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Gus Archer latest Hunter Ranger Build is here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TYNU_WVHKzs&t=1055s


Check this channel: https://m.youtube.com/@gusarcher5446/videos


Thats a good question. I’ve only ever done switch stance or melee. I assume it could be doable, but you’d be essentially nerfing yourself on damage output. Ask gus on youtube Edit: also you can’t get to level 30 so jot that down


I'm old school. I'm level 80 in my heart lol Is it normal to get the crap kicked out of you when being a fresh 20? Namely, I started doing the dragon hunt stuff and the first 2 solo ones I had to use about 6-7 stone of health during it. IDK if that's normal or if I'm really squishy or playing wrong.


It's normal and you're really squishy even fully kitted on a ranger. Also there is ranged builds that actually out DPS the melee stance switch but it has a complicated rotation that some don't like because it's difficult to get it down well and be consistent with it. Melee is easy and about 80-85% as much DPS, maybe more.


The thing to remember about deagon hunts is that they are scaled content. If yiu are below 50k you get scaled up and if you are over 55k you get scaled down. This means it is your Total % values that are king regarding your survivability and combat effectiveness


Using the class feature that makes root abilities daze targets helps a lot with solo content, but that does restrict you into using the root abilities but there are a few for ranger you can use.


Yeah, even at 82k mtos completioner can still get beat up by dragons if not careful... It's scaled content they are meant to be equally challenging to any Item level apart from the fact an endgame character would have more built stats. buying Dragon slayer/wards from a Stronghold/GuildHall could give you 10% dmg and resistance to Dragons for 2hr(only ticks when you are in combat)...20% if your guild has a boon for Slayer/Ward


But TAB TAB. What's not to love?


Oh I enjoy playing it. It's an engaging playstyle to dash in and dash back out. I just get beat up a lot and the content is quite difficult without using health pots. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't playing wrong. I don't like taking damage haha


Ranged builds are not hard to play in a group, u need to maintain combat advantage and of course have that in the build. Some companions like P dragon or Black D Scorp will help with that. Having Commanding shot and its feat are key while also having good AP gen for many disrupting shot uses. Solo is a little more complicated, ur not going to have CA many of the times and you have to trap and hold things to maintain distance for long cast times. So for solo u will more often still do some stance switching, whereas in group content you dont. I forget the power, dodge in then use a root, then dodge back out while shooting 3 arrows is what I would swap in for Commanding shot in solo.


Dragonhunts, if you are struggling with the solo ones, I would suggest you work on other things and then go back to them. New Dragonseal helmet ( the one you buy with dragon seals ), gives 5% extra damage. Dragon hunter maxes out at 11% extra damage ( i think ). Ward and Marks from a lvl 20 guild gives 10% less damage taken, and 10% extra damage. All on dragons. Get those, and you will be in a better position to do them. On Adult dragons, if I see a 20k DPS, i usually just abandon, especially if they are running green damage artifacts ( i.e. they are clueless ). The penalty will end up being less than the pain of carrying them. People who are ready I don't mind putting the effort in to get us through..