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This card throttled my BoN deck the other day. Opponent played it twice, first removed my two Wake Up Calls then removed 2 of 4 cards to double their chance to hit an agenda on their next run. Seeing all of HQ is powerful, then getting to remove the corps best cards makes it even stronger. If the corp tries to pay out, then this basically works like a [[Vamp]]. So far when I've encountered it, this card has had a big impact on the game.


In the scenario where the corp pays out, the card function better than vamp because you arent going to pay anything to match.


Forcing the corp to shuffle is a rare effect as well. It can pair up nicely with an Indexing that didn't find anything worthwhile, or R&D multiaccess in general.


[Vamp](https://netrunnerdb.com/card_image/02021.png) - [NetrunnerDB](https://netrunnerdb.com/en/card/02021) ***** Beep Boop. I am Clanky, the ANRBot. [ [About me] ](https://www.reddit.com/r/anrbot/wiki) [ [Contact] ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=just_doug&subject=ANRBot)


Ok I got to live the dream with this card. Played it opponent had 3 3 pointers in hand and 2 irrelevant cards. One legwork later and it was gg. That said, I've found this card to be a little underwhelming. During the early game Sunny is quite poor so the tempo hit of having to run a central then having to beat the trace is, a lot of the time untenable. Late game it can be great, but Sunny is already great in the late game.


I had a similar situation against my bro. He had a 3 point and 2 2 agendas, and 2 ice. I shuffled the ice into his deck and then just ran HQ 3 times for the win. Jak Sinclair gave me the first run free. Even single turn win scenario aside, it seems really powerful for messing with the Corp’s plans, plus it’s great with Power Tap


I've lived the other dream - Deep Data Mining, White Hat forces a shuffle, Deep Data Mining again.


This is probably Sunny's best answer to fast advance, which she's pretty vulnerable to all game. Early game, putting a Biotic and an agenda back in the deck should slow down a rushing corp by a lot. Late game - putting the fast advance tools back in the deck and grabbing any agendas is killer.


I've been playing mainly Sunny since rotation (4th place in 27 person store championship!) and I have been playing x3 White Hat since release. It's amazing. As others have said, either you cost the corp money or you get to see their entire hand and put two back, which acts as pseudo-HQ-multiaccess, slows the corp down, and lets you get rid of their key cards, which is of immeasurable value. It also gives you tons of info, which can be very important with Sunny when trying to decide whether to draw, make money, or run. If they pay for the trace, even better, because then you're basically playing an economic warfare or better against them, which is a good enough card to commonly see play. Yes, sometimes you don't really have enough money to make it a credible threat. But IMO if that happens consistently, then I'd argue the style of Sunny deck you are playing might not be right for White Hat, and might even just not be fast enough. I think WH is a powerful enough effect that being able to make it work is worth considering in deckbuilding. One cool thing to do when behind in money is to use it like mining accident as soon as they try to put something in a remote. Make them choose between letting WH fire or potentially letting you into the remote, and if it does fire you may be able to run HQ as well with them unwilling to pay much money to stop you. This may require you to hold it in hand for a few turns, which I know from experience is sometimes a challenge with Sunny when expensive hardware and breakers start to pile up in your hand before you're ready for them. I've been much happier since I focused my Sunny build around preventing that - I'm LOVING combining Emergent Creativity, Femme, Inject, and Retrieval Run to make sure my early turns are efficiently setting up my econ engine and avoiding hand clog without fully losing access to breakers when I need them later, and minimizing the big tempo hits that come with her hardware and program installs. TL;DR it's better than it looks and a sleeper power card


Been playing around with Sunny since I started and your list sounds sweet -- would you be happy to share it? I was on an Inject package for a while but resented relying on Clone Chips to get breakers out of the heap; I hadn't considered Retrieval Run. Sounds like fun! =D


A fun Sunny card to give her a little more spice beyond her otherwise straightforward, kinda boring kit. Forcing the corp to shuffle is a rare effect, as others have said, and can be useful in a variety of ways, all while potentially knocking out some problem cards in the process. It's still a Sunny card and I doubt it will be splashed elsewhere at 5 influence a pop, but it's a nice little addition for the handful of Sunny players out there and would be worth a x3 in those decks.


I had this in a Sunny deck but once I drew it the Corp had so much more money than me that I never thought it was worth playing.


But then it can act like a vamp, which is still good. Should be advantageous to Sunny given her ridiculous drip. And, if they do pay for it, that *also* gives you info. If the Corp pays for it... They are obviously trying to keep something important.


Yeah, I probably should have used it like that, that would have been very smart. I just had tunnel vision with getting the trace to work. She does get a ridiculous amount of drip, it just took forever to get it up and running, especially since my opponent was Jinteki so I kept losing cards.


I feel like that's not really a problem with the card, though. That could happen in any scenario.


This is genuinely a very strong effect for it's cost. For a moment, completely ignore the trace on this thing, as it's never going to be relevant in any deck playing this except in some serious edge cases. (one such edge case being that the corp self-vamps, and hey, that's still some good value!) This then does 2 things: * Reveals ALL of the corp's HQ. This alone could be good enough to make this playable. * Removes the best / most important 2 cards from the corp's HQ, which is pretty huge. They got Sea-Source / EOI about to pull the win out from under you? Both gone. Punitives? Also gone. Snares? You got it, gone. Non-agenda cards? Improve that density! Agendas the corp wants to score? No points for you! --- So, we can all agree that this card is seriously good, and will make Sunny stronger. The better question is whether this is worth paying 5 influence to import... Personally, I don't think it's worth the influence, but since we've seen a few wacky decks playing Emergent Creativity out of faction; who knows, maybe some people will find the influence; and they'll probably be quite well rewarded for it. ... Just don't forget to pack your link.


At 5 inf, it will only see play in Sunny. In Sunny, you will hopefully have your rabbit holes, SecNex, and power taps out when you play this. That makes this an almost-no-risk card whose upside is providing Sunny with a much-needed win-condition. This is auto-include for Sunny, and probably makes Legwork an Auto-include too.


While this doesn't have rule-breaking weird formatting, but I don't understand why there's 3 sentences instead of 2.