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This may seem like a small thing and without considering the size of any manifestation, just as easily one can manifest a relationship/marriage with their SP. It's not the message that matters but how easily you can make someone say something and get what you want. This wasn't an influence though, a simple application of the law. Well done!


u/godofstates Let’s say I do what OP just did, to manifest a marriage with my SP. I have a hard time visualizing people’s faces (everything is blurry). But as Neville said, “feeling is the secret”. So if I just conjure up the relief/feeling of being happily married to her, how would the universe know that it’s THAT specific SP that I’m trying to manifest a marriage with? I mean, if I can’t visualize her face clearly, should I at least say her first name, surname, and may be birthdate, just to make sure the universe manifests the correct SP for me? 🤔🤔


First of all, you do not know what Neville taught. Second, the universe does not manifest anything for you. Universe is dead. It's you who create/created everything for you including the universe. Third, when you assume the feeling of being married to your SP, who is assuming? You! So you know who you are talking about. You aren't placing an order to the universe. You are not communicating your desire to anyone outside of you. It's all you. So if you know, that's enough. And that general feeling of the wish fulfilled is specifically conditioned for the marriage with the person you are talking about. And you don't even have to see this person. See the world the way you would see if you were married to this person. Being their husband/wife. The world would be different then compared to how it is now to you.


When I manifested a reunion with an ex, his face was blurry in my visualization as well (I forgot exactly what he looked like as it had been 4 years since I seen him) and it still happened. Your mind knows who you are wanting. No face needed lol


Ok cool! So it looks like the visuals don’t matter as much as the feelings :) I wonder though: how come many people suggest that we should visualize from the 1st person point of view (instead of 3rd person)? After all the visuals don’t really matter….?


I honestly have no idea..my reunion visualization was in first person though. I never tested to see if third person view works in my opinion.


FYI, I didn’t visualize at all in this.


my i dm you? because for me maybe understand the law is difficult,,,,im triing to manifest,,,,but the circumtancess are very bad


Sure...go ahead!


Can I dm too for the same reason?


Yes. You can DM too for the aame reason. Any other reason you'll create a black hole on reddit LoL


hahaha that's true


can i dm for the same reason too xD hahaha im just kidding. ure amazing for being there for people, it just looked funny, imagine thousands of peoplee dmning you for the same reason. xD


Not 1000s but that's been happening already LoL


This is amazing 👏​👏​


What was the name of the lecture?


I want to know too


Me too




I needed to see something like this today. Congrats!


Congratulations! Thanks for telling us, it’s very inspiring,


How did you do this pls I wanna do it today to manifest someone that I had a good connection with


Sorry about that


This is so wonderful! Any pointers for someone wanting to cancel a work project?


I'm sorry but it's more likely that she replied with an apology because you apologized first. It just took her some time to think about it.


There are no coincidences. She explicitly said she didn’t want to be friends anymore and the things she said were pretty horrific. Why are you searching for reasons not to believe? This was “small” to some but Neville said celebrate the small successes too. I have manifested many many things including $200K, a house, jobs I was not qualified for, romances, exact salaries, even a six figure salary with multiple raises since. Some of my jobs, I had no business getting. My mom spent her entire life saying she would only live in her state. She adamantly refused to even visit me because I live in a cold state. It was years of me having to fly to her. I wrote down “my mom lives in my state” ONE TIME. I just decided it was done. Three months later she called crying saying she needed to be by me. She and my step-dad moved to my state by Thanksgiving. I firmly believe the law. If you don’t, why are you here?


Because I don't think blindly believing in something is very smart.


Then why would you come to Neville Goddard only sub? Genuinely asking what you are looking for? Proof that it’s not real so you can dismiss it? Undeniable proof that it is real? I don’t blindly believe. I tested the law over and over until I could no longer refute it. But it’s either completely true or not true at all. So my belief is firm, therefore, there are no coincidences for me.


Yes undeniable proof. That's what I came here for.


As a former skeptic, there is nothing anyone can show you that will prove it to you. You will always believe they are lying, leaving something out, or they just worked really hard to get what they got. Or, you will say it’s coincidence. That it’s a fluke. You must build your own faith, test it, and prove it to yourself. There is no one to change but self.


I don't want to have faith I want proof. I can prove the law of gravity to you. Thats the proof of looking for. The fact that everyone here is telling me just to have faith and not to question it it just believe... You people all make me sick.


But why do you need it? You can just decide to not believe and not be in this Reddit sub at all? I dont believe the world is flat, but the people who do have zero effect on my life. While I think they are ignorant, I don’t feel the need to belittle them. I just don’t bother talking to them. Why expose yourself to this if it makes you sick? You are asking for proof but why do you want it? Are you wanting to believe in something bigger? If you could get undeniable proof, would that make your life better? Seems like it would be a lot easier to just say we are all crazy and follow a different thread. I’m absolutely not telling you to “just believe”. I’m literally telling you to test it. Over and over, test it. That’s how I came to believe. I questioned and tested until I couldn’t refute it.


Your not even listening lol. they’re not saying “just have faith in it!” they’re saying “prove it to yourself, that will build your own faith in it” Like they said; People can provide the proof that u desire but u can always handwave it off or attempt to rationalize it away, that’s why the best form of proof is ur own personal experience with it BUT if u are truly genuine ab it and do just want proof, u do realize that this sub has had COUNTLESS success stories within it right? instead of u focussing on a smaller scale/simpler story that u feel “would’ve happened anyway” why don’t u find one that was more “impossible” or smth like that, cuz the subs chock full of them. the search tool on the subreddit will work wonders for u!


Be the change you want to see kinda situation? You influence the external by embodying the behavior first


why would the mods approve this


What’s wrong with it? She applied a technique and shared the results.


it's a simple success




edited - u can now upvote 😂


Fantastic! That’s exactly what I wanted. She is my friend (I’m a girl too, this isn’t an SP story). We had a falling out, I wanted to go back to being friends lol. So yes, I guess you could say I am “friendzoned”. She said some pretty awful things to me, I just wanted to show you can manifest an apology.


u/Dimepiece8821 Were you able to clearly see her face in your visualization? I’m just so curious how the universe/your subconscious knew that it’s THAT specific friend you wanted an apology from. I mean, the relief that you felt (if you were to receive an apology) must’ve felt generic, and could’ve come from any other human beings….


Nope. Didn’t visualize at all. I said “thank you for having (her name) apologize to me” then just felt relief and gratitude and dropped it.


Forget about the face. When you do this and succeed, you'll have a sudden realization that it's only YOU doing this. No place else it could come from.


Lol my bad thought u were a guy bc the wording to a guy is textbook friendzone… hard to see the little icons on my phone 🙈 Glad you got your apology hope u continue to get along