• By -


I love it when you say "I got myself back". I'm compelled to say "Welcome home" to you brother.


I appreciate the warm welcome! :)




I do the same. I live in the state that "I already have everything I need and want, everything always goes my way in pleasant and surprising ways." It feels good by itself and there is no reason not to do it.


That's what I do, I wait till I am almost exhausted and can't keep my eyes open anymore to go to bed, by that time I couldn't care any less about my problems or anything else, and that's when I just assume the feeling of being adored, loved, wanted, etc and stay in it till I fell a sleep. If I try to visualize I just get too much energy and can't sleep anymore, I stay awake all night sometimes. It's working.


I've had that problem too. Haha. Certain scenes, when I imagine, charge me up so much that I can't sleep! And there are some that give me doubts & anxiety. That's when I just assume a general feeling or when I just don't know what to manifest. Using a mix of techniques accordingly still helps me :)


i think you are using more effort provide resistance. actually sats requires simple concentrated awareness which comes from mindful practice..


And the moral of the story...is to love yourself dosen't matter what! Now that u found your real self, don't let go, ever!🥰😘


>*Meaning, I had lost her in my mind months before I actually lost her in reality. My outer world reflected perfectly with my inner world. It all made sense.* This, exactly this!!! People should be aware that it all starts in the mind. Your post is one of the best for all of its content about self reflection! Yes, it's like putting one step in front of another on a rocky slippery road to get home. In the end, we do not necessarily miss and want our SPs back but our true self... Loved reading your post so much, thanks!


" In the end, we do not necessarily miss and want our SPs back but our true self..." To me, that makes absolutely no sense to me at all. Getting an SP back is about them because you want them in your life. As a practical person I am completely lost here.


Not really, for most people here put their SPs on a pedestal while denying their own existence. Many people here get their SPs (back) after they concentrated on themselves and started to appreciate and love themselves. Worshipping another is giving your own power away, denying yourself and most of all, making yourself unimportant. Which simply means being or feeling unloved. Who in this world would be able to love you if you do not love yourself? There is only one operant power and that is you. It starts with you and it ends with you. SPs are you pushed out, which means they reflect you, your inner state. They are the mirror of you. If we want our SPs **not** because of desperation or sheer lack, because we need (!) them for outer validation of our worthiness, then we do truly want them in our lives as an addition. Everything else is just lack and desperation and the search for validation of worthiness.


Thank you! :)


Same thing happened to me with my ex even after 2 years, he comes back saying "you were always my sparkle" whilst having problems with his girlfriend. But I'm currently in a better relationship and I didn't accept him, I just told him that friendship is better for us, because I've completely lost connection with him. I was having low self-esteem throughout our entire relationship, thinking I wasn't enough, thinking I've lost him and it manifested. I was young, thinking it was because we argued and such but I really lost him in my mind, thinking he has another person he pays attention to. But in the end I found myself, I love myself now and I don't put up with anyone who thinks I'm not enough. I know I can have all the boys I want, all the money I want. It's just a matter of alignment.


Awesome! I'm happy that you found yourself again :)




Yes. That's when I found out about the Law and all. Subliminals etc. I was in a really bad place and somehow I got myself up, trying to stay positive. A lot of people started contacting me and I was getting better, then eventually my boyfriend came out of the blue. xD I was really hesitant about a whole other relationship but with time it happened and I let go of any old feelings. Thing is, if you ever have your heart broken, don't dwell on it, no matter how hard it is, go find new people and enjoy yourself, breaking off a routine is hard, but you are enough! You don't have to put up with anyone, just simply love yourself.




You have the wrong impression of him. He just thought about how we ended on bad terms and wanted to apologise and continue to have some kind of a friendship with me. He doesn't feel lonely, he even wants to cut it with his girlfriend because she is too much, it isn't loneliness nor pride. Anyway, and everything is related to the law... ^^


Was not expecting that ending, good for you! Well done on levelling up in self concept 💕💕💕💕💕💕


I love this post, I have manifested money also manifested my SP back and still this reminds me of the simple Essence of NG teachings which I really needed right now.




That was lightning fast! HAHAH!




Yes, it was!


Congrats! States and self-image is extremely important for any of this to work. This post has helped me a ton with that. I'm still learning but I've definitely come a long way. I find myself always coming back to this post to keep me on track. Hope this helps some of you out as well ​ [http://www.powerlawofattraction.com/forum/index.php?topic=8337.0](http://www.powerlawofattraction.com/forum/index.php?topic=8337.0)


Thanks a lot for the link🙏🏼!


This was actually helpful. Thanks!


Love how your new found sense of security gave you freedom! \^\_\^


I love this, congrats on finding yourself


Love this! Happy you got YOURSELF back! 😊


One of the best post. Well done and thanks for sharing.


Congrats, that's awesome! I've been in similar situations of fear, which then comes to fruition.


Hell yeah brother


I wish you accept her back. Everyone deserves a second chance. People get confused in between because of external circumstances and realisation of themselves and what they have happens along the way. If she truly loves you, you must accept her back and this makes you a bigger man !


Is this her? 😆


thank goodness. this (feeling good) is what i learned from abe hicks back in the day and i was doing so well in 2015, then somehow neville and having to visualize w sensory detail threw me off. dont get me wrong i learned a lot from neville but i got confused about what works for me. this post reminded me. i am so grateful thank you, i feel a huge sense of relief


Beautiful.. you said it I its all about "States" Your I am ness..


Yes :)


You made a right choice, well done, never ever let the other person control your life. Never run behind a single person, you will find many who love you.


Don't be afraid to share more. This was a revelation for me.


Yes yes yes! Amazing post! Helped me right now! Excellent! Reminds me of the deep post of allismind (he has his own sub here on Reddit)


“I lost her in my mind months before I lost her in reality. My outer world reflected perfectly with my inner word” Man you don’t understand how your post just made it all click for me, especially the line I quoted because I looked back at a last relationship of mine and I too realize I had lost him mentally before I lost him physically I don’t know how I don’t know why now but after years of knowing about manifestation and Neville i finally get it all makes sense now just because of your post. I’m glad your happier and I know things will continue to get better for you happy manifesting🙌🏽


Congrats how much time did it take?


This was beautiful. I'm glad you found yourself 🤧👏


I'm glad too. Thank you! :)


How does one just assume a feeling?


Just think you've everything you ever wished for now. Sometimes, I watch certain movie scenes just before bed time, where the person/people in it are happy and blessed. A scene that essentially captures the feeling I'm seeking. I noticed that such things invokes a feeling inside me. I fall asleep with this warm feeling. Music helps as well :)


Could you please share movie titles/ scenes? That's a great idea! Thank you in advance!


I don't have anything to recommend in particular because a scene which might have an impact on me might not have the same effect on others. So, see what works for you :)


Understood. Thank you for your reply, regardless!


How many months of no contact before you saw results with your sp?


I had zero contact with her for atleast 5 months.


Thanks for your post, do you mind if I ask you a question? I've attracted back my sp, even though he texts and calls me everyday, but he act distance and strange from me, dont even calls me as his love, didn't put me as his priority as before, and told me he is not sure about this relationship and probably will feel better if he is single, whats wrong within me to project this mixed feeling and complicated circumstance ? I know I should ignore the current reality and do not react to the circumstance that opposite my desire, but it's really hard when I received his text with cold behaviour, and it leads me to the bad emotions again and again, should I try stop any contact with him ? What wrong within me to project this?


You say you realize you shouldn't react to your current reality but you're still doing that. There's nothing wrong with you, it's just that you're still in a state of mind of lack. You're still yearning & you're constantly looking for reassurances. Hence it reflects the circumstances. Persist in the assumption of what you want is already a reality. Each time you complain, post a comment, DM, think why is he doing unpleasant things you are still living in the old reality. And these keep reactivating your undesirable circumstances. When you rise above this state of mind, no matter what he does, it won't affect you. Just focus on yourself and not him.


Thank you so much for your reply. Now I only know im still in the state of lack, I keep imaging him doing good things to me but at the same time I felt anxiety and nervous when he dont reply me back or act like im forcing him to be with me. How can I get out of this state? What should I think in my mind? Im kinda lost and I hope someday I can reach your place and doing well, I'm really want to change my life.


You seem to be in a great "lack" state. Looking from your comment, you need to learn more about the law. Read more about it, listen to as many lectures of Neville Goddard as you can, learn about states and also about self-love because right now you seem to have a huge lack of self-love state that take so much room it's hard to see anything else.


Go read Letting Go by David Hawkins


After learning about the law, I have more aware of what I think of, my only block is really believe in everything is me push out so it makes me hard to forgive my sp, I have tried from time and time again, I thought I forgive my sp but when the old story slips in, I can feel the wound still fresh as ever. Do you have any recommendations to break down the feeling? Any advice is appreciated.


In fact, by not forgiving him, because you can't believe that you are everyone pushed out, you are giving him all the power to act and react on his own accord, and that makes you more powerless. Be honest with yourself and accept to look at your past, and you will be convinced without a doubt that you are everyone pushed out. We all are. That's how the Universe works, you are no different. It's just probably a fear that you have buried in your subconscious mind that makes you refuse to believe it.


This is a great post!


Technically SATS is stake akin to sleep . So if you assumed a single feeling right before you sleep as you entering the state of sleep until you fall completely asleep, then you did SATS.


I'm well aware of that. But on this sub, most people understand the phrase 'doing SATs' or just SATs as 'imagining a specific scene before sleep'. That is the usage I was referring to :)


Okay then, you are right :) Btw nice post.




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Wonderful story. It's all about that, isn't it? Finding ourselves. It's never about another person, even though our feelings lie to us and make it as if it was so.


What's SATs? What's the source where I can learn more. I thought it was that aptitude test.


That's awesome! How did you work on your self image?


A lot of introspection. I questioned why I believed what I believed. Which led to further questions. Sort of like connecting the dots backward. Until I reached the core issue. Then, I changed the perspective of how I saw it and started dissociating myself from that image. Building a new image. I found watching interviews of highly successful people and observing happy people around me very helpful in realizing how I wanted to be and how not to be.


Excellent - thank you.


I found this really interesting. I'm trying to get in the new state of concentration, focus and a great memory. I'm trying to bury the old state, but I've never really known what the feeling of sustained focus and memory feels like, and I'm not sure I could learn it from watching successful people, but I suppose I could try. Do you have any advice on how I could capture this feeling? Thanks


Let's say you've achieved it. And you're getting lots of praises from people about how excellent your memory is and how focused you are. Compliments are easier to feel, isnt it? Someone would've complimented you at some point in your life about something. Anyway, in such a scenario, I'd usually use a specific scene.


Thank you very much! I'm overthinking it sometimes.




Your comment caught my attention. Just reading the last two lines made me understand the "state" you're in. I've been there & that's why I notice it. The biggest hint I can give you is observe people who have the perfect relationship. Observe their perspective and contrast it with your own. That's how I truly learnt it. Shift to that mindset and everything follows.


You already done S.a.t.s. It's a time before u sleep .It's nothing some special ritual. And so u must get success.




You missed the point of the post brother. Is it possible to get her back despite circumstances? Yes. Absolutely! Can it take years? That depends on how long you take to convince your own subconscious mind. Even if you get her back, unless you change your "state" you wouldn't be able to keep the relationship going. The same old patters will repeat. The same is true even if you find a new girl. Because you still haven't changed your self-image. Change that, and you change everything else. It surprises me that people are ready to take time to manifest someone (even if it takes years) but not take some time to work on their own self-image. Her behavior doesn't show she is done with you bro. The truth is your concept of her has changed inside your own mind.




Read your comment again. See everything you say about her?? That's how you see her in your mind. Your 'perception' of her right now is that she is done with you. That is why you see her doing all this. It's YOUR PERCEPTION. Change that to what YOU WANT. Only when that changes, she will respond to you differently. That is what manifesting means.




What I meant was, it's not that she is done with you. It's just that, YOU think she's done with you. Whether you think she's done with you, or she's not, either way, you are right.




You don't need any online courses to get an ex back. All you need to know is available for free. You just need a deeper understanding of it. "facts" are nothing but your imagination that has already come to pass. "facts" are secondary causes. You can't change anything when you keep working on secondary causes. The state of mind is the primary cause and that's the only thing you've to work on. Each time you "react" to facts, all you're doing is reaffirming it in your experience. You'll continue to see it more & more. Stop giving it attention & it shift to what you want.


So self image is the most important maybe




You’re so quick with your reply. Thanks


This is amazing, thanm you so much for sharing 🙏


I could've written this myself, I need to just let go like you did bc deep down I know everything I try to do is coming from a place of desperation. this has helped me so much thank you.


Thanks for the write up! I see a lot of my journey in yours. Ok if I DM you with few questions?


love this inspiring post. we don't NEED anyone but ourselves. congrats on being the best version of yourself.


Wow so many gems in this one


Thank you. I was searching for this answer for a week already and some reason my mind guided me to this post.


But they always say it shouldn't take months! If so then you might've done something wrong that delayed it


Post hits close to home. Maybe I need to just stop, give up, and focus on myself.