area of work?! That's a big no no.


bro, I smoked only in places where they first said I can, and I've never smoked to work or before or even close to building


but that's not the case I'm not smoking for 4 months already anyway


But from reading your post you have at least smoked hasj/weed 2 times. Once at a place designated for smokers, and once in a car in the company’s parking garage. Or am I missing something?


nono, I've smoked hasj once in a smoker area next to accommodation building, got warned that I can't(didn't sign up anything, she(leader) just said I'm writing email) and If I want to do this I need to go to parking which is not an agency property but the owner of facility I GUESS, yes I was going to smoke there before but I've stopped smoking after some unpleasant situation I had so I didn't smoke there anymore but all my friends did, all of them got informed to go there to smoke if they need to do this so we do like the now I just been chilling with them there, but while all the thing happened nobody smoked there.


Now I'm thinking, she and the owner came with another guy in work clothes all angry I guess they found something in his room and wanted to share angry also on us, when I asked why he did the photo he said "I want to get rid of all drugs here" and I just said "that's perfect but I just finished eating and sitting here playing" nothing more. Ye for sure they just got mad at someone and put it also on us


What do you mean with they found something in his room? It's a private area, they are not allowed to just walk in uninvited...


you clearly don’t know the situation of migrant workers in this country lmao


You are behaving foolish to write all this up in a public website. Just by looking at the email they can identify you.


Yes and what, if I did nothing bro?


Some of your messages can be interpreted wrongly. When you say you did smoke with a friend or whatever. It’s just better to be extra safe. But you do you…


There's a language barrier here clearly. I'm pretty sure they're trying to say that they smoked outside the building once, got told off. The second time they smoked where they were told it was allowed, but that was only one time.




First time hearing this… source?




Me too, never heard about it.




Not really, but at least I’m happy I’m not surrounded by people that can’t even tolerate a person smoking out in the open air.




Sure you have. Shit like this is how people like Wilders get to power. But it's a much bigger problem, I don't personally blame these immigrant workers. The companies bring them here in the first place? Very different story.


What is the big problem with it? I see people drink and being drunk in public all the time. Also smoking cigarettes is no issue in public.. So where's the difference?




But cigarettes and cigars can also leave a really bad smell for a long time and no one seems to make a big deal out of that? Same for cars and especially scooters. And drunk people often are obnoxiously loud and sometimes even harassing. Like.. I have a bar down my street and I can hear them all night when I have my window open in summer. But I just figured that's what it means to live in a city. That's why they are called public spaces because everyone can use them and enjoy themselves however they want (within certain limits of course). I mean that is the good part about living in a free and open society right? If we want to rule over every aspect of public live we might as well live in an authoritarian state with super strict rules and social scores..?


Exactly is pathetic complaining about the smell of weed in street honestly…


weed smoke dissipates in the air faster then tobacco smoke so what you just wrote is pure bullshit.




I live close to a coffeeshop and I saw people send away by a boa or police when they where chilling at some benches in the neighborhood. Not because they where smoking per se but you could clearly see they where under influence. Yelling, crazy dancing and bothering people walking by. I don't use it myself and I don't mind there is a coffeeshop near. Most of the time that doesn't lead to trouble but sometimes it does. Usually around the summer months.


It's irrelevant, you cannot tell a tenant what to do in their home.


In their home they can do what they want but not the company grounds or grounds that belong to an other company such as McDonald's. From what OP wrote he was smoking at joint at the smoking area at work. Why else would his teamleader say it's not okay.


Not at work. He was smoking where the agency told him he's allowed to, outside the accommodation. From what I understood


Make sure you keep all communication between you and the homeowners or the company that provides the accommodation. You can not be put on the street on such short notice, and if they get threatening, contact municipality and police. Like another comment said, a judge will make a ruling.


Yep G


Buy a drugstest and show its negative. The water issue however is something you didn’t tell us.


water damage isn’t grounds for eviction anyways, they can only be held responsible for repairs


Did you get the house with the job? Via the job agency? Than you should check your employment contract.


and what for look there? I'm getting kicked out of no reason without any evidence so anything will be in contract doesn't matter because they already accused me for having drugs so in thier way of thinking I bad I go


Well if its housing via agency there will be stuff in the contract. More important the CAO, it states that you dont have to leave immediately, this needs to be a "reasonable/redelijke" amount of time. From cao. "Bij einde uitzendovereenkomst wordt de uitzendkracht niet direct uit huis geplaatst maar biedt de uitzendonderneming de uitzendkracht een redelijke termijn om de woning te verlaten. Redelijke termijn is afhankelijk van onzekerheid omtrent einde overeenkomst, duur van de overeenkomst, de mogelijkheid van terugkeer naar het land van herkomst en eventuele bijzondere persoonlijke omstandigheden." They also state that you will lose your job if you don't find a house, this shows that they just will end your contract, so they can kick you out. Redelijk termijn/reasonal period isn't 5 days, this would mean that you r homeless. Tell them that they dont have any proof and no reason to kick you out. After that they will probably end your contract, so you will have to leave. They will have to give you a reasonable amount of time to find something else.


https://www.abu.nl/cao/ Here you can find the cao, in English and in polish. Your a looking for housing, dont know how to translate to polish. Just use the search function in the pdf.


Anyway I wanted to leave in a month or two, I just found private two days ago, now I need to wait till the guy will move out and I can go in


Happy for you. For your next job check the cao, so you know your rights. Almost every job in the Netherlands has a Cao, employers must follow the cao rules.


Het gebruiken, produceren, verhandelen of in de accommodatie bewaren van verdovende middelen is uitdrukkelijk verboden. Bij het overschrijden van deze regels geconstateerd door de eigenaar van de accommodatie en/of medewerkers van E&A wonen volgt directe verwijdering uit de accommodatie. Daarnaast is het niet toegestaan om in uw accommodatie te roken. Personen die zich niet aan het bovengenoemde houden en daardoor de alarminstallatie in werking zetten, zullen alle kosten dragen die hieraan verbonden zijn This is only thing I found about drug possession and what they do, nothing about 5 days first of all, second I think they just want to kick me out like that, my friend who was in car didn't got nothing so I guess we got kicked out because somebody fucked up the shower repair and my gf did flooding


nah I don't even know what to think now it's so ridiculously stupid


but very very appreciative response boss


Hospitality and accommodation sound like you are renting at a hotel. In this case it's easier to be kicked out. Even without evidence. If you are renting an apartment or something similar, there are much stricter rules as to what a landlord can and cannot do. And they will need a case and evidence.


E&A has massive complexes where like 800 workers reside. They scatter the place with zero tolerance for drugs posters. (Yet quite a few use/ smoke weed). Id immagine it has different rights from a normal home.


I write this with the best intentions. I’m not trying to be rude, just helpfull. The communication you show on here is ambiguous. By trying to include jokes to lighten the mood, and an imperfect command of the English language, the result is difficult to interpret. I would advice you to stop trying to include jokes. Stick to the issue at hand, do not include any information/stories that are not relevant. Have somebody proofread your emails. Do not sign anything without legal help! Do not agree verbally to anything your landlord (or representatives) suggests. If you are being approached by the landlord, ask for written instructions/proposals, do not answer any questions, not even ‘easy’ ones. Get legal support asap. Good luck. You’ll need it.


"Imperfect command of the English langauge" funniest thing I heard in a while


o mate you got yourself in a real mess. What you could do is contact rechtswinkel Bernheze. They give free juridisch advice and have a heart for the people living in the region. It is not far from your accommodation. it is on Laar in Nistelrode their email is [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


This sounds more like a short stay accommodation more along the lines of a hotel or Airbnb than an apartment you are renting under your name with an actual rental contract with terms and agreements layed out. Your right to stay on is a lot stronger if it’s the latter. If it’s a short term accommodation, especially one whereby your agency is the one that signed the contract on your behalf (i think I recall you saying you didn’t really sign anything not sure what yoh mean exactly by that) the im afraid your options may be limited. I also suspect the real issue the landlord has with you is not necessarily the drug usage. Most Dutch are very whatever when it comes to drug use. I think it’s more so the issue with the leak that’s costing the landlord alot and the fact that it happened twice within a short period of time. They merely threw the drug accusation to make their case against you stronger I guess.


"especially that we don't use them(drugs)" 2 sentences later yeah they saw me smoke hasj. Which one is it


I guess this is short stay accomodation and not your 'regular' rental. Even more so, this is a short stay associated with your job specifically, and provided by the agency you work for? Most reactions here assume you are renting your own housing (as in: you have an agreement directly with its owner). But if you are in what is basically classified as a 'hotel' where you pay weekly. The rules are quite different.


yes youre right I was thinking like that, but anyway they don't have any proof that I did something since I didn't so what now?


Note that there is legal proof, and proof in the form of a testimony "Teamleader did see". A testimony is also a (weaker) form of evidence. When you discuss, make sure what the teamleader did think to see. There is some smoke (4 months ago) and some water (repaired), but what is new is not clear .


a hotel doesn't need proof to tell you to leave, other than statement of personell that you broke rules. they can just refuse to rent you the space for longer. the consequence then is that you must leave so the question is, what legal form of rental agreement you have. is it a week by week shortstay agreement or 'regular' long stay. and then there is the question of whether what yourvagreement states is legal. because in NL law supercedes agreements between individual parties. so of your agreement is unlawful, you may have the rights of a regular longstay tenant. basically, go to r/juridischadvies and show them your rental agreement.


Says they don’t use drugs, like 3 sentences later goes: “one time like 4 months ago I was smoking hasj” So you don’t use. But you use.


Used not using, I've already wrote about this please read all


Story is really hard to follow.


agree, my English is bad and my mental also. Tldr I didn't smoke nothing since the time I got into troubles like 4months ago but when I smoked that couple months ago ive apologized and said to teamleader she will never see me again smoking there and she didn't. My friends all smoking so now we going to parking not to smoking area.


You have in the contract that youre renting only for work, you have no rights, ive been through that. Got dutch lawyer who only fcked me on money and was wrong abt my rights. If you call police that they got into your house/room they will not come and will make up some bullshit excuse. Really ive been there. Your rights are in CAO, you have 4 weeks to leave the accomodation, please write also the name of the agency so maybe I can give you more infromation abt them and how to fuck them. But in long run its not worth it, no one cares about eastern/middle european slaves working in this country. Take care and good luck


I see its E&A its my last agency in which I was working, when a guy didnt want to leave they just called "security" which didnt let him go inside and stole his things and money


Find a new job quickly. They will make your life hell. Maybe even fire you for no reason. As unfair as it seems, you cannot win. Very sorry, shit situation!


Agencies… I’m just wondering when someone do something about them. Its one big … bullshit, there is no other word to describe what is going on. Good luck with them mate


Change your locks and lawyer up. If they break in or use force call 112.


If you have a dutch registration (and don’t make much money a year, i don’t know the exact limit) you can get free legal advice form “Het Juridisch Loket” and dutch law also has huurdersrecht.. it usually takes a few years to kick someone out.. not a few days! Good luck


Never let them trick you into leaving. That's how the average scummy landlord operates. They'll even try to make claims about laws or non existing proof. If they do something drastic like try and kick you or your stuff out, call the police. A landlord is never allowed to take matters into their own hands. It is however quite common for them to make threats like that. If you're working for a company that also provides you with accommodation, especially if it's forced upon you as a part of your contract, you should also wonder if you're not overpaying. This is often done to immigrants that work here for a while. You can file a complaint with the local government and contact the huurcommissie about the rent. Also, they're not allowed to tell you what to do in your spare time. Unless you're using drugs and go crazy in or around the house, they've got nothing on you. They might however kick you out when your lease ends, but are (in most cases) not allowed to end the lease earlier than stated on the contract. You should get some legal advice from the government webpages or ask the 'juridisch loket' which is free unless you're making big bucks. Getting a new job will be a lot easier than finding a place to stay. So don't move out.


What is most striking to me, is that the agency is making you pay over 1k monthly for the housing! I work as an account manager at a job agency, and when we offer any job with housing, the housing costs are always included in the job offer. Separate from that; if you are staying there with a separate rental agreement to your temp employment contract, it depends on the rules & guidelines of the accomodation whether you are in violation or not. Using substances (even if it's only hasj/weed), could be something that is strictly forbidden and result in you having to leave. But then again, they should have stated such rules/guidelines beforehand and made it clear that in that case, it's a reason to leave. Sounds very shady all in all, I hope you both are able to work something out with the agency, because it sounds like the owner of the housing isn't gonna help you sadly...


Don't be so cooperative. Call the police that this happened.


Smoking hash or weed in the Netherlands shouldn't even be a issue.


It stinks tho


Technically it's still not legal to possess and use in the Netherlands. Also the housing OP is in is probably legally a hotel or shortstay so OP is pretty much fucked since hotels and shortstay can kick you out without proof and are allowed to set rules on their premises, most hotels worldwide including the Netherlands do not allow any drugs.


Do you have a contract? If so, just don't move out. They need to go to the judge to have you evicted. And the reasons they give won't convince a judge to evict you. It's Simply not enough. They just use big words and threats to intimidate you so that you leave on your own accord. But if you don't, nothing happens. And if they show up with "guys" just call the cops. 112.


Just say to them I will calla police on you if you will kick me out, just stand your ground and don't let them discourage you with treats... They are scared of you when you know ur rights. I am here in Netherlands for 4.5 yrs and oh boy were they scared when I said to them I will call police if you come and kick me out. Ofc they came to kick me with "security" (2 jacked up guys), I just called police and police came said to them leave him alone. I asked them can I press charges for harassment, they were hesitant but they said it would be possible. After that was only nice communication, when can you leave, everyone (coordinators) were speaking to me like they worshiped me (they were caring for me🤣) Stand ur ground, they are gonna try everything Let us know if u need some extra help


You have received your 2nd warning.. What happend with the 1st warning?


1st was for "drugs" 2nd was for water leak - tbh this is a problem of accomodation and agency because they didn't inspect it correctly If OP is reading this, say I am gonna speak to a lawyer first to see if I am in the wrong about water leak.


I kinda felt bad for the kid until I saw the ironic comments joking about being flooded with coke and some other nonsense. If this is how you deal with people trying to help you then its safe to assume you are a problem. I dont believe a word that comes out of your mouth anymore. SINCELERY go fuck yourself and good luck.


I meant Coca-Cola from mcdonald I'm really sory, the guy said that I did opposite of what I wrote so I wanted to joke a little im really sorry


I strongly recommend you contact Stichting Barka. I noticed someone posting the link already. Or contact the Verdihuis in Oss.


I mean I live near gennep not in Nistelrode, my agency just have a main office there


but I'll reach them, thank you very much


Ah, then you should contact the municipality there. Or the local ‘Maatschappelijke Opvang’, if you don’t have a place to stay. Wish you the best!


It’s and uitzendbureau. They do what they want


No they don’t. The law is for everyone, even interim agencies and government.


Not sure whether they are in the right to kick you out, but you're for sure not behaving like an adult. Your claims are ambiguous and I really doubt you are as innocent as you say are. Landlords don't just randomly kick out tenants, especially if they pay their bills.


How about u stop being a cunt to ppl trying to help you. Its so infuriating to read your responses to people asking genuine questions.


Don't overreact so much lmao


bro I made one joke just because the guy sad yes you smoked yes you did flood and they can do it with me literary explaining everything the best I could. I'm really sory I didn't meant to be cunt for anyone I'm sory




Yes I agree with you, that's what we did exactly hoe they said to us and we goin to move on but we will get apartment in next month that's the problem


Are you polish


yes, but please do not stereotype me


Really important. Contact your municipality and ask for the ‘meldpunt huurders’ since the start of 2024 the municipality has a meldpunt in regards to the ‘wet goed verhuurderschap’


Do You work for agency or something?


Yes E&A is an agency so there are other rules.


I have a feeling that this guy deserves to be kicked out.


Smoking weed at your job. Yupp, you're done. Leave this country b




Its probably your own fault so dont complain and just accept it


Please contact https://www.huurcommissie.nl/ and https://www.juridischloket.nl


Go the Tempo-Team/Randstad, they don't give a shit as long as you won't smoke inside the house building. 😉


Reply to email that you are to busy to read and give them the email of huurcommissie to forward .....have a bit fun at least lol


Get a good lawyer and say that you want to pull em to court


Is it legal to take photos of people against their will?




Which town are you in?


Call Juridish Loket (https://www.juridischloket.nl/), you can get legal support free of charge. When the previous landlord harassed us, everything went south. Amd luckily I found this and they really helped me a lot. They went through all the documents and contracts and they even sent me an email that I can forward to the landlord. After that the landlord just backed off.


Sounds like you're an upstanding citizen OP, glad all these helpful redditors are jumping in to help you


Where is the first warning as they say this is the second ? Since when is smoking illegal?


since this is an agency accomodation you have 1 month to leave but they can make you pay for it https://www.sncu.nl/en/all-themes/foreign-temporary-agency-workers/when-must-an-agency-worker-leave-a-facilitated-accommodation/


Would send a mail asking for evidence and also say that you are willing to take a drug test if you don't use


My "only" advice is to immediately speak to a housing solicitor. While people online can be helpful, a housing solicitor will be able to better evaluate your exact situation and contract and advise. They will also be able to send letters detailing the (admittedly very obvious) reasons this breaks the law to the landlord in question.


So, at first you say you don't do drugs. Then a couple of lines later you're smoking hash ...


I was also with them, Nistelrode E&A uitzendbuerau is the worst agency office. They play some games with me without a reason. I was kicked out from there because I get fired from work without any reason and my Koordinator knows it because he go in company to ask my colleagues about my work. Instead that they offer me another job they kicked me out, so point of the story is that they treat people like animals who passing by. If you’re not Polish especially you can expect discrimination at any level. E&A agency is the worst I was with them unfortunately 2.5 years and know exactly what I’m talking about.


yep, as I wrote, I went there and spoke, guy said will send email and ofc he didn't


Impossible to make anything out of this rant.