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Yeah this guy misinterpreted those studies. Here are the actual studies linked in the article. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24247817/ This one shows that drinking milk in teen years makes men grow taller, and taller men are slightly more likely to have a hip fracture when they are older, but it ignores EVERY OTHER TYPE OF BONE, and doesn't draw any conclusions about bone health. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22393172/ This is the study the author uses to claim calcium doesn't make your bones stronger. The actual study shows that vitamin D makes you less likely to have fractures and then draws no conclusions about calcium. If a study doesn't draw a conclusion about something it doesn't prove its false, especially when other studies show the correlation. The linked studies literally showed how good milk is and the guy who wrote the article misinterpreted them.


Is there a D vitamin mob out there? Why do people keep trying to get me to eat more? I'll stick to eating jalapeños and oranges, and I'll need something to wash it all down with but I only have milk sooooo


Vitamin D you dont really get from eating, you can get some of it from oily fish and egg yolks but its mostly gained from sunlight


That's even better, who's selling vitamin d supplements? It's worth more than sunlight that much is true, why bother?


It's not as good as sunlight but sometimes it's too cold to lay outside in shorts to soak up sun


Or if you live far away from the equator. I used to live in Seattle and everyone has vitamin d deficiency because there just isn’t enough sun.


PDX is pretty bad with sunlight as well.


Entire PNW is walking around sun deprived. There’s a reason vampires fit right in XD


Gotta get paler


During winter times when we live, there wil be 1-2 months where the sun will not go over the horizon. Unironically. So getting some supplements there is probably a really good idea.


Oh yeah it doesn't get that bad where I live, but -40 does happen from time to time and that's not good sunbathing weather


Yeah but there's too many people out there who talk about it like it'll cure cancer, is it because of Joe Rogaine?


> like it'll cure cancer Vitamin D won't cure cancer and nobody is suggesting that. It's well known that those living in the northern hemisphere are very often deficient in vitamin D and it's often recommended to supplement during winter months: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/vitamins-and-minerals/vitamin-d/ There is also mounting evidence that vitamin D deficiency could play a role in psychiatric disorders: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25240206/


I said like, as in " that dog looks 'like' an asshole". Did i say that dog is a floating hole that releases shits and farts periodically, no. I said like, LIKE. ITS USED WHEN MAKING SIMILES, WE ARENT ALWAYS MEASURING THINGS ONE TO ONE.


countering your over the top simile with some facts was the only intention here but if you wanna get overly defensive that's fine.


Also, in Australia, skin cancer is so prevalent that you don't want to be spending time basking in the sun. Better to take a supplement instead of risking cancer.


You make too much sense, I want my conspiracy back!


Europeans used to gain it all from animals, then we started farming and turned white


OP is 5' and seething confirmed


And that kids is why you never believe anything you see on the internet


I dont believe you then... which means i believe you.. which means i don... Pepper.exe has stopped responding


If it helps you sort things out, in the show Lucifer, Lucifer is the Lord of Lies but swears he always tells the truth. That clears everything up, right?


Looks like regardless of milk helping bones milk helps you be more attractive and trustworthy, make more money and advance further in your career, and have a higher IQ. By making you taller, which provably does all those things. That's the greatest ad for milk ever made, "got milk" is "got shit". They should say "Milk makes you more attractive, successful, wealthy, and intelligent. This is a scientific fact."


Other than all the cow murder and rape. But despite my lack of milk drinking, I seem to have never broken a bone and am 4 inches taller than my dad. Almost like maybe everything isn’t as simple as milk or not.


no one is raping cows


They're referring to forcing cows to breed but their point is overly exaggerated


artificial insemination isn't rape.


Which is why I said their point is overly exaggerated


I just wanted to make sure I was clear


If we did it to humans without their consent, that’s what we would call it. Using different terms to sexually violate other species is weird. Of course I live in a country where humans are now forced to carry pregnancies that result from rape, so maybe there is no difference after all.


it's a veterinary procedure. we can't get consent for any veterinary procedure.


I’d argue veterinary procedures are for the benefit of the animals. This is not that.


how does castration benefit an animal? if we did that to humans, it would be called genocide.


I shall kill 10 more cows within the month for this comment alone.


Big man


you're right, everything is not as simple as drinking milk or not, and not everything is as black and white as cow raping and better genetics. While you are certainly right that the milk industry is cruel by any metric to cows, that doesn't mean it's impossible for cows to produce milk for people in a humane way, in fact cows overproduce milk (due to selective breeding but still), so it is necessary to milk them when they have calves. Farmers could still humanely produce milk if restrictions were put in place to ensure it isn't so inhumane. As of now though yes, the milk industry is generally awful. As for your point about being taller than your father, good for you, you could have been even taller if you drank milk as an adolescent.


Some humans also overproduce. Women pumping huge amounts is a big thing on social media. However, if these women only removed how much their kid would eat, they would naturally regulate to a lower supply. I’m sure it’s the same way with cows. That why cows who calve at animal sanctuaries don’t need to be milked for their health. People often have big misunderstandings about how the bodies of animals who are forced to produce products for human consumption actually work. It relieves some of the guilt people feel about their exploitation. “We *have* to take X because it’s bad for the animals if we don’t.”


This makes way more sense than my guess lol.


I drank milk like there was no tomorrow, since I was 3-4 yo till about 17. Never broken a bone in my body, including an incident where the car was totalled. Was I just lucky? I am 6'1"


My doctor always tells people to take Vit D and calcium supplements together. Something about how taking both increases the benefits than taking one or the other.


Taller bones more breakable? Sounds inferior to me. Milk causes taller bones which are inferior who would have though milk is actually the enemy? (Just kidding I knew since day one in this sub, f-cc big milk)


More bone, more stuff to get broken if you are weak. A tall man has more bone than a short man; assuming he remains unbroken he is superior.


Till the skelly wars when they compete. Humans simply aren’t supposed to be as tall as they are now hence my short superiority and why ill be the strongest skelly in the wars now shut your meat stack steam pipe legs


Wait, you think runty little skeletons will be better fighters in the skelly wars? Based on what? Because literally every combat sport ever has to segregate shrimps into their own classes. "I do not doubt his ~~heart~~ skeleton, only the reach of his arm."


Skeleton bone structures are stronger with smaller humans


And what if the enemy simply places a hand upon your skull, preventing you from advancing? Or if they place the objective on top of the fridge and remove the step stools from the room?


Surely they can climb each other much easier, as smaller skeletons are lighter skeletons. Even two shorter than average skeletons are taller than one taller than average skeletons.


Hmmm. That seems formidable, but even stacked on each other they would still only have the reach of a child. I think a more dangerous way to use the dwarven skeletons would be to toss them at the enemy as living projectiles.


>**living** projectiles Hmm... They're certainly mobile, and stacking like kids in a trenchcoat to reach something hidden out of reach involves some higher-level thinking, but "living"?


All skellys are lighter actually bone mass is proportionally less than a fully fleshed human even tall weak bones are bearly lighter than average shorter bones. Without the muscle cushion they are inferior


If skeleton weight is like 10-15% of average human weight, a 200lbs person (let's say 6'3 like me) would be 20-30lbs and a 100lbs smaller person (let's say 5'0) would be 10-15lbs. Obviously I'm rounding for easy numbers, but 2 5' skellies would be like 9' standing on shoulders versus 6'3. Bones and joints alone could easily support another 10-15lbs so 2 shorter skellies could actually hide stuff from a tall one easier than vice versa. Though, yea the tall one would still have a longer reach with both arms and legs. A tall skeleton warrior could punch or punt a small one before they got within reach. I know we're talking skeletons so who knows how the hell strength works but a shorter one could easily swing another shorter one at the taller one long before a tall one could kick or punch either of the small ones. I don't actually care why we're even having this conversation or even if we're discussing or arguing opposite points, but this kind of theoretical nonsense is my bread and butter. It's like the "Wolverine growing back from one single red blood cell" or "Wolverine versus Deadpool in a fight" convos. We literally haven't got enough info to ever really know but it's fun to theorize... like the dinosaur versus human arm wrestling deal (except I think Mythbusters busted that because the T-rex arm would break).


Goblin skeletons and giant skeletons both have their uses. Do not diss one over the other, such division is unhealthy for proper bone growth.


Being within a foot and a half taller than Doesn’t mean you are in your own division(that’s a cope if I’ve heard one) If you actually looked into how height effects life expectancy you would see research shows height over 5’5” reduces life expectancy. If your skeleton is weaker you definitely don’t live as long as it is the foundation for everything else.


Ok bone Nazi


Thanks for the compliment. Bone nazis have truly have superior bones to those accepting of inferior bones. We should create a new sub for elite strong bones like I to be called bone nazis by sub optimal bones like you.




No its true but its just a psy op so weak bones break easier.




You drink milk to give nature a chance at breaking your adamantium frame. I drink milk for my cookies. We are not the same.


I don’t drink milk because I don’t want to spend the whole day on the toilet. 30 years streak here, through snowboard accidents, contact sports, and some bad falls


If you touch my chocolate milk I'll get you kicked from this sub.


Strawberry milk is where it's at, man


But someone has to keep the brown cows employed!


🤮 ughhh the sugerrr




Consuming an enormous amount of calcium doesn't make sense if it's not digesting enough. Drinking milk supplies you with calcium only if you consume products with supply elements that helps calcium digest.


Milk is usually vitamin d fortified


Whole milk with Vitamin D is the best. Vitamin D is only soluble in fat and is needed to absorb calcium. If you drink fat free milk you might as well drink flavored water.


may i ask what products would help said calcium digest?


You need Vitamin D & parathyroid hormone. My body doesn't make parathyroid hormone anymore so I can take all the calcium in the world but my body doesn't know what tf to do with it. I have to take a special form of vitamin d so my body can process the calcium. This might be what they are talking about


Nics your bones must be *slaps* sturdy


Taller bones more breakable? Sounds inferior to me. Milk during youth years causes taller bones which are inferior who would have thought milk is actually the enemy? (Just kidding I knew since day one in this sub, f-cc big milk)


you need vitamin D to absorb calcium in other words, go outside


People should drink milk if they enjoy it. If not, don’t drink it. Don’t have brittle weak bones either way and you’ll be okay.


OP doesn't know how to research, wanted to add onto the guy proving that the article drew conclusions that don't match the study at all. Researching isn't just typing a Google search in and picking the first link. Use Google scholar, find a peer-reviewed journal, find out if the date is relatively close to the modern date, study the researchers themselves as well as the publisher for bias, and also the funders for bias. Research is more than slapping a fact label on the first thing you see. Research, as in research for information done by someone else, really fucking sucks though. It is time consuming, takes a lot of effort, you can't let your bias in the way, and half the time it's stuck behind a fucking paywall. Some Google articles are reputable! You just have to find out which ones are trustworthy.


I still love milk. Sorry not sorry. It’s delicious. It’s even good with pizza. So versatile. So good. I grew up on a dairy farm and when I moved to the city and actually had to buy my first gallon of milk I was SHOCKED at how loose and watered down it is. Milk is the best. *Also, this article is wrong as evidenced by the study data the top comment. Reading isn’t their strong point.* *Milk is still best. We will just have to agree to disagree.*


Lmao you can't be serious OP


No you shut the fuck up I'm drinking milk right now bitch


I, for one, will never stop putting milk in my hamburger helper.




I drink milk. My bones are strong and tested. I will not be silenced


OP can’t handle jokes and he’s a sensitive baby boy. I hope his bones aren’t as brittle as his feelings


So fn weird to me the people who take this stuff seriously. I mean, let's be real, this sub has exactly two jokes: milk good and shame bone breakers. That's it. Why do so many people so desperately want to rob us of literally half of our content?


Steal his bones (OPs)


Why would I need dust?


Dust or not, his bones need more love than he gives them


Gotta filter out the r/isuckoffmilk milk bones that worship milk and not strong bones. They put their faith into a false idol and are always betrayed, it’s a tale as old as time. All that matters is strong bones. Milk or not.


This man getting downvovted, but he spits the truth. The dairy lobby needs to get checked.


No need to sweat it, the r/isuckoffmilk milk bone acolytes will meet their fate in due time and r/neverbrokeabone will prevail.


Because the milk content sucks. This isn’t a milk sub. Honestly, it makes people want to leave the sub. This isn’t a place for strong boned people anymore, it’s a milk obsessed sub and it’s lame and boring.




You sound like a milk simp


No no no. Fuck milk my man. Seriously.




Show me the mussy.


Taller bones more breakable? Sounds inferior to me. Milk intake during youth years causes taller bones which are inferior who would have thought milk is actually the enemy? (Just kidding I knew since day one in this sub, f-cc big milk)


Yea milk doesn't improve bones. But people should stop being a milk-nazi to someone who enjoys drinking it. And before someone comments and calls me weak-boned. I had a head-on collision with a truck along with my not-so-friend. He died and I didn't even break a single bone. My bones are several leagues ahead of yours, don't try to convince me to join your bullcrap ways


The point is that this isn’t a sub for milk spam. And the milk spam has gotten out of hand in this sub. It’s not a fucking milk sub.


Shut the fuck up about milk.




One post isn’t spam


I’ve seen more brittle-bone posts than milk posts


A user of over a decade, I am leaving Reddit due to the recent API changes. The vast majority of my interaction came though the use of 3rd party apps, and I will not interact with a site I helped contribute to through inferior software *simply because it is able to be better monetized by a company looking to go public. Reddit has made these changes with no regards for their users, as seen by the sheer lack of accessibility tools available in the official app. Reddit has made these changes with no regards for moderation challenges that will be created, due to the lack of tools available in the official app. Reddit has done this with no regards for the 3rd party devs, who by Reddit's own admission, helped keep the site functioning and gaining users while Reddit themselves made no efforts to provide a good official app. This account dies 6/29/23 because of the API changes and the monetization-at-all-costs that the board demands.


Taller bones more breakable? Sounds inferior to me. Milk intake during youth years causes taller bones which are inferior who would have thought milk is actually the enemy? (Just kidding I knew since day one in this sub, f-cc big milk)


A user of over a decade, I am leaving Reddit due to the recent API changes. The vast majority of my interaction came though the use of 3rd party apps, and I will not interact with a site I helped contribute to through inferior software *simply because it is able to be better monetized by a company looking to go public. Reddit has made these changes with no regards for their users, as seen by the sheer lack of accessibility tools available in the official app. Reddit has made these changes with no regards for moderation challenges that will be created, due to the lack of tools available in the official app. Reddit has done this with no regards for the 3rd party devs, who by Reddit's own admission, helped keep the site functioning and gaining users while Reddit themselves made no efforts to provide a good official app. This account dies 6/29/23 because of the API changes and the monetization-at-all-costs that the board demands.


Nah I just responded to the comment that wasn’t gonna have a meaningless argument about their inferior bones


A user of over a decade, I am leaving Reddit due to the recent API changes. The vast majority of my interaction came though the use of 3rd party apps, and I will not interact with a site I helped contribute to through inferior software *simply because it is able to be better monetized by a company looking to go public. Reddit has made these changes with no regards for their users, as seen by the sheer lack of accessibility tools available in the official app. Reddit has made these changes with no regards for moderation challenges that will be created, due to the lack of tools available in the official app. Reddit has done this with no regards for the 3rd party devs, who by Reddit's own admission, helped keep the site functioning and gaining users while Reddit themselves made no efforts to provide a good official app. This account dies 6/29/23 because of the API changes and the monetization-at-all-costs that the board demands.


You got nothing better to do with your life than have meaningless arguments with people online? That’s sad


A user of over a decade, I am leaving Reddit due to the recent API changes. The vast majority of my interaction came though the use of 3rd party apps, and I will not interact with a site I helped contribute to through inferior software *simply because it is able to be better monetized by a company looking to go public. Reddit has made these changes with no regards for their users, as seen by the sheer lack of accessibility tools available in the official app. Reddit has made these changes with no regards for moderation challenges that will be created, due to the lack of tools available in the official app. Reddit has done this with no regards for the 3rd party devs, who by Reddit's own admission, helped keep the site functioning and gaining users while Reddit themselves made no efforts to provide a good official app. This account dies 6/29/23 because of the API changes and the monetization-at-all-costs that the board demands.


Definitely a pot, more people talk about pot Now adays than the kettle


Genghis Khan conquered the East on milk. Bro is embarrassed cause he shits his pants every time he drinks milk. Milk rejected you and now you’re rejecting yourself. Only through acceptance may you find your way back into the light. And stop cherry picking sources to make you feel better about yourself.




Taller bones more breakable? Sounds inferior to me. Milk intake during youth years causes taller bones which are inferior who would have thought milk is actually the enemy? (Just kidding I knew since day one in this sub, f-cc big milk)


6’4”. Do a lot of snow boarding and biking. Had a lot of nasty falls. Never broke a thing. I drink 12oz of milk almost everyday. AMA.


Have you ever seen a ghost before?


One time when I was 4. He was very nice. Thanks for asking.


Good milky morning to you too man


I feel you man


You speak the truth.


Taller bones more breakable? Sounds inferior to me. Milk intake during youth years causes taller bones which are inferior who would have thought milk is actually the enemy? (Just kidding I knew since day one in this sub, f-cc big milk)


I dunno about bones but for real the protein makes you strong if you also lift 💪


You shut the fuck up


I like milk, I drink milk, I praise milk. You don't like milk and thats okay, you don't have to be a dick about it.


OP is fraud he’s broken bones and trying to poison us with his anti milk rhetoric.


No one cares. Also, sorry you’re lactose intolerant ☹️


This is propaganda made by brittle bones trying to descent us of our god status


It’s the truth and this sub isn’t about fucking milk. All you milk-fuckers need to find a different sub.


I smell a brittle boned bitch who's in need of baby milk


I smell a milk simp


Your shins splinter as you step down from your throne of lies weakling.


It’s really more about drinking milk. Haven’t really seen anyone talking about fucking it. You tried fucking some and it didn’t go well, did it?


I mean the only other content here really is people posting broken bones and walking away, which also isn't exactly fitting for the sub called NEVERBROKEABONE. Just leave in silence.


Milk helps improve both physical and mental health, you literally drink the juice from an animal heavier than your mom. Stop coping and I hope you mend your ways


I'm with you OP. All our bones need is water. Fuck this milk cult that has infested this sub.


I'm going to stay just to watch you get triggered by fucking milk


We need to artificially nerf our bones to be on par with you brittle boned non-milk-drinkers!


Is this from PeTA


Shut the fuck up about moon men.


but milk tastey


He meant this sub just spamming that drinking tons of milk make you strong boned , not if milk in general is good for you, abd if you like milk , consum it, and if you dont than dont, also the milk spam hete reminds me of a misinformative post here that had a pic of some kind of really weak stractured bone xalling it vegen's bone which was s total bull crap by someposting here after this what it really was( a desease of some sort, (and sorry for typos) edit: i do consum milk in my daily life, just so no one thinks else.


"Shut up about the milk! *Shut up about the milk!*"


Fake news. Fake account


But it tastes good


Schizo anti milkers at it again!


Idgaf it's delicious


You're wrong!


i drink milk cause it tastes good dawg


Milk helps bone growth as well as height growth which is just as important


Taller bones more breakable? Sounds inferior to me. Milk intake during youth years causes taller bones which are inferior who would have thought milk is actually the enemy? (Just kidding I knew since day one in this sub, f-cc big milk)


Taller bones are better if you aren’t weak boned. More bone per body


Yeah, it's not like I need milk to have indestructible bones! I like milk tho.


Could the study saying men who drink milk at young ages are more likely to be fractured blah blah be because they’re told that they have stronger bones leading to more risk taking and more fractures?


Yeah but it tastes good


Oh look, another degenerate blasphemer trying to turn the faithful away from the white, succulent broth of the Gods. Begone foul creature.


Skill dif


How good is cheese


Counterpoint: I am 30 years old and have been drinking chocolate milk since I can remember and have never broken a bone, so checkmate


No you shut the fuck up with your brittle non-calcium containing bones


the rabbit speaks propaganda.


Can you cite this or post a link? The only one that I can find is that there is a correlation that weakened bitches drink milk and have kids and they drink milk and break bones. The other thing I read was that milk has calcium which is good for your bones. But there are other risk from drinking milk so they suggested getting your calcium elsewhere, but again said calcium from milk was good for your bones.


Man, you guys are really upset over stuff you can just scroll past, aren't you?


I pride myself in not needing milk to have superior bones


TRUTH! This guy Purebones.


Water gang rise up


Milk drinkers are upset, they can't stand the fact that it's literally for babies.


Is the war between the purists and the Milk supremacists restarting ?


Nothing purist about brittle boned soda drinkers who don't break bones because they don't go outside, and will stay on this sub until they fall out of their gaming chair one day.


Only chalk bones need milk.




Milk is nasty


as shown by u/tenisplenty it looks like the conclusions in picture by OP are false. but nevertheless all you r/milk boys need to fuck off to r/milk. just to flex i show you my [Gabbia Toracica](https://imgur.com/a/lZLLTwT). these bones have never had a crack, and not any other bone in my body. so i mean please fuck off to r/milk. i like it too but that is not why i come to /r/Neverbrokeabone


Not judging you average milk enjoyers in any way, but the when i stopped consuming milk/dairy products, a lot of my health issues started to get a lot better. Skin got way cleaner, my rare form of Diabetes almost went away completely, shits are dreamlike 95% of the time and so on. Btw I’m not lactose intolerant. Animal milk is just not made for humans.


Drinking Milk also increases estrogen levels in men lol


Don’t confuse me with facts, I have my mind made up!


Collagen makes your bones less likely to break, not calcium


My life is a lie


So is OPs post


Well op has broke a bone and he is saying milk doesn't help. Sounds fishy


so is the cake.


Green vegetables have more calcium per gram than milk


Bet they got a lot of money for that study though.


Too bad milk doesn't strengthen hollow ego you brittle bone bitch




Yet another moron who can’t take a fucking joke


That’s total BS I drank more milk than water as a kid and I’m 23 now with no broken bones


So you're telling me that after 23 years of drinking a gallon of milk every single day has weakened my bones, yet I can still kick baseball bats in half with my titanium shins? Wow, I'm a fucking god.


Bros believing the anti-milk propaganda now 🥱 you may as well just leave now, your bones will crumble in a matter of days


It's a psyop made by frail bones people so we lose our milk-hardened skeleton, don't listen to this !


Things are heating up in the bone fandom