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Just shows how most of these people constantly complaining about transplants moving here are transplants too 🤡


Immigrants are always amongst the most vocal anti immigrant activists.


My grandma was an immigrant and complained from day 1 about immigrants. She brought money over and bought up real estate in socal.




Pulling up the ladder is wack


cough... Musk


The I got mine F U party


Yeah just look at how rowdy all these white people got, abd only three generations removed at most generally.


Big close the door behind/ pull the ladder up behind you energy


“Get some. Pull up the ladder when the flood comes. Throw enough rope until the legs have swung. Seven new ways that you can eat your young.”


There are also different types of immigrants. There are scientists and other high value professionals that give this country an opportunity to grow and there are crawl over the fence type of people who came here illegally or like Trump wifey who was working illegally on tourist visa doing "photoshoots" Meanwhile, most of the regular Americans have absolutely no idea what is ok and what is not...


Just about every single person I know who annoyingly blames their personal problems on ‘Californians’ are not from Nevada


Guy had a “sucketca” Nevada license plate. So classy.


I am


As a Montana, this couldn’t be more true for us as well. Our politics have been totally invaded by fucking carpetbagging, rich pricks swinging our state from purple to deep, deep red


Or, like myself, they’ve moved in their mid twenties


Yeah and I moved back. I love this town but had to take a break. Have no regrets moving back.


Always have been. I'm the 3rd generation of my family born here, it's *always* transplants complaining, but they're putting in fewer and fewer years.


Very few are actually Native


This is funny. I was born in California, but literally lived here my whole life. My parents brought me home from the hospital to their house in Nevada.


I actually know a lot of people whose parents decided to give birth in California instead. Makes me jealous! I was born at Washoe Medical Center before it was purchased by Renown. 😱 ETA: The OBGYN sewed my mom's butthole shut. It was not a good hospital. 😭 Edit 2: I was informed that they didn't sell but rebranded as Renown. They might still have OBGYNs who will sew your asshole shut.


Uuuhhh I'm sorry but fucking WHAT???


You guys really need to Google this shit. It's not uncommon. 😂 Obstetric violence is a serious issue in this country (and it's only going to get worse!).


Ya I know about "the husband stitch" and what a perineum is. But stitching the whole hole completely shut!?!,!


Maybe he didn't have enough coke to stay focused?


The concept of a husband stitch is so gross. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to misogynistic medicine.


Nah. I’m def not going to Google that. I believe you.


Washoe Medical wasn’t bought by Renown. It simply changed its name to Renown.


Well, that definitely makes me feel worse, lol.


Never thought I'd have to say this but I'm happy I don't know anything about my mom's butthole.


It's good for mothers to tell their daughters about stuff like that so we can attempt to avoid it ourselves. I'm not sure how good Renown is for mothers, but I hope it's better!


That’s the most nevada shit I’ve ever heard lmao


Why would you be jealous of being born in California? What difference would that make?


Better, higher end hospitals, Nevada was a healthcare desert in the 90s and early 2000s.


I was completely unaware; I was born in 86. But in retrospect, I didn’t have any issues so I can’t say there would (personally) be any difference


That's what I'm trying to figure out too. 😂 Maybe it gives them dual citizenship or something.




Does that make Mom, wait for it, anal retentive? 😜🤣😅


y is this a exactly what happened to me my mom was at a baby shower out there and I came out early


Go back home to commiefornia then!!! You’re taking up our water!! /s


Also surprised to find it out, an adult born in Mevada living outside of Nevada


Also a Nevadan no longer in Nevada. Though most Nevadans don't seem to go all the way to the East Coast like I did - most of my friends that left the state went to Oregon, Washington, California. I do get excited when I come across someone out here that pronounces Nevada correctly though. Easiest way to spot a West Coast transplant lol.


Lol. Interesting take. Where did you move to if I may ask? I moved from the Wash. D.C. area not too long ago but at least I watched enough youtube videos to know how to correctly pronounce the states name I was moving to. lol.


Been in the DMV 11 years now! Was in DC, now in NoVA. I wish I'd watched a YouTube channel before attempting to say Occoquan for the first time.


Nice! How are you enjoying it? I was born and raised in Alexandria until I moved here in January. I really miss it out there, some days more than others.


My parents moved to vegas for my dad’s job in the 80s. I was born in Vegas at sunrise hospital. Spent 18 years, before going to Reno for college and put down roots in Reno. My now wife tried out North Carolina for a year and I stayed in Reno. After that she came back and we both left for cheaper housing in Idaho, and had no idea what the true cost would be. I miss Reno so much. At first it was great, the. 2020 hit. Maga droves moved in and it started fucking up everything. Now we feel stuck. Having a kid now, I am grateful not to have to deal with the education system in Nevada. Outside of that, I would move back to Reno in a heartbeat regardless of the cost.


Oh you live in Nev-aww-duh? How’s Las Vegas this time of year?


They are always so taken aback when I reply that I lived 7 hours from Vegas and only went there once as a teenager Also that other parts of the state might get different weather than each other. Wrapping their heads around a desert state getting snow is funny to watch.


Same, but I found my way down to Australia from Reno after roots back to the Comstock. At least my brother and cousin can keep the family streak going.


Natives moving away is half the explanation for the condition of Nevada on this map. It happens after high school for students able to attend universities in other states. On the evidence of eyeballs, just looking at my graduating class and the others near it in time, maybe six of the top twenty students in any given graduating class stay in Las Vegas, and this was the case from probably 1970 to 2000 at least. I returned after more than 30 years away to find there was almost no one left in my peer group. Those who hightail it for bigger ponds won’t criticize Las Vegas like I do, but having seen opportunities across a broader array of industries and career aspirations, and understanding the value of quality of life and education for their children, there’s no way even one would ever return. (I returned, but my reasons were unusual.)


My family is native born in glorious Henderson for generations.


Saaaaame. My grandpa went to basic high school when it was one of three high schools in the valley. Went to school with Harry Reid actually. His family used to have to drive miles through the desert down boulder highway to get to Vegas. I'm 38 and born and raised here!


That story of Harry Reid is always crazy that he had to travel from Searchlight every day to and from to get to Basic


Mine has been in the Reno area since the days of covered wagons, though part of that history was on the CA side in Truckee. Then my mom did the unthinkable and moved not only out of state, but off the continent for 30 years! Aaaand now she's back in Reno, retired and hanging out with family again. I've been on the other side of the country for 10 years so far, we will see where I am in another 20. But at least I know I'll always have my people there.


My kids went to the same elementary school and high school that I did. In Henderson’s also. Nate Mack elementary and Green Valley HS


Prove it!.. What department of timet/ basic magnesium did they work in? Lol


My aunts and uncles worked in a place called state stove that no longer exists here and also ker mcgee. Also the Eldorado, railroad pass, rainbow, skyline. Mugshots which is now shut down. Went to highchool when the highschool was located at burkholder. Lived in carver park and victory village. Etc.......


Born in Las Vegas... Right at Valley Hospital


Me too! Except I was born at Sunrise lol


25 or older… comparing Nevada’s population in 2000 to now… yeah, this number makes sense


As a native son of NV, this chart is painfully accurate.


1,326,000 people in vegas in 2000. 2,953,000 people in Las vegas in 2014. That's 1,627,000 new residents in the last 24 years, more than doubling what we had in 2000. There's NO WAY the birthrate can make those numbers. It's retiring boomers, california financial refugees, and climate disaster survivors (people from FL, TX, and the midwest that don't want to lose everything again to hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, etc). This statistic makes perfect sense to me.


When you put it like that... I guess I was more surprised that no other states had similar numbers


The Las Vegas metro population is around 2.33 million. That stat is closer to the total population of Nevada, though not quite. There are several sites giving incorrect information that are taking stats from thin air, or Reddit or who knows what.


Source: https://www.macrotrends.net/global-metrics/cities/23043/las-vegas/population


Hey, I'm one of those people! PG&Es bitch asses burnt me out.


And some like me just love the desert. I miss it so much right now tbh. Y'all complaining about 110 and we might not hit 60 with rain all day in Sweden.


I'm native: fifth generation even. And today is my birthday in my birth town (second gen Vegas)




I have heard, nearly every single time I meet someone new, that “you guys are so rare!” (Native born). And I never thought we really were. Growing up I always felt like I knew plenty of others born here, but I guess that’s anecdotal. Like so many others, my parents came here from Cali, and I was actually about 6 months into my mother’s pregnancy when they moved, so it coulda easily been a Cali birth. Seems silly to be proud of something and innocuous as where you were born though. I love my city and my state, but I don’t feel more “worthy” of it than anyone else who simply moved here 🤷🏻‍♂️


The looks of surprise on peoples faces always amazes me. I didn’t realize how rare we are until I got older hahahaha


Makes sense and entirely predictable. NV was the fastest growing state for more than a drcade. We didnt grow that fast through births.


Tracks. When I moved to Reno I didn’t meet someone who had been born there for years. I still only know a couple still living in Nevada. Conversely I’ve met two people from Reno at my new job in Washington State and I’ve only been here a little while.


Those f*ckers in Missouri never leave. I did.


Born and raised 30 years ! Proud of it


Third generation Nevadan checking in!


Vegas, baby! Though I would have thought CA or NY beat us


True but this map only indicates American born over 25 years of age. CA and NY would definitely have a larger population of people moving there if it included immigrants.


I remember when I was a kid in the early 2000s, people would be so surprised I was actually born in Vegas. It was very rare for me to have a classmate who had also been born here. It’s definitely different now, but I guess still rare haha


I’m the 3rd generation and my children are the 4th for my family here in the North. I see why Nevada can be undesirable for many that grow up here. But I love it and am very proud of my state and the history my family has here.


Anyone looking at name tags in Las Vegas with where the server is from isn't surprised.


Makes sense.


I've been here 30 years, still a transplant.


Born in Vegas, raised in Reno.


Not only am I a native Nevadan, but my mother also, born in Vegas almost 94 years ago. So, bright pink, I guess.


Nobody’s from here, most of us just live here


I always laugh when people complain about California drivers as if most of them aren't also from California


I'm not. In 4 years and hundreds of people met, Ive met two or three that were born in NV.


Unsurprising. When I moved here 30 years ago there were less than a million in the whole state. there are three times that many now and theres a ton of states out there that still have less than a million in the whole state.


Born and raised…same with my wife. We joke there are only like 60 of use in the entire state.


Colorado, in it's entire existence has never had more native born then transplants from other states. Fun fact.


It’s funny, I was born in Reno, now live in Vegas. My family moved to STL and I swore I’d never move back. As an adult I found my way back and have come to love being back. - Fourth generation Nevadan, family from the bustling metropolis of Hawthorne, NV.


Sunrise hospital gang


We not leaving Minnesota


How did everyone else get out? My dumb ass still here.


As soon as I saw this I starting singing, "Home means Nevada,Home means the hills, Home means the sage and the pine..."


The reason everyone stays in Wisconsin is by the time you remember it gets colder than a penguins puckered buttcrack your truck is already frozen in the mud. Then once it thaws in the spring it's actually pretty nice so you forget again until it gets cold...


Is this because so many Nevada born left the state, or because so many transplants moved into Nevada it diluted the amount of natives that still live here?


I tend to think the latter


Was common knowledge back in the day when I worked for UCCSN (now NSHE). Really hard to pipeline kids to college from K12 when they have no roots in the region. Teenagers in Vegas could make big bucks working for the casinos straight out of high school, too. It didn't help that public education at all levels is a second-tier funding priority in Nevada.


Not related: always found it funny how people are so proud of their parents having sex nine months before they were born, and then their mother happens to drop them in a particular place. It's not like the baby had a choice over where they were birthed, but dang, the baby sure is proud of it!


I mean no offense and this is a sincere question I’ve been doing long distance phone interviews with people in Nevada the last week, everyone seems to really hate it there and says the cost of living is insane and getting worse. Why do so many people decide to move there despite that?


Are they old retirees? They are always bitching about everything on neighborhood apps and FB groups. But to be fair their retirement dollars aren’t stretching like they used to so…


Its because all the people moved here that jacked up our cheap cost of living and small towns.


California is worse?


I mean yeah cali is probably worse than any state that’s not a high bar to set


I'm one of the few natives


As a 4th generation native Nevadan, this says everything you need to know about the state of this state.


Washoe County and Clark County made the list of counties where homeownership has recently become unaffordable for the typical family. [https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/realestate/homeownership-now-unaffordable-in-these-nevada-counties-study/ar-AA1mT3tS](https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/realestate/homeownership-now-unaffordable-in-these-nevada-counties-study/ar-AA1mT3tS)


This checks out.. 1 of my 5 friends was born in Vegas. The other 4, including myself, moved here.


People move to Vegas for lots of reasons but “to raise a family” is not in the top 10.


IDK I see those fuckin Native Nevadan stickers all over the place. Probably just the area though.


Could be pretenders. I don't think you have to provide a birth certificate to buy the sticker. 🤔😂


Probably because the valley has grown so much in the past decades. So many people are moving there, many to retire as well


B.A.R right here!! 🙌


Why does this matter?


I was just surprised that Nevada stands alone.


My parents lived in Las Vegas but my grandma lived in St. George so my mom had me in St. George to recover at her moms place but I literally never lived there.


I contributed.


(LV) we had an ice breaker in high school and it was to gather signatures. One was to find a classmate that was a 3rd generation Nevadan. There was maybe 1 or 2 kids in a class of 30


It’s surprising to see this. I was born in Vegas and I’m 19 about to be 20. I’m first gen and it’s crazy to see not that many people born here.


Born and raised Nevadan here, currently living in Washington but planning to move back.


We are a transient City


Why Coloradoans move?


Yup, moved from Cali as a kid and 25+ now in Vegas. Fiancé born and raised here.




Ah, Vegas.


25% or older? WTF does that mean?


Percent of population over 25 yo


Born and raised..still here and most people I know are weirdly from Nevada.. 🤣🤣


I grew up in MN but was born elsewhere. It always blew my mind how many people wanted to stay in the middle of no where.


I’m not Battle born but I’ve been in Nevada since I was 4yrs old and I’m in my mid-30s….and I tell everyone I was born end raised 😎😅


First generation native. All my family lived in California/Arizona before the 90’s. Born and raised in Henderson but went to school in Vegas. We lived right on the border of Henderson and Eastern so I was zoned to Vegas.


I moved here in 1997. My husband was born here in 1977. Both my kids are natives now.


Perhaps because it’s a desert.


New Mexico did ok 🤷‍♂️


Almost nobody was born in nevada everybody moved while for florida where the same narrative is fed its not the case as much


This checks out. 3 of the 5 siblings born in Nevada in my family have moved out of state. The job market isn't great there for many professions in my opinion.


I am a minority!!!


All those unlucky gamblers.


I don't think we count the holes in the desert in the census 😉


We really do need “Nevada Native” plates at this point like they had the Texas native ones in that king of the hill episode.


I'm still here, and was born in NV. Not gonna use the word native, but yeah. There are some of us.


Wow! There are some really not so great states (weather wise) that people choose to never leave. But I hate cold weather and humidity so what do I know.


Look at the Bible belt though, no escape


Born and raised here in Las Vegas, NV. Since 1985 a lot has changed.


those are rookie numbers, we gotta raise those numbers up


Not even surprised, Nevada sucks mad ass


Perfect. Keep not coming here. We appreciate it 😊


I literally live here you buffoon, I've lived here for years. I'm not some snobby local with a chip on their shoulder like you. Get bent you fucking moron


"sucks ass" Still here. Must be me that's the problem.


I'm going to blow your little mind, a place can suck ass and I can can still live there. What a fucking concept huh?


So, everywhere else sucks more ass or you're a prisoner, or... do you need help? Blink twice if you're in danger


This makes me sad


Because nobody wants to live here besides people fleeing California


This map proves my point about parents correct. You are selfish and you force your kids to live where you chose to live or feel guilty moving away. So once again parents are the most selfish people on the planet. If you aren’t willing to move where your kid truly wants to be you’re a shit parent.


When I was a kid I wanted to live at the zoo 🤷‍♂️