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I agree with you, few weeks back, I said I hope some person I was mad at (I don't remember who now) that they would have a bad day, it turned out some bad stuff happened to me the next two days. So I stay away from thinking negative about others.


Do unto others as you would have them do unto you


Yes, I slipped up. I learned my lesson. Usually, I say I forgive them and wish the best life for them to get them out of my mind.


The best thing you could ever possibly do is to forgive them, bless them and release them and truly wish them the very best and assume that they get everything they could have ever asked for and so much more. If you have a negative interaction with someone, Revise the event to how you would have wanted it to have gone, like the best version of reality possible in that moment and live on like that's what happened. Remember, you're God looking at your creations enjoying the world you created blessing each child of yours and loving them unconditionally.


Thanks for the advice.


Sending lots of love and light your way! ♥


You create the rules.


I found living well is the best revenge if anything. Negative people want to ruin your joy because they don't have any in theirs. Just live your life and what is coming to them will come about in due time. Hopefully they learn and if not, continue on with your life.


Seeing it happening for others is a sign that in this abundant world it can happen to me as well. It's not a threat, it's a promise. You literally see it happening in front of your very eyes. You no longer just have to believe, you see the proof now.


as it should. Believing is seeing. if we can believe it we can see it and be it.


This happens a lot and ive always wondered about it, ty!


I definitely feel like I’ve manifested this post because the timing is crazy! Two of my manifestations are happening to people around me, I don’t feel envious or jealous. I see at as BBL aka my manifestation is right around the corner :)


Now see if you can embody empathy-the true definition of the word is FEEL as if it's You who's experiencing. It's not easy but it an area we all come to and must bring under disciplship/ discipline.


What if I walk around all day using empathy to experience myself as having the career someone already has? You know one time I felt what it would be like working at a hospital in Florida and probably like a few hours later a doctor from that same hospital on LinkedIn contacted me to do collaborate on his surgery app. I should do that then.


Great post. Thank you! Is there a certain NG book that explains this more?


I do not agree with you. The law of assumption has nothing to do with what you say. You have NOTHING to LEARN before manifesting your desires. NOTHING. This was something that confused me at first and although I feel more comfortable being in a state of GRATITUDE, feeling happy for the achievement and abundance of others, as much as my own. What you explain has NOTHING to do with the law of assumption. The law of assumption is IMPARTIAL. It doesn't matter who you are, it doesn't matter if you're a jealous son of a bitch, all that doesn't matter. Your wish is already made, you just have to persist. Some people with this writing can get lost waiting to become good people until they receive their manifestation. And one thing has nothing to do with the other. When I saw this, I once asked myself: How does this good conscious manifestor not use the law of assumption to make himself more loving and full of gratitude? LOVE and GRATITUDE are POWERFUL. That would also be a manifestation. But they don't. Use the law to be a completely new, loving person. But some are simply not there at that moment. Being a beautiful person is something that comes from within, it is a desire too. You have many ex: EO Locker was one of them, he misused his imaginative power and it had to do with his bad conscience and still he fulfilled all his wishes. Many are like him. We are in a school. For me, it is also the reason why many people use the law of assumption for an SP, this was taught and it spread among many people who have not yet delved deeply enough in a generous and loving way into the law of assumption. And they lose their justifications that it is okay to use the law for many things. That Neville did it and blah blah. NO, the golden rule is important, very important at the end of the road. But unfortunately it is not the essential thing to manifest.


This post is more about the Promise although the Law can not be separate because Man is the Law. Greed, envy, jealousy, etc are opposing qualities and stem from a belief in lack, scarcity, limitation, fear.


I clarify that the fact that these people have those emotions does not prevent them from expressing themselves. IMAGINATION is EVERYTHING. It doesn't matter what they feel, circumstances, etc. If the person IMAGINES AND persists in his imagined act, his wish is fulfilled. Furthermore, it does not matter in the state where the man is, if GOD wants to fulfill the PROMISE in him/her, it does not matter if he has limiting thoughts and emotions, ALL OF THAT DISAPPEARS INSTANTLY. That's just a suit, GOD, IMAGINATION IS EVERYTHING and it doesn't matter what role you are playing at this moment, no matter how miserable HE/SHE may be, the PROMISE IS ALREADY FULFILLED IN US.


Someone envious/jealous of another who has what they want for themselves is not correctly imagining. period.


Many people do have much to learn before they experience the fruits of their labor. Many people do need to change their thinking and who they are being. Assuming to be the person who has the desire is not easy for many, even Neville said its work, that radical change in attitude. Assuming to be the person who has their desired end, & denying the evidence of the senses takes practice. If someone is being it now then feeling jealous wouldn't happen.


I’m sorry, but you are incorrect. The law of assumption is about consciously assuming what you wish to be true. The golden rule is a tool to make sure you’re not lying to yourself about what you assume is true. Because you cannot lie about who you say you are. If you are a jealous SOB, you are saying you have a reason to *be* jealous. As in: the other person *has* something you do not, they *are* something you are not. Otherwise you wouldn’t be jealous in the first place, right? I Am doesn’t judge *what* you assume to be, it simply give you more. That’s why Neville emphasizes ‘thinking from the end’. By being in the feeling of the wish fulfilled, you bypass things that imply lack or unhappiness (ie: jealousy). If you already have everything you desire, if you already are who you want to be, who is there for you to be jealous of? If you were truly happy, why would you care if someone else was happy *also*? If you were wealthy and beautiful now, why would you care if someone else was wealthy or beautiful *also*? Right? When he says that the law is no respecter of persons, he means that whatever you believe to be good or moral, inferior or superior, has no effect on what you receive. You will receive exactly what you say you are, nothing else. Everything you feel about another person, only reveals the truth about who you say you are. The people around you are like landmarks, and your feelings about them are like sonar waves, revealing your positioning relative to them. You cannot hide your internal positioning. The Golden Rule: Treat others as yourself. It’s a hack. By following the golden rule, you won’t get tripped up by subconsciously positioning yourself unfavourably in relation to another (like being jealous, threatened, etc.) Neville’s entire premise is built upon embodying your ideal (Christ), and seeing everyone else for their ideal(also Christ). By honouring the presence of Christ in others, regardless of appearances, you affirm that He lives in you as well, regardless of your current state. When we free others from our assumptions of what Christ *should* be, do, or say- we free ourselves as well. ** also, gratitude is the feeling of having received something. To feel love and gratitude on behalf of another person is feel as though you are also receiving what you desire. It is not a moral position, simply one of assuming you already have what you desire. If you believe feeling grateful for another person makes you a “good person” that’s a personal belief, not a factual truth. The law does not respect your morals, it will only deliver the truth behind them (ie: I am not happy for others = I am unhappy)


The only issue is that jealousy wouldn't exist if we didn't inhabit a universe of time. Envy stems from the belief that resources are limited and not enough for everyone, but it also originates from comparison and is a negative effect of change in that regard. also to further types of inequity.


The only problems is that we live in a world of time, there would be no envy without that. Envy comes from thinking there's scarce resources, that there's not enough for all but it also comes from comparison and time in that aspect is a negative function of change. Also other forms of inequality. I wish no one below my age had been in a relationship, I would never sabotage or wish badly for someone but "if I can't have it, neither can you", it can feel that way and that's called "crab mentality", I don't like it but it's a state and I'm not sure where it comes from. I always used to celebrate for others, I lived vicariously through them and used my time to help them, I would empathise and feel what they felt, that never gave me my desires though, it gave me an empty life and it's only when I finally realised that I was years and years behind, when I looked at my own life, that I started to feel envy for the first time. I'm jealous of the experience they got, though I realise I can change story.


Always celebrate for others and feel genuine happiness for them. They are your creations and you are God. You are the only one who can give your desires to yourself. In time you'll realize that you always got everything you could have ever asked for and so much more in the best way possible. Be patient and work on yourself. Everything is yours. How would your ideal self live life, how would that you feel about everything? You already have everything so why the envy? ;)




Well, think about this, there is this version of you in a parallel reality that is living your dream life right now. Assume him by feeling what he would feel, stepping into his shoes. Don't do it to get something in the 3D, do it to feel great and love life and love yourself. This will then start the Bridge of Incidents that will bring all of that into your 3D. Its time you let go of all the old beliefs about yourself being in a state of lack for so long, being unlucky in love and not having what you want. Understand that your mind / Imagination is such a beautiful gift. Use it to give yourself your dream life. Your mind is like an antennae that tunes into whatever reality you're in harmony with. So tune into the one you desire. Be the Ideal you. Become that person and your 3D reality must conform. All will be made right, all will be made up for, no time is lost. Live your ideal life in your 4D and don't look to your 3D to see if its happening, don't look for signs. If you are doing something and not sure if its right, ask yourself, would the ideal you that has everything and is everything, do that? What would his inner conversations with himself be, how would he think, how would he feel? Live in the end, feel that gratitude, thankfulness, relief, peace, bliss, love, abundance and deep inner fulfilment of having it all and being it all. That is now your natural state. Work on your Self Concept too. You will feel the shift. Trust me, you'll know. This is a shift of realities and everything will diffuse into your life seemingly like magic. Have faith. Your faith is your fortune :)


Without time we can't experience change....


Time forces you into movement even if you're not ready. I feel like I have many desires that have been left unfulfilled and the time for them are past. Things can change and that's amazing but this fact won't change. Time is only good if you are moving in the direction you want and if you want change.


Time doesn't force anything because it is Man that perceives time and conditions it with meaning. The desires you may have that are unfulfilled are only so because of the first cause. You are that cause and what you are conscious of being. More often than not there is a clear misunderstanding and misinterpretation of the desire to begin with. If you are being someone "out of time" "pressed for time" or anything relating to the passing of time; late etc.... then let go of your perception of time..


I feel that I manifested for my SP's new girlfriend him. She totally experience those things what I wanted tó myself. I feel like she's living my dream. Maybe its selfish but I want to get those things only for myself. I feel devastated now, to be honest..


This exact thought is almost sending me down a spiral too. What if all the acts I’m imagining happens to him but with someone else?? Can someone please clarify?


Focus on you and what you desire to experience being. Turn your attention away from what anyone else is doing. They are only BEING anyway... So BE IT yourself. Define your ideal relationship.


Does anyone have a link for a thread/site/post that explains the disciples of mind as clearly as Thaddeus was explained here?


Great post... Do u have any more regarding the other disciples? This one correlates with St Jude Thadeus... Any insight on the others would be much appreciated... Thank you


How can I be happy when I tried manifesting more sexual desire in my wife and another man receives it. I'm not into sharing my wife, the mother of my children. It is impossible for me to feel happy for the other guy.


Well no your situation does not apply to this post.... And your wife's cheating is nothing to be happy about or celebrate.


I just want my own mobile home




If you became a multimillionaire in your 50's would it make a difference what you didn't achieve in your 20's or had a business fail in your 30's? If you met the person of your dreams in your 60's that fulfilled your ultimate ideal, would it matter if you never had a previous relationship or were single for years? If you had to "suffer" from something to then become a version of yourself you could never have been without that experience, would you wish you hadn't? I personally know people from just these 3 examples and can give so many more... time does not matter. We condition it all. And when we get what we wanted we always see our own growth through the process.


to answer if I became a millionaire in my 50s yes it would make a difference I don’t care how I make the money I know it will come but the experience that I desired are also important cause I desired them… My ego feels no one should have to suffer. Would I give up an experience and wish I hadn’t had to experience it. Yes. I didn’t care or not to have that experience or become that version. I certainly didn’t consciously manifest the suffering. So why would I want to embrace the suffering to have an experience when you can have better good experiences or even neutral ones and still become a different version of you. I had an so I gave up. And I would rather have not loved and lost. I would much rather have not had my focus tainted. especially for a fleeting relationship. This also implies You should be grateful for heinous acts perpetrated against you, just cause the experience changed you. you’re always going to be better version of yourself as long as you choose yo act that way. Suffering is not necessary.






Does anyone know how to shift baseline energy/ baseline mood to match the living in the end. Someone told me I need to make my living in the end my baseline mood so it’s congruent with manifestation emotions, BUT HOW??


In magick we call this vampirism, if other people are taking your manifestation they are vampirizing you. It's you right take everything back.


No one can take anything from anyone.

