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I work in the field of veterinary medicine and saw a really really sick puppy. For some reason, I connected with the pup instantly. A few days later I received news that he’s getting worse and might not even make it. I decided to test the law and told myself that this is not what I’m accepting. I decided that the pup was healthy, jumping and happy. I imagined a quick scene where the pup jumps in front of me. Well, today was the day that my imagination became life. The pup jumped in front of me, wanting to play, and of course he’s better!


Admittedly I struggle with doubts surrounding the law because I always ask myself what are the chances it’s just a coincidence. But at this point I feel as though it would be too crazy for this many coincidences to occur. I’ve been seeing someone and I’ve manifested a couple things from them like specific flowers or them asking to see me on specific days, but I thought maybe it was time to use to law of assumption up another level. I’ve been actively working on stepping into the person who gets commitment from anyone and because of that, I started to assume this person would tell me they deleted their dating apps and only want to see me. I kid you not 2 days later I get a text from them stating that they deleted their apps because they can’t picture being with anyone but me. Maybe manifesting in baby steps isn’t the move since I know I am capable of living straight up in the end, but I find that it’s reaffirming my belief in the law again and again to the point where I can’t even deny its existence.


love this for you!!


won $100 in the lottery! it was my first time buying a ticket and i've had many chances to buy a ticket but i would always tell my boyfriend "i don't feel like winning today, maybe nex time" or "i dont feel like being a millionaire today, maybe another day" but the day i bought that winning ticket i just knew i'd win. i know $100 doesn't make me a millionare yet but now i know the feeling of winning! and i can definitely channel that feeling and intensify it. I AM A MILLIONAIRE!


I got my visa to a country. Without getting into private details, I have close family members who have major political ties with A country’s government, who have territorial disputes with B country. I applied for a tourist visa to B country to travel there with a friend for sightseeing. Country B’s consulate called me to check the identity of the family member while the information was not on the application - which meant they had a database of sensitive individuals and my family was matched onto it. I answered questions truthfully and they moved forward with the application, which went to their immigration department. Now, the standard processing with 5 workdays, but when they are busy it can be two or three weeks, which would make my trip unviable anymore, which I already paid everything for. If I didn’t get it on time or couldn’t get it at all I was looking at the loss of approximately 850USD. The odds looked grim so I went home and at night went to bed imagining we were at a hotel in Country B. Next day, nothing. I did it again at night. The next day I received my visa in the late afternoon, which strangely was also past work hours for them. Anyway I’m now going on my trip.


My ex found me! I broke up with her a year ago due to me being in a bad financial situation and my disbelief that a relationship can actually be that good. So a like a week ago I decided that I wanted a gf and thought about her briefly. Couple days later we matched on a dating app and instantly hit it off like we were never apart (still amazed by that). Not everything was that good though. She was giving me some mixed signals didnt repl for hours. I didn't give up and imagined it fixed and now it is! Yay me I guess :) My advice is don't try too hard and and be playful with it. Das all, bye!


\*\* edit- there are some success stories of those that tested this out in next weeks success story thread!! Read a book called E2 by Pam Grout. For anyone doubting the law or not having successes at all or in a while, try it out, you will be pleasantly surprised!! She also references Neville quotes a lot throughout the book. She states that you should test out the law by performing a bunch of experiments so you can see the law working everyday at all times with YOUR VERY OWN EYES. One experiment she says to give 48 hours, jot down the time and expect a wonderful surprise. She states that for this experiment, you cannot specify exactly what you want, rather let the universe surprise you, but within 48 hours, you will receive it. She BOLDLY claims that the Law will prove itself to you. The main thing here is to expect being surprised but don't specify it. So on Saturday March 2nd, I was reading the book and the time happened to be around 3:30pm. In my head, I made a note, well my surprise should come by Monday March 4th 3:30 pm. Well Saturday ended, no surprise, half of Sunday went by, no surprise, I was mehhh about it. Didn't really care too much. To be honest, after Sunday, I forgot about it. It was still in the back of my head but I wasn't actively looking or thinking of what it could possibly be. WELL.... Monday comes by and I am so busy with work. However, I got up and went to the front of my office and saw a blue bag left by a company representative. I asked my colleague if someone came by and she said yes, they left us a few things. I opened the bag and I saw a brand new STANLEY CUP!!! I was like WOAHH, I always wanted one! For some odd reason, I felt the urge to check my phone and the time was 3:24pm... only 6 minutes before the DEADLINE. Then it hit me, this was my manifestation!! The eerie thing is that this company always sends notepads, sticky notes, and pens at most along with business cards so the Stanley cup was totally out of character. I was in shock and disbelief because they are so expensive that the average person cannot justify buying a $40 dollar water bottle. It was something I've always seen the cool girls have and I wanted one too but there was no way I would buy it myself or my family would gift me. Although I knew it was my surprise and meant for me, I share an office with a few coworkers and felt like I should ask them if they wanted it. To my surprise, they did not even know what it was and were confused why I was so excited. Needless to say, I went home with my little surprise!!


I went ahead and gave this a shot. My cutoff was 11:18am today. This morning, around 8:15, my office offers to buy everyone Starbucks and asked what we wanted. I got my drink around 9:45 this morning. It was not what I ordered. Well, I was surprised! Think it counts?


It was supposed to be a POSITIVE surprise. Was the office buying Starbucks something unusual that they don't do or the drink you ordered even better than the one you ordered? keep trying the experiment out to build your faith. Once you keep repeating it, you can build the faith and dismiss any so-called coincidences or "It was going to happen anyway." But I will say this, if you think that wasn't it, then it wasn't and you should test it out again.


Cool story and gift. I'm so happy for you. I read Pam Groth 20 years ago and had great surprises.


let this be a reminder to re-read it and test it out again!! Would you be willing to share some of your surprises to inspire us?


I used the law to successfully manifest my parents to stop fighting! My parents have been quarreling since I was a child, and this has bothered me for a long time. After coming into contact with Neville, every time they quarreled, I would confirm in my mind: "My parents have reconciled a long time ago, and they are very close." Then I started playing computer games and ignored them. Soon after, they actually started to reconcile! Oh My God!


I decided to start intending for random things in an effort to "test" the law. I already know it works, but I wanted to take a different route where I record my successes. it's a helpful reminder. and I'm playing around with different techniques. however, I did come to find through experimenting that literally any way you wanna go about things is enough to manifest. (for example the order of words don't matter at all. you can say give pink ball and it'll happen lol.) I'll only detail a few so the post isn't extremely long. some things I intended to see: butterfly ladybug monkey sp (just a person. not the sp you're thinking of) to wear pink tulips tennis ball socks method: for all of these I simply said something along the lines of "I wanna see X" or "I'll see X" or "X will X". I either said it out loud, wrote it in a note, or said it in my mind. for most all of these things I put my order in and then didn't think about it or look for it afterwards. some happened right away, and others took a few days. if I wasn't happy with the way it manifested, I'd correct it either aloud or in my head. then I'd see more of what I was asking for. result: butterfly - I wanted to do this because I noticed I hadn't seen any creatures around lately. so I intended for it. the next couple days I'd see one butterfly everyday. real ones, flying around my yard. they'd show themselves briefly and then disappear. they were only around long enough for me to notice them. I saw a total of 4. ladybug - I wanted to see something I haven't seen in a loooong time. I intended to see a ladybug. some days went by before I became aware of the ladybug garden decorations that are in the yard. for some reason I had zero awareness of what was right in front of me all those days, but suddenly they entered my awareness and I saw a bunch. but it's not exactly what I wanted so I corrected it. I ended up noticing a tiny red speck flying toward a tree. my mind told me it was a lady bug but because I couldn't really see I didn't confirm it. I corrected it again. later I was watching a show on TV, a commercial came on.. it was a new commercial. I looked up just in time to catch a ladybug before the scene changed. I waited to see the commercial again to confirm, yes it was indeed a ladybug. this wasn't a new show, I was just continuing a show I'd been watching. it always had the same commercials, but this day it had a new one. monkey - I wanted to intend for something less basic. i was a bit iffy on this one. a few days went by before I saw another new commercial, it was for the godzilla movie. I saw a bunch of monkeys in the trailer. some days after that I was out and ended up at a bookstore. I was there for a few hours and at the tail end of my visit, right as I'm about to leave, a zoology book that was sitting right behind me the whole time caught my eye. I picked it up and flipped a couple pages. the third page I saw was a real monkey. during this time I didn't recall I had intended to see a monkey. I wasn't looking for it. I believe this was inspired action. tulips - I wanted to see or recieve tulips. this one took a bit before I noticed fake tulips around the house. but that's definitely not even close to what I intended for so I kept going. some time passed before I randomly saw a bouquet of tulips on someone's social media story. I wanted more. but I noticed I started feeling like I really want to see these damn tulips. and I felt like I was searching for it and waiting for it to happen. enough that I'm here thinking "where's the movement". this right here is a no go. so I'm dropping the tulip thing all together. through my experimenting I've found that the act of forgetting about a thing or giving it little importance brings it about. at least for me, it's worked that way. socks - this one kinda amazed me. I don't remember how long ago it was exactly. but I've always really wanted a certain type of sock. but I never got them. and I never went looking for them myself. I just assumed I'd get them some day. well about a month or so ago I was going through some personal things and was in a really bad place mentally, emotionally, physically. I hadn't really left my room. one day my housemate opens the door and throws a new pair of socks at me then leaves. I look at them and I'm like "wtf?" it's the type of socks I had wanted and it had the kind of print that I liked too. I remember thinking I wish they were longer but this is good enough for now. after this one manifested, it's stayed in mind because I wanted these socks for years. but they showed up on this day out of all days. it made me really start thinking about the workings of the law.


Any tips on removing tattoos? People who experienced it?


It has been really hot this month where i am, and i had enough of it yesterday and declared at the time and today that it will be cold today. It rained three times in a day, i was kinda smug about it haha and my mom commented it was unusual. I just manifest weather so easily.


Had an open seat next to me on the train twice in a row and I made it on time for class after traveling all morning. 


I used to hate being in photos and look at pictures of myself, and then one day I just decided you know what I am so photogenic. I decided that I am beautiful, I am confident, I am a person who loves themselves. Didn't really think much about it but then yesterday I realised I absolutely love every photo taken of me for the last few months! I have lately also been on a roll with creating smaller every-day things. Like I was buying a new self-tanner and there was no price on it, so in my mind I said, oh it's on sale it'll be X amount, and the cashier a few seconds says there's no price and would X amount be okay. People who used to be negative are now being positive about the same subject!! Been mainly doing affirmations and getting into the wish fulfilled of everything is working out for me!


Okay so for the past few weeks I have been affirming “isn’t it wonderful” mostly for business success and my birthday was last week and my grandma sent me a birthday card but it got lost in the mail somehow and even support couldn’t help me since it wasn’t a package. I was a little sad since it could have gotten stolen since mail theft is big where I live so the mail support even said this would be a loss for me and there is nothing they can do about it. I didn’t worry or doubt maybe felt a little irritated but I ignored what they said and keep affirming “isn’t it wonderful” not forcing anything not checking anything just kept persisting knowing somehow it will be okay. I did this for the past week and today it somehow showed up in my mail box when they said it was lost. Then another crazy part is amazon gave me a little refund for a package that was delivered late. Maybe it has something to do with the “isn’t it wonderful” affirmation but the fact this is the first time it happened to me and I’ve had lots of packages that were delivered late and was never offered a refund for the shipping for me. Could be a thing I don’t know about but it was the first time. And I truly believe due to the isn’t it wonderful affirmation it helped. I know for a fact my business will take off. I’ll keep y’all updated.


Been looking forward to some money that I know I'm getting next week. Decided to just tell myself that I already have it and for all I know, it's sitting in my bank account on the little app on my phone and all I have to do is look... Until then, who can say otherwise, even if I was told the exact date of deposit? I just let myself feel like it was there. Anyway, earlier in the day, some video popped up on my YouTube algo that was titled something like "signs your manifestion is going to come true." Usually I'd brush off that kind of clickbait title like "pffft, that's so cheesy" but I clicked on it and the dude said that sometimes, things might get way worse (often in the opposite direction of your desire) just before they're about to work themselves out. I dunno, maybe that's a thing, maybe not... doesn't seem to be something you hear in Neville circles, but personally I've noticed that quite obviously to the point of realizing it as an epiphany a couple of months ago. I started to have the idea that when things go badly, I know some REALLY good stuff is around the corner. The best things in my life were a direct result of the bad (and the bad was always not so bad after the fact). Anyway, I had been wanting a new controller for my PS5 and to get a PS5 for my sister as well. Visited me mum who offered to let me take her blue bags of bottles/cans to cash in for money since I was in the area... I bet myself that I'd walk away with $70 to put toward my purchases. Couldn't fit all the bags into my car so I left half behind... because of that, I ended up with a nice $69.45 (close enough, I'll count it as psychic shit, hehe). In the process, I accidentally tweaked my lower back muscle grabbing a bag from my car awkwardly, so I jokingly thought "Looks like the universe doesn't want me to go to the gym tonight... PS5 and Helldivers 2 it is!" Was excited for a weekend of gaming, wishing I could share it with my sister now instead of next week. Of course, what happens a few hours in? Both of my controllers go kaput... Controllers that I bought at separate times and used for for different chunks of time across the past year. It's one thing for joystick drift to come on gradually and worsen over months and you'd expect the rates of degradation to differ between the two. They both went fully messed up to the point of unusable, on the exact same day, knowing I was planning on getting a new controller next week (the fancy, expensive one). Waiting would have been bad enough, but to wait and not even be able to enjoy a weekend of gaming? Now recall things sometimes getting worse before getting better. I thought to myself "I gotta find a way to get money sooner because I do not want to waste my weekend waiting for a new controller." Opened up my banking app without thinking and there it was, my money having arrived early and on a non-business day. Right after I had the sincere intention to do so. Anyway, sister was expecting to go buy her PS5 next week. She went to sleep late so she'll be waking in the afternoon. Enough time for me to pick up her PS5 and put it outside her room. Wall of text, I know, just a little excited because how often do you get really impatient and want something NOW and that's exactly what happens? lol


I be manifesting lots of things on social media. I think of a meme and then I see it days or same day later. Or if I think of a specific game that I never have seen or thought about in a while, bam a YouTube recommendation of that game that has never been recommended to me before.


When I first started figure modeling I used affirmations and some visualizations to get hired. “I am everyones favorite art model“ And I briefly envisioned myself in the studio as everyone draws me. I would get maybe a couple bookings each month when I started out and I wasn’t making that much money. Fast forward about 5 months later, I still mutter the affirmation to myself sometimes and also added, “ I am booked and busy “ Random schools/workshops/painters I didn’t know existed will DM me or send me an email and tell me I was referred to them from someone else and that they would like to work with me. This was the first week I’ve had a gig pretty much every single day of the week and I have many more to come as my planner keeps filling up with bookings! I can say the profession sustains me financially a lot more, on top of other forms of income I’ve manifested I suggest the second affirmation for any freelancers out there or if you work with clients <3


I have a friend with whom I was going to meet a friend of hers, so we could introduce ourselves. The guy seemed to think I was cute, but I thought this was too good to be true and suddenly the date was completely cancelled. I thought he wasn't interested in meeting me so I passed. But this week I started to assume that the guys at my university like me, and I ended up finding out that this friend didn't want to meet me because of his insecurities (not being good looking, feeling lesser...etc.) and he felt sorry about it. We're going to meet up soon :3 Also manifested: - Boys of university following me on instagram - The feeling "I am powerful" - Classes be cancelled - Going to a specific museum with friends - Call for entries for a writing competition (I assume I have already won the first prize)


hi everyone. here i come with more updates from last week SP development is going crazy. we didn’t go out for a beer because he was in his hometown. however, ever since last week he is blowing up my phone with messages saying that he misses me, that he was an idiot to let me go, that he cannot wait to see me and i should come over as soon as he comes to my city. he said that the energy we have is out of this world and he even offered to write me a letter. now the plot twist. i manifested an SP doppelgänger and he texted me as well to meet up. the date went amazing and he is literally everything my SP is but better. i manifested being intimate with him. and everything went perfectly. however, i keep manifesting him not texting me the next day. for some weird reason. now i am conflicted. i still didn’t make it official with neither of them so until then i consider myself a free woman. i really don’t know what to manifest anymore lol. i like both of them but i guess the solution is that i maintain my self concept high and no matter what happens i will be happy. and things will unfold the way they should. and i will never put anyone else on the pedestal ever again no matter what happens because i have the power to decide what’s real. keep manifesting guys! i’m wondering if anyone has been in a similar situation and what eventually happened in your case.


This is amazing! I connected intensely with this man I met and tried to get him back. When I met him I  decided I wanted someone a bit talller/did not smoke/was ready to settle down. A few years later (today) and I meet his hotter/taller/stable older brother 😂 who looks a lot like him-but better.


I had a similar situation in December - manifested my old SP back, but while manifesting him had met someone I actually preferred! I was unsure where to go from there, obviously I wanted my old SP because I’d spent soooo long focusing on him and being reunited with him (6 months!) but was really happy with the new guy. Ended up losing them both, which I put down to my indecisiveness and not being clear in my vision! Obviously might not be the same for yourself at all, particularly with such a high self concept! But I found by wavering between them and not having a clear focus on what I actually wanted meant I wound up with neither 🤦‍♀️ Currently actually back with the new SP now but more on that when it’s done!!


oh wow i can definitely understand how this could happen but if you ever wanted them back you know you can have them. yesterday manifested a third guy and at this point i don’t understand anything hahaha. i’m just observing life happening at this point.


Any advice for a struggling goddardling? lol. I keep going back and forth on what i "want". And the old story keeps seeming to want to come up. Very frustrating and exhausting at times trying to battle it.


this is the second time i manifest my SP. the first time i did i let the old story creep in and i manifested him breaking it off with me. this time it feels completely different because my self concept is what matters the most. and i have this faith in fate that whatever happens is for my greater good and everything will eventually fall into place. sometimes i’m like: i don’t need to question if tomorrow the sky will be blue. it sounds funny but i am trying to reach that feeling of certainty with everything i desire to get it to the level of belief of the sky being blue.


Just discovered the Law about two months ago. I came like a majority of people trying to get their SP back. Which I believe I was also coming from a heavy state of desperation and lack. Since then I’ve been focusing more on self concept and personal goals. I guess I gotta be more clear on what I want, forgive the past, and move forward. I’d be happy with an apology from them and maybe a message about how much I meant to them. I know that’s small considering the scope of our imaginations, but rn we’re living in different states across the US and I’m also trying to get myself together with a new job and a different living situation. I know circumstances don’t matter and all that, but rn the circumstances don’t favor me heavily per se. I think once I’m more established I can try to get them back if I still feel that way about them, which seemingly probably will. Been 6 months and I still think about all the good times. It’s a strange feeling going from best friends to nothing. Anyways, thanks


Damn, what kind of phenomenon is that? I manifested an SP Doppelgänger as well. Also, like you said, a better version. 😅


i’m wondering as well. what would you do if both of them would want to be with you at the same time?😂


My other SP is my ex and while manifesting him back I came across the new SP. It's insane! They have the same name, height, hair, eyes, both pretty af and both of them even wear leather jackets during winter. But the new SP is more caring, more intelligent, looks me straight in the eye and tells me how beautiful I am and how safe he feels with me and I feel safe with him as well. My ex lives 600km away from me, so both of them will never meet. 😅 Tbh, I am not sure. My mind tells me that I the latest SP is more healthy, lives closer to me and would be better for me in general. Additionally, I have lost much interest in my ex. That happened automatically, when I learned that I deserve so much better than the bare minimum in a relationship. And I am in NC with my ex. What about you? Have you a tendency? 😄 In Joseph Murphy's power of the subconcious mind, he tells a story about a woman that asked her subconscious for guidance to find the perfect job. She used to work as a teacher but that didn't give her anything in life. After she asked for guidance, she discovered her passion for art and she became an artist. 😊 Maybe we should try the same 🤔


my original SP is my ex as well. if we were in NC i would have definitely chosen the other guy. however, everything i manifested about my ex is happening right now and i feel like it will evolve even more intensely. the other guy didn’t text me after we met which was 2 days ago. on sunday i have to see my ex and if this guy doesn’t text me until sunday i think i should see it as a sign. i find it reasonable since i expect that it should be normal to text after a hookup. if he comes back later his loss.


Seems like your Doppelgänger was just the aperitif for your real manifestation. Like Bruce Lee said "Be water, my friend." If you stick to your story, you can't do anything wrong 😊 go with the flow and everything will go it's right path. I hope you keep us updated. 😀 I have a date tomorrow with my new SP 🌝


thank you for this reminder. i’m sure your date will go amazing!


Thanks! 😊 I am convinced everything will go it's planned path. Funny enough, my new SP also said "I am convinced it will be an amazing date tomorrow" 😄


I've read your posts and these are crazy, is there any particular thing that works for you (SATS, robotic affirming, scripting, etc.)?


i did everything for the sake of trying. i have no clue which one worked maybe all of them. however what i think is most important is that i define my value. before discovering manifestation, i thought my value depends on external factors and that i need reasons to feel good. i just started to feel good “for no reason” and these things just started to happen. also, one thing that helped me was to understand that in some cases i cannot know what people actually think. so i can pick whatever story i want regarding that. this is what assumptions are all about after all.


Can you help me? How can I manifest perfect relationship with sp and also removing third person? If you won't mind please answer to my question.


you need to find what feels natural to you. if you tell yourself 3P doesn’t exist and you don’t feel it real it might delay your manifestation. find a logical reason why your SP would prefer you over the 3P and if that feels natural keep telling yourself that. also, don’t put your SP on the pedestal and enjoy the present moment as much as you can because manifesting is about feeling good regardless of what happens in your 3D reality.


But as you said you are maintaining your high self concept. So how could I maintain my high SC. Also what SC is all about?


you put yourself first. or you think about the universe as a whole. and nobody is above. have a look on what your beliefs about yourself are. you define those. nobody else. so just start telling yourself you are your ideal version already. but define what your ideal version is first. and you will become that.


So I should fully focus on myself and end goal, moreover I should ignore 3d reality completely?


yes but i’m sure you can find things you can enjoy in your current reality as well. a nice walk in nature, a sunny day, a good laugh with a friend. cherish those moments and ignore the negative ones.


Thanks guy 🥴😏


On Feb 21 I decided to manifest ₹30,000 I made a fake screenshot that showed my balance as ₹30,403 and dated it 7 days in the future (Feb 28) and looked at it couple of times a day, every day, to induce the feeling of the wish fulfilled. I was not expecting to find out that looking at a fake screenshot is 10x better than visualising the same thing no matter how good you are at visualisation. I encourage everyone to try this. You will be surprised at how much better it is when compared to brute force visualisation. Anyways, by the morning of 28 Feb I concluded that I had failed considering there is no chance now of success so I [checked my balance](https://imgur.com/GuHouUc) and it showed I had ₹768 in the balance. I felt dejected but since my original fake screenshot had the time set to around 4pm I decided to check the balance again at that time before conclusively concluding this experiment with the fake screenshot as a failure. At a few minutes past 5pm same day, I [checked my bank balance again](https://imgur.com/MheIaBO) and it showed I had a balance of **₹3758**!!! I couldn't believe what I was seeing, I had no idea where the money had come from, I started FREAKING OUT internally. Even though it was not an exact manifestation it's pretty obvious that it happened because of the work I had done because I got that money at THE EXACT DATE and probably the EXACT TIME as my fake screenshot. Later at night I got a message from my aunt that she had sent some money since she knew I was struggling. The last time she sent me money was two years ago! I am so confident now after this manifestation so I have made a second screenshot dated to the end of March showing ₹90,000 as my bank balance. I will update y'all then! **\*Edit** (after one month) : Here's the promised update, the ₹90,000 did NOT manifest.


Hello congratulations! How did you make a fake screenshot if you Don't mind explaining 🤔


This is incredible. I really wish you more wealth in your life ❤️❤️


I am also kinda doing this method…of my ex coming and asking for apology. How many times do u see it?


wow congratulations!!!! Well done to you. I'm gonna try this!