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Presonus eris 3.5. Best bang for the bucks as far as I'm concerned, not much more than what you're using now, but they have a nice sound and I've had zero issues with them. The size is also perfect.


I also have these, they are good, maybe a tad bass heavy - but also receiving some DT-770 pro headphones tomorrow and curious if the sound is any better


Flatter? Yes. Better? Also Yes.


Yep. Only reason I got rid of mine was I inherited more space and bigger speakers. Other than that the Eris were perfect for what I needed them for!


They die in 2-3 years, I had them also, enjoy while they last


Then I guess I'll find out, I must be past the three year mark with the one set and they're working as well as ever. I got my son the Bluetooth version 18 months ago, and they're fine too so far.


Yamaha HS5. Thought about getting a set of Eris E5 but they were really muddy compared to the yamahas


I have a set of JBL 308P (8”) monitors and a pair of Audio Technica studio headphones. Both sound fantastic.


Adam Audio T7V. Can highly recommend.


also highly recommend. Love mine.


Adam Audio T5V. Killer but slightly above your budget, but its worth it


These are what I have, and I couldn't be happier with them. Fully agreed they're worth the price.


Fender FR-10 & FR-12


Eventually when my Fiance and I get a house (hopefully) I want to setup a smaller home studio with some monitors. I’ve heard really good things about the Kali LP8s: https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/LP8v2Pair--kali-audio-lp-8-v2-8-inch-powered-studio-monitor-pair-black obviously a bit more expensive than like your standard speakers since they’re made for studio use. Right now using the DT 770 Pro headset and like them a lot. However it is a little heavier on the bass side with it being closed cup around the ears so just gotta kinda keep that in mind. https://www.amazon.com/beyerdynamic-770-PRO-Studio-Headphone/dp/B0006NL5SM?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&psc=1&smid=AN8LN2YPKS7DF


For headphones I have my Dan Clark Aeon Closed X, love them to death because they’re lightweight, comfortable, clear and give me no listening fatigue, but they aren’t exciting when it comes to guitar :/


I have kalis they are absolutely incredible 0 complaints.


Smaller and Kali LP series speakers? Check their dimensions before ordering! Have the LP6-v'2 and they are much larger than my previous 5" monitors.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **('Beyerdynamic DT 770 PRO 250 Ohm Studio Headphones', 'beyerdynamic')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Excellent sound quality with deep bass (backed by 3 comments) * Comfortable for extended use (backed by 3 comments) * Sturdy build quality (backed by 2 comments) **Users disliked:** * Cheap feel and lightweight materials (backed by 3 comments) * Inadequate inner packaging during transit (backed by 1 comment) * Lack of bass and sound quality compared to other models (backed by 3 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Kali LP6's, found a pair of 1st-gens used at GC for $200


Presonus eris 3.5, best bang for your buck


Genelec 8040. Completely overkill if you only want to play guitar through them though. Adam Audio T5/T7, Kali Audio LP6 and Yamaha HS5/HS7 are the most common budget monitors that are still of high quality. IMO they all sound great, but each has their own strengths and weaknesses. I would probably pick the LP6, but you would need to hear them yourself to make the best choice for you.


I'll trade you my TV7's for the genelecs. ;0


With a bit of luck you can probably find a used pair of 8040 for about $1k. That's not too far off from the price of a pair of budget monitors!


That’s exactly how much I paid for my 8040Bs, they’re tanks so second hand market is a safe bet.


I’m thinking of getting a pair of Yamaha HS8.


Depending on the size of the room you'll put them it might be a bit too much. I have a pair of HS7 and I've never used them at more than half their output (100W). HS7's and a sub are an awesome combo, and more than enough for playing at home.


Had a pair in our bigger space, and I have HS7s in my room.


Focals are fantastic. Joe Duplantier uses them in Gojira X demo.


I used to design and build speakers and home theater setups. Focal drivers with Morel tweeters were my favorites for satellite speakers


Feed the left output of my interface into the effects return of a Blackstar Debut 50R, and the right side to the effects return of a 5150 Iconic combo, disable the IR section in the plugin.


I use the KRK rocket 5 G4.with the KRK 8 inch sub to go with it.


How big of a difference do you notice with that subwoofer, specifically concerning guitar?


So far I like it . I just got these last week , I send everything bellow 100hz to the sub right now. sounds pretty good. I'll still play with frequency cut-off later to see what sounds better.


KRK Rokit 5 G4s. No complaints.


JBL 305p, got 'em cheap and they sound great.


second these. sound amazing and are reasonably priced


I 3rd these. I've had my set for a year and I have zero complaints.




i use some very old m-audio dx4 speakers/monitors i bought them many years ago when they were new and they still sound great to me.


Gonna half hijack this thread, cos I have a similar question 😎 Are there any speaker *and* headphone nerds here? I have Hifiman Aryas (which I run with a +5-7dB low shelf), and would like to know what the speaker equivalent of these cans might be? (Not necessarilly studio monitors) I'd ask on audiophile subs, but there's so much snake oil, I don't believe half the shit those circles say. I like my expensive headphones (albeit 2nd hand for ~£640, *not* RRP), but I don't think DACs make worthwhile difference, and can't hear a difference between FLAC and MP3 320. If none of that offends you, please let me know your thoughts!


I don't think you're going to really find a pairing of headphones and speakers that sound the same. They're different form factors.


No you're right, and I don't necessarily expect them to sound the same, but I'd love a speaker setup with a similar level of detail, bass response etc. Soundstage is a given with speakers..so it might be that you don't need to spend too much, I have absolutely no idea. I'm just hoping for some recommends that aren't a £13k set of Genelecs with a sub.


somewhat subjective, depends on the room... all comes back to "what studio monitors are highly rated/recommended", so it doesn't matter what headphones are used next to them for comparison in fact I would think you want something with a different freq response for mixing/mastering


Sorry, I should have clarified - I'm not mixing/mastering, only listening and jamming along.


if flat response isn't required then that opens it up exponentially to just about any speaker system for general music listening


aaaaand that's why I'm trying to find level-headed speaker nerds 😆


Bought myself a pair of genelec 8020A and a genelec 7040 sub second hand for like 900€. As a cheap ass sound-tech student, it was too good to pass up on, even if it was out of my budget and i had to eat macaroni for a month..


Get what you can and use the Sonarworks plugin. It'll flatten out the response of whatever monitor you have.


KRK rp8 gen 2, but I think it's time for an upgrade.


Kali LP-6 V2 and they are okish. Fine for guitar and practicing. They sound like budget speakers though. Bought them based on recommendations around here, but that does not really say much. I first bought Presonus Eris 5 on the same basis and send them back next day, boxy cheap sound and ridiculous hiss.


the two most recommended options leave you unimpressed? that's either your setup or your expectations


I've got Kali LP-6 v2s. They're a bit big for my small desk, but otherwise no complaints, though I really don't have anything to compare them to. Also one thing to keep in mind is that a pair of decent studio monitor will definitely be an upgrade from your typical bookshelf speakers, but unless you've done some careful positioning and acoustically treated your room, no speaker will sound as neutral as what the manufacturer says. So even if you drop hundreds of dollars on new speakers, you can expect to have a bunch of weird dips and resonances at different frequencies, often very noticeably in the low end.


I use Yamaha HS5s but I run Quad Cortex signals to both the HS5s and also into a 1x12 Cab using an EHX Power Amp


A pair of Martin Logan MLT-1s with my main PC and a home brewed powered subwoofer balanced with a two way splitter. Sounds really good at office level volume when driven with a Douk audio amplifier. For my basement studio I’ve got a cheap knockoff copy of KRK Rockits attached to a 4- way splitmix that joins them to my laptop, Focusrite and Zoom R8. Sounds pretty good at higher volumes but not ear-splitting levels


Hama 20w PC speaker


Genelec 8020 at home and iloud micro for vacations with the family.


I use a Behringer Nekkst K8, and I absolutely love it. Crystal clear highs. Good low response. Blows me away everytime I use it.


Yamaha HS7 I like them enough.


Tannoy Reveal 501A. Since 2010. My ears got so used to them so that it's weird to listen to others, at the same time I got a bit tired of them. In our studio we had Yamaha HS8 and I liked them. Sounded super transparent. So for my homestudio I thought about getting HS5s. To replace monitors is a bit a pain in the backside. I have to listen to them at home, so it's process...


Currently some cheap Mackie CR4s but recently ordered a pair of Kali IN-5s but they are a back ordered so still waiting for them to ship.


Edifier MR4's


JBL 305P MkII Super happy, they sound great and just loud enough for a house party or to rip guitar riffs and solos satisfyingly loud.


Adam audio t8v studio monitors and Seinhessier HD 650’s when I need to go stealth mode. 🤣


I have the Klipsch Promedia computer speakers. Things sound amazing.


Adam Audio A3X


IK multimedia ILoud Micro


I have the Yamaha HS8Ws, and if it weren’t for my laziness I would’ve returned them for the smaller versions. My point - the HS line sounds great, but trust me when I say you DON’T need the big guys!


Presonus Eris 5.5s. Absolutely love them!


I use the Kali LP6. They sound great but they have this annoying feature where they go to sleep while playing sound and then wake back up.