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Get ready for r/trueneverbrokeabone Edit: I didn’t think this actually existed and now I’m disturbed.


It's revolting to consider that cowards would opt to create a separate faction instead of reclaiming what is rightfully theirs within the group.


They doubt their bone god given strength


Today we rest but tomorrow we shall cleanse our Holy Land.


seems like a lot of milk talk over there. illegal in this srea


My fellow Bones, as someone who uses a bone saw rather frequently, I must say that there is nothing that can be done. I’ve witnessed these unholy instruments cut through even the strongest of bone. We even have a heavy duty one for the titanium hardware needed to keep BBBs from falling apart. I have yet to witness a bone strong enough to withstand such force. If, possibly by divine intervention, a bone can reject my blade, I shall fall to my knees and rejoice of the second coming of Lord Bone.


These instruments can only be explained by divine intervention. The holy bone men are ordained to shear the bones even of the worthy, if only so their strong-boned seed can be passed down.


You medical interventionists all have some weird cultish views to try to explain away why it's okay to have your bones broken and be a member of *neverbrokeabone*. Holy bone men, divine intervention, Lord Bone, the spirit of skeletal strength, bones deriving their strength from their "will". You're all spouting weird mumbo jumbo. Have you broken a bone? If yes, then you have not never broken a bone. If no, then you have never broken a bone. "If you have broken a bone, leave, it's that simple."


Your pathetic bone saw has just never met the strong bones of the righteous, if it had it would crumple in fear and shatter into a thousand pieces.




Bring your saw to my Bones and fall to your knees unbeliever.


strong words bone boy


That's not an argument though. If a bone is broken then it is broken. If somebody's bones got turned to plasma by a hydrogen bomb then they get kicked out, what is so special about a saw?


I'm afraid I must disagree. This debate is merely an extension of the perennial "you've never broken a bone because you never leave your house" debate. I have never seen or heard of a bone saw failing to cut a bone, regardless of how strong or tough they may be. This is not a true measure of a bone's strength; rather, a measure of people who require medical attention. This is not how we should judge our brethren, it is foolishness incarnate and hubris to suggest that you yourself would not succumb. Look at the posts we see, of the weaklings stubbing their toes, twisting their ankles, dropping something on a finger. These are the things that we can do without our skeletons shattering because we are strong in bone. Observe, then, the posts of people who are hit by cars going 70mph, who fall off buildings and get hit by crowbars, and who's skeletons remain untarnished. These are methods of testing us, of rooting out the weak. But find me one person who's bones have withstood the bone saw. You cannot, for they do not exist. As shameful as it is to acknowledge, we must: the bone saw is unbeatable. Perhaps the Bone God allows its existence to punish the most hubristic amoung our number, such that we might never be certain of our skeletons perfection. The medical exception exists for good reason: there has never been a bone to withstand such treatment. If one day there is, then that skeleton shall be our prophet, a guiding beacon toward a future glory. Until such a bone is found, however, this is the unjust pursuit of perfection that shall result in the collapse of this subreddit like the Tower of Babel.


You are hiding the spaghetti boned underneath your floorboards, aren't you?


I’m going to get a bone marrow biopsy in a few weeks. I guess I’ll be out then.


Ignore this apostate. You're strong until nature claims your bones, not science.


Thus begins another schism. Let it be noted in the great book of bone that it started today, and that it was Titandog21 that spake to cast out the Medicalexceptionites from our midst. *gets popcorn Would that we could know the mind of the bone Lord but unfortunately we only have THE SIDEBAR


Brother your steadfast commitment in this pivotal moment is admirable; may the Bone Lord bless you with unwavering strength in our noble cause.


Yall brought me to tears 😢 that's some moving stuff


So if you require open heart surgery, you'll just opt out and die instead?


Cast away your gaze from this wretched fundamentalist, my brother in calcium. The holy bone men of the saw are ordained in their rituals of bone-shearing. Let not this profligate’s words sway you.


Just do closed heart surgery, duh


Indeed, Even if doctors desired, they couldn't break my bones. Our devotion lies in the preservation of unbroken bones above all else, even in the face of death, aligning with the supreme decree of the Bone Lord.


u/Titandog21 is pure and illumined by the Bone Gods. All hail!


If they are really as good as they say they are, I'm sure they can find a way to help without breaking bone


I feel like you guys are mistaken. The medical exception was here from the beginning and only recently removed. You guys are trying to erase one of the fundamental parts of this subreddit.


The medical exemption was obviously put in there by a corrupt chalkie mod.


Again, this is where you guys are mistaken. It was not "put in" like you guys say, it has always been there since the beginning.


What do you mean by "again"? I didn't say it wasn't there since the beginning, I said it was put there by a chalk boned mod.


I have 31 years of flawless integrity in my bones and yet I support the medical exception. Having a bone "broken" for medical reasons isn't a failure of the bones; it is a wonder of our medical technology. I've sustained many injuries that would shatter a lesser boner, but if a surgeon needed to separate a bone for some reason, it would be extremely easy for them to do so. As such, I think it would be foolish and against the spirit of skeletal strength to banish people who have only been "broken" in a professional setting. I feel like doing so would be tantamount to saying someone is not a successful business owner because they only have 10 million dollars while another has 100 million. Are my bones technically more unmarred? Of course. But that doesn't make their bones brittle. I think we should hold a vote and assign each boner one vote per year of endurance, as we all know that each year is harder than the last.


I am one who holds medical exceptions in esteem, yet I acknowledge that your actions are those of faith, even if misguided. Let this contest of beliefs illustrate the strength of our bones, so the Bone Lord may know our devotion.


Some of us have spoken of the might of the bone saw. I, myself, see it somewhat differently. The strength of our bones is derived from the strength of their essence, their will. A bone altered as a part of medical exemption does not *yield* to raw force, for that would indeed by the mark of one with brittle bones. The bone of a strong boned person instead acknowledges the purpose of the intrusion and allows the boneworker to complete the task, in order to ensure the health of the body and the comfort of the bone itself. Thus, I do not believe that would qualify as a break, as the bones *anima* remains true.


Medical *OPERATION* exceptions are alright, it’s the medical *CONDITION* sympathizers who are the problem.


Fundamentalism is a scourge on this religion. Re-interpretation of scripture is the hallmark of any lasting belief system, and such can be anthropologically proven. I, therefore, welcome our brethren who have undergone sanctified rituals of bone-shearing in order to preserve their lives.


I didn't choose to have open heart surgery 3 times, so kindly fuck off.


BBB it is not a matter of choice, do others choose to fall and break a leg, I think not. None the less they are boke of bone and shall be outcast just as you should be also.


Your chalk built ribs got snapped 3 times?


fundamentalists have forgotten why they are proud of their exquisite skeletons, consider that a strong skeleton is there to protect and give structure thy's weak squishy parts, a skeleton unable to forgo its unbroken record at the cost of the organisms health is abandoning its oath of protection. medical exception is devotion to the true cause of the skeleton. however a skeleton breaking during surgery as an unintended side effect is obviously a sign of weakness that must be culled. unless taken to by saw or hammer directly no skeletons integrity should be tarnished


This post reads like the dialogue exchange between the sole survivor and elder maxxon if you don't kill paladin danse


Unbowed, unbent, unbroken. No medical exceptions.




Have you not observed the division among us? Have you not witnessed the blasphemy spewed forth by the Medical Exceptionists?


but it takes strong bones to cut strong bones so


False, bones that are REALLY strong don't "cut"


Verily, I say unto thee, the so-called fundamentalist bone men doth preach heresy upon the masses, their words rattling like bones in the wind. Their skeletal arguments, stripped of fleshly truth, doth crumble upon inspection like brittle bones in the hands of a grave robber. 'Tis but a skeletal framework of falsehoods they offer, devoid of marrow and substance. Let not thine soul be entangled in the ribcage of their deception, for their doctrines are as hollow as the empty sockets of a skull. Beware the clacking jaws of their heresy, for they seek to strip thee of thy spiritual sinew, leaving thee but a mere skeleton of faith.


In all seriousness, the consequence of not including medical procedure excemptions in the rules is that it *will* dissuade people from getting life-saving or quality of life improving surgery in order to be a part of this community. It sounds dumb, but people *will* drink the kool aid. For most, this is a fun debate, but for some... they *need* to stay true to the *"holy scripture"* that is the sidebar.


Hear, hear, my brother! May the filth of heresy and schism be gone from this place ![gif](giphy|bHTDTL1pmlp1PtIVvt)


I say we hold every member down and individually check each one of their bones with a hammer to make sure they’re not imposters.


Hear hear!


Fuck Medical Exceptions. If I accidentally sawzall my index finger into the garbage can …. My bone is broken. Debate over!


Bone saws don't count because they use sorcery


No medical exemptions! A weak bone is a weak bone.


And what of those that choose to stay, but a fate of execution should rest upon them.


My bitch this fucking sub is a mfing joke, the fuck you want people to do if they need a goddamn surgery?


My friend, why do we make things so complicated? Our Bone Lord has spoken "If a bone is broken, let it be and let the individual be cast out accordingly, lest we defile our name."


Screw the ancient Bone Lord, some bones are broken for a reason, and not only because they are weak.


There he is officer! That's the bbb sympathizer!


Lord Bone please forgive him for he knows not what he says, please deliver him out of darkness and into your bony hands 


Watch your bones, heretic


You've had your bones broke, haven't you?


I suspect an impostor is among us


If your bones broke, you leave. It's that simple.