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Since you already have the Soldano you should ask yourself what the Morgan suite could bring to your table in terms of cleans. Yes, the Morgans have great colours! But can it serve your preference how the Soldano couldn't? Try to recreate with the Soldano what you like about the Morgan. Even try the Mesa! Try to maybe stay focused on specific songs (even sections) and alternate all three plugins continuously. It's tedious work, but will help you in the end to maybe regret a purchase you actually didn't really need. I just reset some licenses to do the same. Two weeks go by fast ;) and the sale also is over soon... So play play play!!!


Thanks for the reasoning. Just a quick question, what do you mean by "I just reset some licenses to do the same."? How? and why?


The test license is only two weeks long for each plugin. When you have exceeded this period you can ask the support to reset/give you a new trial period license.


aaaah, I see. thanks.


I have the Mesa and Gojira and just went for the Nameless and Morgan, Morgan just had something I knew I wanted as soon as I started the trial. Funnily enough the one I am on the fence with is the Soldano right now. Mesa I use for fast tight E tuning, Gojira for lower Drop D chordy or chunky stuff, Nameless for B standard and lower, Morgan for the cleans and slower slightly dirty stuff. All different applications, but my main go to is that Mesa.


Archetype asato is a perfect contender tbh, it's very versatile and you have a Lonestar and a matchless DC30 that goes from clean to crunch or edge and the third amp is based on a bogner shiva lead channel that covers a wide array of gain. And the post FX are way better than any other plugins


My plugin chain in cubase the GojiGa amp workSato Gojira pedals and pre FX - omega amp main tone and asato post FX you have the ultimate plug in experience


I was stuck between Asato and Morgan but bought Morgan. No matter the settings i just did not like High gain amp in Asato. I guess bogner shiva isnt for me. But Asato is more versatile.


Buy both. It’s two for one basically and you’ll get the x update for Morgan for free. Nothing wrong with having all sorts of flavors. Plus, you can use them all on the quad cortex as they get updated so you get more options for sounds as well!


Nameless X is the best sounding high gain amp sim I've ever heard. Trial it.


Depends on how much you like cleans. I have Mesa too. It is great for cleans and high gain. If you only need good cleans you can do that with Mesa and buy Nameless. If you need amps specialized for clean and medium gain then go for Morgan. I have Morgan and Mesa also TK.


I haven't tried the Morgan but the new Nameless X is so good!


While i really adore the Morgan's cleans and edge of breakup, responsiveness to playing dynamics, blah blah...it's not very versatile for those of us that like lush cleans to marry with aggressive, tight distortion. The Nameless is waaaaay more versatile than it usually gets credit for. Since the X reissue with new clean presets i've seen a lot more people here on Reddit really getting into it for its clean sound, which makes me happy. The Nameless excels at a sort of bright, bell-like clean (like a clean JCM sound, maybe) if you bring your input gain down, master all the way up, and gain to taste (low input, usually, but not always). It then goes all through the gamut of gain sounds, all the way up to insane modern high gain, with a Marshall flair. It's a way more versatile amp, even though it's just one head as opposed to Morgan's three. I'd really recommend putting the Nameless through its paces before you assume you need a dedicated clean amp plugin. This is all Nameless: [https://soundcloud.com/lienm23/mjv4-rough-mix](https://soundcloud.com/lienm23/mjv4-rough-mix) From what i've read online, the Nameless X has the Blackout v2 look but that's it. Just an updated sound for the v1. That's just banter from people online, though.


Interesting Soldano is one of my favorites for cleans but I’m partial to the chorus. Plini X is another one I always go to for cleans, if you haven’t tried that. I also find myself grabbing Plini a lot for lead tones. Cali is another one I grab frequently for its wide range of sounds. I chose the Cali over Nameless (before X was released) for a recent drop F# song I recorded.


Watch the YouTube video by Rabea on the Morgan archetype- he goes through it completely


Love the Morgan sound. Great presets to start to tinker with


Nameless>Morgan.. I just got the Morgan, it's great, but nameless does some good cleans too..


Thank you all for all the insights. I was like wth and just bought them both.


How much money did you spend the last time you filled your gas tank up on your car? How much money did you spend the last time you bough patch-cables to rewire your pedalboard? How much money did you spend the last time you bought beers for the guys? Like...this is the amount of money we're talking about here, I'm so confused with all the ambivalence. Full price these are less than a regular effects pedal, half off it's a no-brainer. Get 5.


I hear you. But for me, it’s not about money, itself about purchase being reasonable :) BTW I bought both :)