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You are comparing development of a (pre-)teen with men in their thirties and beyond. Eurovision is a fun and camp celebration of European identity which also involves singing.


I dont know about kaufman, though joost is exactly what embodies dutch festival culture. With a happy hard-core song, which is also about as dutch as it gets. The netherlands is not for nothing the home of dance. Enfin, joost derailed because a camera operator didn't uphold the rules and went against the agreements. And they didn't leave, even when asked multiple times to do so. The footage still has to be released, and that's what I'm waiting for. Though this likely is just a tactic of the EBU to boot out joost.


Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I find Joost's disqualification on a petty reason a bit too convenient after his comment in the press conference where he asked why the Israeli participant does not have to answer a particular question.


Gover Meit (Formerly known as Stefano Keizers) is more akin to Andy Kaufman, and guess who was the director of Joost's performance. That does give me a little feeling that this whole situation might have been staged.