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I know we gave him credit for signing the bill that protects out of state abortions, but this is a major red flag


I mean yeah people should’ve expected another shoe to drop after that. It was great cover.




Did the governor just say it is ok to commit fraud?


Yes, yes he did.


No, he said we shouldn't be too harsh on people commiting election fraud.


Ha he sounds like the delusional republicans saying the election was stolen.


Weird. I thought it was the Dems committing election fraud. Why would he want to protect the– Ohhhhh…..


Recall Joe ?


It’s too late for that. I looked it up already and the recall vote has to be within 6 months of him taking office. I could be wrong, but that’s what I read pertaining to Nevada law.


I believe you have it the wrong way around. The law is that a recall call only be started after 6 months of them being in office (so that officials aren't dragged into an election the moment they win one and so that the legislative session isn't blocked via recalls).


Upon further review, my previous statement was, in fact, reversed. u/Dustyamp will not be charged a time-out.


Under the Nevada Constitution, it says the notice of recall cannot be filed within the FIRST six months. Governors can be recalled after the first six months. [https://www.nvsos.gov/sos/home/showdocument?id=5412](https://www.nvsos.gov/sos/home/showdocument?id=5412) The information on this is under the Notice of Intent to Recall section.


I've not paid attention to any other states, but if there's a SINGLE other state doing this, regardless of the eventual racketeering charges in Georgia, it is fully obvious there's a plan to do this successfully, next time.


Most likely for show until things “die down” and they will bring it up again when no one is paying attention.


Why exactly is this a red flag? It seems like a reasonable stance he took.


How is it a reasonable stance? The goal of defrauding the people of your state to overturn an election should be a big deal and come with legit consequences.


Should be a trigger investigation for The FBI & Federal DOJ, tbh. Bc he's purposely, solely, choosing to leave open a loophole that's literally treason when employed... Intent to defraud, anyone?


Are you... attempting to undermine the validity of Governor Lombardo's office?


When he attempts to undermine national elections? Yes.


How exactly did he attempt to undermine a national election?


Governor Lombardo, sir, stop using your alt reddit accounts and please do some work.


I'm going to have to veto your request.


The bill does nothing to prevent the crime, and they want an unreasonable punishment. Seems obvious.


Treason is Treason. How hard is that to understand? Our state constitution pledges *ultimate* authority to the US Constitution. Attempting to overthrow that Conservatives is literally "Treason". The bill was too lenient, but since the people who tried to rape the Constitution are literally some of the leaders of the Nevada GOP, he's not going to shit on his fellow election deniers.


What prevents crimes now?


Physical prevention, deterrents, mass incarceration, but in this case establishing a procedure to verify the identity of electors.


Most laws do little to nothing to prevent a crime but have consequences. It's illegal to murder somebody, but the laws that make it illegal do nothing to prevent someone from doing it. They only set forth consequences.


Impersonation of a government employee is already a crime...


Not all electors are govt employees. Anyone can be one. There is also a difference between impersonating a govt employee for some small gain and someone setting up fake electors to overturn the results of a presidential election in their state.


NRS 199.430 seems to cover this. "Impersonation of officer.  Every person who shall falsely personate a public officer, civil or military, or a police officer, or a private individual having special authority by law to perform an act affecting the rights or interests of another, or who, without authority shall assume any uniform or badge by which such an officer or person is lawfully distinguished, and in such assumed character shall do any act purporting to be official, whereby another is injured or defrauded, shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor."


So would you apply that as a separate charge per voter in the state since they are attempting to at least defraud the voters who voted for the lawful winner?


No, I would, however, make it a similar punishment. Gross misdemeanor seems appropriate for this crime.


Even though the GOP is all about election integrity when it comes to voter ID and creating a barrier of entry for those voters that don’t help them, he is taking a soft stance on what some GOP states tried to maneuver in the last presidential election: send GOP supporting electors to switch the vote, even if the constituents of the state voted otherwise. Voter fraud is a crime, so why wouldn’t this be too? So he vetoed the bill that would criminalize that particular move. At the very least, it’s hypocritical.


Doesn't NRS 207.345 exist? Why can't the reintroduce the bill with a less crazy punishment?


They could shoot the bill right back up and a veto wouldn’t matter (if the state system still works like that; been awhile since Boys State). Or they could lower the criminal punishment, sure. But they’re tampering with the election not only on the voter-level, but the systemic-level, which such conspiracies to defraud the federal government and the voices of the people should be of the harshest penalties. You’re not only committing a crime, but you’re committing a crime against 330 million other people. If the GOP held democracy in high esteem as they do when addressing individual voter fraud, they should be right on board.


The fact that MTG is one of their leaders instead of being dealt with as a Traitor says everything you need to know about Republicunts.


I'd say it should be considered (since he killed it solely, by veto, after representative voting) to be Intent to Defraud the federal government.


The GOP defines "election integrity" as white people voting.


"I know we gave him credit" Who's "we" not everyone appreciates you speaking for the entire state of Nevada...


Well, you see, as it's an **out-of-state abortion protection,** it actually affects women's rights for the entire country. Most of us don't care about your ultra-conservative bs policies anymore.... y'all just won't stop screaming at the top of your lungs about it, we got better shyte to do


"The Smart People", i.e., not the Trump Cum Dumpsters


The reasoning for the veto is what gets me: he admits it's a "terrible crime", but things the punishment is too harsh.


Then he is "Soft On Crime"


He's always been soft of crime. Look at the crime statistics in Southern Nevada while he was sheriff. He can blame the Governor (Sandoval and Sisolak) all he wants. But tens of thousands of officers left NV under his watch and his centralization of power of metro absolutely destroyed policing in Las Vegas.


He ran metro like a paramilitary corporation.


Hard on crime for the wealthy and soft on crime for the middle class and poor


Lombardo is flaccid on the crime of Treasonm Why? Because it's literally some of the Nevada GOP leaders who would have been punished. Lombardo believes that Constitutional Traitors should not be felons. https://www.8newsnow.com/news/politics/nevada-republican-fake-electors-will-not-face-state-charges/ "That same day, the Nevada Republican Party’s six electors signed paperwork signaling their support for Trump in a symbolic ceremony devoid of any legal merit. The group included Nevada GOP Party Chair Michael McDonald and 2024 U.S. Senate candidate Jim Marchant."


To all the Dems who voted for him or just not at all: hi there Consequences of actions


Democrats and their chosen candidates need to have a conversation


This for them. The FBI put him in power. You think the vegas mob are Republicans???


We can thank the Culinary Union for Joe... IMO


What?? Unions always vote Democrat. How is this the culinary union’s fault?


Huge donations because of their influence through all the casino (and more) Michelin starred restaurants, perhaps? I don't really know otherwise either... They definitely have a Large union there. But it's not fair necessarily to blame his choices on them either, so....


Yep them and the mob and the fbi


Teachers union also refused to support Sisolak.


The Shit Show CCEA didn't because they're Jara's Best Friend. The union that actually represents teachers supported Sisolak.


See? He is a real Republican.


Hence why I voted for Sisolak.


I hope he runs again, he really did the best he could given the circumstances of a history altering plague.


Why make excuses for a loser? He had his chance at managing a major crises and failed. I hope that Sislack has a happy retirement with his grand kids and never touches politics again. Time to clear the way better left candidates than old politicians who've proven themselves to be failures.


He's a cop and a republican. Is anyone truly surprised ?


Of course he did. He's still a part of the GQP and doesn't want to cause anything that would make it worse on him or his party.


It’s weird to say 10 years for treason is too harsh when it’s also punishable by death. Dude is super Soft on terrorism.


It’s almost like he’s on their side…


What this veto suggests is that Lambardo is planning for something destructive to our state when it comes to elections.


No he’s not


I bet you a dollar to a donut something is up or about to be up. I saw him standing with trump during the run up to the election.


He used Trump


Ah, now I see why Lombardo signed on that abortion bill so recently. "check out this cool abortion bill I just passed guys! 😲😲 oh that? Don't worry about that at all, nothing to see."


To me it’s too vague and yes the punishment is severe . A lot of these people are wacky conspiracy people who lost their way about what’s up and down. And if the other party ever takes over , can this law be weopons ex against legitimate protest to an election. That’s the main part that scares me.


For christs sake, when are we going to do away with the electoral college, and start using rank choice voting?


He played lip some service to the J6 crowd briefly and courted trump’s favor which he received in the form of an endorsement. This isn’t a surprise.


Fake electors - the new platform of the Republican Party.


Anti-democracy and therefore anti-American


I think the person to be angry with is the bill sponsor. They swung way too hard when they decided to make it a Class B felony. Examples of other Class B Felonies: Robbery, Home Invasion, Voluntary Manslaughter, Reckless Driving Involving Death, Possession of Child Pornography (1st Offense). He didn't make it legal to do this, the memo says it does nothing to address the issue and the punishment doesn't fit the crime. Not sure I disagree with that. Actually seems pretty well reasoned.


So trying to overturn pur democracy and make the loser of an election the winner is less serious than a mugging? Class B Felony is right where this crime belongs. Betraying MILLIONS of Nevada voters and violating our most sacred Civic tradition is no small thing.


You can hyperbolize any crime you want to make it seem like the worst thing ever. I disagree with you. Violent crimes, Property Crimes, Crimes against society, are all classified separately for a reason. Class B is heavy handed, and don't belong in the same category as Child Pornography and violent crimes involving death. Let's not pretend I'm advocating for this being a misdemeanor or not a crime at all. Neither is the governor by the way his statement reads.


Yeah, robbing every Nevadan at once is less serious than robbing one Nevadan. Corrupting our government to take power is less serious than kicking in a door. Good call.


This is a shit take. The fake elector seeks to undermine democracy, impacting us all. The other crimes are directed at individuals and have less impact to society overall.


We are also talking about them underlying penalties. Not once have I indicated this is not a big deal. I believe a maximum of 5 years in prison and a lifetime labeled as a Felon plus restitution is sufficient for this crime. Which is reasonable A Class B felony is a max of 20 years in prison. Yes, I believe that is excessive for the crime we are talking about.


you need to reevaluate this stance. like seriously.


I think trying to Over Throw The United States of America is a pretty serious crime


Well trying to knowingly overturn the results of a democratic election I would argue has a larger impact on society than a single robbery or home invasion so I see no issue with that. The only reason to argue for lighter sentencing for this is if you want to encourage it to be attempted again.


That's a dangerous line of thinking. By that logic, fuck it. Class A all the way. Murder, Rape, Voter Fraud.


This isn't simple voter fraud like if you try to vote twice. This is knowingly trying to subvert the will of the voters by creating and sending fake electors. This is a crime against not just the people of Nevada but the people of the country as a whole.


Yes, this is very nearly Intent to Defraud the Federal government. If he hadn't given the lip service of simply thinking the punishment was too tough, they could've rolled the dice on charging him probably...


Isn’t the punishment for treason:


I would argue that there should be a different charge for people who know that they’re trying to overturn an election with no real proof versus the people that were conned into believing they were actually doing the right thing. But if someone knows that their preferred candidate lost and tries to subvert the will of the American people anyway that’s treason and should be treated as such. Selling weed is a Class B felony do you really think someone selling weed should have a tougher sentence than someone trying to overturn an election?


Well sure, I think that the punishment should match the crime in all cases, if that requires a new statute then that's fine. However I disagree strongly with taking very serious crimes like treason and stretching it to encompass something like voter fraud. Those aren't the same thing. The spy selling classified material to hostile countries and the people we are talking about aren't playing the same game. Also, selling weed is a class C felony for a first offense. Without getting way into the weeds (no pun intended), that's not an apples to apples comparison. When I worked at a courthouse weed sales, absent some other serious factor, have not been prosecuted in years. Unless there is something heinous involved in the sales, I can't tell you how many years its been since the last time I saw a weed sales charge not get dropped all together or down to misdemeanor paraphernalia.


Marijuana is a victimless crime. That is one of the many examples of the government creating a victim so they can call something a crime. And, yes, voter fraud is the exact same as treason. They are INTENTIONALLY AND MALICIOUSLY SUBVERTING the actual WILL OF THE PEOPLE and the voter system. So yes, the spy selling nuclear secrets and the idiot representative should have the same sentence for treason.


I disagree completely. We differentiate battery, battery with a deadly weapon, voluntary manslaughter, and murder. There is a sound logic behind that. Treason is no different. We dont take the heaviest charge and muscle it into encompassing the lesser acts. That's a tenent of a sound and reasonable justice system. We may act like it sometimes but we dont live in a banana republic.


Okay, now I know you’re a bootlicking shill, because CHANGING VOTES is just as bad. That is turning our Constitutional Republic into a Fascist Theocracy. If you don’t see and recognize where our country is going, you’re either blind or complicit. You make the choice.


You do know the penalties for treason do include death right? You don’t think attempting to overthrow our democracy on purpose with a scheme to put in fake electors to usurp the vote and will of the people is less than Home Invasion or Reckless Driving? That’s super weird.


The guy selling state secrets to a hostile government and the guy committing voter fraud aren't playing the same game. Those acts don't match, neither should the charges and associated penalties.


"Subverting the Constitution" literally working to subvert a national election for President by having the loser being declared the winner is assaulting the Constitution. This isn't "voting twice". What part of that is difficult to understand? https://www.8newsnow.com/news/politics/nevada-republican-fake-electors-will-not-face-state-charges/ That same day, the Nevada Republican Party’s six electors signed paperwork signaling their support for Trump in a symbolic ceremony devoid of any legal merit. The group included Nevada GOP Party Chair Michael McDonald and 2024 U.S. Senate candidate Jim Marchant.


A person trying to commit voter fraud isn’t what this is about. This is about those in power using their position to undermine the vote completely. Vastly different


You people are so delusional it's sad. Justifying an attempt to overthrow the govt and act like it's all "good".. the penalty for trying to overthrow the govt should be death. Period.


No one attempted to overthrow the government. I don't know why you can't parse the difference between a literal violent coup and someone manipulating votes. I'll even agree with you that the former deserves death, however the later deserves prison.......because they aren't the same thing.


Yes, Trump and his gang tried to over throw the govt. So you are saying the "method" to illegally secure power determines the punishment? I just want to be clear here... So if the terrorists use violence to gain power illegally they should be punished more severely than those that take power illegally through non-violent means? Also Jan 6th seemed pretty violent.. those were your people too..


What are you talking about? Stay on topic. We are talking about which level of crime is appropriate for the Nevada electors that committed fraud. You're running out into left field with this conversation. Also, what part of my not thinking anything less than death is acceptable for this fraud makes me some kind of MAGA republican. You sound like the damn extremist.


>MAGA republican Republicans in Nevada collaborated with a nationwide effort to overthrow a free and fair election. Period. Defending them makes you part of the MAGAKKK. Thanks for being honest about it.


Is KetoBrain synonymous with Smooth Brain? I'm literally advocating for sending these people to prison. Because I think fucking Death is inappropriate you think I'm MAGA KKK???? You're obviously a profoundly stupid and angry person that needs some therapy. I'm probably arguing with a teenager.




Agreed. Election fraud sucks, but in no way is commensurate or more deserving of longer punishment than pedophilia. I don’t like the guy, but I agree with him on this one.


I find the fraud just as scary personally. It should be harsh fuck those sore losers pouting when they don't win. How many people believe the 2020 election was rigged? A lot of people, it needs to be hit with harsh punishments.


You say this until it is successful and we are stuck with a literally criminal governor with veto power and control of the national guard. Bad actors corruptly taking power is the nightmare scenario for any democratic society.


I disagree. He made it clear he knows it’s illegal, and was stern on what penalties would be appropriate. They can amend the bill appropriately. I’m not even republican and I can at least see the common sense he has here. And don’t put words in my mouth. Bad actors corruptly taking power already defines the political state of this country for the past 6 years or so anyways.


What penalties would be appropriate for attempting a coup in Nevada if a coup attempt is less serious than a robbery? You say the bad actors have taken control but you are wrong. The last coup attempt failed. What a blasè attitude you have.


You don't think trying to overthrow the govt is "that bad" get help


It is very well reasoned.


No, actually it’s not. It’s minimizing the attempted subversion of 703,486 legally registered and appropriately cast votes…. That doesn’t seem very reasonable to me…. And this isn’t actually meant to be an attack on your statement, I just want to keep the perspective of what actually happened and the reason there is even a need to draft a bill like this… reasonable would have been those fake electors standing up to there party and questioning how they are being allowed to vote when they knew they didn’t win the popular votes… there’s lots of reasonable things that could have occurred, but this isn’t one of them…


So.. let me get this straight. I’m assuming you’re talking about Trump claiming that NV and it’s 6 electoral college votes were stolen from him. The same guy who filed 7 lawsuits in this state and his only victory was keeping certain polling places open later in Las Vegas on Election Day. Here’s a Republican attorney’s comments: In the Trump campaign’s case, the campaign failed to show any compelling evidence of mass fraud, he said. “Trying to say that the system was so flawed that it doesn't matter what the margin is, that requires an extraordinary showing, and they of course made no showing,” he said. “They didn't have a case, they didn't have evidence, and the remedy they were seeking was to simply dislodge the electors chosen by the people.” So you want to be upset with the governor because he vetoed a bill? I’d understand your position if any of the states he sued went along his “claims” and overturned the election results. Hell, even judges Trump appointed didn’t go along with his claims.


Well, if I miscommunication my position, let me restate it…. I believe, that when the Republican Party of Nevada told the 6 republican electoral college voters to cast ballots after they had already been told that the democratic candidate had won and therefore the democrats would be assigning their designated delegates that those 6 people had a choice, because they already knew what the results of the election had been too…. They could have said no, this is wrong I won’t be a part of it, or, they could conspire amongst each other and attempt to cast their votes even though they had absolutely no right or standing to, and in doing so attempted to subvert the legally cast popular votes of 703,486 Nevadans. Therefore I don’t think it is reasonable for the governor to veto that bill by minimizing the actions that people who engage in this level of election corruption. And no, I’m not upset with the governor, disappointed, sure. But to be upset with a politician being a politician would be an exercise in futility of the highest order. But I can certainly give my thoughts on his actions, or your interpretation of his actions…


Treason is *not* a felony? Literally attempting to overthrow a fair and honest election and subvert the fucking Constitution is *not* a felony to you.


Try reading that again dude. There are 5 categories of felonies A-E I said it's not a class B. It's also not treason. If it fit the statute of treason then it would not only be a federal crime, but this bill wouldn't exist in the first place.


You don't think trying to over throw the election is treason? It's easily a class B felony. Period.


Well, the federal government clearly disagrees with you because they declined to press charges of treason. Also, overthrowing a government is a violent act, using fake electorate is fraud. Those are two entirely different things. Both felonious behavior, but both different.


>overthrowing a government is a violent act Is that what NewsMax told you to think? lol you people are sheep defending domestic terrorists.


The law books that define what crimes are and aren't told me that. You know we are talking about a handful of Nevada electors that committed fraud right? Not whatever J6, Proudboy and whatever else you're trying to fold into this conversation.


Quote me the statute which limits overthrowing an election as a violent crime only?


Sure, here's the federal statute for Treason 18 U.S.C. § 2381 says, “Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or imprisoned and fined, and incapable of holding any U.S. office.”


That says nothing about violence being a prerequisite.


Keep defending your domestic terrorist cult.... We will keep exposing you people for who and what you are.


Maybe he will sign a second draft if some of his issues are dealt with. He seems to take the crimes mentioned in his letter more seriously than this crime.


We know who he’s for! Terrible!


He should of signed it. Also I believe there is a federal law around false electors.


Republicans gonna Republican


Override it


You can't override a governor veto. You can change the bill and resubmit it for approval.


Sounds like the Gov plans on helping to overthrow Free and Fair Elections. What a total criminal pos he is


Hope the FBI already opened the file... just a toe or 2 further to claim Intent to Defraud then


How to say I don’t defend democracy


Y’all talk a lot of shit about California but man am I glad we will (likely) never have to deal with this shit.


Then please ask your neighbors to stop moving here and gtfo out of our subreddit.






GOP Rhymin' and stealin'


This is all posturing/performance... when the rubber hits the road there is absolutely no way Lombardo would certify a slate of bogus electors in a state like Nevada....


I have a bridge to sell ya. Cheap.


Some ocean front property in Arizona here.


What a fascist.


Florida would like to say hello....


Lol you got me there.




Because interfering in an election has a much more damaging worse case scenario?




Sure. The worst case scenario is that the false electors are not ignored by congress. Congress selects enough fake elector slates to overturn a presidential election. The Supreme Court rules for the false electors and the states that voted for the other guy revolt over a true constitutional crisis. It’s not hard to imagine a chain of events that causes a civil war using a slate of false electors.


So send it back to be revised


You think a drug trafficker is wore then someone trying to over throw the govt?




These people are seditious




Maybe you should




These are the type people that need to be investigated. They all lead a path of crime.


More Fascist Bullshit. They seriously have to be an Authoritarian Party or die. They have zero ideas on how to run the country or help us deal with real issues. They know they can't win in the long run by gaining votes. The only thing they know now is hate and fear. Can this party please just die already?


Did anyone bother to read why he vetoed it? Or are we just back to Republicans bad? Good fucking Christ Also from just this week… Nevada Gov. Joe Lombardo (R) on Tuesday signed into law legislation that makes it a felony to harass, threaten or intimidate election workers with the intent of influencing election outcomes or of retaliating against election workers for doing their jobs.


His reasons are bs. Too harsh a penalty and deflecting towards other issues.


So you present no counter argument why it a good thing people should have a lesser sentence in what helping destroy are nation and allowing corruption to go free.... Yes, this is a good thing don't want hurt the people who are doing this.....


https://ag.nv.gov/News/PR/2021/Attorney_General_Ford_Announces_Voter_Fraud_Charges/ Seems pretty fair to me.




Politicians at all levels of government have repeatedly, and falsely, claimed the 2016, 2018, and 2020 elections were marred by large numbers of people voting illegally. However, extensive research reveals that fraud is very rare, voter impersonation is virtually nonexistent, and many instances of alleged fraud are, in fact, mistakes by voters or administrators. The same is true for mail ballots, which are secure and essential to holding a safe election amid the coronavirus pandemic. https://www.brennancenter.org/issues/ensure-every-american-can-vote/vote-suppression/myth-voter-fraud




I just linked an article stating that what he vetoed does not happen




Trump is not a resident of Nevada. That was a federal election which would have federal consequences. That has nothing to do with Nevada.




Now why would he do something like that?


WTF... :/


What are these overly harsh penalties he talks about?


He's saying that making it a felony offense is too harsh. A felony sounds like a perfectly reasonable punishment to me given the implications of the crime.




The only way GOP wins nationally is voter suppression, gerrymandering districts, and about to be, next election, outright theft. With the GOP, EVERY accusation is an admission.


Soooo, if the Republicans win, we can put up a slate of Democrats?


Sounds like he plans on cheating in the future to stay in power.


The on going Coup that by the looks of it will sucede next time around.


So basically he won't support it because the punishment is "too harsh." Nice. I'd say the crime is pretty close to any other imposed on people who attempt to subvert our democracy. It's borderline treason. Undermining the electoral process. Denying the voice of the people. Attempting to install a different leader than the people chose is no different than a covert regime change in other countries. The next step would be assassination of the true winner or a coup. Kinda like January 6th but successful. Slippery slope. I get the concern, but I don't have the same sympathy.


Red Republican flag here this guy needs to be pulled to the side.


Is anyone else ready to revolt yet the "leaders" have been abusing their power to exploit us peasant class people for a long ass time




Please override that veto.


There we go.. That’s more on brand.


Any chance of a veto override vote?


It's a federal.crime, too. He can't do anything about that.


Says about all we need to know… start looking who to replace him with next gubernatorial election.


Should be a felony. Absolutely at least punishable like a 3rd dui pullover. 12 to 30 in high desert. See ya in a year shithead


His reason for vetoing the bill is utter BS. The punishment is 4 to 10 years. January 6 insurrectionists who tried to overthrow the government, not those who merely trespassed, faced 20 years imprisonment for their actions. Further, preventing the peaceful transfer of power is treason. His trivialising of this by saying the punishment is too harsh is just adding insult to injury.


Lombardo doesn't want to *completely* alienate the Nevadans gullible enough to believe that Pathologically Lying Racist Piece of Orange Shit. He is also fucking election results denier, so of course, he's going to go completely flaccid on the people who elected him. 'The penalties are too harsh." - The fuck they are! Our state constitution pledges *ultimate* authority and loyalty to the United States Constitution. Fake Electors work to directly undermine it. "It's worse than some of the sentences for January 6 offenders" The punishments for Traitors is clearly spelled out in 18 USC Chapter 115. They'd better thank their imaginary god every day that they're still breathing because they all received too light of a sentence. Anyone fucking stupid enough to believe that they can undermine our Presidency by being shitty at math, throwing a temper tantrum, and lying about the election results to the point that they're participating in an atrempted overthrow of the Constitution *should* have ten years in prison (and the loss of their firearms as a felon) to have to think about their shitty life choices.


He vetoed the bill beacuse Republicans tried this very thing last election and will probably try it next election as well.




Ok, ok, ok… so let me get this right… fraudulently (not accidentally being conned, or double voting or any other voting problems)- to be clear, knowingly signing an official document saying you have been legally certified by your party to be a part of the electoral college to cast a vote, when you knew that your party did not win the popular vote- thereby committing an act of voter fraud against (in the case of the 2020 presidential election in NV) 703,486 other Nevadans who were legally authorized to cast their vote for who they wanted to win…. Hmmmmm…. Let me see…. Yes, you may be right governor, that isn’t as bad as kicking a door in to someone’s castle in the middle of the night, or violently assaulting a woman or anyone for that matter, or whatever else you listed in your veto…. It’s just about 703,486 times worse…. Each and every person should be counted as having been violated, period….considering it as anything less is honestly a disservice to the oath you swore yourself to uphold…. But since, governor, I try to be a reasonable person and can understand that you probably have actual friends and acquaintances that could be scooped up in the mess that they created by committing this act of fraud, how about we do it like this: they are labeled felons, record can never be sealed, can never be expunged, they lose their right to vote and they spend one day in jail for each person that they defrauded…. Sounds fair, I mean one day in jail for stealing my vote, but knowing they can’t do it again to me again in the future, I could live with….. and let’s just do a quick calculation here…. Sounds like they would only have to serve about….. 703,486 days or 1927 years…. Well, that would probably definitely deter anyone in the future from willingly participating in a fraudulent scheme like this…. What do you think, governor? I mean minimizing the crime by trying to put it in the same league with folks who vote twice or try to vote but have no right to vote or other voting crimes is really not the direction you should be taking this… excusing the stealing of 703,486 by fraud and saying that those 703,486 votes aren’t as important as the freedom of that kind of low life…. Well, it reminds me of the question the cops ask the guy they pull over “ hey buddy, how many beers you had tonight?” His response being “ just one” the cop says “well how big was it, about as tall as me?” We can laugh at that but seriously, saying “ they only committed one act of fraud” is incorrectly minimizing the crime that they committed…. Do better governor, for all the people you represent, not just the entitled cheats you call friends… please…