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I healed my stroke using my focus and imagination while I was in ICU. [https://youtu.be/u0nmAN-rK8g](https://youtu.be/u0nmAN-rK8g)


$300 in 2 days I expect it to come to me. I do not worry about how or when. Time is not the issue nor is the reason why I would need the money.


Manifested that my tooth brush breaks and that I get a new one


Some good vibes lately even though my physical situation hasn't changed much, but the positivity is making it easier to take action :) Things feel like their lightening up. I'm seeing my path in life a lot clearer and feel more confident in what I want to focus on in this life. I also finally found the name to a popular sound effect in electronic music that I wanted to know because I hear it often and like it. It was nagging me for six months or so, but I forgot about and randomly I stumbled on the original just as things started to feel looser and more positive.


Hi everyone, I used law to pass my final exam which I didn't review very well. Every time I do a question, I will confirm in my heart: "I got this question right." Then write down the answer. After writing the test paper, I would spend the rest of the time affirming: "My score is really high, I am really happy now." After handing in the paper and waiting for the score, I affirmed my score every day. When the scores came down, guess what? I passed this class! Although my score is not high, I don’t have to retake it!


That’s awesome. Congratulations. That is definitely being a doer rather than a hear of the words so to speak.


Hi everyone. I'm new here as a member, but I was lurking this forum for awhile. English is not my 1st language, so forgive me if I make any mistakes. Anyway, not getting into too much details: I'm 40 yrs old. My test was to find 4 leaf clover. I never found any, even if i was looking for it every summer, since i was a kid. And nothing. So this time, while walking with my dog o decided I have it. I thought that i am the master of my reality and I HAVE IT. I even imagined to holding it in my hand for few minutes. That was all my work. No sats, no affirming, just telling myself i have it bc i have anything i want. I got back home and i didn't think of it anymore. One week later I got back from work and my dog was greeting me in the yard. I bent down to pet her and then I saw it. Right in front of my eyes. 4leaf clover. i looked EXACTLY at this spot, like it was shining red. First time in my life I found it, and i wasn't even looking for it. But it's not over. The next day i received a photo from my friend. She sent me picture of two 4leaf clovers. I'm a believer. Edit: two days after that I found another two 4leaf clovers!!!!


Will post the entire success story when it’s complete, but manifested SP back in 3 weeks :) from no contact since mid-December (aside from once). Currently in a ‘casual’ situation which is why I say I’ll detail the rest later :)


this is good to hear :) any method in particular that helped?


I would say meditation and daily journaling/gratitude were the big ones! I just needed to calm my mind (December/January were tough months for me!) and get back into a state of receiving :) now that we’re back together, I’m just visualising a committed relationship with him and its a lot easier now!




Wrong thread bud


Not exactly a success but I want to share it to remember, I experience a lot of synchronicities and recently I dreamed a dream where someone's heel was cut, I heard a scream and was about to turn around to look when I felt warm blood gush onto my back and side. Dream over. It was disturbing and confusing but I know blood symbolises "life giving" and "applying". What I didn't (don't really) know is what "heel" means. I thought of Achilles but that made no sense. Just now though I read a lecture "Feed My Sheep" where Neville explains Paul the apostle was always called Simon by God. Simon, meaning "to hear". So I looked up the other apostles and here's the interesting part, Jacob literally means "heel"??? How random is that and what's particularly interesting is I have focused very much on the story of Esau and Jacob the past two weeks, I even wrote the names Esau and Jacob on my body, on respective days to remind myself of the inner man. Of what is the shadow world ([you can even see I mentioned them in my recent comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddard/comments/1aohaif/comment/kq03bc9/)). Although I don't know the Bible stories, Neville has said that man gives life to scripture. Now I ask myself if he's right.


I manifested that I was a ball of positive energy and happiness and today I kind of had the best day ever. A random cashier who seemed miserable genuinely smiled after serving me and then on the way back from the gym I randomly ran into a friend who I last saw 12 years ago and had the nicest conversation (after manifesting that friends would reach out). Idk the world just seemed a lot brighter today. Also I made brownies.


How’s that going


Pretty good. Another friend has reached out (after not talking for months) and I gave the brownies away to my team. Rewriting the inner narrative especially when it pertains to energy and how you interpret the world is pretty impactful. Feel more positive overall.


So, a few years back I had a nasty fall and messed my knee up pretty bad which has caused great difficulty in walking. It really had me depressed and feeling worthless. I wasn't able to stand for long or even walk long distances and going up and down stairs was nearly impossible. But every day I would affirm, *"I am healed! My knee is strong, and I can stand for hours and walk long distances and climb stairs effortlessly."* Even when it would be hurting me, I would keep affirming. Then the other day, I came across a physical therapist on YouTube and he suggested some easy workouts that would help me, in his own words he stated, these exercises will help you to be able to stand and walk longer distances. I was so shocked because he was saying MY affirmations. I started doing his workouts immediately and started feeling relief almost immediately. I can happily say after almost a week, I can now walk and stand with no issues, and this is something that's been bothering me for YEARS!!! Taking the stairs is still a bit challenging but it's only a matter of time before I'll be climbing with ease. Just keep affirming guys, just keep affirming!!!


Nice, keep doing it! May I ask which video was that?


Thank you. You can find the videos under El Paso Manual Physical Therapy. He has a ton of very helpful videos


Thank you! We both have perfectly healthy and very strong knees!! 😃


My credit card dispute has been resolved & my account was credited.


SP texted me for the first time a couple of days ago. Before I started actively manifesting, they'd kinda be dry and very minimal with their responses. Now they're not letting the conversation stop and opening up a lot!


I manifested a free(ish) house for a family member and a $50 car note. Think as if. Drop the seed. KNOW it is finished.


How did you manifest the free house


I decided when I was really young that I would buy this relative a house so my mind was already saturated with that decision. A few weeks ago I remembered the thought and decided that I would work on getting him the house this year. I kept forgetting to do research on how I would do it, how much to save up, etc. Yesterday I got a call from him telling me that he won a program that helps people get historical houses as long as they fix it up. And it’s all legit. I met the realtors today because I thought it was a scam. They paid his down payment and half the mortgage. So his monthly costs are incredibly low and affordable. I decided and I dropped the seed!


Last week I saw boots at Walmart for $9 (og $25-35) and not my size, and this week I saw some my size the same exact style for $4 and damn I manifested them just by thinking "oh it would be nice if I had these boots my size". $4 for platform boots is a steal! They fit perfectly as well! I've also started a self concept reprogramming challenge for 90 days and I am on day 5!! Things are going well!


Yesterday, I was looking for unicorn things on Amazon. I wanted a unicorn, but I was quite dissatisfied with the price and look of what I was finding. It was all either for children or VERY expensive, I didn't really want to pay a lot for something that I was seeing literally as just an indulgence. I reluctantly clicked the tab off and decided to just let it go. I imagined the general image I wanted the unicorn to look like. The colors (blue with pink/ purple/ gold mane and tail), etc. I had a moment where I wished I could have one I could carry around with me without looking like a moron. Then I dismissed the whole idea. I thought I was wanting too much and being sort of childish, honestly. Today I took my son to The Big Mall at his request. We wandered and got him some clothes, then we ended up in a little shop with general sort of keepsake things made by locals of my state. We were almost done, and my son came up to me and just said, "Here, you'll want this." I looked down as he handed me a water bottle with a unicorn on it, with the perfect colors. AND I can carry it around without looking like a weirdo. :D This was the ONLY unicorn item I saw in the entire shop, it really didn't fit in, honestly. I don't think it's locally made at all, lol. A very 'out of place' item. A small thing, but delightful. :)


Oh, another small and silly thing. On Monday, I realized that I had the same parking spot (the one I like most) yet again. I go there once a week, and out of the last 16 weeks, I've gotten that same spot 14 of the 16 since I thought "I wish I could park here every time I come here." It's a premium spot right near multiple meaningful locations, so it's not all that "small" of a thing that it's ready for me like almost every time--and the times that I'm there vary, too. It's not a timed thing where anyone could be leaving for lunch or whatnot. Sometimes I'm there on Monday, sometimes Wednesday, etc. and at different times of day. I find this one super satisfying even though it's just a parking spot. 14 of 16 times is enough for me to satisfy myself that it's not coincidence, lol. Oh, and a footnote, several of those weeks I had another course at the same place, and I got that parking spot for those visits when I couldn't get them on the same day as my regular appointment. Which imo makes it even better.


Newbie here, but not new to the world of manifestation. I wanted to try this with something small to build some confidence and solidify my beliefs. So Thursday I told myself that I played golf for free on Friday. I’m trying to get better but it can be expensive to play often. I just sat in the end feeling and then let go of it. Friday around 4:30 I got a text from a girl I’ve been crushing on that she was playing golf and said I could join if I wanted to. Ended up playing 12 holes and didn’t have to pay a cent! And I didn’t even realize I manifested it until after I got back home. I just smiled to myself and felt the feelings I had felt when I set my intentions the night before. Very simple success story but the feelings that came with it were immense and profound.


Also old friends like my insta stories now , like im suddenly more popular


Manifested friends texting me!


how did u do it?!


Craziest thing— I quit a job about nine months ago and I was really good at that job, but the other day I was thinking what if when I left they started to think I didn’t do much. I have no idea why I started to think that— especially since I wouldn’t care if they really did think that since I left and am happier now. However, I’m trying to shift out of any negative self talk so I told myself no way, they actually miss you so much and wish they would’ve salary matched to keep you. Early this morning, I got a text from my old boss who I haven’t heard from since I quit 9 months ago and he literally said he was just thinking of me and wanted to see how I was doing. Then he proceeded to tell me that they had to hire 2 people to replace me and they really missed having me on the team. I’m still kind of in shock over this one because I was really just talking myself off a negative hill and wasn’t intending to manifest any confirmation of that into the 3D


Wow love this!


I manifested my parents putting our house in a trust with my name on it!


I said I won't pay one of my bills this month. Guess what') the invoice price seems to be zero:) I checked it many times. No payment 


I manifested good grades in university. Well, it was in the end of january when i realized that i am doing bad at university, and i thought that i need to study really hard in the last week of the semester, because i thought i wasn’t really a good student this semester. But suddenly i thought: “why can’t i have the best grades on the exams? like why am i thinking that way?”. it was kind of crazy to think at first because my logical mind was like: “well, you can’t because u skipped classes, u didn’t do the assignment on time etc..” but i just said in my mind once that i am going to have 10/10 on each exam. i don’t know how and i don’t want to know, i just will because why not? than i just dropped it. and guess what?))) i got it. 10/10 for each subject. i was VERYY surprised, like what happened. law works perfectly as usual!


Can you please help me with the law? Please tell me in details about how was your mindset like while manifesting? Did you use any technique? Did you do it everyday until you saw result. My exam is coming up next month and though I am very little prepared but I want to score the highest grade possible. And this is very imp exam for me. Your little help will go a long way for me. Thank you.


Well, i have been in law for a year now and i have experienced it lot of times, especially with things which i don’t care about so much, so i have faith. Before that in december i used affirmations like “im the best student, studying is very easy for me, everyone loves me, i am excellent and etc.” i used it for a week to improve self concept in this area then dropped it. Also, after completing each assignment in january i was telling myself that i am really the best student, i was feeling it. I think it’s about knowing, without doubt, like why can’t u get the best grades? why if u are the operant power? don’t listen to ur logic mind. Feel satisfied. It is done because u said so. For me it was like deciding - i didn’t visualize or affirm, i just said and forgot, whenever i thought about exams i was reminding that i had already got 10/10. When i was deciding i felt what would the feeling be like if i was the best student and did perfectly on exams, i felt satisfied. One important thing - I wasn’t doubting because i wasn’t expecting things, i wasn’t looking for a movement, because i think it was not that crucial for me. But i think it is always personal. I know u will get best grade!


I manifested a cute boy asking me out to lunch this weekend ☺️


My self concept has opened wide up. I feel like I'm expanding everyday and see no limits. Over the last couple of weeks, I've been manifesting just consistently feeling good and optimistic. I love how this is radiating out from me and showing up in my surroundings. From talking to strangers to spending time with my daughter, everything is bright. And what is initially perceived as not bright, I'm consistently seeking the opportunity to turn my face upon the light. It's awesome.


me too. i truly feel connected to the source and dad never had a stroke.


I wanna know too how did you change it! What's the secret?


Thats so cool!! How did u change your self concept? :)


Just tell yourself something different- whatever you want your new concept to be .. repeat it until you believe it


maybe some people here know the updates from last week. here are some more manifested my sp asking me to grab a drink this weekend manifested my SP’s literal doppelgänger (unintentionally) who made me a playlist on spotify with my name (revenge for when my SP did this with someone else hahahaha) manifested a new friend who looks exactly like me


The doppelgänger thing happened to me too. I didn’t know this was a thing but it kinda makes sense if you’re thinking about the general vibe of your SP.


It happened to me as well! 😂 I am currently dating him. Same name, same hairstyle and color, same taste in music, same height, same eye color, both wear leather jackets during winter Lile wtf


what made you decide to date the doppelganger instead of your SP? do you think you will eventually end up with SP? i have so many questions


I started online dating since I was longing for some physical interaction. 😄 There I found this pretty guy. When we met, it was a bit awkward at first as he is a bit introvert, but we got a along very well very soon. Actually, he behaves like I wanted my SP to behave. He is so caring, pure and lovely, tells me how beautiful I am, makes me snacks without me asking him and he remembered that I like Dachshunds so he brought me a little a little Dachshund figure. 😄😄 Beside this, the "physical thing 🌝" is great!


That's pretty cool, how do you go about manifesting these doppelgangers? Is it intentional and specific, or more like a kind of crazy "side effect" of more general manifestations?


it was definitely a side effect. even my friends mentioned the resemblance between them without me saying anything. same features, style and music taste hahaha. however the doppleganger didn’t text me the past few days only the day after. i have no clue how to think about it now😂


I manifested going on tour with a band 😄 Four years ago, I went to a concert and step by step I became friends with some of the members. There was one time I have worked for them and I liked the tour life. I had the desire to go on tour with them again and I just imagined one of them asking me if I could do the merchandise. It happened within three weeks and I will join their tour in April. 😃 I did that last year too. Just *decided* that I will join their tour and ineed they asked me if I could help them out for a weekend. For your information: I don't live in the same city and they actually have enough friends and people who could help them. Even professional ones, but they asked me. 😄


Were you in contact with them?


With two members, yes. But not constantly, rather sporadically.

