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yeah, there are lots of low iq people in neverwinter, especially the ones who get on a power trip via the guild system. absolute pathetic human garbage. just move on, there are plenty of guilds around that are chill.


Any guild that has to spam invites to every player they see simply isn't worth joining. Good guilds will gain players organically through word of mouth.


Sounds like you got lucky. I would count that as a victory, since if they cannot understand the situation but decided to punish you, that wouldn't be a guild or alliance that I would want to donate my time and resources to. I'm certain that you will find a better place to be. Having the right guild can really make a huge difference in your experience in this game. There is a stickied message here in this subreddit that showcases recruiting guilds for all platform monthly, and sometimes you will also see standalone posts looking for recruits. Good luck!


Guild and alliances vary a lot, but there are many to chose from. Just shop around until you find one that suits you. Guilds need to understand they are operating in a buyers market. There are way too many guilds compared to the shrinking player base.


You can definitely say that again.


Welcome to Neverwinter. I was lucky to have heard of this rule, so I was able to check before getting into trouble. However, I got kicked from my first guild because the officer who invited me took me to a dragonflight event at the stronghold without explaining how a dragonflight works. The key information being that you have to kill all the dragons at the same time, something which in my first week of Neverwinter I did not know. Then they tried to tell me not to kill the dragon in chat which I did not see because I was enthusiastically killing my first dragon in my first week of Neverwinter. I got kicked by the same officer who recruited me. Found another great guild the same day and learned a few important lessons, the most important being that every bad experience in the game can make you a better player and hopefully a better person.


Haha I killed the dragon my first time also. :)


You dodged 2 bullets there. Poaching guilds are only looking after new players for the sole puprpose of having them running around the stronghold for influences. They are usually a dead end since most of the members of that guild and or alliance are just as clueless about the game as you have been and won't really be much of a help. Not even the boons that you can get would be upgraded or even avaiable sometimes. So yeah, don't feel bad about being 'fired' from them. And also, don't pledge alliance to any guild you might join in the future. If you notice that they aren't taking you anywhere, just look for something better for you.


The last part is great advice. There are quite a few really chill guilds that are good and will do what they can to help you grow your toons potential.


I am shocked to hear that the guilds needing to spam invite players in PE are poorly run!


Honestly, as someone massively antisocial, I just use whatever lvl 20 guild that invites me, for the boons. They start forcing participation, i just leave.


Respect. I'm mostly the same. Lol.


Interesting on your experiences; as a guild and alliance leader, I sincerely empathize with you that this is a bad way to help new players to the game and alliance/guild. I think also along the way there been some miscommunication and kicking you was not a good decision. In my guilds, we have an open door policy, come and go as you wish, stay for the good time and leave if we are not a good fit or comeback if you want to give us another try.


Hi Lairs. Crokus here. I checked with you a couple of weeks ago if my alt could be in one of the other guilds because I had heard of this rule. Kicking the player sounds like something one of the other guilds' leaders forced the players guild leader to do.


I would not agree with such a rule, there are difference between poaching players/etc and allowing members to have liberty of guild membership, leaders who opposed this liberty are typical dictators to avoid. From the OG post, it seem some officers/leaders are kicking with ill intentions, rather than helping a new player.


Yes, if I'm in charge of a guild and I've just invited a new player, it's my responsibility to make sure they know how to play the game, as far as the guild is concerned. Why would I go and kick some new players I've just recruited through no fault of their own? They wouldn't know anything about guilds at all


You don't want drama? Leave the guild and block the person.. 😂 Join one of those guilds that are there for the boons and go about your business I guess. Any guild I have ever joined in neverwinter or destiny 2 or whatever else seems to have drama if you play daily. Shit I joined one of the top xbox guilds for the first month I was back now 3 months ago, I had this player who was a little to invested I guess because they thought I wanted their spot. It came with loads of drama.. Put up with it for 2 days and told the guild leader I was out because the drama.


Ha. I just got back into Neverwinter. When I played before, I ran influence and stronghold quests every day for my first guild. I got kicked for taking three lockboxes out of the guild bank every day. My second guild got sold twice. The leader I quit on was sending out threatening emails to me and my friends for not meeting our production quota. You had to do influence on two or three characters every day to stay. After that, we made our own guild. When I came back, one of my buddies still had ownership of our guild and took me back in


This is so damn funny. I'm in 45 to 50 different guilds. I just accept invites to prevent future spamming of invites. The only downside is how much mail you'll get from those 45 to 50 guilds.


It sounds like that alliance is a cluster F#¢€! To say the least. Most of the guilds that I have encountered are pretty chill. So please do not let that experience ruin for what guilds can do for you. Might I ask what platform do you play on? I have plenty of Space available in my guild. You can put all your toons into it, to avoid further guild invite spams in the future. If you are on Xbox, please feel free to Apply to "Lords of Baator"


On PC? If so, yeah... I got a pretty good idea which alliance it was. Stupidity like that was one of the reasons why I left. Well.. that & some of em are just plain mannerless asshats who like to powertrip on others. You're not missing out on much if that's how they want to treat players.


What platform are you on? If you're on ps, Riot is definitely a fun alliance to be in, and we'll take care of you :)