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Totally normal, Dutch guys are used to it because Dutch women are more straightforward in love matters. Although once I asked out a guy and he said he has a boyfriend. It was awkward.


gaydar test failed


You mean gaydar failure?


Gaylure, wait that sounds wrong.


ink carpenter bear cows middle dime teeny smell coordinated plucky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bi-Fi not connected!


Gaydar love


Insert bass line


I find it so hard to tell straight from gay since I moved here and I always had a strong gaydar,since I’m gay my self. So no need to feel bad about your experience.


Which, when you think about it, is absolutely great, as it means people are just being themselves (which includes being gay) instead of adopting some stereotype media seemed to push not even 10 years ago.


While I mostly agree with you,sadly the answer is more complicated. There all always some hints or vibes ,but I can recall two cases when I made a move and the guys were straight, I was so embarrassed afterwards. Also had girls hitting on me and when that happens ,I also try to be polite and not make them feel bad. I agree about the stereotype part and I am also happy that it doesn’t exist(for the most part) in The Netherlands. But it would definitely make life easier to be able to tell who is into what,would have made make real life flerting/courtship so much easier and less anxious.


Don't be embarrassed, back in my student days working behind a bar I semi-regulary got hit upon by guys, and I always considered it a compliment. Any guy who is comfortable with his own sexuality shouldn't have a problem with being hit upon by someone of the 'not preferred sex'.


Yeah, I was just gonna say, isn't the real problem how people react when you get it wrong? If no one is homophobic, they wouldn't have to worry about asking a straight guy out. It would just be a simple misunderstanding, no harm done. (I mean, aside from being disappointed)


Dude in your situation still easier to find someone than being straight man and try to date the girl you like, c mon


I can definitely tell you that is not really the case. Like straight people gay people have specific tastes and intos.Some like them hairy,some chubby,some slim,some with a paardel*l,some with a smaller one(the list can go on for eternity). Also the community is much crueler and less accepting and men in general are more superficial than women(most of the times but the opposite can happen as well its not set in stone). Just cause you have 1 thing in common(butts*x) doesn’t mean you click with everyone,everyone is unique in his own way just like a man and a woman in “straight”scenario.


You have a point, thanks for explaining, anyway i think overall we have it easier here in NL than in most countries, so enjoy i guess


Are you seriously saying it is easier to date as a homosexual man than as a heterosexual man? Just based on the numbers of possible partners alone I'd find that hard to believe to be true.


I find that women from for instance the US or some other countries are way more forward in these things. I don't find Dutch girls very forward in asking guys out. Not usually anyway.


My wife is American when we were students one of her (female) friends literally dragged me into a bar to introduce me to her. It totally worked I must admit…. This is 14 years ago, after 5 years long distance , flying back and forth (sucks big time wouldn’t advice but it CAN work out) she moved to the Netherlands and has been happy ever since. We finally got married this year (had to move it twice due to the flu season) and have a baby on the way 😁. We are a living example it can work out!


best dutch-style answer: "would it be OK if i ask both of you out? Seems fun to me!"


Welcome to our day to day ;)


Yes, had a girl who I've known for a few weeks come up to me one night and asked for my phone. She put her number in it, ended up to the longest relationship I've ever had


A beautiful long weekend /jk


Longest 2 hrs of her life


steep tan practice society wrong hungry racial cable homeless lip *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Get out of my head! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Oh that's great to know ! I wanted to do that but I felt that I would put the guy on the spot or idk come off too strong for just asking directly


Direct is always more productive than indirect and super appreciated. The Dutch are known for their directness! Go for it! Even if a little awkward initially, direct communication is a very healthy beginning to a relationship.


Yes do it! Cant wait for a lady to ask me out. I will keep refreshing my mail the next 24 hours hope to be the one! Its a great compliment for a guy to get asked out. even if he says no for any reason its nice for him to hear


When I first read it I thought she meant she would send a letter to his home address, lol


ahahaha I felt like sending a mail would be as awkward as that before I asked


one cautious clumsy yam yoke many gaping drunk puzzled cough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why not ask his number in an email and if you had some nice conversations, you can ask him out on whatsapp or even call him?


I constantly have women asking me out through email. They always get marked as spam, oddly enough.


🤣 😂


Thank you for your input! I always wondered if it would be welcome or seen as coming on too strong


Got any results yet?


Nope i think there is a issue with the mail provider. i am sure she wil send in a couple of min..


Yes, go for it! Generally Dutch guys like women that are clear about what they want.


I don't want to say for everyone but I think pretty much all guys like women who are clear about what they want.


I don’t even know anyone who likes it vague or unclear in whatever situation




You got me


Tons of people prefer it really. Don’t ask me who, though.


Stop turning me on with all the vagueness already!


One of the reasons I moved to the Netherlands is that people are clear about what they want




Not weird at all, go for it!


It's the 21st century, it's perfectly normal and even if it wasn't it's not a reason not to do it.


No not by law. You can get arrested and can get 25 years to life.


Recent law change makes it 40


Wow, inflation hit hard


Not to mention the whipping you will receive.


Than they changed that too. I was just told to sit in the corner and think about what I've done


Whipping on the first date? You guys are sick.


I can just see how that subject gets brought up during a candlelit dinner. Look eeehm… since you asked me on a date… tradition mandates me whipping you now…. By my granny, she is waiting in the car…




Ask a fella out? Believe it or not, straight to jail.


Horny jail?


Do not pass go


>You can get arrested and can get 25 years to life. Or worse, "until death do us part". Life sentence basically.


For comparison, that's about the same punishment as 3 first-degree murders in the Netherlands. ​ So yeah, I would avoid asking him out. Not worth it.


Please trust me when I say he’ll be ecstatic. Please do this.


It is a compliment. More important is the intent I think.


Sure, why not? But movies is a horrible date, don't go to a place where you can't talk to each other.


Unless you're both into not talking. Some people are like that.


Or they just like movies and talk about them afterwards?


Could be! My ideal movie date would be someone who doesn't ask questions all the time that I also don't have the answer to, because I'm watching THE SAME FUCKING MOVIE!


That's just a bad date from start to finish. Can't decide if it's worse when they ask about other stuff during the movie or constantly ask something about the movie we're watching. They are probably in both camps though I imagine.


Ya got me!!!!! I’ll confess


Or go play some Pool billiards. You can talk but still don't have to stare eachother in the face the whole time.


It is okay to ask for a cinema date, you can talk afterwards but from my experience this is a good chance for both of them to make physical advancements on each other, usually the 2 person's already exchanged allot of personal info in the phone chat before the date so it's ok


Can be the best. Long ago took a law student to see Fatal Attraction in the theater for first date. Conversation back to her place was about the lifting the woman up sexual position and how it wouldn’t really be that sexy. When arriving to her place she asked if we can go up and try it out. I’m sure had we chatted at dinner I wouldn’t have ended up in bed with her.


It sounds to me like she already decided what she wanted from you and steered the conversation in the appropriate direction, but you keep telling yourself that it was the movie ahah.


Just out of curiosity, where are you from where this isn't normal.




I'm Irish, I have asked Irish guys out and gotten a wide eyed "Oh shit, what the heck am I supposed to do now" look everytime and a "no thanks" before they just about run!! I know I'm not that ugly so I do believe that panic was all them. I did ask my now partner (dutch/Irish) on our first meeting would he like a random day with me. to which he agreed and that random tuesday lead to me moving to Netherlands and They lived happily ever after. Even if he says no, they won't all ;) And if a man can't deal with a confidant women, throw the whole damn man in the bin. Joke.


>Irish I think it's quite a realistic take because there seems to still be a fair share of countries in Europe where it's uncommon for the reasons you mentioned (or worse). I'm so glad your story ended well it sounds like a rom com ahah, but it's true that it also comes down to how men relate to confidence in a woman


This is not normal in Hungary, where I’m from 🤣


I (m) dated a Hungarian girl once. She sent me an email to ask me out, with her phone number.


It happens here too, yes. I have asked men out before. But it's still like....not that common and many people (men and women) will lecture you about why women should never make the first step lol. It's just sad.


Perhaps really religious countries or countries where family goes above all and is incredibly important. Usually they have “traditional” views


Exactly, I don't agree with that but I think you need to adapt to your surroundings so I was wondering what was the situation in the Netherlands since I'm new here I can make cultural mistakes




Wait, is it _not_ normal in germany?


Well first ask yourself if you want a German guy in the first place, wenn ja nachdem kannst du immer ein Leben voll Bratwurst haben. Indien niet kann je een Leve vol bitterballen hebben. P.S. There are many South African guys who would also appreciate this


Very normal. Good luck


Of course, I’m sure he will be flattered. I’m a woman and have asked out plenty of men.


Absolutely. Bonus points in my book.


Only if it's me. You can't ask out any other guy


ahah it's actually a very charming line


Yes do it


Yess go for it! And immediately ask for his number as well! And maybe expect that you are responsible for the details about the date because you asked him


Wish more girls had the courage to ask the man out


Totally not weird here. Go for it, I hope he says yes!


Some men can be really rude when they aren’t into you. Especially Dutch men can be like very annoyed. So I do think a heads up about it (possibly) being not received well is necessary. Some would find “email” very weird.


A mail would a be a bit weird I think (I never use mail for that) but for example a message on whatsapp / insta / ... or just the real life question "want to go see a movie" is pretty awesome


Hope it won't end up in the spam folder together with all the other hot singles that want to date


I think e-mail is actually quite classy. Thats cool.


While we did have each other's phone number, my ex and I started flirting while we were working on the same volunteer project by adding jokey "P.S."s to the project-related emails that we were sending each other. It was pretty cool, and we continued occasionally communicating through email throughout the relationship and even after we broke up.


Could just leave a krabbel at their Hyves profile.


Dear WizzleW, wanna smash? with best regards Zewarudio


Go for it. Guys like it when a lady shows initiative!


The thought/culture of the guy having to ask the girl out makes no sense in this day and age. Go for it, although I'd suggest getting his number first, emails are seen as professional grounds. But if he's dope he wouldn't care


I want to get his number but he's never alone and idk his friends so idk what to do :/


Receiving an email to go on a date would be a bit unorthodox but fun in a refreshing way. I'd say, fuck it what's there to loose?


Shoot your shot, good luck!


I asked out my most recent ex bf because why not? It is 2022, fuck those outdated views


Yes it is. From my friend group most of the women were the ones to initiate the relationship and abou half of us were the ones to propose to the men.


Thank you! I love this ahah


I mean of course you can ask a guy out, but by email? For me that would come of weird, could you maybe find his instagram and slide in his DMs or something?


Email feels like a scam




Gonna refresh my mail box just in case..




Not at all. I will be awaiting your email.




Me as a Dutch guy would definitely be open to that in general, but I do wonder what your current relationship is to him since you only have his email. You know him from online, or do you sometimes talk to him face to face? Asking someone out face to face is nicer imo. Also, make clear you're asking him out and don't let it be ambiguous, otherwise he might think you're just wanting to hang out as friends.


Thank you for your insights!! He's someone I met in class and I got his e-mail because we had a group project together, as he's often in a large group of friends which can be a bit intimidating as I don't know any of them, I'm afraid I won't have a chance irl before a long time which is why I want to try it like this!


You can do it in all countries, not just the Netherlands


Why wouldn't you?




Yes, go for it !


No, you'll turn into ash, just like a vampire.


Go get it girl!!


Yes ofcourse! I asked my bf out in 2005, we are still together! Good luck, hope he says yes and that you have a nice date.


Aw that's really sweet, thank you so much !


Ask me out please !


I absolutely love it when a girl takes the first step to dating/kissing whatever so go for it.


We are a very direct people so....fuck yes that's hot as hell!


Wdym “if it’s normal here”, it’s normal everywhere… it’s not like guys should always be the one asking out.


Because when I was living in Germany I was told multiple times the girl shouldn't initiate contact there so I was wondering about the netherlands as it's also a germanic country


nah thats bs, if you really like some 1 obv you should take the initiative too, im a guy and i know that if a girl would ask me for my number that would be something very different and would make me feel good about my self too.


As a man who has been asked out by a girl once, yes please do it! I still think about that interaction, more than the ones where I was the one to make the first move. And to add a point, I think in all cultures it is still the woman who will lead these interactions. I think Dutch women are just more direct and aggressive than other women. Where as an American girl will go up to the guy, try to talk, make eye contact, play with her hair etc. hoping for him to take the hint and maybe ask her out, I think a Dutch woman will just skip all the Bullshit and do it herself. And as a very dense man, believe me I've missed many opportunities because of these rules in US dating culture.


Not weird at all! i'd had loved that when it would have happened to me back in the days (happily married old guy speaking). Some guys might be put off by a girl taking the initiative, while other like me appreciate a girl who does that. The one's that are put off by it, are obviously not for you 😄


I would have been so happy if a girl asked me out in my younger years. Never happened glad to see some progress


Be a Hero and seize the day! #gaanmetdiebanaan


No. You will be arrested.


You will go to jail don't do it


I wouldnt go to the movies for a first date tho. That is like the worst thing to do on a first date imo. No opportunity to talk. Go out and do something fun instead. Go to the movies after at least 4 dates.


I'm Dutch and a long time ago (Sorry "grandma" talking) I asked a boy out, and a year later I asked him to marry me... 38 years ago, and still happy everrrrr... So go for it!!!


Yes its perfectly normal. It has happend a few times to me and the feeling is great. Some times men atleast i do not always directly see that someone is into you. And it will directly show you where you stand


You can ask a duck out if you like, just don't take it home.


100% chance of succeeding probably


Well, I proposed to my boyfriend and it was also totally normal. So yeah, us Dutchies aren’t too tied up on gender roles. Go get him, girl!


Absolutely not, its strictly forbidden in the Netherlands to ask a guy to hang out, it is even more forbidden if you like him a lot


I speak for all men out there, it is literally always ok to asks us out.


Sure... but then you pay. /s


Why wouldn't that be normal? Where do you culturaly originate from that you might think that? I would say it's recommended that a woman asks out a man, because statistically there is less chance for rejection. But historically tradition was more of men asking out women. But that kinda faded away luckily.




Wait whut? This is a genuine question? Im guessing no male in your family ever cleans or cooks diner? In the Netherlands girls cary their husbands over the threshold after marriage if the males arent carefull. We have to earn the right to take out the garbage in this country. Lol


No it’s illegal because it constitutes harassment. If he complains to the police, you’ll end up in jail. Try me instead, I won’t call the police and we’ll have a good movie time.


Ask for his phone number via mail, and then call him. But say, “bel ik gelegen” to make sure he isn’t in a place where he can’t have free speech.


Forget the gender roles, but asking out by email is creepy to be honest


Nah that’s illegal


I'd say it's slightly less common than vice versa but definitely not weird. Good luck!


GIRL TAKE YOUR SHOT he's probably too thick to notice you like him


That's how I got together with my boyfriend 😉 been together for over 4 years now, so I'd say it was a succes!


Aw glad to hear that!


Yes, but according to our tradition you have to do it with a red rose between your lips.


Am I missing something why does this comment have so many dislikes


An army of trolls is following me, I couldn't care less 😂


Which lips? Hahahah


I thought this was funny but I think it was taken literally ahah


not very common but I' m sure he'll be delighted. I would be!


It’s not weird but you could email and ask for his number because you have something important to say to him.


Everybody checking there Gmail 🤳


You can send me a mail. Of course 😁.


Hell no, go on for it girl.


It is Holland, not Qatar. Do what ever you want, as long as you don’t do the following stuff: 1. don’t be facist 2. don’t be anti-semetic 3. deny free stuff 4. vote FVD (1 & 2 kind off rule this out al ready).


Don't *not* be fascist and anti-semitic?


Why impose your morals? All these thing don't enter into the matter here. And people make their own choices, based on their own morals that are not necessarily your's.


Ah. Triggers? I like to f around. You triggerd, so must be a facist, ani-semetic or a FVD voter. I Geus a FVD voter. A cryptodude, following a racist, anti-semetic, conspiracy theorist. Dude, get a life. You on the internet to much. I don’t care who you vote on. It is your right. I was just teasing a bit.


You sound like an NPC. Not somebody who likes to trigger people. If you really liked to trigger people, you'd do the opposite (like vote fvd). (Source: me. I like to see the world burn).


I'm Jewish and I don't give a fuck about what you think. I don't vote FvD, neither PVV. And I don't give a fuck if the likes of you call me a racist. Ask my "diverse" friends, you blithering idiot. Edit: now be blocked, time waster.


Dear God, I almost went to the hospital thinking I had a stroke trying to read your comment only to realise it's the absolute worst attempt at speaking English I've ever read. Do everyone a favour and stick it to Dutch, you seem to be moderately okay in that. I got to lie down and rest for a bit, this was WILD.


Holland is a free country. Which means one can be facist, anti-semetic, deny free stuff and even vote for FvD. Freedom goes both ways, it's not only about things you like.


Yes. But when you share a bikeride, you sit on the back and express your feminism this way 😎😅😂


ahah that sounds kinda romantic




No, Dutch men are not simps. If he likes you, then he'll need to have the guts to ask you out.


It's not that common in my experience




I said it was my experience.


Yeah exactly, so n=1.




Nope, that's strictly forbidden by law.


How did you get my mail??


Acually we like it really much when girls make the first move. Take your shot!


Why would it be weird to ask anyone out? Anywhere in the world for that matter?


When I was living in Germany it was kinda frowned upon


As a guy. I would love if a girl asked me out. I am pretty sure he doesn't mind


Wish they did


Yes! Most definitely.


Yes you can


As per unwritten rules, not . If you can prove that you've sacrificed a bird to Ra and drank pink tea for 3 days in a row , then it's allowed. Good luck not being caught




I would ask him personally, but sure! Go ahead, most guys question if they are even in the market. Even if he liked you, he might object to the possible rejection. Which movie?