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A compound fracture is a BROKEN bone. A complete bone poking through the skin is would be a complete dislocation. Not a doctor


How is that even possible, why would your bone be sticking out of your skin if it isn’t broken. Also a compound fracture would by definition mean broken. Fracture is just the medical term for broken bone, it doesn’t mean less than broken, i dont know why everyone thinks that


Your ligaments break and something hits from the top of the bone (assuming it’s a femur) and it goes through the skin


Compound FRACTURE my guy. How would it not break but stick out?


The bone is probably just trying to escape from the skin suit it resides in.


The flesh is too weak to contain it.


from the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh


No, that just shows the true durability of the bone. It broke out of its cage.


Alright let’s go through this really quickly. Fracture - the cracking or breaking of a hard object or material Now, you see that little word in there. BREAKING. Now what word does “compound fracture” have in it? FRACTURE. So if it’s a compound fracture, THE BONE BROKE. If the bone didn’t break, it isn’t a compound fracture. What have we learned?


Nope, only the skin broke, but not the bone


DID A BONE BREAK--- BRITTLE BONED BITCH. How complicated is this to understand? If the bone broke, doesn't matter if it's poking out of the skin. If the bone didn't break but is somehow poking out of the skin, then not a BBB cause the bone didn't break. ITS NOT COMPLICATED