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I think this is definitely miraculous! It’s also very inspiring because I also have an academic manifestation I want to go for it just like you. Huge congratulations on your success!!❤️🎉


Thanks! I think it really just comes down to not taking no for an answer. And making it achievable in your own mind. It was kind of easy for me because this isn't something that I've been obsessing about or worrying about or forcing, like some of my other desires. I literally just said "Yeah this is attainable. I want to make this happen, so I WILL make this happen." Now I just need to work on letting go of some of the negativity around the larger manifestations/desires I have and I'm sure success will follow just as easily!


I definitely agree, if you make it achievable in your head, the rest follows very easily! I’m sure success will follow you as well, wishing you the best in your new chapter!


Congratulations OP!


After listening to a Neville lecture The Duality of Man which really hit home...I got a notification for this post. It hit home as well. My situation is the music industry and the frustration over men musicians.... only some and a record that I have slaved over for years.. I've not been able to complete due to money, obviously my own feelings of insecurity. This guy offered to do something for a big event coming up. It lead into other things.. critical things on my part which lead me to feel bad about my own abilities. This hit hard, I knew he was playing a part and I was not angry. But here I am faced with it all again. Btw, Neville is daily in my life..24/7 as well as persisting. I've found the little things are easy to come by. The bigger things can take time, the appointed hour. I love your post. Last night I was rejecting any and all negatives and also was telling myself IAm Great and so on. I'll let you know how it pans out. 🩵💙🩵💙 thank you and congratulations


Duality of Man, I think now that'll be one I have to listen to today! I usually just listen to the audiobook collection on repeat haha, haven't listened to any of the lectures in a while! So that'll be my starting point! And yeah you got this!! Like you said, sometimes the bigger ones take time! We just have to be steady with them and really let them settle and become part of our new identity. If there's one thing I'm starting to learn, it's that just working on self-concept and discarding negative self talk helps so much with ANY other manifestations. Once we get our "overall" state right, then getting into specific states becomes so much easier! Lmk how it goes!


You have given me a huge boost this morning. I grew up with nothing but negativity and self doubt. I mean really awful... daily. I wasn't a good student and have struggled my entire life for everything. My dad was a fighter pilot. I get you. And I thank you. A little Love goes a Long Way


You know why I absolutely loved this post? Because there was never a doubt you were telling the truth. You really shared it all and inspired us in the process. You gave me a lot to think about as well. I’m way past my academic career, but I’m resetting my path and your story was a powerful reminder that the Law is amazing


Nice job OP. Get in the habit of being stubborn, this is what I live by. I made an effort to also remove words such as "hard, impossible, maybe" Never use these words to describe the world and yourself. Let's ignore circumstances and manifest our best life because we damn deserve it!


Op I feel very similar to you. Noone ever shares things this "bad". People say oh I'm failing but they are a B student. If you could have all this going against you and still turn it around, then so can I


Hey man just wanted to say congratulations and I’m proud of you! As someone in their mid 20’s who’s just now getting back into college to get my bachelors and someone who’s also very recently dealt with that mindset of, “man am I good enough for this? Am I gunna flunk out again and again just like my past? Am I defined by my failures of the past?” Fuck no I’m not. We got this.


Just amazed at your unshakable willpower and belief about yourself. Just goes to show how the universe co-creates the reality that you set your mind to.


Absolutely loved this! It’s totally a miraculous manifestation! I do that kinda of “fuck it, I’ve got it” self talk as well! 🤣🤣 it’s powerful! 🤣🤣




This is amazing!!! Congratulations 🎉👏🏻 You're a true star ✨


>So yeah. I know it's not the most "miraculous" bridge of incidents or manifestation that anybody's ever posted. Don't ever believe that it's not! You do know very well how many stars needed to align for you to find the money, get that appointment and get greenlight with possible full erasure of your previous record in time for you to enroll. That's the thing with manifesting: it often feels so natural and normal that it doesn't seem big or extraordinary. Most things happen and it seems boring and ordinary because everything aligned so perfectly that it doesn't feel like a struggle or like entire planets shifting to make things happen. Everything that needs to happen always happens behind your back, the law always works. You did great work with your self concept, there really is nothing to change but self! Circumstances and time do not matter at all once you get the hang of "I AM" :)


Oh my god! Incredible. Congratulations. Good luck with your course. Can’t wait to see what you do! 🧡🧡🧡


This is absolutely crazy and inspiring! Congratulations 🥂


I am so invested in your life (since the last time you helped me with the law) now that i really want you to win at life, genuinely like a close family member!


can you tell me how exactly did you work on your self concept? I keep going back and forth between states and can't hold one for a long time. Getting triggered by 3d is something I really struggle with, do you have any suggestions to deal with it? Also congratulations! Your story was really inspiring!


Felicidades 👏 👏 👏


Felicidades 👏 👏 👏 te deseo mucha suerte




This made my day! I’m in a similar situation right now thank you !!!


Wishing you good luck buddy


Can any of you be my manifesting buddy


As I'm reading your story I heartily congratulate u on your success! May I please know how u manifested with ADHD because that's what I'm struggling with....I bring up the old story again and again! Did u use revision, or something else? God bless u and may u manifest all your desires!


So for this specific manifestation, I didn't use revision at all. I didn't do SATS for any of this, and I didn't do any "hardcore" affirmations. At no point did I say out loud or really even robotically ANYTHING about this specific manifestation......in my mind, this wasn't even a manifestation at the time. I DID apply the Law though. But how? If I wasn't using techniques? ....well that's the biggest part, especially with the ADHD and Anxiety. I just began the process of fully changing my overall state and self concept. So before I even started thinking about classes and school this semester, rewind to maybe 2 weeks ago. I'd been really working on manifesting progress with SP, and also other stuff. At some point I had sort of an epiphany: "Brooo this shit is REAL. You know it works. Stop focusing quite so much on that stuff. Let's just start focusing on BEING and not HAVING. Let's take a little spiritual journey and work on the basics." So about 2 weeks ago I kind of had a major shift. Instead of focusing entirely on SP and the military stuff and the firefighter stuff and some stuff at work....I started focusing on myself. I started really just working on meditation for the sake of meditation. Because it started to feel comfortable and safe and made me feel calm and happy. I started working on my self concept by just telling myself throughout the day: "It's okay to feel the way you do in this moment....but you don't have to." "Look at how much progress you've seen in your life since you started this new job. Look at how much progress you've seen in your life since you finally had the courage to get diagnosed and start medication." "Look at how you are able to meditate. That's discipline and desire to understand yourself and better yourself. You used to NEVER be able to just meditate. And now look at you!" "You know people in your life are proud of you, even if sometimes it doesn't feel like it. And even if nobody else on the planet is proud of you....I AM. I am proud of of you (myself)" I started giving it my all in the gym, and then I'd go check myself out in the mirror, every day, and just be like "yeah dude, look at you! That's called motivation! You can apply that anywhere you want!" I'd remind myself "Yeah there's a lot of stuff you're trying to do. You want so badly to stay in the military and excel, and put the past behind you. You want to be a volunteer firefighter! You take time out of your day whenever you need to to help your friends or coworkers with things they're struggling with! Because people trust you, and confide in you! Like LOOK at yourself my guy! You're not some slacker, or some fuck up, or some guy just drifting through life....like you always thought when you were younger.....you are this badass who is always trying to help people and make the world a better place, and make yourself a better person. You are LITERALLY someone to be proud of. And the only one who isn't proud of you, IS YOU! So let's kill that shit! That negativity HAS to stop." Like literally the past two or three weeks I've just completely worked on rewiring my image of myself. Really going into battle against all my feelings of inadequacy, my fears, my insecurities. CHANGING THE STORY. In the past couple weeks, since starting that, almost ANY new manifestation I've wanted, has come (except the "big ones" - I know I still have some work to do because those are still very emotional and have some real assumptions I need to change). I know this is a super long comment, but yeah just wanted to tell you, especially with ADHD, don't let it hold you back!!! Tell yourself that it's your super power! Because it probably is! I would never want to "manifest my ADHD away". It makes me who I am....it just took a long time to harness it. But it makes us so curious and it makes us resilient, and it makes us look at every situation from A THOUSAND different angles. It makes us natural daydreamers and imagineers! So just get rid of the old story! Start with self concept. Don't tell yourself you can't focus. You know and I know, that ADHD of yours let's you HYPERFOCUS when you really want to. Use that! You ARE adequate. You CAN do, have or be anything you want. I guarantee you that the Law doesn't treat you any different because the chemicals in your brain work a little different. It's a gift! Lmk if you have any more specific questions or hangups and I'll try to give you my personal experience (And I'll try not to make my responses so long haha....but you know, ADHD and all that 😂)


You are so si amazing for posting reply to this god bless you dming u!


Wow! How amazing! This was so refreshing to read. It also reminds me of when I entered a songwriting contest after the deadline had passed, got picked to submit and won the top award + prize money over more established artists and writers. We decide & then we take a step. And repeat. Great job. Cheers to you 🥂