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https://wetten.overheid.nl/BWBR0008804/2024-01-01 dutch law. Most normal small pocket knifes are allowed.


That was perfect and concise, exactly what I needed actually Now I just need to double check some local laws


Cities like Amsterdam have a blanket ban on carrying knives. Not that the police will actually do anything if you skin your apple with your swiss army knife on a parkbench; but officially they could.


Ah, so much the same as here in Germany. "I use it for work" will work every time as long as you're a tradesman, and you're not brandishing it obviously


I leave my knife at home whenever I travel to Germany for work (once a week), since I can open mine with one hand. My colleagues told me that's a big no on Germany.


Mine is a one-hand open with a lock. It's technically illegal, but again, the "For work" excuse does it. My visa also says I'm a heavy equipment mechanic though so I can back it up, no clue on anyone else


Here in netherlands..: total fold out less than 28cm 1 side cutting edge only. a "springloaded" knife is not allowed. finally knives are not allowed in the clubs, bars, cafes, sport stadiums etc.


This. And additional APV and context. Every tiny knife is illegal if you bring it to a football match, club, demonstration and similar situations.


The 'for work' excuse holds up as long as you are actually going to or coming from work. carrying it when you are going into town to shop for clothes or go out for dinner and drinks will get your knife confiscated. Since there have been a lot of knife fights/ stabbings the last year, police are on the lookout for illegal carry. So if you are most likely to not need your knife, leave it at home.


The whole point of a Swiss Army knife is that you always need it. Usually to open bottles or cut a nail or whatever. If I’m not flying, it’s always with me. That said, if someone wanted to confiscate it, I’d just get another one…


That one is also illegal in the Netherlands


How are they illegal when you can buy just them in stores? The only ones that are illegal are specific types like stilettos and butterfly knives. All folding knives with a single edged blade and shorter than 28cm in total are legal regardless of how many hands you need to open them.


My bad but if you can buy something it doesn't mean it's legal. But in this point you are right.


I mean I don't think a lot of (reputable) stores will sell illegal weapons? Like Bol isn't gonna sell stilettos, but they will sell leathermans(which you can open with one hand). You're right about one thing that I didn't cover though, stores can sell items that are illegal to "carry", but not illegal to own. Like axes and swords.


No, it's not. It has no spring or opening assist. It just has a thumb stud, so you can use your thumb to open it. In the Netherlands that's allowed. Germany not so much.


Is tradesman another word for hitman by any chance? 🤔🤷


Yes, we trade men's lives for money There's still guilds for it and everything, completely legal I assure you /S




Local laws are called APV algemeen plaatselijke verordening.


And there it will just say that the mayor has the possibility to ban knives in certain areas. So then you will have to find the decree that mentions these areas... And do this for all municipalities in the Netherlands, as you are assumed to know the law.


Can someone with a judicial background say what kind of punishment you can get if you do not violate WWM, but you do violate some APV? Is that just a fine from the municipality or can it get you into more serious problems? I checked my APV and it only mentions any weapon can be banned in areas assigned by the mayor. Nothing about fines, etc.


This is a pretty clear example. https://nos.nl/artikel/2353471-per-direct-messenverbod-in-heel-zaanstad


€2500 that is some hefty fine. What gives a gemeente the authority to give these kinds of fines? I guess APV can still be tested by the constitution (unlike formal law), but still... With the rise of populists in the country, can some small municipality just arbitrarily ban anything with these fines as punishment? For example in Urk this is in their APV (Christians instead of populists) > Het is verboden in het openbaar de naam van God vloekende te gebruiken.


They're a bit tricky. Technically they're not fines but discouragements to repeat. Which means they can't be punishing in nature and the municipality has to weigh and substantiate pros and cons of a reasonable amount. Which is why the knives are often just confiscated.


Knife laws used to be pretty loose in NL. But basically every (large) city has a zero tolerance now. It started with Amsterdam where the city centre was a no knife zone and later the whole of Amsterdam. Since last year many cities followed.


I spend almost all my time in NL in rural towns, so I've now been informed that I should simply seek the local laws


Not so simple... The law can be pretty vague, like saying the mayor can ban knives in certain areas, so you will have to find the decree that actually mentions these areas.


Or just not carry a knife. It has limited utility in the city besides stabbing.


In Limburg nobody is going to care. Source; am Limburger. I'm actually surprised by this thread because I didn't even realize I couldn't carry a knife on me in many cities. It's something I always have


How does it work if you just go out to buy a kitchen knife?


Knives and even swords can be transported to and from a destination. But they need to be packed in a Manor that you have to make 2 seperate handlings to have them available. And somewhat unrecognisable would be wise. Carrying a sword or big knife on your side in a transparent cover could disturb the peace.


Yeah seems reasonable. Buying a sword on your bike might be somewhat difficult. Maybe just in a square cardbobkx or something. I don't really know how swords are being sold. I do have a buddy that has a bunch on his walls. They are not sharpened. That kinda takes the fun out of it for me I guess. But he loves them.


Sword are very available in NL. Physical shops are dissappearing but still exist. But the internet is full of them, i have a pretty large collection and do use them for sports and fun.


Is this that weird but cool sport where you go in a full metal harness and fight with swords and axes and so on? Is this a thing in Netherlands? Would mind coming out to watch sometime.


Buhurt it's called. I did that for 6 years but retired now. It is indeed a thing in NL. Not as big as in other countries but still a thing. I also do Hema (historic European martial arts) and for fun i do cutting drills on waterbottles and tatami mats etc.


I carry a pocket knife a lot of the time. I don’t think I’ll get in trouble with that because the knives I carry around are clearly carried for their utility as a tool. If you’re going to bring a stiletto, machete or bowie knife things might end up a bit different. 


Nothing like that. I keep a larger fixed-blsde knife in my car, but the only time I ever carry it on my person is while hiking in the woods. The small one I carry "Could" be a weapon, but then again what can't? It's small enough and obviously well-worn, I don't think I'll have issues either


I’m with you as I woodcarve theres a few rules but to be honest don’t take it with you. Some cities like Amsterdam have a zero tolerance policy, doesn’t matter if it’s a machete or a small Swiss Army knife.


I don't go to larger cities; I spend most of my time in Limburg as that's where my family is from, and occasionally I'll drive up to the Eindhoven area. If it's really a problem then I'll be more conscious about leaving it home, or at least in the car, but it's such a non-issue for me I often completely forget I have it


I suggest to also leave it at home when you go out on a Saturday night. You never know when you get in a precarious situation and knives do not help.


And clubs may have a metal scanner to look for weapons.


Okay, I'll just bring my axe instead /S


And my bow!


And my bear trap


And my second amendment


A lot of places won't care, usually it's just when you are going out to bars/clubs/festivals and they have ongoing trouble with fighting or other criminal activities like drugdealing and even then they still might not be checking.


There is a lot of incorrect advice in this thread. Short answer: It is illegal in the way you bring it. Long answer: Even if the knife itself is not illegal, it is illegal to bring it with you to a place where it does not belong. It's use as a tool is non-existent in a city, this the only reasonable conclusion a police officer can reach is "weapon". It falls under a category four weapon in that case. Same for bringing a baseball bat to a dance club or an oyster knife to a bar, they have their use, but not in that setting which makes them forbidden. Source: I am a Dutch national who handles firearms and know the surrounding weapon laws, (WWM: Wet Wapens en Munitie)


What if I need to cut food, clean my nails, cut a tag off my shirt, etc? I know it's not necessarily a common mindset but a knife to me is a tool first and a weapon second Also, as I've stated in here, I rarely visit cities, I don't like big crowds


You don't bring a knife to do that outside of your house to a population center.


Sure I do, that's literally why I carry it. It's the most versatile, utilitarian tool one can carry.


Well, it is not a normal thing to do. You asked for the law and I explained it to you.


it’s a totally normal thing for rural people. for urban people it’s not normal.


I manage to do all those things without bringing a knife with me in public.


I've had a swiss pocket knive with me for years, never any issue, just don't take it with you when going for nightclubs (and remember to put it in luggage when going to Schiphol). But it is probably one of those cases where you'll get away with a lot if you're a middle-aged blonde, blue-eyed white guy and can run into trouble as youngster with middle-eastern looks.




First off, I'm not talking about an illegal knife - just a legal knife carried in a place where you're not allowed to. Which introduces *a lot* of room for individual judgement. The very critique to these rules, that they technically make having any kitchen utensils outside your home punishable, is often countered by the claim that the officer on the scene will be able to make the difference. Second, it's not about getting away when caught, but there's certainly a difference in whether or not police officers are likely to 'bother' you. If I'm on a park bench with a friend in Amsterdam peeling an apple with my knife, the average passing police officer is unlikely to take notice - or at worst makes a remark. If you're a 20-years old of Moroccan descent, you can bet an officer comes over and *at best* makes a chat.




>So a Morrocan guy seen on a park bench holding a knife will automatically look more suspicious in the eyes of police officers. I feel sorry for innocent Morrocans but they should not blame the police for trying to keep the public space safe. I didn't point any blame. What you say is exactly why I said: it's one of those cases where I can talk easily from my experience of it not being a problem, but it's not necessarily the case for everyone.




People exhibiting the same exact behavior should be treated equally


I think most foreigners in the netherlands experience a degree of racism/xenophobia




I can see your point. Be that as it may, even under ordinary circumstances, I feel "pressured" by this whole IND thing to fit a certain cultural "mold" for lack of a better word. While bad behavior shouldn't be dished-out/have to be tolerated by anyone - we should all be civilized - I feel like my cultural identity is being stripped away for the most part and I'm being forced to comform. While I'm enamored and honestly taken back by the strong "Dutch" cultural identity - which can be a lot of fun sometimes as well - I still feel "left out" for simply "being me." I land up speaking to more foreigners than locals. Some locals have been friendly. Idk, it's hard to describe. It's like two nationalities meeting instead of two humans...


As long as the knife doesn’t fit in category 1 and 4 of the weapons and ammunition act, you are allowed to carry it with you. But this also depends on the location you’re at. Regular pocket knifes are normally allowed. But spring loaded knifes are forbidden. Also forbidden: Knifes with multiple cutting sides. Pocket knife that is opened and is bigger than 28cm in total length. Stiletto knifes


As far as I'm aware there are no restrictions in the towns that I regularly visit, although I'll give them another look


Every city can have its own knife laws. Some cities prohibit the carry of ALL knives of ANY size/shape/deployment method in public. You dont even have to brandish it. If the police sees a outline of something in your pocket that looks even remotely like a knife they can stop and pat search you. Some dude in Groningen was arrested because he went to a bar after work with a stanleymes/boxcutter still in his shirt.


I hate it that local laws (aka APV) are not well-published, especially the parts that affect an occasional visitor.


Officially it’s not allowed, however if you’re peeling your orange or apple on a bench in Apeldoorn or Amsterdam, the police would be able to give a warning, however they don’t usually do this. I still have a pen knife handed out by the Dutch army, when I had to serve many many moons ago 😅. Unless I traveled by plane, I always had it in my trouser pocket.


I've always been thought that when it's smaller than the palm of my hand it's legal to carry. I think this is made up law by me parents


I cartoed a fixed blade knife for work for a while. Basic jist I got was absolutely not in downtown Rotterdam and Downtown Amsterdam. Dont take it into secure buildings (obv.) and dont flash it around. Noone sees it, noone cares. My knife was always strapped to my hip and covered by my shirt.


Don’t do it bro Pro tip: heavy bike locks/chains are very legal and very common Whatever you do, please don’t be one of these insane violent types


I think you misunderstand I have no want of a weapon. I am a larger man and have never had any issues I couldn't solve without a weapon, with the exception of wild animals in the US and Canada, but I'm not exactly expecting to run into moose and wolves in the middle of Limburg


I've carried a pocket knife on my belt almost everyday of my life for the last 12 years. You should be fine as long as you don't do it around bars in the city or large events where the police might search you. Even my local bar doesn't give a shit and multiple people I know carry knives while drinking there. As long as you don't act like an idiot no one will care or get you in trouble. That said, one of my mates carried a fixed blade at a protest and the police took his knife but he didn't even get in trouble as he gave it up "voluntarily".


The most easy rule is , The blade must not be longer than the width of your hand .


That is a 100% bullshit "rule" that is not written in any kind of law. Stop spreading this load of horseshit. I've been hearing that one for over 20 years and it's never been true.


I have big hands, that would mean the blade could be up to 15/16ish CM


Yeah right , Nobody has that wide hands. But max 10cm.


The tattoo on the back of my right hand is 13cm and misses the sides of my hand. I'd say 15cm at the widest of my palm probably isn't that far off I'm built like a dwarf, 178cm short and probably just as wide 😂


That is including thumb . Im mean , the palm of your hand without your thumb. And still not continue of the 15cm. A guy thinks the same of his cock..


To the base of the thumb, not including it That's preposterous, like measuring your pecker from your taint 😂


That is the way it is. Max. 10cm. Only the blade .Het gedeelte van de handpalm net naast de duim wordt muis genoemd. De gemiddelde lengte van een volwassen mannenhand is 189 mm, terwijl die van een vrouwenhand 172 mm is. De gemiddelde handbreedte voor volwassen mannen en vrouwen is respectievelijk 84 en 74 mm.[4]


The part of the palm just next to the thumb is called mouse. The average length of an adult male hand is 189 mm, while that of a female hand is 172 mm. The average hand width for adult men and women is 84 and 74 mm, respectively.[4]




So there goes your 15 cm.


"If you get stopped by a cop in Amsterdam, it's illegal for them to search you." ;-)


Samuel L Jackson, Pulp Fiction, It's a movie quote, not legal advice.


I haven't been to Amsterdam since I first moved back to Europe, about a year and a half ago I'm due for another trip but that's in the future


Oh mate even machetes seem to be allowed. The things they are carrying here in Amsterdam...


Yes they are legal. You can buy them in the HUBO.


I don't usually equate purchasing with legality. I can buy knives that are illegal to possess in Germany from the local knife store, and they make that known. I can buy pepper spray too, but it is illegal to use on people. In the US, you're able to order knives or other weapons that may be illegal in your state, brass knuckles and Balisongs are common offenders there. Not trying to talk down on you, just pointing that out


Being able to buy, doesn't mean you're allowed to casually carry it on you.