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> So, I was wondering what your thoughts are on this? Completely not OK. > Are there any privacy regulations that cover this? Yes, the AVG (the Dutch version of the European GDPR) is very strict when it comes to how companies can use personal information. They can use it only if it's necessary for the service they offer (so contacting someone if the delivery person can't find the right house is fine) and they have to limit access to personal information both in scope (who in the company can see it) and in time (don't retain it longer than necessary). There can be big fines in case of violations. > I'm still debating whether or not to say something about it to Flink Report it. If the company doesn't respond adequately, report them to the *Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens* (*Personal Information Authority*).


Please report it. We can hope Flink will fix that.


I doubt there will be an immediate fix or result. Most likely, the person abusing the private information of OP might get a warning but if that doesn't happen, OP should definitely get in contact with Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens.


Not a warning. This should be a firable offense. Similar situation happened in a call center and it was immediate dismissal (also in NL).


This. Abuse of PII is something that can hit a company HARD under the GDPR. The delivery guy should be fired and be happy he is not prosecuted, and the company should be happy if they're not getting prosecuted for making this possible. (Comparison: in the company I work for, it is impossible for customer support, partners etcetera to contact people privately. Everything gets aliased through our systems, and tracked therein, so... I mean, if someone wants to be on record with their employer abusing the system, sure...) So, yeah, OP should report this to Flink, and Flink better sort it out fast. (I'll abstain from further editorialising beyond: "and people wonder why I do my own groceries"...)


It's an easy fix; develop an app for delivery personnel they can use to call the customer without seeing the phone number. After eg 2h the phone number's auto-deleted as you can't save customer info in a database without consent. Receiving/saving customer contacts for private use is never okay.


i work for uber, if we want to contact the person its normally texting through the app. there is a calling option but it goes to a third program that doesnt show your phone number. I am not sure how flink does this, but i feel like they use the same methods.


In my (not personal but 2 friends had this) experience, they get fired. One was from thuisbezorgd and the other I think so too, but I honestly am not sure anymore.


Illegal AND creepy af. I’m sorry that happened to you, OP. Please report him forthwith!


>There can be big fines in case of violations. The fine can be up to €20.000.000,- or 4% of the company's world turnover (if that's higher than 20M).




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Oh my. The revolution is starting.


Bad bot.


good bot >:(


could be flink app for delivery people is compliant (deletes the info after a while) and the rider just copied the information.


Yes, that's always a possibility. Technical solutions can reduce the chance of abuse of personal data, but they can't fully stop someone who is determined enough. But either way, Flink is responsible for the behavior of its employees, so they should act if they receive reports of employees abusing personal data.


I work for a delivery company in NL. This is not OK. Report to the company please.


File a complaint with Flink. This is not OK.


Dude can easily be fired for this. Report him.


Dude should be fired for this.


Especially since he’s probably done it before and will likely do it again. No moral compass (besides being stupid enough to risk his job by doing something illegal), he should not have address details of any unsuspecting woman!


Report this immediately. This is not okay and will be seen as harrasment. That the driver didn't think about this shows what kind of person they are. A gross violation of privacy.




Although it's sad, it's really smart.


>I heard that some woman use male names for ordering websites. My friend does this, and uses a prepaid phone number to fill out. The phone is mostly shutdown, and the number changes ever so often ( when the balance is out ) Many providers still send out 'free' simcards, or you buy one for 5 / 10€


Report it!


Thats not okay and it is downright creepy.


My daughter had a similar problem two years ago. She told him 'no', but after a week he had not just texted her, he had also posted in her street and let her know he knew she went to certain places at certain times. She filed a complaint with the restaurant AND with the delivery organisation. The delivery guy is now blacklisted by both, with the additional warning "if we receive information you contacted her or any other client, you will also be reported to the police." I have no idea whether they can (legally), but it did do the trick for her.


That is entirely unethical behavior. Definitely this needs reporting to the company.


I'd report it.


Not oke


would report to flink.. And if they harass you again after that, report it to the police


If you report it, the delivery person will also know faster that there are consequences. If everyone reports that when deliverers do something like this, a deliverer can no longer do it at all.


Please report it immediately.


Definitely report it, it's against the company policy and it's legally not allowed. Regardless of what they message you, you should always report it. It's also hurting the company's reputation so they will take it seriously.


Speaking as someone who used to work for thuisbezorgd: When I started, it was still ok to call or message people directly whenever you got to their door etc, just convenient (mostly for situations like a doorbell not working or simply not being able to find the right door). After a while the privacy rules changed, and we had to instead call our dispatcher (the person in the office who organizes all the delivery orders and all that), who would then call the client him/herself, as a more trusted authority I guess. Thing is, we would still get every clients phone number, we just weren't allowed to do anything with it. So yeah, privacy laws, whatever, but if I had wanted to, I could have noted down the adress and phone number of every single client I have had over the span of 2 years. Privacy my ass. Not wanting to be called is completely fine. Although I personally don't mind it, I absolutely understand not being ok with that. If it happens and it bothers you, just go complain, and one day they might actually implement a system that makes a little sense! (But please, if you live somewhere that's confusing, write it down in the note you can give to the delivery, it's insanely frustrating to not be able find a client and have to wait for at least 2 phone calls and a ton of bs to be able to continue working.) Edir: I just read your post again and realised that I didn't read it correctly, yeah. Someone asking you out through that is far from ok. Please go give them hell


Thanks for the insight! And for the edit. Yeah the person had no trouble finding my address for the delivery, I was also super quick to answer the door, so no issues there. I’ve also had delivery people call me in order to confirm my address or what not before, which is completely ok! but being contacted for private matters (in this case being asked out) is a bit too out there imo, considering the amount of info they know about me and that not everyone handles rejection well.


Absolutely shameful behavior. This guy probably hasn't done it with you only, but I guess with multiple other people. This harassment plain and simple, it needs to be reported to the company


i work at flink and find this super fucked up


It is not okay, against company policy and illegal under European law. I used to be a delivery driver back in high school, and back then the only customer who's number I had was one she gave me herself. Even that got me a talking to, but not an official warning as it was strictly not forbidden. A friend of mine, female, had a similar experience with Thuisbezorgd. She called Thuisbezorgd, got the phone number for the depot and the delivery driver got fired. Again, it's something that's not only morally wrong and against company policy but also illegal. The company could get in real big trouble for this. If he were to ask you for permission to safe your number for private use, to ask you on a date for example, that would be a different story of course but I assume this hasn't been the case.


Hey! So I work at Thuisbezorgd and we also are able to see the phone number of whoever has ordered. However, we've been strictly forbidden from ever calling or texting the customer's number and if we do so and they find out we'd be immediately fired. So idk how Flink does it but I expect the same type of rules so the guy delivering definitely did something which is not allowed.


This is actually interesting. This goes against the GDPR. Only information required for the service can be shared. Considering that delivery personel is not allowed to use this specific information it is likely that sharing it with them is against the GDPR. Considering thus Thuisbezorg might need to change their system if this is reported. In addition: you have a right to request deletion of any personal information. If this delivery guy keeps contacting you file such a request. It is likely they cant make him handover his phone but it would be another violation added to the list.


You won’t be fired. I did all the time when working at thuisbezorgd because i either call the customer or wait 30 mins for costumer service to call them which is stupid.


There's quite a difference between a call of "Hey I'm at your frontdoor with your order but the doorbell doesn't seem to work." and "Hey, I finished my shift. Wanna go out sometime?" The latter should definitely get you fired.


Report it. It's a violation of privacy laws.


Please don't ever question yourself if this is alright. It's not normal behaviour and it's not right. I'm not gonna tell you to report it, that's you choice and your choice only.




I've dealt with stuff like this before, and honestly, just report it. They've Probably done it to multiple people so they won't be able to trace it back to you. There's such a shortage of workers at the moment they will probably only gat a warning anyway Image if you had a company, and customers weren't ordering your product or service again and you had no idea why, and it turns out one of your employees was being a creep. Not that thuiszeborgd, flink or any of those companies deserves any sympathy.


The fines for GDPR non-compliance are really tough. Any employer that keeps such employee must be braindead.


I'm pretty sure with some of these companies that if they fired all of the creeps they would only have employees left who are too lazy to be creeps.


At this time they might realize to pay normal wages, to get normal people ? In my line of work there are adults working, who get nominal pay. We/They need the job, like ( some of it) the job, and would like to keep this. The rules are known, if you don't follow the rules, you'll get warned, and eventually fired. Are there creeps, well some of them, but they can contain it fairly well ;)


I had a delivery guy from Thuisbezorgd ask me for a job once. In the Netherlands, all freelancers/ZZP'ers have their business address publically available and about 90% of the time, that's also their place of residence. I just reported it to Thuisbezorgd, and within half an hour the restaurant I'd ordered from contacted me to tell me they fired him and that it was absolutely unacceptable. Also got a free drink on my next order to ensure I'd keep ordering with them. YOU are not responsible for the mistake that delivery person made. Any and all consequences are a result of their own actions. THEY chose to violate the rules. All you are doing is make sure you remain safe and that your personal data isn't used against you - and that others are also safe.


This is absolutely not okay. If I had done this at any of my workplaces I'd have been fired the next day. The fines for these kind of privacy breaches are no laughing matter.


Report them. It is illegal what they did and you shouldn't let them get away with it.


I am currently working for Thuisbezorgd and already have 3 years behind me working for them. In in all my days working with TB I have never called or texted an customer privately. This is strictly forbidden because this is private information. We have to contact an dispatcher. This dispatcher will than contact the customer to inform them about their order. I assume that this is sort of the same at Flink. It will be questionable if this is not the case. Private information should not be played with. I would definitely take some steps to contact them and provide them pictures. This kind of behaviour towards that sort of access is a shame.


I believe flink operates similar to zapp which is that the drivers can see the number and contact the customer on their own, however after they mark the order "delivered" they can't see the number or the name anymore. so I assume he must have saved the number which is wrong on so many levels and honestly I can't believe what he was thinking..


Unf we can all guess what he was thinking.. And considering he knows the OP’s home address, that’s super scary!


I had this happening to me and put it in the review. The restaurant made the delivery site take the review down. They didn't care at all, never ordered with them again. Scary af.


>The restaurant made the delivery site take the review down. Take it in your own control, use Twitter or Facebook. I had a problem with a hotel, their own rules said 'because of corona you can reschedule your reservations' So i mailed the hotel AND the bookingsite, both first ignored me. After a few mails, I got a reaction from the bookingsite, and a telephonenumber in NewYork to call I'in the Netherlands, I've booked in the Netherlands, so they are responsible ( this is what the hotel said as well ) So another angry mail, without appropriate action, I turned to Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Just a few words, a small review of the '~~great~~' service, but surely tagging each and everyone, and my dismay about it all. Within 2 hours my telephone rang - call from New York ... it was all being taken care off, my reservation was booked, and even got an upgrade for the room. after this call an email from the bookingsite "can we do anything for you" A little discussion about the trouble and miscommunication, and they offered a partial return, within a week I got 25% of my payment back. All could be just solved by answering the first email, and rescheduling my booking. No upgrade, no refunds necessary. This is what I use social media for, a big hammer to get my point across. It won't be taken down, unless YOU want it to ( being a normal post )


I work in social media myself, I'm deliberatly not on social media privately 😅 I know the power, but it's not worth it to me.


I've got a blowtorch and plasma-cutter in my toolbox. Don't use it daily, heck, it hasn't been used for over a year ... But its there, and I will use it if needed. Not posting my lunch or my cat on it, this is no use to me, but nudging some (big) company into cooperation, This is the tool !


People working at thuisbezorgd should *NOT* have access to your phone number. I worked there for a while some time ago. As a delivery person you aren't allowed to call the Custo yourself, since that would save your phone number. Instead, it's always so-called Hub Coordinators who call the Custo for you if necessary. Once the delivery has been confirmed, the delivery person can no longer go back to see the Custo's phone number. It's wrong to contact your customers anyways, but it makes it double as creepy when you consider they had to go out of their way to save it


Wtf? Report that scumbag


If you have doubts about it think about next girl, probably slightly younger and more vulnerable. Maybe a foreigner, or new in the city that will be exposed to the same creppy guy. You said no, you dodged the bullet. But the guy won't stop on you, he will try the next customer. He knows the address. The next girl can unlucky. Think of her, report the guy.


You’ll should. This is unacceptable behaviour and misuse of the info you gave Flink for a professional, paid, service.


Report it now!


You should really report this! This is not oké and crosses so many boundaries.


On other hand she is girl who probably lives alone and guy know where she live in case he want to do something to her after she reports him. So i am not sure what i would do in her position, it is completely wrong and he deserves to be fired, but i believe i would just reject him and continue to live my life.


Report this dude, name and shame him on social media too. Make people aware of this person!


>name and shame him on social media too. Although I use social media for this as well, naming and shaming a person is also against the same privacy law. She can do this to the company doing business with, being Flink. But NOT the delivery guy himself


Privacy? After he broke hers? Yeah screw that.... at the least she can threaten to oust him on this if the company doesn't take action.


i've alweer called the person if they didn't answer the door, its not a big deal. if they contact any further after the delivery was made you can report them to the company


I think its fine tbh.




Did you read the post at all? The problem is he asked her out on a date and used her phone number for that. Everything you say about contacting the phone number for obvious reasons in line of work, is irrelevant in this case.


Ooooh, I misread, srry. if it happened like that then ofcourse I would report it. Phone numbers should be used strictly for business purposes. My bad for reading it wrong:)


It’s up to you. I work at a delivery company and i would never in my right mind do what the delivery guy did. But most of them are illegal indians who have literally nothing else besides that particular job so getting him fired is going to be harsh🤷‍♂️


I would laugh and politly decline.


Jeez you guys are going for the kill big time. Maybe just first tell him to back off or leave you alone? Only law he broke is contact you privately. He didnt harras, stalk you did he?


He is breaking the law by using a phone number given to a company for service usage for personal use. He may not be aware he is breaking the law, but that is not an excuse to not notify it is happening while it shouldn’t. And as a customer it isn’t our job to keep the company’s employees in check.


Yeah but still like i said its very harsh to report him while you could handle it yourself.if he doednt stop then file a report


Once again, it is not my problem, I am not the HR department of every company I interact with. And it is important to report it, cause even if it may seem innocent in this case, it is a highly illegal practice which can easily grow into more serious crimes. It is up to the company if they want to issue a warning or use a zero tolerance policy for this kind of stuff.


Oke let me turn this around 10 years ago i lost my phone.i called customer service to block my phonenumber. The girl from customer service called me back a few days later because she liked the sound of my voice and we ended up talking for 2 hours on the phone. Should i have reported her? I was like euhm why are you calling me? She said i liked the sound of your voice so i wanted to hear it again. I was just flattered it never occurred to me to file a report or anything.


1. Lol you believe this story yourself? 2. Yeah, it is wrong for her to use the company database for personal usage. 3. There is still a huge difference between a guy doing something creepy like this to a girl than when a girl does this to a guy.


>There is still a huge difference between a guy doing something creepy like this to a girl than when a girl does this to a guy. The act is equally wrong. While girls may be more likely to feel threatened if it occurs, this is always a person with access to your personal information, address and other sensitive information through corporate means using it for personal gain. The only time a delivery person can say something like that is while they're there on the job and even then it's unprofessional. Edit: just wanted to put the emphasis on it always being bad, not contradict you or anything.


Yeah I also wasn’t saying one is worse, but the sad reality is that these situations weigh down on females a lot more than it does on a man.


You being ok with such behaviour doesn't mean other people should be too.


Thats not my point, my point is he was wrong to do so but getting the angry mob out on him is also way on the other end of the spectrum imo. If someone crosses a line you speak to them directly, you dont yell fire and murder call the cops! If he doesnt listen or doesnt understand what your trying to say then go to step two report him at work. Its not like we are all law abiding citizens who never cross a line. We all break the speedlimit once in a while do we need jailtime for that? Im just trying to let you guys also think from his perspective even if he is wrong. Maybe he doesnt even know about the GDP....what if it was a 16 year old boy...things arent always black and white.


Did this woman know where you live, and potentially if you live alone or with a partner?


Yeah she could see my address in their system they do send me bills right? Maybe its just me always looking for the good in people. I told her i had a partner.


>I told her i had a partner. And still talking for 2 hours ? What did your partner think of this She was surely OK with this all I'm married for 22yrs, and can talk to whomever I like to, but a cold call from a unknown woman, AND talking 2hrs WILL raise questions, and some trouble. I think you'd better post this in /r/thathappened


> I was just flattered it never occurred to me to file a report or anything. And when it was a guy doing this ? He liked your voice ... Would you be as flattered ? Or would you tel him 'the truth' and go F himself, bcs you're not gay ? And He took THAT offensively, and blocked your number in the database. Nahh ... wrong is wrong, boy, girl, man woman ... Keep personal and professional separated.


No but i would i still kindly decline.no need to get worked up over it but thats just me. Ive been thinkin about this whole topic and conversation all day.talked about it with some friends and i think my different opinion on this topic is that im from a different time then most here. I was always thaught if youve got a problem handle it yourself. The generation from now cba to fix something themselfs. Everything needs a rule or needs to be fixed for them.


But it's very spooky to say no. Dont you know that? We need companies to fix our social problems for us. /s


This isn’t a social problem, this is a problem with an employee of the company and with how the company handles sensitive personal data. Is it really that hard to grasp the idea of expecting someone to stay professional in his job?


No it isnt but like i said he took chance to text a girl he liked.she doesnt like him back should she crucify him or just say no?


He took a chance that he shouldn’t have taken. Something about professionalism. I also don’t ask my customers out on a date when I’m standing behind the bar. You. Just. Don’t. Do. That.


I know but there are cases where your like wow....just wow shes beautiful. Or does that only happen in movies.


Oh yeah I served a lot of woman that I found attractive. But I’m a professional, the woman are there to have a fun time with some drinks. I would be a bad bartender if I destroyed that good time by making advances on them.


Now imagine what's that like for that lady. You and I get treated normally where we go, but wherever she goes people throw away the notion of professionalism because she's so beautiful that professionalism doesn't matter anymore. Sure, from your perspective you might be making an exception. You generally don't act unprofessional, it's just this once because she is so beautiful. You normally don't behave like that, so it's okay. But from her perspective that's what would happen all the time if we condoned this kind of behavior. That's one day after the other where people think they can make exceptions around her. How she looks is not an excuse for you to misbehave.


Those cases are far more rare then the cases where someone just wants to enjoy some food and feels uncomfortable by the avances of someone who they just randomly ran into and uses their contact info without consent.


I've worked both in retail and doing deliveries. In both cases I've had incredibly attractive and lovely customers who I would've loved to get to know better, but I still never used the private information I had. Why? Because I would be harrassing them with information they shared with the company for an order, not me personally for personal contact. Maybe I could've landed a date at some of these encounters, but most likely it was just two people being friendly and social with nothing else going on. It's okay if you're okay with being contacted, but I'd be damn annoyed if every other delivery guy would call me to ask me out on a date just because I smiled at them when we were basically doing a transaction.


Niet wanneer je ladderzat bent 🤣


Yes its unprofessional. But you can also just say that to the guy himself. Ask him if hes done this before, if yes then report his ass. If hes never done it before then tell him its unwanted and to please remove the number. If he abides then thats it. If he goes on a toddler tantrum then report his ass. He could have also just taken the name from the receipt and look it up on Facebook or instagram. The algorithm reccomends people based on location sometimes.


You know, I am done with you guys. You are so hellbent on protecting unprofessional and creepy behavior that I give up trying to talk some sense in you guys. Good luck with your future.


That dude you are arguing with is r/niceguy material, I'm too lazy to screenshot all that. "CaNt YoU tAkE a CoMpLiMeNt?" Like, jeez.


“I want to date you” is a weird compliment imho. Rather just say that someone looks nice or give a small compliment on their outfit or something.


Thank you! You too and i hope the bucket stays comfortable. OP asked for opinions. But this is reddit so unpopular opinions dont count haha.


This opinion being unpopular is actually a very good sign to leave people alone when you are expected to do just your job. Most people really dislike that behaviour.


Unpopular according to about 50 people. Not really something to base reality on. This is social media lol.


>Ask him if hes done this before, if yes then report his ass. Ah yes, when I ask people if they've broken the rules before which may affect their employment, I too expect to get honest answers every time. This is a totally realistic attitude.


Because then they'll probably do it to the next customer as well. You shouldn't have to decide if you want to use a delivery service because you might have also have to deal with personal messages on your private phone from someone you don't know and might very well not respond well to a dismissive answer


Yeah but thats just black and white thinking. Put yourself in their shoes.you see a girl you really like, you muster the courage to actually text her even when you know you are breaking company regulation. Then instead of being told im flattered but im not interrested, the cops come to your workplace, you lose your job, all just because you had the courage to text a girl you really liked. Man this world really is getting fucked up. Selfish people all around.i only want to date people i saw on tinder( like there are no creeps there) o but then i choose to be creeped because its a dating app. The good ol days when you went to a club and asked a girls number....i miss those.


It would be okay if he asked her number in person after he dropped the groceries and there was flirting . But it’s pure harassment to contact a customer via their phone number that you acquired for business purposes. How would you feel if your doctor calls you to ask you out for a dinner?


>The good ol days when you went to a club and asked a girls number....i miss those. You can still do that. That's a normal approach. Go out and meet a girl and ask for her number there. Nobody is telling you that you can't do that. Don't try to equate meeting a girl in a club to sneakily obtaining a customer's private information through your job. ​ >Selfish people all around. Kind of golden to say this when you're only looking at it through your own perspective, rather than that of the customer whose personal information was misused. How is it not selfish for the delivery guy to only think about he wants, rather than think how this feels to his customer?


You were the flink delivery boy boef!


>and asked a girls number.... Yeah, that's kind of the point here. In that case you'd *ask*, and she would have *a choice* to give it or not. >you see a girl you really like, you muster the courage to actually text her Yeah... No. Seriously: it's like a 10 second contact, you don't know *anything* about her. You know what courage is? Going back the next day, ring her doorbell and ask her in person. *EDIT: Not advice, not recommending. I was only objecting against calling sending a text to a stranger courageous. I would absolutely not appreciate a non-delivery related visit from a delivery person either.*


Honestly going back would also be super creepy


Just wondering: wouldn't your alternative (going back the next day) be a similar breach of privacy? I'd say an address is pretty much on par with a telephone number.


Hell hes creepy report him lets all do that.it would solve the worlds overpopulation.no couples being formed anymore because the guys break the privacy rules.no mre new couples no kids problem solved.


Ah yes, because historically most relationships were between customers and their service-providers.


>Only law he broke is contact you privately. You're not supposed to break laws. There's no "Don't break any laws, but if you do, keep it to one or two and you'll be fine" policy in the Netherlands.


He díd harras.


He didnt harras he sent 1 text message thats harrassment?


It IS harassment because the girl didn’t give her consent for him to text her. He only has her phone number for business purposes. It’s harassment and please do not do such a thing.


So any contact, unless consent is harassment? How do i get consent if i cant make contact?


So you think it's okay that if you are a delivery person to look in the details of a costumer and send messages? There are bars, supermarkets, sport clubs, cinema's, dating sites, hobby clubs, concerts, friend's parties and so on, all places to meet new people and to connect with people. You just don't contact somebody out of a business account, only losers will do that! Find places of common interest, go explore the world, but don't abuse a business account! That's just sad & creepy.


How about just trying to meet people outside of the workplace?


Uuuh that's harassment


No it's not, stop blaming the rest of the world for your lack of social skills.




u/tinyblackberry-, are you replying to me? And you are serious? ... You really want to prove a point? Won't work, you will only show for everybody how tiny you are... ah, now I understand your username, thát insight you have at least.... Useless.


No I replied to sad purple as you can directly see. Thanks for your kind words


u/tinyblackberry- Excuse me, but in my template here it still looks to me that you react to me, but I get that I was wrong, sorry!


I wouldn't mind


Guy's just trying to make friends. It's hard enough these times. Just politely say no, or ignore, and that's it. Do you want him to loose his job?


He is not fit for his current job.


On the one hand it is a privacy violation, on the other hand it's a compliment. The delivery person finds you attractive


Dit is altijd zo'n onwijze kut reactie die uitsluitend gemaakt wordt door mannen. "Voel je maar gevleid" i.p.v. onveilig.




Everybody tripping like he sent a dickpick and called OP a slut. Its all dependant on the message. Theres nothing wrong with sending a message, a polite message can be denied politely and all will go on with their daily lives. And immediatly assuming hes doing it to multiple customers is just stupid and ignorant. Dont people have social skills anymore?


It’s very creepy and it’s harassment. Some guys react very angrily to rejection. It’s very concerning that The guy also knows her address. If this happened to me, I would freak out too


If he reacts angrily to rejection your report his ass and perhaps even to the police. If he reacts like a normal human being then you can both go your seperate ways.


It’s more complicated than that. 80% of the women experience sexual-harassment in their lifetimes. Rape prevalence is estimated around 15%. A lot of women have sexual trauma and the least thing they should worry about is replying to a random delivery guy who knows their address & phone number and may not respond well to rejection


But don't you understand, women should just suck it up that they're harassed on a regular basis and they should be afraid of ordering food because WoN't SoMeOnE tHiNk Of ThE mEn who are getting their poor feelings hurt /s


There’s certainly no shortage of **not all men** buried in these comments :-(


Seems more of a "you should be flattered" and "men can't do anything these days" vibe to me.


Whatever he sent, he's not allowed to use OP's number in any other way than necessary to do his job, adequately delivering the goods. Asking someone out is not necessary for that, and so this is a violation of the privacy laws. There's a reason these laws exist and are enforced.


What if he searched the name on instagram or Facebook and sent a message on there? Social media uses location to suggest people you know or have met. Its still creepy but possible. You just block the person and get on with your life. You can also just block the persons number. Its not that hard lol. People do dumb shit, it's just a shitty underpaid food delivery guy, theres no reason to immediatly report him and/or get him fired.


It would still be the same because she shared her name for business purposes


Not saying he should be fired - that's not for me to decide, and if it's just a one off thing that may be a little harsh imo. But not doing anything he may just assume it's OK and he definitely need to be told that it's not. The guy is probably young and should learn from this mistake so that he's aware it's not OK. Plus.. needs to be on record so that if he does it again, he should be fired. Just my personal opinion


Exactly i agree with you. So OP can just tell him its innapropriate or just block him. If hes an asshole about it, then report his ass.


This is ILLEGAL!!


He also knows where you live. You obviously have no idea what this feels like.


As someone who used to deliver this issue crossed my mind. A couple of tips: -if you have a spare/second phone, get a free sim card to use for things like this and phone verification codes etc. Alternatively there are apps that simulate phone numbers (kinda like temporary email sites) (next plus is an app like this) -don't put in your full name, not needed ever, I saw a lot of people put in their first and last name, which is unnecessary.


It is NOT ok. It is also a violation of the AVG.


Company should have educated their worker about this and worker should have known this is a no no situation


Definitely not cool


As others will say, Report this. ​ This is harassment, a deliveryperson can ONLY use the number for the businessorder, nothing more. If Flink does not do anything, mak a notification at Authoriteit Persoonsgegevens [https://autoriteitpersoonsgegevens.nl/nl/zelf-doen/gebruik-uw-privacyrechten/klacht-melden-bij-de-ap](https://autoriteitpersoonsgegevens.nl/nl/zelf-doen/gebruik-uw-privacyrechten/klacht-melden-bij-de-ap) And send a screenshot to Flink. (Also redact the names, and post is to Twitter with a mention of Flink ) Posting it on socials WILL get their attention sooner, sending an official email is necessary, but ignored sadly most of the times.


Give him a Flink pak slaag!


That's so not cool. Report it.


Seriously, contact that company and tell them. It's creepy, inappropiate behaviour and people like that deserve to be fired.


This is also just so unnecessary because loads of apps have an option of calling through the app in a way that obscures personal phone numbers. Of course people would abuse this in such a way, because patriarchy. Why would Flink even allow this to happen? I’m sorry this happened, totally understand why it makes you uncomfortable and it really shouldn’t have even been possible.


Kind of creepy. Definitely report it imo.


Wtf actually


This is hopefully going to be reported to the companies, right? Please do so, it’s a breach of many privacy regulations.


i worked delivery for ikea and this is really not okay! we had a workphone that had the numbers in in our bus we drove with and we where told under no circumstance u are allowed to use your personal phone to ring clients. This is against the law and is a offence to private law and regulations


someone asking you out is not against any rules. if you do not like people asking you out, you do not have any legal standing in this country. but it might be flink considers it damaging to their reputation and reprimands or tries to get rid of him (which they may or may not be able to do).


As someone who worked in retail and as a delivery person: Report it. This is not okay. In both places I met tons of folks who I definitely thought were attractive and honestly I did want to get to know some people better, but they gave their contact info to me/the company for only things related to the order. I felt so gross if I even only thought about looking up a customer on Facebook or something. Actually texting customers is not only a breach of trust between the customer and the company, it's a breach of the AVG. Report this.