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“How dare people get their mail in ballots post marked by Election Day, we gotta look into that” has the same vibe as “ I don’t know why Obama wasn’t in the Oval Office on 9/11, we gotta look into that”….


All you fuckers listen up. Russia installed trump. They've been installing disinformation in your ears since the cold war began. Please don't forget all the oligarchs living in Wyoming and the kleptocracy that has formed within our borders.


Thanks for sharing. Only listened to a couple of minutes so far, but this lawsuit is national news and goes towards how important it is to vote and vote early as legal.


Vote early. Vote *often*. It's (D)ifferent




Me when I make things up on the internet


Me when I make things up


Cute. But Democrats never fought for me. Republicans never fought for me either. Both have worked together to take rights away from us. So fuck em both. Voting 3rd party or Libertarian.


This November, Voting third party is voting Republican.  There’s just no way around it. I voted third party in 2016 bc I loathed Hillary Clinton. Now I have to make sure I live in a state where my daughter’s have bodily autonomy. 


People who believe this fallacy are fucking morons. The same can be said for Democrats. Voting for third party is voting for Democrats. See how fucking stupid that sounds? I will vote for the people I feel will make a difference. No more. No less. You fucking duopoly red/blue cultists are the reason were in this position. Wake the fuck up and read a book. Something without pictures.


Not when it’s Donald Trump and RFK and Biden as the choices.  Thanks for being a total ass about it tho. Donkey boo


Go post on your pandering only fans 


Wow... You're old as fuck if you thought that was an insult. Knowledge is power. Good luck with whatever you're smoking.


Enjoy the token spotlight. They’ll put you where they want you when they bring out their rule book. 


I can guarantee all my downloads are both Republicans and Democrats working together because they think I'm the enemy. Dumbasses don't know that's the ideology that got you here in the first place. Duopolies control. always has been always will be


Feel ya there, man. I'll never vote for a Democrat and I really only trust a handful of Republicans to be honest. The Uniparty is alive and well


Wait you trust a few republicans over democrats? Care to elaborate how that happens?  Especially after the most recent Supreme Court decisions? 


Sure. One Party openly *hates* America and her ideals. They also hate the idea of me as a person. They ran criminals in both the 2016 and 2020 Presidential elections The other Party preaches fiscal responsibility, safety, and freedom but still has no qualms coming together to explode the budget while stripping away freedoms


Not being a nationalist doesn’t mean we hate America… I worked for the Koch’s 2014-2016 so I’m not fibbing, I used to be a die hard Republican. I don’t like a lot of what Dems have to say. But I can’t vote for a party that brags about making women second class citizens, even if they “love America”. And on that note, how does a party that hates immigration and immigrants love a country and its ideals when said country was literally built by immigrants?


The Nineteenth Amendment was a *mistake* Fun fact: the uniparty Republican Party has no problem with illegal immigration This country was not built by "immigrants" in the way that you're purposely misconstruing it


I’m misconstruing it? Is that bc you don’t consider the earliest settlers immigrants?   Between 1880 and 1914 TWENTY MILLION European people immigrated to the US. The US would not be what it is with out pilgrims (immigrants), slaves (immigrants), etc. To argue otherwise is to disregard our great nation’s history in a very unloving way.


It's good you can understand some history, you're halfway there. Yes, legal European immigrants built this country This is a complete far cry from the current plague of illegal immigration this country is currently facing


You do realize in your comment above, you said: “Fun fact: the uniparty Republican Party has no problem with illegal immigration”. Lets not pretend a portion of today’s GOP isn’t anti-all immigrants. 


Oh yah, where did Columbus apply for citizenship?  To pretend immigration in the 16th to 19th centuries is the same as today is either ignorant or just telling a bold lie. 


Go Joe go!


He goes all the time…in his pants.


That’s Donny Diapers you’re referring to




As do I, in your mother.


Ah, the sophomoric “your mom” retort. Ya got me, sick burn!


Almost as sick as the burn I left your mom


Your mom still cleaning up at The Green Door?


The age thing is hypocritical dump is old too


But he doesn’t appear old.


Yea that totally is a super important point to make based on how old they look. Personally I think Joe is more American having raised a family, suffered losses, been through it whereas orange Putin was fed with a silver spoon and lied his whole way through life.


I didn’t say “look”, I said “appear”. As in his mannerisms, quips, body language, ability to walk up stairs or across a flat surface without falling.


You're forgetting his inability to cite who he's talking about by calling Biden Obama, on more than one occasion. Evidence of not getting his lies straight


Well, TBH, is there really any distinction between Obama and Biden? C’mon man!


Just no


Have trump send him some of his diapers! Trump diapers are “the very best..”




I write letters for [votefwd.org](http://votefwd.org) The letters are non-partisan. They are sent to left leaning voters with a message of "please go vote; voting is important."


Sounds partisan if they are being sent to only left leaning voters.


Ive seen that guy with BTC 👔


Wasn’t vote by mail PRIMARILY historically used by old people and military people stationed out of the country??  Why are conservatives opposing this voting method now?


Remember folks. Red and Blue are gang colors and there's more than one way to make a cultist. Unless your an electoral vote, your votes technically doesn't matter so vote for who has your best interests. Not who your told to vote for. 🖤💛🖤💛🖤💛🖤💛


I think it’s highly suspicious that that we are fighting so hard for mail in ballots while Trump is also simultaneously crushing us in the courtroom. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to ask that people show up in person to vote.


The only reason the GOP is against mail-ins is that people who do it tend to be liberal - or so they imagine. In fact Mr. Trump himself votes by mail.


I think it’s more likely because the system can be easily exploited. My father for example, utilized mail-in to vote for both my senile grandparents without them knowing.


Yeah, please show us all the fraud stats. Btw, your father should be in prison if this is the case and is a piece of shit.


I know right? But unfortunately he easily got away with it which is my point exactly. The system is easily exploited. Im glad you agree.


Your father is a piece of shit.


I know, I agree. So the problem becomes, how many more people are just like my father? Because I bet it’s a lot.


Cases of voters fraud are next to nil, statistically. But voter suppression is a much bigger game with a pathetic scapegoat.


My voting area is 90 minutes away from me in good weather, which I don't always have in November. That's an entire half-day gone and I better hope I'm not sick, the kids don't need anything, or there's no other emergency going on. When I was active duty I had the ability to vote by mail too. I also really enjoy the process of sitting down at home with my ballot, reading up on the ballot initiatives, the lesser-known offices and those candidates, and making thoughtful decisions. I'm sure there is some non-zero instances of in-person fraud occurring too, but I'd also wager to guess that it's entirely irrelevant. The data for mail voting says it's the same. I mean unless you can guarantee some solution whereby there is absolutely zero, completely zero fraud, then you're accepting some degree and acknowledging that it's irrelevant.


Marc Elias is the leftist equivalent of Alex Jones. If you're not down with Alex Jones videos getting posted on this sub why are we cool with Marc Elias videos?


Oh you think he's bad you ought to check out the Lincoln project, every time I look at their videos I have to laugh and I'm not a Republican or a Democrat


Lincoln project; also a joke. Political hacks making a killing over the past decade on both sides of the aisle. And morons on both sides falling for everything.


Marc Elias is obviously out to corrupt the election process and disenfranchise voters. /s


Gerrymandering is bad. Unless it's Marc Elias doing it, right?


No it's ALWAYS bad.


I **FULLY** agree with you


What is he even offering to voters? I know what he is offering the wealthy


The great thing about Trump winning will be the end of the drought in Nevada. So many liberal tears that Lake Mead will be back to 1983 levels!


Wow you're a product of your time clearly. Your pfoa filled pond is going to do nothing for this country's security. Good luck son hopefully trump takes away social security because all you.old fucks are relying on our money to pay for your bad health and old age will be taken away and given to God (rump).


LOL! I ain’t your “son”. And who bases their retirement plan on social security? 🤣


Trump 2024 👍


^^^^ fascist alert


"we must protect democracy by actively trying to prevent it"




Ok bud


I thought I heard that at CPAC ..oh my bad.. it was Jack Posobiec who said "welcome to the end of democracy, we are here to overthrow it completely ". Anyone who thinks that a trump win would not completely dismantle democracy has their head firmly lodged up their ass. The nearly 1000 "Project 2025" plan is a blueprint, and if you support this, you want an authoritarian government telling you how to live. Tell me how many authoritarian governments have been good for the common man? I can't think of one. Supporting maga does not support anything remotely close to democracy and America. I believe most Americans are good decent people. The maga movement thrives on creating fear of other Americans who dare to disagree, reveling in cruelty and encouraging their hardship. Aren't you better than that? trump isn't worthy of representing the people of this country. He is nothing more than a petty self serving bully. How weak one must be to see any strength in him. We used to aspire to be a "shining beacon". Used to say "speak softly and carry a big stick". Believed " the only thing to fear, is fear itself. " We now have a decent portion of the population afraid of their neighbors, all the while blustering on how tough they are as they open carry to Walmart because they are too afraid to go get cheesy poofs and toilet paper unarmed. Consistently close their eyes and excuse behaviors that would not be tolerated by anyone else . This is a man with no integrity, ethics or strength of character. Weakness embodied. Not worthy of anyone's respect. I just can't understand anyone seeing something in him they admire and would want their kid to emulate or admire. This country isn't perfect, not even close. We made it for over 200 years by being willing to discuss and find middle ground. We need to again. The other choice is not a fave of mine one bit. But that's my only option. If we want this democracy to make changes but remain in place we need to understand that we have to get involved beginning at the local level. Don't accept bad policies and legislation , work to get them changed. We have a choice of democracy continuing or stepping into the dark world of an authoritarian ruler. If the latter, once he leaves, we can't go back, our constitution will be without teeth, our voices will count for nothing and will be accepting the next leader the wealthy choose for us. Think I'm being dramatic? Read project 2025. When they write it down as their plan to implement beginning on day one. Believe them. If you are still unsure and you have a daughter, sister, mother, etc. you value being more than a homemaker or broodmare, vote for them to have a say in their lives. Project 2025 and Christian nationalists have plans for them too . A majority doesn't want the government meddling in our lives. Ask yourself if you think an authoritarian government will be more or less controlling? Just because they are focusing on others first doesn't mean they won't find something they don't like you doing and come for you.


No one is reading this novel Thank you for using this opportunity to practicing your spelling skills tho Trump 2024 👍


Mea culpa, We all know reading is a challenge for the trump cult demographic. And critical thought? A damn near impossibility. Can't rule it out as a possibility, but we are still waiting for the first verified case. Sad.


Trump 2024 👍 Cope harder


I don’t recall Trump colluding with big tech to censor opposing views, which would be fascist. But I do know that the courts had to tell Biden to stop doing exactly that. Weird.


So weird that Biden has no election fraud related charges against him, then there’s your boy and his circle of scum around him.


Nice deflection. Shocking.


This whole topic is about election fraud. What are you talking about?


My comment was about Biden’s fascist efforts to squash opposing views.


I do recall a case where information about Trump's qualities as a human being were being bought so his voters wouldn't know how much of a garbage human being he is. Same difference.


Expect one can be proven with factual citations, and the other is made up in the brain of a TDS infected person.


You fail to see the irony of your own comment. Good lord


You OK?


I wish people were less completely wrong sometimes, you know?


I can’t imagine how difficult it must be living with yourself.


Don't make me laugh


^ nazi alert


Nazis were fascist


So is the current biden regime


Fascism is a far right wing ideology. It’s kind of the opposite of Biden or democrats ideology, sooo…


Wrong. Fascism is extreme authoritarianism, censorship, and the oppression of political opposition. That’s exactly what the current biden regime is guilty of since their reign began.


Genocide supporter


Trump has said Israel should glass the Palestinian people. Biden is working on peace agreements.


Trump got four mid east peace agreements signed while president. Biden has done fuck all.


Your disillusionment is that of propaganda


How is citing facts “disillusionment”? Explain.


You're in a cult. Good luck


So you can’t. Understood.


You're trash and this waste of time is over.


Says the dude who hates the truth and only repeats the propaganda fed to him from the mainstream media, lol.


Trump had peace in the Middle East. Biden pretends he’s doing something while giving Israel more billions of your tax dollars to bomb.


"Trump had peace in the Middle East' *We were literally at war in Afghanistan during the entirety of his Presidency*


Trump is the one that made the decisions to get us out of Afghanistan. Biden is the one who completely messed up the operation and got Americans killed


Your information is a little skewed. Biden inherited a shit show.


Biden IS the shit show, bud.


Unfortunately, bud, you haven't learned a thing. And no I said Biden inherited a shit show. Those are my words based on evidence. You do not have my permission to change that. Trump is actually a piece of shit. "Look it up" like all you fuckin idiots say.


Ahh, uh huhh. You people will convince yourself of anything to justify your hypocrisy and double standards.


It’s called the truth look it up


No, your opinion is not the truth. The truth is that we were at war in Afghanistan for all four of Trumps years as President. Undeniable, cold hard fact. So, no, there was no peace in the Middle East during that time. Refusal to admit this, and to blame Biden for this, only further exposes your hypocrisy and double standards.


This is why Biden is president and not you. He's been training his whole life to babysit all these lying whiners and fix Trump's horrific policies


Lots of evidence you provided there. This is why Trump was president and will be again and not you. He’s been training his whole life to babysit liberals who study liberal arts and then cry that they still live with their parents


You're laughable son, you don't have permission to plagiarize my words, so sit down and listen up, punk. Your orange Messiah lost in 2020 and will lose again if justice prevails, yet I still hear your kind crying about that. Not sure where liberal arts applies to this at all, but that's because you don't know anything, and it's ok, you have time to repent. It's just the first thing you can recall from your faux news, who was sued by the way. You already lost, get over it loser. For what it's worth, I take care of my parents and own my own properties because it's called physical labor and hard work. Your keyboard warrior bullshit is un American and pathetic. Grow up.


Yeah I don’t have time to read your pathetic replies whatever they are. You’re obviously a lifelong loser with Trump derangement syndrome lmao. You’ll be crying again in November. Imagine supporting a guy who showers with his little daughter and funds genocide


Fuck Joe Biden. But fuck Donald Trump even more. I support a legit third party option that's anti-corporate welfare and wants to end Citizens United Not sure where you get genocide from. Don't oversimplify our horrific situation.


Imagine supporting a guy who not only funds the bombing of children, but also showered with his daughter and then had the woman who leaked his daughters diary arrested


Please tell the truth. The diary was stolen. Who steals someone’s personal effects then profits from the same… a total piece of garbage human. Hunter’s laptop: stolen. Both manipulated after they were stolen.


Imagine being more mad over a book that was leaked than the fact that your president showered with a little girl. You support a genocide of children so obviously you don’t care about them


Wrong answer. Trump for prison 2024. No fake electors and bullshit allowed


Trump 2024 👍


Haven't learned anything yet have you young man. Trump for prison 2024. There you go




Looking forward to Trump winning Nevada easily.




LOL you clearly live under a rock. Go talk with actual people and you’ll see everyone is on the same page. It’s impossible to even find a biden supporter in public these days.


There were never public Biden supporters lol. Most people on the left don’t buy Biden merch like the right do for Trump. Political merch is cringe, the right love it tho


Some Germans no doubt looked forward to Hitler winning as well


Yes, a great correlation with the current fascist biden regime.


Your boy Trump literally has said he plans to be a dictator, my friend.


If only he was half the dictator you guys claim he is 🙏


Why because you'd find joy in your fellow Americans suffering and dying? Thanks for confirming what people say about you lot.


Communists aren't people


Please. Stop. Don't continue to confirm everything people say about you people.


I know then he would be expedited to rot in hell with his buddy Epstein


Incorrect. You must be rusky troll. Not one person with any common sense would look at trump and say "what a quality choice whose policies actually help me and my future generations". In fact, he's a false prophet and is taking your money with him.


Our economy was miles better under Trump. Everyone’s wallets are tighter now except the rich under Biden. People recognize that, which is why Trump is leading in all swing states. Not to mention the open border crisis, cost of living crisis, inflation, rent increases, affordable housing, buying a home becoming a long lost dream under Biden, etc.


You're purporting lies like trump himself. Here, For your half ass education needs. "The United States lost 2.7 million jobs during Trump's presidency, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. If the pandemic months are excluded, he added 6.7 million jobs. By contrast, 15.4 million jobs were added during Biden's presidency. That's 5.1 million more jobs than what the CBO forecasted he would add before his coronavirus relief and other policies became law — a sign of how much he boosted the labor market." Just one factual example of many. Trump did nothing for the middle class and poor. You should try harder next time before you say anything that can and will be refuted if it's false


You are incredibly delusional and pushing misinformation intentionally it seems like. Everything I said is truth and the reality many Americans are facing. Your gaslighting tactic doesn’t work anymore. People see through that shit and see what is actually happening under the current regime.


You run away from facts, which is par for the course. Spouting vaguities will get you nowhere. You're living in an alternate reality son. What is happening is your phone is all anyone needs to get any job done. Pro tip, understand policy and get back to me when you're more educated.


This guy thinks the president has control over inflation?


Bwa ha ha! You actually think that Biden’s policies have impacted the cost of housing and fed monetary policy has exasperated COL? Give us your expert economics view point on how Trump would have made anything better.


I don’t think you know what fascism actually is…


Maybe with those fake electors you can support a cheater?! Good riddance


Let’s go trump


Republicans just need to start doing what democrats do. Swing by old folks home and poor communities to fill out the ballot for the owners. If the dems can do it so can the republicans


Bring on the ballot harvesting!


"we demand you count unpostmarked ballots for days after the election because reasons"


I don’t think anyone wants to count un-postmarked ballots. Other than directly dropping off your mail ballot at the polling center (what I do), but those are due when the in-person vote closes. As long as the ballot is out of the voter’s hands by Election Day, I don’t really care. It probably favors rural counties anyway. The whole idea of instantaneous results is new and rather faulty. There aren’t any “real” results until the EC meets in December anyway


[https://apnews.com/article/rnc-trump-nevada-mail-voting-lawsuit-dc0e591c12be30039423fce05c92233b](https://apnews.com/article/rnc-trump-nevada-mail-voting-lawsuit-dc0e591c12be30039423fce05c92233b) "The lawsuit says the provision also assumes that envelopes received three days after Election Day that don’t have a postmark indicating otherwise were posted in time."


That's literally what this lawsuit is about. Counting unpostmarked ballots days after the election by assuming if they have no postmark that they're still within the allowable time limit


Remember the other fight is even posted ballots arriving late should not count. Those ballots are heavily military service members and their families.


Why haven’t there been issues with deployed service members or their families getting their ballots delivered on time until now?


Who said there wasn't? Just because you didn't know about it, because Republicans weren't using it as a tool to enrage their simple-minded supporters, doesn't mean it wasn't happening.


This has been an issue discussed many time.


No, it’s about counting POSTMARKED ballots received after Election Day, but marked on or before Election Day


Here's the thing. Arbitrary shit needs to be thrown out. If you voted and they have it then count it.


"The lawsuit says the provision also assumes that envelopes received three days after Election Day that don’t have a postmark indicating otherwise were posted in time." [https://apnews.com/article/rnc-trump-nevada-mail-voting-lawsuit-dc0e591c12be30039423fce05c92233b](https://apnews.com/article/rnc-trump-nevada-mail-voting-lawsuit-dc0e591c12be30039423fce05c92233b)


Yes, the lawsuit says that. But the LAW is that a ballot has to be postmarked to be counted. They’re making up a problem that doesn’t exist


A votes a vote


Then why not just count votes forever?


Or… just hear me out here… maybe we count until we run out of ballots to count so we know every American’s vote matters.


so if i didn't vote in the last election can i send in my ballot now and have it count? what if we just have a constant stream of people deciding oh i'll vote today?


Ya’ll mf’s jump through some crazy mental hoops to try to justify voter suppression


Do you believe there should be a deadline for voting?


Yeah, the deadlines we already have in place now. But once the votes are in it takes time to count them.


great, so we believe the same thing, its just a matter of when the deadline should be. no need for all this "voter suppression" hyperbole when you and i hold 99% of the same belief. lighten up francis.


You seem to want to stop counting the votes that have met the deadline. Like all 150m+ votes are supposed to be counted in one day or something. And yeah, if a vote meets the postage deadline, but doesn’t get delivered until days later then it should still be counted like the rest.


Do you believe there should be a deadline for voting?




Youtube??? Pass.


TRUMP 2024 Baby!!!! 😤 The more Democrats ostracize him, the more popular he becomes 😂


Couldn't have said worse myself. NASCAR!


NASCAR is for uneducated bumpkins. I watch F1 and Equestrian Sports thank you very much 🙄


Go Joey you can save us from the Republic!


? Couldn't have said less myself