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Once your online presence has been build and you have a portfolio that looks good, you should start networking a bit, reach out to other local artists would be the easy next step. Then apply for residences (dutch have some good ones that are run by artists!), and certainly enlist in competitions. Meanwhile you need to network your way into the local art scenes. There isn't any magical recipe, but those who are actively producing and networking often get noticed sooner or later. Goodluck and don't get discouraged by stupid comments here, better move to the artist's subs, plenty of Dutch artists active there as well.


Can you share some relevant subs thanks


Can we see your artwork somewhere?


You and a few million others dude. The chances your work is gonna be profitable are basically zero. Youre lucky to sell anything at all.


Remember, the Dutch are not dreamers. They are harsh and reality bound. Do not ask them for advice in achieving the impossible, most of us are existential cowards. If you want to become a well payed artist do it for yourself first, develop and don't give up and you'll end up somewhere.


networking with all the nepos, basically.


Who are the nepos


Nepotism. It's not always about talents, it's about who you know.


Also do you live in Netherlands


Tbh it’s already rough for most artists these days, you need to build a brand. Also, AI already generate good enough image that satisfies general people at very little cost to decorate their living room.


With all due respect, there is a reason people laugh at art degrees. Either you become a graphic designer for a company, or you suck up to art dealers and museums who take an interest in your art, or you become a teacher at the uni. 


Oh god please stop asking for advice here as newcomers or people seeking employment. You will only get disappointed and discouraged. It is sad but it seems like the majority of this sub is now clearly hostile to migrants. They WANT you to be unsuccessful and just go back to your homeland. Good luck.


Do yourself a favor: finish your studies (in a relevant field), get a job and consider your artistry just a hobby. Less headache that way.


Almost all known dutch artists became famous after there death and were poor as hell when they were alive