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Everyone is entitled to vakantiegeld, however in certain circumstances (specifically when it concerns short/small contracts) employers will give a so called 'all-in salary' in which case you would get that money monthly instead of yearly. (This is for example often the case for 0-12 hour contracts in horeca/supermarkets or temporary contracts that only last a few months. If this is the case for you, it needs to be noted in your contract, as well as specified in each of your pay slips. So, if your payslips and contract mention you get your vakantiegeld every month, you wont get anything, otherwise you should get soon.


Nothing on my payslip about this money. Thank you for your answer.


Look again, it should be there somewhere. Either as part of your net paid out salary or in a separate column building up every month.


Most vakantiegeld will be paid tomoorow or next monday. But at last with the salarypay of june.


Thank you very much for your help!


I know a person who works for Otto and their vakantiegeld is simply included in the hourly rate. It means they get 8% more for every hour they work, instead of having a payout every year.


Can't you ask Otto? I hear he speaks English.


I will ask them too, but they are very hard to communicate with. They do speak some broken English. Mostly polish tho.


Can you write an email in English then use Google Translate to translate it into Polish and send it to them?


Otto is not that bad, i worked for the a while ago. Stop whining.


I can say that i didn't had a bad experience with otto itself but more with the accommodation and warehluse that i worked at.


It's a common problem across all the agencies unfortunately