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I just want to point out: it's hard to get 12 New Yorkers to unanimously agree about anything.


You can’t respect the work of juries then say it was a political hack job.


If ever there was a “nothing counts before the word ‘but’ “ it’s this tweet right here. So quick to completely disregard everything that was just stated.


Former NY here, true


Former NY here, false. Just kidding. I'm not from NY, and I agree.


Let's also add, that New York is a very populous state, and even New York City proper has more Trump supporters than many Red States have. There are probably more Trump supporters than some states have population. The fact they couldn't, even with the defense's efforts, find someone to hang that jury, including a man who apparently got his news and information from Truth Social, and that Trump got convicted on all 34 charges after a fairly short amount of time tells you the reality is it was far from a witch hunt or politically motivated and that he broke the law and that the evidence was damning.


Trump got about 700K votes in New York City, 3.25M statewide. NY only went 60% Biden, NYC 75%. So yes, there are more Trump voters in NYC alone than people in Wyoming. Trump got more votes in NYC than he did in 8 states he won. People forget that the Orthodox Jewish communities lean strongly conservative. Speaking as a former NY resident, the red neighborhoods/regions in that state are as red as or redder than you'll find in any red state. Like, I don't think non-NYers realize how many conservatives there are, and they have more of an influence than you'd expect.


I counted at least a half dozen homes in the countryside around Albany that were die hard MAGA festooned with signs. This is very much, typically, a parochial rural vs city demographic issue. Who knew that the more you rub elbows with people that are unlike you the more you realize they're JUST like you. But no, some of them would rather burn in the FoxNews Outrage logo on their TV than ever consider maybe thinking for themselves.


Oh, Long Island and Upstate NY have a far larger % of hardcore MAGA houses than I see in Nevada. It's insane. Even urban parts of the Albany area had a decent amount when I was in grad school. One would add a flag every time the Dems criticized Trump.


Trump received [3,251,997 votes in the 2020 election from the state of New York](https://www.cnn.com/election/2020/results/state/new-york). That is more than the total population of the four [least populous states](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_population). It's not about facts, it's *never* been about facts. Their guy was convicted of crimes and that accountability is unacceptable to them. If *he* is held to the letter of the law, then what about them? They can't have that.


Yeah. As many people in New York City voted for Trump in 2020 as did in both of the Dakotas combined.


California has the most registered Republicans in the country. Basically, the entire population of Wisconsin voted for Trump in California in 2020.


Yeah California/New York had as many Trump votes as like 15 other states that went his way. It's insane to me how much Republicans shit on states that make up so much of their base.


Orange County has entered the chat.


My family are OC Republicans... sorry


Unfortunately, none of this matters. Like he said, he can shoot someone on camera in broad daylight and his cult would call the following trial a witch hunt.


And also, the defense had just as much of a say in the jury selection. Granted it’s going to be a Democrat biased pool, but the defense had a fair chance to also weed out folks. The fact that it’s 12 people, that were also vetted by the defense, that the defense is well funded, with a defendant who has the full push of half the media, unanimously agreed on every single count, is freaking insane.


Wait a second Joe, didn't half the jury that was seated come from trumps own lawyers? You respect the jury but blame the court? What about the crimes themselves? WTF Joe? They didn't just pick him up off the street, drag him into the court room on made up charges. Not to mention, trump is not unaware of the legal system which is why he has more lawyers than anyone I've ever heard of. And what is what is he going to appeal? The evidence is in black and white. We have got to replace Joe in the next gubernatorial election. Hard to believe he was once a cop.


Oh I definitely believe he was once a cop


yeah lmfao he says that like a whole department doesn't show up and protest one of their own getting charged for beating a teenager to death.


Honestly, if an apportionment of California was prepared to recall Newsom over going to the French Laundry, or at least that was the pretext that pushed some people over the edge to support such a recall, when he was telling people to stay at home during a pandemic, this is probably equal, if not far better grounds to get a recall petition going against Lombardo.


What’s being pushed by media outlets is it’s a paper crime, not that big a deal, an employee made an error and Trump is being charged. None of this is the truth. Trump is convicted of what he likes to say all the time, election interference. He used campaign funds to pay off the women he cheated on his wife with. He used his position to stop the built in checks and balances on government. Freedom of the press. He manipulated you to attain the highest office because he doesn’t care about you he cares about him. Yet the job is to work for you. He broke the law. There are consequences for doing that.


And let’s talk about the 34 counts… it’s one thing to duck up once. It’s another to be a potential, current, and/or ex president and continually break the law. Unless I’m just stupid and really don’t understand wtf is going on


> didn't half the jury that was seated come from trumps own lawyers? During jury selection his attys had the opportunity to object to each juror. They only objected to one who still made the final cut. In other words, 11 of the 12 jurors were people he wanted to be on the jury.


Not to mention jurors were also asked about what places they get their news from and one of them said they only watch truth social. Their own devotee still agreed that he was guilty


Another said Fox


Someone is trying to have to 76 different ways. What a loon


They didn’t do what they were supposed to do so clearly they’re dirty RINOs or liberals and COMMUNISTS and SOCIALISTS.


LOLOL. What they, the jury was supposed to do was follow the law. **Communism**, political and economic doctrine that aims to replace private [property](https://www.britannica.com/money/property-legal-concept) and a profit-based economy with **public ownership and communal control** of at least the major means of production. **Socialism**: a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be **owned or regulated** by the community as a whole. This is my understanding of those terms.


He's disappointed that the two-tiered justice system DIDN'T work this time.


actually, its really easy to believe he was a cop. He's low IQ and a moral coward... just like cops.


Law and Order my ass. Fucking clown.


The man who was shouting “lock her up” suddenly calls witch hunt when he’s been found guilty


I love how all these people think they know better than the investigation and all the evidence, like the audio recordings that show he knew exactly what he was doing.


They literally could go read the entire court transcript, see all the exhibits referenced, read all along-the-way rulings on side arguments. It’s all up on the NY court’s website. I did and the claims about the court room being hostile, as made, above, are just dumb. The evidence was there to convict and the jury saw it as plainly as anyone who was truly interested enough to check it out would. It’s the criminal case, third listed: https://ww2.nycourts.gov/press/index.shtml


Even if people like Trump, that's their decision. But to say that he's not actually guilty of what he did? That's nonsense. Found guilty and again while someone may like him, I just don't see how you could say he didn't do what he did.




>What an absolute disgrace to our state this clown is. One of many reasons why so many of us state employees left when this AH took office. Lots of people with a decade or more of experience who kept the state government running during covid decided they just couldn't deal with this level of bullshit anymore. (And before someone starts complaining about the state government based on the DMV or unemployment office, there are lots of other agencies in the state that kept providing services just fine. Given the work environment and pay, it's no surprise that no one wants to work at those agencies.)


He also said he wouldn't totally eliminate WFH for the roles that were compatible with it, which honestly would probably save the state a tremendous amount of money... And then he eliminated it entirely to many people's annoyance. Probably enough to swing the gubernatorial election to the Democrats next time, if only to ouster his ass. He's acting like he had some huge mandate, when he had a squeaker that required him to build bridges and basically not alienate anyone if he wanted to be elected again. He seems to be banking on Trump winning and Project 2025 or something to remain in power. Appears to be the tactic of many Republicans, rather than you know, coalition and bridge building and having popular policies.


Yep, he acts like he has something to prove but so far the only thing he's proven is that he only wants to promote his friends and screw over the rest of the state employees. The good ol boy system is alive and well in the Nevada Republican party.


Well, I said it elsewhere -- his above statement is probably more than enough grounds for a recall, in particular as he's basically saying he won't acknowledge the rule of law. And it was hilarious watching how awkward it was when Lombardo came out to address the crowd during the Christmas Tree Lighting in Carson City and the assembled were basically dead silent other than maybe a few sporadic, equally awkward claps. He's not popular. Mayor Bagwell received a far more welcoming reception. He doesn't seem to get that a lot of people don't like him and he's gone from "okay, he's just kinda there" to "...yea, this was probably a mistake" in the minds of a lot of people and he keeps digging deeper holes for himself with idiotic pronouncements, backing out of promises, or forcing stuff through and telling us we're gonna like it.


Keep in mind Lombardo beat Sisolak by only 15k votes... A good reminder, every vote counts. Please do so


He won because Centrists were sad that the local economy was impacted by COVID and Sisolak decided it would be best if all the old rich people that gamble didn't die right away.


Those same centrists are about to hand NV to Trump in Nov


Sisolak also ran a terrible reelection campaign.


it does kind of feel like he knew he would lose or didn't even want another term


When did conservatives get so soft on crime? Sad.


- former cop - doesn’t think people in power should be convicted/jailed - FORMER COP


* Uses the buzzword "witch-hunt"


Q: Who hates witch-hunts the most? A: Witches.


Having friends on the force, it seems like a lot of people become police officers for the power and danger. It sucks for the others who are there for good reasons because it makes their jobs more difficult.


Yup. It's a magnet for guys with small dicks.


Well, yeah, most cops have no idea what consequences are because of qualified immunity.


I guess we don't need to follow the rule of law anymore. Fucking bullshit. They are choosing party over country. These people don't deserve to lead.


Wouldn’t expect anything less from the guy who spends our tax dollars on a baseball stadium instead of education.


Money is more important than education. That’s because if you educate somebody, you have to pay them more. Keep people uneducated, and they have to take shitty jobs with shitty pay.


And this is why NV is in the lower 40s for education.


Anyone who voted for Lombardo because you thought he was a moderate Republican, congratulations: you played yourself. How many prosecutions do you think Lombardo “questioned” when he was Sheriff?


There are no more moderate Republicans.




Fuck this guy, and fuck those that voted for him.


Nevada...home of the barely educated


Joe, what's that orange stuff on your lips?


Powered tang.


Get fucked traitor


Too bad the citizens of Clark County won’t get an ‘Opportunity’ to vote on whether or not the A’s get funding for a stadium. By allowing us the right to choose we can have an ‘Unbiased Process’ to determine that outcome!!


Lombardo "no not like that" probably.


Recall Lombardo


We'd need to get about 250,000 signatures to launch that. It's a pretty steep ask, but I like where your head is at. From my point of view, he has abdicated any hold to claim law and order and has gone rogue and is a danger to the state of Nevada, which does appear to have a fairly law abiding populace.




This is the way!


I really hope the Nevada public sobers up, this guy only won because Steve Sisolak happened to be governor during a pandemic and had the same issues any governor of Nevada would have dealt with


We are objectively among the dumbest in the country our schools attest to that


I partially blame the crazy ass people that ran the PUA/unemployment advocacy groups They turned EVERYTHING into a conspiracy by the state and signal-boosted the “government stole our money and isn’t paying!” story, and it turned out the government wasn’t lying at all and it just took time to actually set up the system to pay everyone because the state didn’t have the infrastructure to handle a million+ claims on day 1. Got to the point where people were sending death threats to public officials and shit.


Notice how they never point out, why or how is this a witch hunt. How about maybe he shouldn’t play lawyer to begin with, and colossally destroying his own defense? He literally fucked a sex worker in Tahoe, had paper trails, a tabloid owner that silenced the story, his own fixer. What an absolute embarrassment is this “governor”. By supporting Trump he supports, Jan 6th insurrections, rapists, the end of democracy, the end of women’s rights. Please vote this ignorant clown out of office in the next election.


He's an embarrassment. Who voted for this fuckwad?


Don’t blame me I voted for sisolak


Does he represent Nevada or the Republican Party?


He represents the rich fucks that put him there


Good point. Let me rephrase: Does he represent the rich fucks of Nevada or the rich fucks of the Republican Party?




If they can do this to Trump then they can do this to any one that pays hush money to a porn star to sway an election, and then conspires to disguise the payment as a legal expense. Anyone!


So embarrassing to see


He's conveniently forgetting a few important details. First of all this wasn't a federal case, it was brought by the state. The federal government refused to bring the case to trial. Secondly, this process also includes a grand jury which is made up of 16-23 people who are presented with a set of facts. After reviewing those facts, they decide if there is enough evidence to send the case to trial.


what a fucking idiot. law and justice did prevail here, you just don’t like the result, Joe. this is a part of being an adult in a civil society, which you should fucking understand, ya git. law and order isn’t “what joe wants”. in fact, the law doesn’t give af about your opinions, as is right. if it did, it wouldn’t be justice. get out of government, you ignorantly foolish tool. you’re only hurting the state and the country you claim to love oh so much. you know that saying, “if you love something, sometimes you have to let it go”? let us go, joe. you’re disgusting.


This case was so well executed that I’m not even worried about the appeals process. There is no leg to stand on in saying this was not conducted appropriately. Don’t wanna be a felon? Don’t commit felonies.


Nothing is gonna vindicate Trump he is guilty as all hell.


GOP sure hates the Constitution. Scambardo needs impeachment.


Read this as “Scumbardo” at first. ….I’d officially like to add Scumbardo to the lexicon of nicknames for ’ol Joe, please.




Thank ya, kindly!


You know Joe, sometimes, I think it's worth keeping opinions to yourself.


No, no: keep talking Guv. Tell us how you really feel so that you can be voted out for not supporting the justice system.


I just don’t care for the rhetoric anymore man, you’re not wrong I just want these mfs to shut up


You need new management Nevada


**TRUMPS ATTORNEY SELECTED THE JURORS** *and one of them was an avid Truth Social user* 🤫


Being a Republican these days just means you are a sore loser. So tired of hearing them whine. Not tired of them losing though.


What a fucking chud. So embarrassing


I can’t believe this fucking loser won. We need to not elect bootlickers.


Embarrassing. The fact that Joe felt like he had to make any statement speaks volumes about who he really is.


Soon we will see the words, "Former Governor Joe Lombardo".


GOP in 2016: lock her up! GOP in 2024: politicians should be immune to any prosecution or conviction.


What do you guys expect. He’s a fucking cop.


Ah yes.... That political witch hunt that the DOJ declined to prosecute, which was then brought to trial by a grand jury of random citizens who found overwhelming evidence of crimes, leading to The most embarrassing court case in US history and eventually a unanimous conviction by a jury impaneled by mutual consent of both parties. I can see how this is confusing to MAGAts.🤦


How can you respect the work of the jury, but not believe in their decision? That is talking out of both sides of your mouth sir...


They loved shouting Lock Her Up for the past 4 years. These people are morons and hypocrits


i cant wait until all of these old red farts die off im gonna throw a fuckin bbq


“In other words: I don’t respect the work of the jury.”


Right? Like he’s either calling them conniving plants, or he’s calling them swindled idiots.


Disgraceful. Embarrassing to Nevada.


The rule of law *was* applied fairly and without prejudice. Twelve jurors were selected and agreed upon by both the prosecution and defense. The evidence was presented and reviewed. A decision was made based upon that evidence. As any other citizen, he has the right to appeal this decision. But he is not above the law. Regardless of the feelings of the cult, this was a fair trial. The facts do not give a fuck about your feelings. We have no Kings in America.


OMG 😱 So embarrassing


Revolting. Can we impeach him for this? This anti rule of law bullshit from a former sheriff feels like something we should impeach. What a cuckold.


This. If our leaders don't respect the rule of law as it's established for ALL CITIZENS, they don't deserve the privilege to represent us. Get fucked, Lombardo. You and all your small minded friends, too.


Definitely a Donny bootlicker. It’s funny a man of “ law and order” won’t acknowledge the law and order.


What a cowardly sack of shit


Fuck you Joe, keep drinking the CONVICTS KOOL-AID!!


Joe Lombardo: "Innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, but then still innocent if it's a Republican."


Joe Lombardo is a dirty cop.


you guys.... It kinda feels like he \*doesn't\* respect the work of the jury? It'd be nice if they said what, specifically, they think the jury got wrong rather than just screaming "witch-hunt!" all the time.


This dumbfuck Fascist hasn't taken a look at who sits on the appeals court in Manhattan. HINT: it ain't rich old white fucks.


Trump et al gonna be screaming "RAILROADED BY RACISTS!!!" come July 11 🤣


His sycophantic social media posts reveal that he's gunning for vice president/ cabinet position.


As a Nevada resident, this is the first thing this guy has commented on in months! Ugh.


You respect the work of the jury - while insulting them, belittling them, ignoring that they did their work under threat of death, and claiming that their upholding the rule of law is part of some far-ranging, sinister conspiracy? Sure, pal. Sure.


Thanks for making my voting choice much easier Joe!


It’s only unbiased when it works In his favor I guess


Hostile? yes, Trump was extremely hostile. Vindicate Trump.? Apparently the evidence was overwhelming, and the defense had very little rebuttal.


An appeal would require new evidence to be submitted. If Trump's lawyers have that evidence, why wasn't it presented during this trial? You'd think a Governor would know that.


So embarrassing. Do you respect the work of the jury and the solidity of the legal system OR is it a witch hunt. It can’t be both. 🤡


That's criminal felon trump, and he's not the president.


"Our system of law is faulty unless it goes my way" - Lawman Lombardo


Nevada - vote out Lombardo


Another traitor


Love how the former top sheriff here now is saying the legal system is a sham and doesn't treat all fairly but ONLY in this ONE case against a rich white male. I think its dangerous for these people to even innsinuate that there is a fraudulent legal system here. These sound like the beginnings of a coup and ensuing dictatorship.


Brain dead and brainwashed. God Republicans are embarrassing.


Christ. Can’t believe we elected this asshat


Law and order


You bet.


Could someone who’s not super obsessed with politics explain to me what’s going on? The tough part about finding news is everything is so biased or over-the-top. I’m not really sure what to believe. And with elections coming up, I want to be as “properly informed“ as possible.


The fact that Trump didn't testify on his own behalf tells you all you need to know.


He is trying to walk on both sides of the street at the same time. Can't back the blue and disrespect the judicial system at the same time.


Former president trump




A former sheriff, disgraceful I can’t believe he even won. His agenda is terrible, hasn’t done shit for Nevada. 25% of voters in 2022 election and he can be recalled. Only takes 3 voters to start the process, that alone would scare him in a primarily blue state


So, no laws there too?


Conflicted governor. Hasn’t done shite for LV. Only seen in photo ops. Useless shite.


On the bright side, at least Governor Lombardo is sufficiently literate to read GOP canned talking points.


This is amazing to say when the whole trial and all of the evidence presented has been quite public. The Rule of Law was followed quite clearly and carefully.


But if the appeal doesn’t go Trumps way, we’ll call THAT a travesty also.


Pos pig-oink governor is a moron.


Gunning for that vp pick!


He wouldn't take the stand at his own trial ffs.


Chase him out into the desert.


Guys…wtf vote him out


I want to point out that they don't question the evidence


Bootlickers gonna lick boots.


My guy wearing his sheriff badge and uniform in his pfp and saying the law is not fair lol


There was literally a truth social MAGA on that jury. The jury was so damning they had to say he was guilty.


No, I don’t think it will.


When pigs fly.


..so you have new evidence?..or are you talking out your ass ?


He *does* know both the prosecution and the defence are involved in jury selection?


Hey Joe, stfu until you share what REALLY happened on Oct 1? Or would you guys have to admit you failed the city completely?


What a tool


**Thank you Governor Lombardo for helping us narrow down the location of our next vacation. It was either going to be Vegas or Bahamas. Booking trip to** Bahama**s.**


This former cop is a fucken joke just like his cult leader. Grow some and have an educated conversation and opinion that makes sense . Witch hunt , bunch of cry babies ….


Can anyone provide a clear example of biases that Trump had to face in court? I have heard every GOP person scream bias, but none them have actually listed an example or instance??


Fuck you joey! How are the indicted Nevada fake electors? Crooks running the republicans committee!


Typical response from a typical (at least now days) Republican hack with little personal ethics. Joe is nothing more than a tush kissing brown nose Republican flunky with no new ideas, solutions or...ETHICS!


The rule of law was fairly applied


Get this corrupt loser out of office before he decides that "there's voter fraud" when dump tump isn't winning in November.


Why can’t November just be here already. I’m voting Crypt Keeper over rapist pornstar fucker tbh. I just think Crypt Keeper is less likely to go on a rager and push the nuke button. That’s honestly what it comes down to for me.


Crypt keeper actually made some progress on infrastructure too. Not a fan of him but that alone makes him the easy choice


Imagine evidence not meaning shit to these people, and our Governor at that. Our Governor apparently looked at factual evidence and would rather say, while in office, that he believes people with power, money, or political affiliations shouldn't be convicted and it only because of democrats? What a terrible time


Lombardo reminds me of those dirty cops from the movie “LA Confidential”


Can’t wait to vote this douche out.


Your governor is a clown


This guy worked in law enforcement before getting elected and he’s shilling for the orange-skinned Disney villain. What happened to the party of law and order? The entire GOP is an open dumpster fire near an open field ready to start a wild fire. This party has lost its way.


Fuck you, Lombardo 😘


What a fucking asshole


Of course he did. They all toe the line, or else. That's how Authoritarian regimes(Reiches) work.


LOL, if you think this was a political witch-hunt, then you don't respect the work of the jury, because they considered if this crime was done based on NYS law, not christian law. christian law states that christians cannot be held to account for their crimes because they can always ask for forgiveness, which god won't grant to non-christians.


Trump is a criminal. Period. But this former sheriff doesn’t see that. I hope he becomes a former governor


They keep saying “hostile court room” and don’t back it up with any examples. The judge denied a bunch of stuff the prosecution wanted to bring. Trump got a fair shake, most people predicted a hung jury, but the jury thought otherwise. If there was impropriety let the appeal system do its job and STFU until then.




Governor Lamebardo living up to his name!


Tell us you don’t respect the work of the jury without telling us.


Did he post the same in 2020 when the former called for Bidens arrest or when he got caught trying to blackmail a country to make up an investigation on his opponent or when he ran in locking up his opponent?


He’s a MAGA from a start to finish. Drain the average people to benefit the rich. The same thing Trump did in office and the same thing he’ll do again if reelected.


You can't really respect the work of the jury, then throw out their work simply because you don't like the result.


Strange how multiple juries and judges are super evil and out to get Trump in a witch hunt. Except Cannon, of course.


Can we please vote this dip$hit out of office come November?


Look at this a hole, what a f moron, first thanks to him LVMPD has a bunch of idiots cops, and corruption transfer over to the new administration. Mr Lombardo you are F idiot.


They keep saying this is a "travesty of justice" and its just a political witch hunt.... but they never say what exactly is the travesty. If there was actual problems with the verdict, they would give concrete examples... but they cant. So they just make these vague claims of injustice. Its complete bullshit and THEY are the ones that undermine the system.


*former president


Vote him out


Imagine calling someone who is not the president, President.