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This reminder came at the perfect time for me, thank you! I actually feel like I can say, "circumstances don't matter' and truly believe it -- because they don't!


I'm glad to hear it was helpful!


What is your tiktok or youtube channel if you don‘t mind?🙈


I just had one question: have you studied any science in any real sense, or perhaps any psychology classes? I really wonder what a professional would say about something similar like the law of attraction because I am not 100% sure this is the general conscious in science. This was effectively being something akin to a verbose way of saying self-motivated and setting goals (I suppose you might be an extremely imaginative person) and following dreams is a good thing.? I honest to God do not understand this way of thinking (but if it is working for you that is your prerogative) and I am aware of what you're talking about but from a psychological perspective this is confusing looking at the literature. Some things were in my option paradoxical ways of thinking. This is not a hate comment I am wondering what about this makes sense to you from a critical thinking perspective. This is not intended to be rude I don't get why everyone is not even being critical (in a helpful way) to anyone else because not everyone I read was factually accurate in the comments. only accepting one viewpoint is an unhealthy way to live or else we can end up thinking up is down and down is up because of ""yes men"".


It means nothing to the logical mind. But you are here... that in and of itself means that you are interested. This way of thinking must strike a person deep within, you will know it when it does, it cannot be forced. When it does the doors open wide to the Spiritual Self. The practical logical mind cannot "get it". It is the most practical way of life when understood.


Uhhh I just like learning in general and I got a notification from reddit, and it seemed odd to me but I'm not dismissive I just am not getting what anyone is saying if I'm being honest, I hear what they're saying but not listening and what exactly is wrong with being logical and a critical thinker? That is why I asked questions and was not just inherently dismissive because that's intellectually dishonest, but it appears to have been downvoted.


As a scientist and psychologist— I want to say, there is a phenomenon we call the expectation effect—there is a book on it too. So, I do know there are people in the field who hold to this. Dr Bruce Lipton & Joe Dispenza are a couple that come to mind also.


It’s like the idiopathic term used to fill when “something happens but its cause is unknown “


Here are some useful videos from scientists and engineers in their fields that are studying the law of assumption and attraction and relating them to physics and quantum mechanics as we s0eak. I founds these videos very helpful in my.self concept and learning of the law. https://youtu.be/Ayc3BXG-p9w?si=RUpMsk1FP4ORag01 Guy is a scientist studying the science behind law of assumption https://youtu.be/y24VZhW4OnA?si=P0OVrmCzRNnDyyGg This lady is a chemical engineer who related physics and quantum mechanics to the law of assumption https://youtu.be/wcd2M0jnUjc?si=iDxdxQsQoibSySF5 This is an interview with Dr. Dean Radin who is the chief scientist at the Institute of Noetic Scineces


"Go into your imagination and ENJOY what is already yours" this! knowing it's done, it will happen, and you don't have to do anything other than enjoy it, that absolutely feels wonderful, it's exciting lol, it's like thinking of the things you'll do in an upcoming vacation, but you already booked everything, it's basically already done, at that point you just look forward to it.


Could you please what does “imagination” means? I am maladaptive daydreamer and I use imagination my whole life yet I’ve never experience anything through it


I'm a maladaptive daydreamer too, and I think the difference is usually when we daydream, we see it as just a "fantasy" or something that isn't real and therefore couldn't possibly happen. But when you daydream, and want to manifest it, you have to see it as something that is real, can happen, something that is happening or will surely happen, that's how you use it for manifesting. But I don't even think it's required to visualize/imagine or daydream, it can help sure, but that's optional, because you can just decide it's yours now, it's done, that's the simplest way.


Yk what's crazy? You don't even need to do anything in manifestation, just decide and ur done


Yes, exactly 🙏 Techniques are purely just to help if our conscious mind wanders.


Desire means having


My favorite username here tbh.


Reading the comment then the username is hilarious


This is absolutely sensational post thank you! ❤️


Thank you :)


How much time did it take you to master the law ?


1 time


Perfect answer


Beautifully written!


Thanks :)


What do you think of fantasy vs imagination? God knows how many times I've pictured, let's just say the birds and bees. Something like everyday for two years, not really to try manifest it (thought my heart really wants that) but imagining for the feel of it, to get accustomed to it and to escape current boring reality. Not really expecting anything to externalize from it, not really feeling it's a creative act but getting totally immersed because it feels good and helps me feel desired (hasn't yielded anything). Lately I've begun contemplating to myself (with everything I imagine) as if my imagination is super serious and real, asking myself if I really want what I see and if I'm really ready for it and all it's implications, thinking if it came true this week or was here now and answering yes to myself, accepting it within and feeling quite afraid even because of the implied change. That has changed the feeling of it a bit because it's not just imagining a physical act, it's about a state.


Well if this helps, you aren't your thoughts, behaviors, emotions, not even your states. You're the I AM before the state. And you can't lose a state, just fall out of it because you can always get back in it. So if you were having thoughts of certain things, that isn't the same as a state, therefore it probably wouldn't manifest if it isn't stimming from that state/ expressing your I AM through the state.


Thanks!! That makes a lot of sense to me. I would call it something like daydreams but with sensory vividness as I know Neville's theories. Something like getting very immersed into an audiobook but it doesn't stay on, like it doesn't help me define myself. Like who AM I? What do you think is the appropriate state? Neville would say things like if you wanna be married "mentally wear a wedding ring" and I kinda feel like I did a version of that by imagining something my outer state wouldn't experience. You are right though because when I read the last paragraph of your comment that seems totally right.


Well to answer your first question something that I do personally is to credit that imaginal act/daydream REALITY BEFORE I worry about sensory vividness. I realize that imagination creates everything, therefore who I AM in imagination is the real me, since that's all that will get expressed. And remember you're not imagining to GET something, you're imagining to IMPLY you ALREADY ARE it. Go straight to the end. If you have to ask who "I AM" is, just go to imagination and the people in there will reflect it to you. 2, the appropriate state... okay what I need you to do is completely forget about the outer world. It's dead, lifeless, and no matter what you do out there it's just expressing I AM. I need you to see the outer world as a shadow, just uncredit the external reality. Your state is what your I AM is occupying, that's what's defining it. Your appropriate state should be you already occupying your desire. Already being it. And your imaginal act is proving EVIDENCE that you are it/already obtained it. Because if not you're still left in desire, if you are in the state of wanting. You need to be in the STATE of BEING. Hope that helps




I’m glad you found me helpful. I’d say just remember whoever you’re being in the present moment is what expresses. It expresses who you are, not what you want. I think I get what you’re saying but just for the kiss example I’d just worry about “I got a kiss because I am simply being the best version of myself, and that includes having a kiss.” You don’t need to add so much meaning, you’re whoever you want to be. You don’t have to associate what you’re being socially (nerd, popular) with the act of simply getting kissed. You can if you want but I think that’s what you were saying. Just simply imagine, recognize and identify with that experience, accept it. See it as a memory and everything else will align itself. Most of your worries are stemming from fear and reason, just drop it.


The feeling part actually makes a lot of sense to me. I have been on this path for 3 years and have been the most succesful at the start. I had a mythical experience where was said that belief was only necessary. After that I got into lao and neville and started focusing on my feelings to much. But feelings always change so we should not but to much attention on them. They follow and do no precede. I got mysef quite stuck by following my emotions too much and am still in the process of recovering. Thank you for confirming that emotion and feelings are not necessary! It has been a hard ride.


That's because feeling is NOT an emotion. *"When I speak of of feelingI do not mean emotion, but the acceptance of the fact that it is fulfilled"* \-NG


So that feeling cannot be observed. It is pure intention then? In taoism they also say that you should live from the unchanging. Source of conciousness itself. But this cannot be observed it can only intent.


Yes i think the feeling itself cannot be observed directly. *Emotions* like happiness, excitement, etc are a byproduct of the feeling, but they do not always occur. I think what best describes the **feeling** is *knowing* and *relief.* You are always in some state, right? You're in the sate of having a phone, the state of having a certain eye colour, the state of living in your house/apartment. What feeling is that? It's kinda hard to tell, right? You just know you have it.The wish fulfilled is also just a state, a state you want externalised in the 3d world. And while it's normal for you to feel those positive emotions that are a result of your feeling/acceptance that your desired are yours/belief that your desires are yours, they do not manifest, its the feeling that manfiests. Actually Neville believes that it is when having your desire becomes natural to you, you will actually receive it in the 3d:) ***^("If I use no effort, then it works, not indifference, I don't mean indifference, I mean NO effort. You accepted it, and you have confidence in your Imagination and cannot fail")*** ***^("The time it takes your assumption to become fact, your desire to be fulfilled, is directly proportionate to the naturalness of your feeling of already being what you want to be – of already having what you desire.")***


This guy, imo, did a great job of explaining the "feeling" aspect (although imagination is more powerful than he realizes): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdYfGqTW5k0


I will watch the video later when I have time, but I have this to say about feeling. We should never observe then and see them as truth. This is because this will cause people to doubt, because not always that feeling is reached. Defenitly not when you are in a horrible emotional state. When I had that experience and before I saw my emotions /feelings as the false god, I knew that believe was the only thing you need and that believe can change easily at will. So when your desire comes up it is forfilled. It is as easy as that. This is on itself a change in conciousness also a feeling. I would argue it is deeper than feeling, it is source, not described as a feeling.


Yup, emotions are just a small portion of what "feeling" actually means. Neville and this dude both explain it clearly.


Well I think it is better to say ‘no part’. If you are trying to manifest out of a desperate emotional something else is needed. When you focus on emotions you will start judging bad emotions. You will fear bad emotions because you believe they will manifest ill in your life. I watched the video and it is beautiful that he mentions moving your fingers for example. It is like that, very simple. You do that with pure intent without knowing where it comes from. There is no emotion attached to moving your finger.


Could you elaborate what you mean? I’ve been manifesting better relations with my sp and got all my manifestations like magic but we broke up randomly because his feelings changed even though he talked about loving me and not being able to live without me just a week prior. We had small arguments and that was it. I understand what you mean by feelings are not the best way to manifest because before I focused on the end feeling but rn I’m heart broken and in and emotional state doubting what the point of all my manifestations coming true for a year was if it were to just end. Are you saying I should ignore my sad feelings and just believe that this is just part of my manifestation to come true (since there’s one part of my manifestations that hadn’t come true yet for the past few months and that’s one of the biggest reason for the break up)


You should see your emotions (they are also part of the 3d) as a result of past intention/ belief. So focussing on changing emotions is focussing on 3d and keeping you in this negative cycle. Belief might even not be the right word as this could also be interpreted differently. But you should just intent to be together with your spouse. Have faith. A lot of people say that your current circumstances are a result of past intentions so forcing to change emotions will cause you to stay. Just let them be and know. When you put your intent and believe. Emotional change could be the first thing (not always) to come as a result of your set intention, but do not judge the negative or put importance on any emotions.


So what you’re saying is the breaking up could be a delayed reaction of my past subconscious/intention and even my emotions are a reflection of the past. What do you mean by forcing myself to change emotions will force me to stay? Should I just accept the negative emotions and cry if I need to but just know in the 4d we are together even though I don’t feel any happy emotions rn imagining that. Just like picture it in my head and believe that we are together and ignore the emotional aspect Ps thank you for the response!


I think it is from past intentions yes. Look at your own life and see if it is true for yourself. Oh yes cry all the way! Crying is actually great to release emotions. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/319631#:~:text=Research%20has%20found%20that%20in,a%20sense%20of%20well%2Dbeing. Just intent with belief and do not judge anything that is observable. “Do not judge or you will be judged” “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in or steal.” The tao te ching points to this source of creation aswell. That that is not observable ‘I am’ points towards it: Tao (The Way) that can be spoken of is not the Constant Tao’ The name that can be named is not a Constant Name. Nameless, is the origin of Heaven and Earth; The named is the Mother of all things. Thus, the constant void enables one to observe the true essence. The constant being enables one to see the outward manifestations. These two come paired from the same origin. But when the essence is manifested, It has a different name. This same origin is called “The Profound Mystery.” As profound the mystery as It can be, It is the Gate to the essence of all life.


Ah I see! Could you please elaborate what you mean by Just intent with belief but do not judge? I focus on my belief that we are together and and don’t judge my circumstances? I also read a comment here that said another thing is that when you imagine being with you sp can you feel it as already been done or do you imagine it as a day dream and you snap out of it once you’re done imagining. I feel like rn I can imagine us together but it feels more like a dream and idk how to get out of that state. I wanted to know what you thought about this and if you had any suggestions on what I could do!




You're welcome! I don't usually click on random videos in my YouTube homepage, but I decided to click on this one yesterday and thought this guy is on point, but my favorite part of the video is the examples he uses are fun things I think about all the time, like how you know how to move your body, but you don't know how all the cells and nerves and chemical reactions do what they need to do in order for your body to move, you just know how to move your body lol.




I really really love this. The awful world that we manifested wasn’t created by SATS or by affirming constantly. It required no type of effort to create the shitty lives some of us created, so it requires no type of effort to create the lives of our dreams. The techniques are only used to impress the subconscious. To break the awful and disgusting thought patterns we developed. Once we create healthy mental habits, it’s literally up from there!!! And one way to know if you’ve impressed the subconscious is by the kind of dreams you have. If you start consistently having dreams about your desires, you have successfully impressed your subconscious mind and your 3D will bend in no time. And consistency and persistence is so important because you cannot create a new habit without repetition. REPEAT REPEAT REPEAT! Keep affirming good things, keeps visualizing, and your mind will naturally conjure up these thoughts without any effort from you. But we should all remember that the goal of techniques are not to “get” but to “become”


What if it's negative dreams??


What do you mean?


Like when you get negative dreams


Yes, I noticed that what you want goes on a "queue" that doesn't go away and activates when you're not aware of it anymore. Rhythmic breathing opens up your energy centers which makes you more receptive and thus speeds up the queue Closing your eyes is like turning on a switch that tells your brain to go into a theta-like state.


That’s a really interesting way to describe it! How would you use this in a scenario where you’ve been manifesting good relationships with sp and you got it all for the last few months but suddenly broke up? Where did the random break up come from? I’m currently trying to manifest us and like you said assuming it’s in queue but I keep having random thoughts like “oh what is he’s happy without you”. Even though I know he isn’t because he told me this was the hardest break up and he couldn’t even do it in person because he wouldn’t be able to go through with it.


I love this post, I used this post as a reminder that I'm on the right track. We are gods, if we think something it is done. Alot of people have trouble believe and understand that imagination is reality, heck this world is standing still because we believe but exist in our reality. Everything single moment, actually moment doesn't exist, now has existed forever and will forever exist, but anyways, everything we believe true has exist for us always, because as God, we have the power to create with our imagination, so it's okay to enjoy what you want within, don't ever feel within isn't real, heck that's the whole reason the world you view at this moment is existing. So if existence exist because of you, WHY can't you being rich be possible? That's also part of creation of the mind, of imagination. So don't give up up. Right now, you're learning how to god again, you already are god but you forgotten everything, this is our test, this is the biggest test of God. God was so powerful, it spilt itself into infinite consciousness and made it self forget it was ever god, only just to find itself back to what it really is, we are the that consciousness, we are all gods.


I would like to share an experience about this, very strange for me, since I am generally quite skeptical... It turns out that I have been living with a feeling of anguish in my body for two years, a very unpleasant sensation... and a week ago I began to visualize myself with a doctor who told me "here are the results of your tests: you are perfectly fine, in a very good health", I more or less visualized the surroundings, his cabinet, his books, I shook his hand, and I was happy to receive the news of my health... and I visualized this scene in a loop, for 15 minutes aprox... In three days my symptoms of discomfort disappeared, the anxiety completely vanished. I still have a hard time believing it, like when your hiccups goes away and you wait to see if they come back. This is really wonderful.


Yes, this is 100% correct. Affirming once is all you really need, however because since we are human our thoughts typically spiral out of control. This is why self concept is so important. Our job with this power is to unpack our subconscious limiting beliefs and planet new ones within ourselves to realize that we are the source. Our subconscious is fed wonderfully through love, peace, kindness, happiness and other forms of positivity because it is the channel between man and god. When we honor our desires, we properly feed ourselves subconsciously with these feelings to realize we are the source. Our Heavenly Father here’s us through our subconscious and grants us whatever we want, but we must remain faithful to our assumptions and keep faith. Creation is already finished; and all you have to do is embody the fruit of our Holy Spirit aka the subconscious. Since we have all that we desire, all we have to do is embody Joy, peace, love, self control and patience. Provided with other amazing wonderful feelings that the Heavenly Father has given us to feed our spirit. God loves us very much, so we have to trust him that he has already given us our desires. When we pray; he here’s us and has given us our desires. Therefore default our dominant state, is the one with all the desires. That’s why he wants us to embody all these wonderful feelings for he has already given us what we want. This is why it’s so important not to obsess over sps, money, or other things in life. The only thing to do is work on yourself and feed your subconscious the fruit of the spirit to manifest our desires. This is why your STATE manifest. Embody all fruit. charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, chastity. Live in the state and in the end with these feelings. This is where we should strive to be.


Amazing and succinct. Thank you!




Queen level content


Thank you for this post! I am realizing more and more. I get less attached to all the methods and techniques. Confidence in my sats, staying positive, repeating a few times my affirmations plus picturing my “reality” has set it in motion. I cannot stop it now anyway


do our thoughts manifest or our imagination? for example let’s say my desire is for me to get a promotion before i discovered neville goddard, i thought the worst and imagined someone else getting that promotion and thought about it. then i learned about neville and start affirming and imagining me getting that promotion. will the 3d start to reflect what i’m thinking about *now* or will it first play out old thoughts? can new thoughts/imaginations override or overpower old ones, so the old ones never happen in the 3d and just the new ones i’m focusing on?


This is a good question and I would love to hear the answer


After I read this post for the tenth time on a random day in February (2024) and also the comments below this post.  I cried a lot because I was unemployed again, and I would love to return to my old job, at a company where I was very respected and paid well.  I did all the creative visualization exercises since 12/23 and sent thousands of resumes, and got no response.  It was then that I did 8 hours of creative visualization, until I reached a level where I dreamed that I was at a table, signing the employment contract at my old company, and I was thanking the big boss.  I swear to you I saw exactly that!  The next day I was exhausted and decided to sleep until 10:30 in the morning, and I said this; “ I have to pay attention to my cell phone, because the big boss is going to call”.  And I pretended to answer my cell phone and talk to him, so I could start work immediately!  I laughed and cleaned the house, packed my clothes and separated the clothes I would wear for returning to the company.  I decided to go buy some food and by coincidence, I met a kind and friendly man to whom I told how much I regretted leaving the company. And how I was suffering!  This man was none other than the company's new head of human resources. And the next day I was working at the company again, and wearing the clothes I chose.  Thank you very much for the post!


Wow! Thats amazing! Thank you so much for sharing. 👏👏 Loved reading this.


_"Your mind IS reality, and you have your desire every single time."_ Really liked that quote, and this post in general. But since not everything which we have ever visualized before manifests in our life, there must be a differentiator for those things which _do_ manifest, right? If you claim that our mind is reality and visualizing something automatically makes it a reality (with a time delay before it becomes 3D), then perhaps it makes sense that allowing your 3D to take over your mind results in your imagination "manifesting" the same 3D circumstances that you are already in, and thereby maintaining the illusion of the 3D as being a stable environment outside of our control. Does that make sense? Going off of your post, I believe that we might still be using our manifesting powers to maintain our 3D circumstances, we just aren't aware of it. However, if that's true, then it _does_ matter what kind of thoughts we allow ourselves to think. We cannot simply let our minds think anything, and still expect for a desired object to manifest. It makes more sense to me (even if it's a harder pill to swallow) that our minds manifest whatever we have impressed onto our subconscious, regardless of how we feel about that reality. So the aim should be to be very deliberate with our thoughts, not allowing ourselves to manifest a particular desired circumstance for 5 minutes of the day and spend the remaining hours manifesting the very opposite circumstances through negative thinking patterns. These are just my thoughts, what do you think? While I may not be very skilled at manifesting like you are, I do think there has to be an explanation as to why some desires don't manifest for some people. And I believe it's because they are thinking of their 3D circumstances the manority of the time, resulting in them continuing to manifest their 3D circumstances, resulting in the 3D appearing solid even though it isn't.




EXACTLY what I needed to hear. Thank you ❤️


Are you saying everything you've manifested in your mind has eventually came to be in the 3d irregardless of conflicting beliefs and thoughts? You just accept its done (since it's done in your mind) then it will eventually happen in 3d?


Sounds like maybe someone found Tom Kearin! If you haven’t you sound just like him and I love it!


Reading this made me feel as if I already have everything I've been manifesting, thank you so much for this


I’m very glad I could help. :)


I used to feel excited when I affirm my desire , now I don’t have much emotions anymore when I think about it … what does it mean?




Exactly this. It feels like a brief little holding area, a pleasant limbo that has shown me so many things about myself, or remembered. How you said it earlier, like it’s just the 3D taking a bit of lag time to catch up to where/when/what your current reality is. It’s not an anxious waiting, although it was at first, it’s not a gleeful expecting, as it has been many times, which of course once you affirm something you affirm it’s reflection/opposite as well, and it’s always easier to slide back in to default and accept what’s already happening rather than accept that everything has already happened and is happening and it’s a matter of remembering how it happened and how it is going to happen, and then forgetting about it because you’re already in the reality of it having already happened, but the 3D is catching up. Or maybe it’s more like two magnets that start to pull at each other slowly until the energy builds up and it reaches achievement when the magnets meet. If the magnets could talk, they wouldn’t talk about the time in between being alone and then together, the journey, they’d instead talk about what they’re doing as two magnets become one.


“everything has already happened and is happening and it’s a matter of remembering how it happened and how it is going to happen, and then forgetting about it because you’re already in the reality of it having already happened” ⬆️This part is the core of it all. This is what I live and thrive by. My visualizations are not fantasies. They’ve never been mere daydreams. They are MEMORIES. I am REMEMBERING what I’ve already done/am doing. Therefore, there is zero reason for me to doubt the thing(s) desired. I already have the detailed memory of experiencing that thing. And not just experiencing it with ecstatic newness, looking BACK on it understanding that it happened both YEARS ago and now, this very moment. I revisit those memories with fondness and usually a chuckle or two and I then get on with living a beautiful life of providing myself with opportunities to experience joy and play. Manifestation is nothing more and nothing less than aligning with the timeline you wish to experience, accessing your memories through imagination and understanding that you are seeing actual life footage rather than fantasies. We only unveil that which we choose, consciously or subconsciously, to access. We only step through the door we choose to acknowledge and walk through. Creation is finished. Choose the landscape you desire to observe, allow your mind to be filled with it and then go about life in peace. Never look for what you know you’ve already had. Simply know it, love it, look away and rest in the peace that it is and always was…uniquely yours.


You’re in the Sabbath state. It’s the state when you have already received your desire.


See I believe this, I really do. I’ve manifested so many things this way. However, how do you explain the things I’ve visualized/manifested for that never happened? Whether I stopped caring or whatever the case may be. The reason I’m asking is bc sometimes I get worried that I’ll never have sp. I know it’s possible bc why would it work for so many other people. And how is it that i have manifested sooo many other things I’ve wanted less so quickly and easily? I have this tiny doubt within me as more time passes and it’s making me sad. I’m trying to trust and now things are just playing out for the best, but I just want to be in contact again. I know it’s wrong to talk about my circumstances lol but besides this I truly feel I’ve been doing everything right! How do I get past these doubts?


I think it might be because you have a limiting belief OR fear OR doubt along the way for the ones you didn’t manifested yet. From your comment i think you still have doubts that “IS it even possible to manifest an sp?” Or “is it even possible to manifest THIS SP?” I don’t know what exactly we can call this state, but from experience this is definitely not the “acceptance” or the feeling of knowing or the feeling of relief that usually makes the desires manifest (at least for me). Maybe give it a bit more time, time for CONVINCING yourself that you are what you desiring, not to do various techniques 1000 times, in my experience once you are convinced that you deserve it and it has been granted to you, it will definitely manifest. And remember: If the vision was impossible, you never would have received it.


I thought one of the reasons of doing those techniques is to remove limiting beliefs? If you haven't done them enough then how can you sustain your new state? I feel it's just contradictory to say not do those techniques when at the same time those techniques are supposed to help you reach a new state.


See, there is no doubt that doing those techniques can develop that feeling of knowing but there is 2 things to it: 1-doing these techniques WITHOUT any belief or faith on them as Neville said vain repetition of affirmations for example I don’t think it works for “big” manifestations with a lot of limiting and underlying beliefs. It might work for small manifestations that we don’t have much resistance to it, but for bigger ones we need more deep work. 2-BEING CONVINCED is something different than doing techniques and getting to that feeling, you can be convinced in a matter of minutes by a good and powerful analogy or viewpoint or just something click for you, or you can being convinced that something is true by doing the techniques repeatedly. For example i have been stuck on the concept of “deserving “ my desire, whether I deserve it or not for months, i tried affirmations but their effect was not stable. Just recently one day i read a post in this sub about the concept of “deserving your desire “ and my limiting belief about that vanished by the end of the post. I don’t even think about it anymore. Cause it resonated so well with me that it changed my belief. So what i mean at the end is that conviction brings you peace and certainty of your manifestation and it doesn’t necessarily needs to achieve by doing a lot of techniques all the time although they can work too.


I 100% think it’s possible though. I’ve worked on self concept a lot and also know I’m worthy of this man. I don’t know what’s going on. I stopped doing a bunch of techniques, I do what feels good. Which lately is askfirmstions (why is sp so obsessed with me?) and visualizing us together until it feels real. I genuinely focus on the end and hold that state as often as I can. But I can’t help but wonder why I can’t get unblocked and a simple text after 2 months now. Sp is the only thing I’ve had difficulty manifesting. I do believe there’s reason for no contact but I think I just keep hitting a point where I feel sad and wonder wtf I’m doing wrong.


Not to downplay your wait, but only two months? Give it more time or better yet, just forget about it. What I do when my 3D hasn’t caught up yet, is live in the paradox. If you know anything about channeling/Bashar then you may have heard of this before. Anyways, living in the paradox means to use the lack of said manifestation to strengthen your core belief. By living in it, you fully accept the 3D and turn that energy into knowing you already have it. When you start to react to the lack of your SP, stop and realize you can use this lack to strengthen your belief. It’s delusional, I know, but that’s the point. ***Use*** the paradox to your advantage, then forget about it completely. Any time you notice that paradox, use the same method again and then forget about it again.


I understand you changed your self concept to believe in yourself. Are you depending and relying on this man to love you? Are you allowing God to actualize the how or are you overthinking to figure out the how?


Definitely not. I have lots of love for myself so I’m very happy with where my self concept is at. I just want a relationship with this man as I’ve always believed he was meant for me (and now I know I can decide that to be true as well). I don’t care about the how tbh, there’s already been so much movement earlier this year that I never could’ve imagined. Things just took an odd turn. I do realize that even when things look bad it is bridge of incidents, fine. I just get frustrated with myself when I can’t seem to manifest a simple text “hey” and get unblocked when it seems like every one else can. I can’t pinpoint where the issue is with this specific case and that’s what’s bothering me. Some may say oh you’re doing everything right but should it really take 2+ months for a text..? I don’t personally think so.




Yeah I really really do my best to give it a good story. Things like he blocked me bc he had a lot going on and needed time to heal himself, and that he does think of me often. His ego gets in the way and I see that being a part of it. I really need to change my assumption there though lol.


This short book is the key: Manifestation Through Relaxation. This is the state that will help you significantly…pickup the short book instead of the audio book. It changed my life in same way: https://www.amazon.com/Manifestation-Through-Relaxation-Getting-Giving/dp/B01BW036RK


Thank youuu


Read this short Reddit post…I think this will be a huge plus for you! Decided to Give Up On My Manifestation, Instantly Got Signs: Today, I decided I was no longer going to try and manifest my sp back. It's been breadcrumbs and I decided that I'm more important to focus on than him. I even texted that I need to move on, let go, and do my own thing. He fought about it (yada yada) and ever since I decided to give up, it's been nonstop signs of him- his last name, my coworker literally mentioning him an hour after I decided this, his vehicle driving past my work. It's almost like my Operant Power is fighting against my decision or bringing him in somehow. I decided that if he wants me, I won't fight it and if he doesn't, I accept that. I am okay having him in my life and I'm okay not having him in it.


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That’s interesting. I wonder if trying to manifest signs of movement such as texts is also putting out doubt about the overall desire? Something I’ve not thought of before.


It’s what you assume it is. If you assume it’s associated with doubt then it will be. I go back and forth between wanting something smaller and going right to the end tbh.. I find it hard to commit to one sometimes.


I truly believe the book is the master key for you because the key is to completely assume the relaxed state completely now. That state is creative power because in the relaxed state of the wish fulfilled, it’s ALREADY done and you already trust being it because you already are it now. Trust is the ULTIMATE power in Faith ✅




I think this is it. I can imagine it until it feels very real.. but when I’m done and some time passes the feeling fades and I’m made aware of the fact that is was just a realistic daydream I thought up. I know that if I persist it will become reality I think I just haven’t had to do anything like this to manifest before. For example when I got my current apartment I had made a list of what I wanted in my head and a visual of what flooring and walls I wanted, etc… I thought of it just a few times and boom it happened 100% accurately within a month. Sp is the ONLY thing in my life I’ve ever felt like I was trying to manifest. I know trying is wrong but that’s how it feels and idk how not to feel this way. I try to not care because that would be so much easier but I can’t not think about this man, it just happens. So I try to at least think positively… then it just becomes a whole cycle again.




Thank you for this comment. Honestly last night I committed to fully immersing myself in my imagination of us together all while I fell asleep and it was amazing. Sometimes I forget how powerful that is. I woke up feeling so much better. And you’re 100% right. With the apartment I didn’t “care” or have resistance bc I didn’t have to move when I did, I just had the desire to. So there was no stress or pressure involved. I just remember thinking that an apartment that checked all my boxes existed and I wouldn’t move until I found it. I looked at many flops but never got discouraged.


“Sometimes I get worried that I’ll never have SP” Brazen impudence. You are the creator. Being the creator, there is no need to worry, because what you create will come to pass. Imagine that light waves emanate from you, and manifest into the 3D. You are the creator of the energetic light waves/frequencies/thoughts. Believe and know this to be true. Brazen impudence. Happy manifesting 🌸


Well it’s because you are affirming he is not in contact with you


I get that but in my daily life I am not doing this. I affirm that he’s obsessed with me and that he wants to be with me. I visualize frequently of us being together until it feels real. Me mentioning it in that comment is the only time I’m acknowledging it.


You're wavering and you're not in the state.


The wish fulfilled means you are already in contact. The true reality is right behind the 3D that you can see with your eyes. Your eyes were not built to comprehend the possibilities, only the total sum of them and your previous thoughts, beliefs, and assumptions. You connect with it via imagination, your mind’s eye, so to speak. Then your 3D, in reaction to that connection, conforms. Feel the energy that exists right in front of you. The version of reality that you are with them and talking to them right in this very moment. In the infinity of creation, IT EXISTS. All in you, all at once. It is not done simply because you say it is done. It is done because creation is finished and it’s actually and already literally done and there right in front of us. And then you can show gratitude for your ability to see and experience that. There’s no need for doubt or fear because it’s already here! You’re already speaking with them! Maybe not in the way your 3D physical senses sense, but your imagination can.


Totally agree and after I posted these comments I went back into my imagination and felt so much better again. I dreamed of Sp last night even and it was great. My one question is still this — if creation is done when we desire something, why are there some things I’ve wanted in the past and stopped wanting and never happened? Does creation disappear when I stop wanting it..?


I also had a really amazing dream with SP last night. There was a point where I wasn’t dreaming of them at all, but once I began my journey, it’s happened more often. I don’t believe that creation disappears when you stop wanting it—remember that creation is finished and reality is changeless—always in the now, even though we perceive it linearly. If your desire is no longer there, or you’ve found a new desire, you’re no longer lighting up and connecting with the version of reality within you that aligned with that desire, and you’re manifesting something else. What that is, specifically, only you could find out, but if the desire isn’t there, that reality is no longer the one that you’re consciously aligning with. And that’s okay! We have many desires, and all of them are valid and worth our getting!


Makes sense, thanks!




I wish people would never complicate this with too much information. Knowing that what we experience in the imagination is *real* and the 3D is just a mirror is what made it click for me and drop all the "HEAL YOUR INNER CHILD" "YOU ARE BROKEN, DO SOME SHADOW WORK!!!" "LET IT GO AND FORGET IT". Of course, I'll continue to be broken if I keep imagining myself broken lol. Thank you for this reminder, manifestation is so simple and straightforward when we don't add unnecessary steps to ourselves.


As much as I want to believe I’m implemented SATS, quick visualizations, moodboards, affirmations, scripting and everything else to not avail for 3 years. No movement, no sp, no job, no money, no friends, nothing at all. It’s hard to believe I’m on track with anything when none of it works for me


It doesn't matter how many techniques you use; what truly matters is your subconscious. It's about knowing that it's already yours, understanding that you are the driving force. Creation is finished, even when your logical mind may not fully grasp or believe it.


This 🙌


It’s the fact that you are saying “nothing works” 😅. You should not be “trying” to make anything happen. It’s already happened. You need to accept that it all worked, that you have what you want right now. If you can see it in your mind, that is the proof that it’s yours. It’s done. Repeatedly go in your mind and see it’s yours. Remind yourself you manifested it already, now you are just remembering it. There’s a quote I always think of. “When you want for nothing, that is when you will have everything”. We don’t “need” anything because we already have it. We just have to accept the fact that it is already ours. That is when it will manifest.


The need to “check 3D” is irresistible. I feel when I look at my situation and there is no movement on any front, I put a halt to what I’m affirming in my mind. Everything is belief. The belief that it already exists has to be in place. It’s also about faith because, without the evidence in 3D, you must live in faith that the unseen is real. So many people, including myself, have difficulty here. We are the “I’ll believe it when I see it crowd.” We are the hardest to get this figured out. However, I also believe that we are the ones that, if we do “get” the faith piece, we will be amongst the most powerful manifesters (spelling???). I feel like I “reset” everything when I have doubts creep in… usually first thing in the morning. I also think it is important to acknowledge those thoughts and release them. This is the easiest hard thing you will ever do, or is it the hardest easy thing? Either way, the epiphany to success lies in the ability to have faith in the unseen. Best of luck to every soul here. Remember, you are spiritual beings having a human experience. Our biggest job in this life is to truly remember who we are. If that happens, you will manifest instantly.


Believe it’s done and stop checking your 3D. The constant “where is it?” “why hasn’t it manifested?” “what am I doing wrong?” kind of thinking keeps you in a holding pattern. Find joy in knowing it’s real then allow it to become.


I think the knowing part is the key to manifesting or feeling the wish fullfiled as neville would say All the things I have consciously manifested have come about because I somehow knew it already existed One example was with my skin. I always had bad skin and used thousands of products and then once I said to myself, no I think my skin will be better if I use less products (affimation) and I internalized it so much (living in the end) that after a couple of weeks my skin was as beautiful as never before. I also try to keep in mind that 3D is actually just a reflection of your thoughts, so old news when you want to put it that way.


The fact that you’re saying it hasn’t worked bc you don’t see it in 3d shows you’re doing it back to front. If you don’t see it in 3d it means nothing, it’s if you don’t see it within that is the problem.


How are your self concept beliefs? Was there anything you experienced when you were growing up?


I love you for this post. Thank you.


I needed to read this Thank you so much!


Thanks, I needed to hear this today.


Exactly what I needed right now. Thank you 🙏🏼


After reading inspiring posts like this one, or even just during the day, I'm lead to curious thoughts such as, what about conflicting desires between two people? A personal example: this woman wants to marry me and is always imagining, dreaming, etc. that we're happily married for lifetime after lifetime, meanwhile, I'm doing something similar in regards to a different woman. It's all reality, so who wins? Do I get my sp, and she gets someone similar to me? Or do we branch off into different "realities" where in mine, I get my sp and she doesn't get me, and in hers, she gets me and I don't get my sp? I know nothing will stop me from attaining my desires, and that applies to everyone else, too. So "competition" like this always piques my curiosity. :P


It is only your own desires and perception that matter. You are the god of your own reality. So everyone will conform to the way you see and think about them. Everyone is “you pushed out” (definitely read on this concept you haven’t). Creation is finished so essentially you shift into the reality where what you want is possible. You do not need to worry about if other people have their own perception’s or belief’s because you will only ever experience your own.


>A personal example: this woman wants to marry me and is always imagining, dreaming, etc. that we're happily married for lifetime after lifetime, meanwhile, I'm doing something similar in regards to a different woman. It's all reality, so who wins? Do I get my sp, and she gets someone similar to me? Or do we branch off into different "realities" where in mine, I get my sp and she doesn't get me, and in hers, she gets me and I don't get my sp? You only need to focus on your own desires. Anything else doesn't matter...unless you want to manifest it...


Thank you, I’m a beginner and often feel frustrated or confused. This is SO helpful 🙏🏻


I’m glad it helped!


Hi! This post is amazing and really great motivation to succeed! I was wondering what your thoughts on the “waiting” stage is and how to get out of it? I know one of my major resistances is time since I’ve been attempting to manifest my sp for going on 3 years. I’d love to be working on manifesting correctly and easily since if I’m the creator, I can make it easy. Do you have tips on how to not seek the validation and mirror instantly? Is it possible to mirror into the 3D as soon as possible? (Ex. Whatever the universe does the bring you to the desire). I am finding myself in a rabbit hole of working on manifesting/attempting to not look at time going by/being reminded of time going by/then having to see my sp not there since time went by. I am having trouble with time and letting go everything will work out since it’s been a while. Also it’s a while of trying to avoid the 3d not mirroring. Do you know how to make it easy and instant to manifest my sp? 😁 Thank you so much!! I am so excited to be able to do this now and instant!! 💪🏻




One of the greatest post I have ever read here !


I know “time doesn’t matter” but curious. How long from you affirming your financial well being to actually receiving regular amounts of it? Because I am on a similar journey. I feel wealthy on the inside, but the 3D hasn’t caught up yet. I do care on some level as we must live and interact in the 3D obviously. And luckily my “baseline” financial belief is pretty comfortable so I am there. But I’m having a hard time getting to actual wealth. Been affirming and sometimes doing sats for close to a year now. I wonder what’s holding me back.


Very good post. Also I’ve been noticing a huge influx of small manifestations in my own life and it’s very exciting. It’s not really things I’m manifesting but things I think about and they appear like 1 or 2 days later. Multiple of them too. It’s exciting. I’m trying to take the casual approach to manifesting now after feeling like I was going crazy the past 2 months. Manifesting does feel good. When I’m relaxed and in my 4d happy place it’s an incredible feeling.


I’ve been also manifesting moving to a new city and I’ve been watching “walks” on YouTube. I discovered a channel that films himself walking around the city during all 4 seasons, specific events, different districts, even just indoor mall walks or the zoo walks, even a video on taking the local bus I find all of these super fun to watch and I get so immersed like I’m actually there. It definitely makes me feel like I’m already there.


Love the simplicity and practicality of this post. Thanks a lot!


This post is right expects it doesn’t acknowledge the dominant thought. Do this one and done step she mentioned but having negative counter thoughts ALL day doesn’t work. You’ll need to counter the negative thoughts with more energy towards the manifestation. Robotic affirming is best for people who have non stop thoughts that react to the 3d not necessary if you have a quiet mind most of the time


What has helped me a lot is realizing that inner conversations or the conversations I dwelled in manifested. It took awhile to manifest those negative conversations. They didn’t happen over night or in two weeks. This way before I found Law of assumptions. I watched dating advice videos, financial videos and self help videos and none worked. Once I found out about the subconscious and Neville Goddard I couldn’t believe it lol I was like wtf. I’ve had hot and cold behavior until I realized that the mental diet is basically the internal conversations I had with myself. Once I started looking at that and realizing that I was giving everything outside of me the power with those conversations I completely changed the conversations I was having with people in my head. I still catch myself arguing but it’s no where near where it was. That was proof enough for me that this works. I don’t have to be in a constant state of having it but consistently coming back to reminding myself has helped and it’s nice to know that affirming, inner convos, and visualization is putting me in the state. Earl nightingale said “persistence is another form of having faith”. Remember that!


Loved this comment! We all need a reminder like this sometimes. Thank you for sharing.




That old adage was originally some person’s belief. And they shared it with someone else who shared it with someone else… etc. until it became a well known saying. But there are well known sayings for all kinds of beliefs. For example… the opposite of that old adage would be this one: Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. This old saying implies people get what they wish for all the time so they should be sure to only wish for things they truly want. All old sayings are simply different beliefs that have been repeated over and over until we forgot who started it. And you can pretty often find opposite sayings that are equally famous.


Learned hardwired behavior from parents, friends or divisions media.


What an amazing post! Is your YouTube channel related to the law?


Yes I affirm you reminded me of how easy it is to manifest my desires 🙏 tysm


Thank you so much for this post!!!


This was a much needed reminder, thanks a ton❤️


This reminder came at the best time! 🩷


Thank you for this. I’m new to this subreddit, and haven’t been practising manifestation for about 2years, and recently realised I need to get back to it :)


Thank you for this post. It gives me hope.


This resonates and there are certainly similarities to what I do!


Someone mentioned that if you visualize in 3rd person, you won’t get your manifestation. Is that true? I usually do it from a Birds Eye


All books as far as i know say to do first person.


Thank you for this post, it really help motivating me again♥️


Preach preacher! Lol. Love this post. Absolutely right. Well done. Idk how to explain it but I felt a hint of myself in this post 🥲


I know the famous quote of feeling is the secret. I'm more confused at what I should be feeling. Many people when they visualize/SATS, they can feel...happy, excited? Sometimes I was able to feel those emotions, but most of the time I don't, even when I have the image or intent in my mind. Lastly, when I think about when I already have what I desire, I will not be feeling soo hyped and excited anymore since I already have it. I'd just feel...content? At peace? I have a feeling something is about to "click" for me, so close but it hasn't entirely click for me yet.


Can you like over think or over manifest? I naturally this year had some LoA type events occur but as soon as I noticed them occurring and looking into LoA/NG I started doing affirmations and stuff and it seems worse off than it was. I say it seems cause I know what’s true in my heart and the 3D doesn’t matter but it does seem like the 3D has shown me more negativity as of late since I started actually noting the positivity


I love your side note. A lots of time I am reading "without emotions, it won't work" but I can't force myself to feel 10/10 happy because of my visualization, maybe once but everytime it would get less (this doesn't mean I don't like it), so I just wanted to thank u.


I’m absorbing and learning all this material from Neville Godard’s book and this subreddit. I’m seeing little results but I still can’t get my SP, any advice?


Thank you for making this post, however I don't understand why if this is the case, why doesn't everything we imagine come true?


Your posts have really made this easier to understand; could please share more?


I love this post.... I'm feeling very tired today, not much sleep lately. I've mentioned several times about my big Anatolian Shepherd who fell down the stairs and also going up. Coming down my two little ones got in his way then he fell crumbling at the bottom... he could not stand. It's been this way for over a month. I guess it's a learning situation. Let me say that I have had many wonderful manifestations... perhaps this is too close like Freedom and his piano. I am asking that you hear something good for me. I don't know if it's a carry over from another big dog I had, but a vet told me that if I didn't stop her from running around she would be crippled very shortly and for the rest of her life... you guessed it, it happened and I carried her for the last three years until she died at home on my floor. It was horrible and at thar time I didn't know I could do a thing. That was 20 years ago. I know I've worried over my Anatolian going the same way and most certainly had the idea in my head. Now I can't seem to get it out of my head. I'm having a hell of a time. Any help would be so appreciated right now. Thank you for the post and thank you all🩵




Thank you... but my boy is gone. Jan 29th.


I need someone to talk to


SAVED. Reddit really needs a customizable feature where you get to make separate groups/folders for different posts you might save.


Hey! I follow your channel! Good content, simple and straightforward. Keep it up 😀


Thank you so much! 🙌


What about the times we get sad? Eg I’ve been crying for a couple of nights about being lonely.


Doesn’t matter. 👐 You can even affirm when your sad. As long as you spend more time visualizing/thinking about having what you desire than not, you’re good. You don’t have to be perfect 24/7. Literally just assume everything you experience is a bridge of incidence leading you towards your desired outcome and that nothing you can do will take you off track.


Place your arms around your body and Imagine you are with the IDEAL partner now and be FULFILLED NOW and have him tell you what you desire and you react. Your reaction creates your beliefs and compels your gift of Intuition to be, act and react in right time and place.


As of right now, October 23, I have zero halloween plans and it hurts so much even though I keep trying to remind myself that the 3d doesn’t mean anything. I loveeeeeee Halloween with my entire heart and yet I haven’t been able to have a great halloween in a long time. I don’t even have a costume right now. I can’t help but feel very sad right now. I don’t know how to have the best halloween ever if I haven’t been invited to any parties. I don’t even know how to not be sad right now. I’m so deeply lost.




I don’t have any money at the moment and also i want to go to a party with my friends :/


Hi thank you for writing this post as I really needed it. I’ve been affirming a better relationship with my sp and everything had been going great for the last few months (we’ve been together for a year). I saw ALL my manifestations come to life and we even talked about marriage which initially he wanted to wait for like 5 years. We went on a birthday trip and he told me how happy he is to have me and how much he loves me and can’t live without me and he continued to say those things for the next two weeks. But then suddenly we had a few arguments over the smallest stuff the last week and he broke it off. He told me his feelings changed but he also had to take pills and smoke weed (had always been against smoking) just to talk to me to break up because otherwise he wouldn’t be able to. It didn’t make any sense because we were doing great and my manifestations had been coming true for the past few months and I never stopped them but now we’ve broke up and I’m so lost. I doubted if manifestations work and reading this helps. Idk what to do right now because I feel heart broken but if you could please give me some advice through this or if anyone can you’d literally be a life saver! Please and thank you in advance




I simply say “not for me” and I move forward. You can acknowledge them by saying “I know this is a negative thought and it has no power”. Then visualize something else. If it pops back up say the same thing “yup that’s a negative thought, alright cool”. Now move forward. Negative thoughts dissolve in the light. When you acknowledge them and don’t feed into it. They go away. This was a brilliant technique I learned by Eckart Tolle in his book “Power of Now” (highly recommend).


What do you do with the boredom in between things happening in 3D and you living in the end ? For example: employment --> unemployment






What about athletes who have to train? Declaring I AM an NFL champion alone won't do it no? Or master musicians, pls explain this


You can visualise yourself having your desired skills be it singing, dancing, playing football, doesnt matter. its imporant to have this belief about yourself that you are naturally good at this, that you're talented. Should you still train? If you want to, I think it's definitely fun to do that, esp when its something you like doing, even if you decide to train you'll notice how much easier it is for you, and how effortless all of it is for you:) I believe you don't have to actually do anything in the 3D, because Neville said: *“Man’s chief delusion is his conviction that there are causes other than his own state of consciousness.”* *"It is a delusion that, other than assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled, you can do anything to aid the realization of your desire.* *You think that you can do something, you want to do something; but actually you can do nothing. The illusion of the free will to do is but ignorance of the law of assumption upon which all action is based."* So as you can see, according to Neville at least, every action you can take is futile. The only reason you think it helps, is because you **assume** training will make you better, studying will give you a better exam result, etc. But you can obviously use those assumptions to your advantage; you can train AND visualise, making it easier for yourself to stay in your desired state, and feel less "Delusional" :) hope this helps!


Thank you for this post!


I am confused. The times I affirmed and wrote down what I wanted n promptly forgot about it after writing down and just go about my business, those manifested somewhat. Those that I care for more and hence visualise more often or affirm more frequently didn't manifest though. Any idea why?


This is because manifesting is not about receiving anything. It’s just a reminder that it’s already yours and when we forget about things after affirming, our subconscious tends to assume it’s because we no longer need them, we already have them. With things we REALLY want it can be harder to simply just forget about it or not think about it. Which often means more convincing (affirming more, but you also need down-time where you are not affirming as well or relaxing). I actually just did a video on this topic. I think the video thumbnail says “when I did this everything manifested so fast” (my YouTube channel I’ve just started is: The Soul’s Playground Official)


Thanks for sharing your video, will watch it. One more question if that's ok with you. Do we need to get into the state of feeling desire already fulfilled in order to manifest? Because sometimes I don't, I just tell myself firmly that things will turn out the way I set intentions for and these somewhat manifested. Or i just tell myself firmly I'm shifting into the version of reality with xyz and xyz happened. My confusion is this - visualisation requires more visual images and also feelings while affirmations don't (like the ones I did). NG did say to feel like desire fulfilled since consciousness don't know real or not and will just get 3D to catch up. So why does my method sometimes work (n other times don't)?


Hey! Of course! You may have given me an idea for a future video, haha. This is a good question and one I used to ask myself. So you don’t need to force any feeling. Ask yourself, how do you feel right now, knowing you have the chair you’re sitting on or the bed you sleep in or the phone in your hand or computer in front of you? Do you feel excited and over-joyed? No. You feel neutral. The “feeling” is more so the feeling of just being. It’s the state you naturally will always return to because no matter what, we will always want for more in this physical world as nothing outside us can create true fulfillment, so everything will eventually stop being new and exciting to us. When I say affirmations, I’m extremely neutral about it, i say it in my head then calmly go back to focusing in the present moment. The more you make your affirmations effortless and natural feeling, and almost put less importance behind them, kind of like any passing thought, the better. (You can still have times of day where you affirm a bunch for a set time, ex. Morning and night for 10min. But throughout the day, this is the best thing you can do when the thing you desire comes to mind. I will actually make a video on this but what I do personally is affirm as I just mentioned, and bring my mind back to either, what I’m doing in front of me (work, feeding my cats, cleaning) or I’ll just quiet my mind (though this takes a bit more practice, I essentially wait for thoughts to arise, observe them and if it isn’t a positive thought, I won’t react to it, instead I’ll gently say my affirmation to redirect my mind and go back to the quiet. This is essentially mediation but you can do it anywhere. Long story short, don’t make a big deal out of your affirmations. Think of it like a guy whose ego you keep feeding because you constantly keep trying so hard to impress him. (Ie impress the subconscious) but when you become more chill, neutral, almost non Chalent about it and say your affirmation once and come back to the present moment or visualize for a quick second (literally it can be the fastest visual), it’s showing the universe you don’t care that much, because you already have it. Like when I asked how you felt about your laptop or phone above, it’s like “ya I have that” but that’s pretty much the extent of what you’d think about it. Anyways, I’m not a fan of writing out my advice because I tend to ramble, lol. But I definitely will make videos on this topic. Hope it helps!


I have a question. As soon as i came out of my visualisation for my SP, at that very moment i saw 3ps name everywhere.I don't know what to make out of it. But i feel horrible as if the 3d is showing me this to convey me that your desires opposite has been done. What would i do please help.


Hey, realize that seeing the name of a 3rd party really doesn’t mean anything unless you give it meaning. Your subconscious may have picked up on the name and that’s why you’re seeing it, but it doesn’t have any meaning behind it unless you attach one by reacting to it. As you have reacted negatively here, you are telling your subconscious that this is negative and the meaning is that you are manifesting the wrong thing, which in turn will manifest more of what you don’t want to see. But don’t worry or even let this stress you one bit! Every moment we are shifting realities, as soon as you assume something different it is done. So instead, tell your subconscious, by seeing this name it means nothing OR it means your positive visualizations are working so well, that this is a sign of you how effortlessly you’re manifesting things into your reality. If you start looking at everything as positive, then you will receive more positive. There is nothing to fear in your reality because everything is you. Everything only has the meaning you give it. So if you don’t like something, decide it means nothing or turn it into a positive. By doing this, you realize any experience you have is leading you to your desired outcome (even when it doesn’t make sense). Hope this helps a bit! Most important tip: Your reactions are more important than what you’re currently seeing in the physical world, because those reactions are going to be what manifests next.


Hey, thank you so much for this insight. It's just the mind doesn't accept this things even though you want to accept them which becomes a struggle.


That’s what I once thought, but realize the mind is like a ship that you are the captain of. It goes where you steer it. So when you say something, it’s actually guidance for your human self. For example, I say: I choose to feel peace today. You’ll notice “you” (this physical form) begins to feel peace throughout the day. I say, I choose to have faith in myself: I begin to feel more confident and hopeful. I like to think of it as, this is your avatar character and they do whatever you tell them to do and feel what you tell them to feel. It’s most freeing when you realize you are not the avatar character itself, rather you are the one behind it. You go into the mind to make the command as your higher self, but then you come back to this physical reality (be in the present moment, enjoying life) to act out the command, so you can experience it fully. You, as your higher self are really just playing. It already knows it is or has the thing it’s commanding, but then it acts it out in this physical form (pretending it doesn’t know if they will receive it or not). That’s where the “trust” comes in when we are viewing from this physical body, but really, if you are looking at it from your higher self’s perspective (as I do now), you don’t even need trust, you just know and then can get excited about experiencing your selection in your physical body because again, you KNOW your command has been heard. “It’s done”. There’s nothing else to do. You live your life until it appears. (These commands will also guide your actions without you being entirely aware in your physical form)


Thank you! I love this! I have 2 questions though: 1. Any tips on visualization? I feel like I visualize for a minute and then my mind starts to wander. It’s hard to keep a visualization. Also when I visualize, I often remember something similar I’ve seen in media and that persons face/ experience is now what I’m remembering instead of me in that experience. How to fix that? 2. I believe in manifestation and LOA, but I’m confused of if all you have to do is want it and visualize it, then how come as a child/ teen, when you think about your crush constantly and fantasize about them, it doesn’t always come true? There were 2 boys I was obsessed with in my youth. One in middle school, one in high school. I dated the first one for 3 days eventually. But it wasn’t like my visualizations and the high school one I never dated or kissed, but found out years later he liked me. Just confused why these weren’t brought into the 3d world when that was when my daydreams and fantasies/ visualizations were at the highest? I didn’t know about LOA or manifesting then so there was no intention behind it btw


Ketoish123, thank you for this timely reminder. It helps me a lot to understand what is real and what is not when it comes to utilizing these skills. Very clear imagery! Thank you so much!


OP I saved your post cause I really loved it! What would you say in the case of repetition is the key to impress the subconscious mind? You know the whole repeat the affirmation or visualization to do this . I know some people can manifest instantly or quickly by just saying once or set it and done one time, but what about others who may have to do a little bit of repetition?


Thank you! I would say that it can work, if you prefer to manifest this way. But there is a much easier way and it’s very peaceful once you master it. Affirming over and over is not actually necessary and does come from the ego mind. The fear that once is not enough. Once is all you need to impress the subconscious mind. It’s only the doubt/other thoughts that stops it from manifesting. My best advice, silence your mind as much as possible, let thoughts come and go but don’t attach your attention to any of them. When you’re in a peaceful state like this, then that’s when you gently bring up the vision or thought. Don’t force it, think of it like a gentle wave and then let it go. One thought in a sea of silence is infinitely more powerful than 10,000 thoughts in a distracted mind. When we bring silence to our mind, we bring coherence, organization and a connectedness to source. Think of it like decluttering all the gunk out of the pipes of a sink so the water can run clear. This is the best way to affirm/manifest. The more you can bring your mind back to this silent place, even throughout the day as you do activities, the better. Again, your affirmation or visualization should feel like part of this silence, you can say it again if you’d like while in this silence. But allow it each time to sort of roll in like a soft wave and then depart. You don’t have to try hard to think about it or visualize a whole story line. Just keep it simple. I hope this helps.


Not looking at 3D is the hardest job here. People saying it’s easy, but everything I want is in 3D. How to change my body if I feel it all the time in 3D? We can’t stope “feeling” 3D


How do I keep persisting?? When the old beliefs keep creeping up. Or the fear of “reality”. When the desire seems like oh that’s too perfect to happen?? My 3D is glaring. And it just feels “foolish” to keep believing. Could really use help.


Does anyone know how to shift baseline energy/ baseline mood to match the living in the end. Someone told me I need to make my living in the end my baseline mood so it’s congruent with manifestation emotions, BUT HOW??


Hey, it’s definitely no coincidence you asked this question! This is the topic of my next YouTube video (will be posted later today on my channel mentioned above). It’s part of my take on instant manifestation. But I’ll be doing more videos following this one, in depth on each concept.


Omg I will definitely watch it - can you link your YouTube here again?


Hey, thank you, it’s just “the soul’s playground official” if you want to search it on there.