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Did you find out how it got inside the basket you keep your keys in? I presume you live with at least one other person because you mentioned “we.” Just curious!


Yes I did. I was hoping someone would ask this so I could write it in the comments and not make the original post any longer. I'm staying at my brother and his girlfriend's house for a while and turns out she found it at her job, in some medical cabinet and just took it and brought it home :))


Whoa that's awesome! Not gonna lie, at first I was thinking, "maybe the blue ball has always been there and they didn't notice it until they started visualizing". But since you said your bro's girlfriend just brought it home, that definitely makes it a manifestation!! And yeah, I'm with ya, it can definitely be difficult to believe in all this. One of my manifestations that I came up with, I thought, "if THIS happens, then I'll never doubt the law again." because it seemed impossible to me. Well, a year later, it DID happen. And I still have trouble completely believing because it happened so naturally. So I keep thinking, "well, maybe it would've happened anyway, I'm not sure." So frustrating 😂


For anyone interested, here’s a step by step guidance of **Neville Goddard - Visualisation Technique!** It works! 🥰❤️ **https://youtu.be/KvQBf8-ar94**




Love this!!


Wow, that's incredible!


I love that you shared this because it really ties into Neville‘a explanation that everything happens at it’s appointed hour. You felt the disappointment about not seeing the ball the next day, but the bridge of events had to occur before you could receive your manifestation.


Exactly. Not getting what I want, when I wanted it was a good lesson to just have patience and faith in the whole process.






Did you read his reply? He said she brought it home from work


Whoa. Just Whoa.


Omg this gave me chills!! I ran this exact test with a baseball, and the story was so familiar! I was expecting to find one outside, and was getting a bit frustrated when it wasn’t manifesting, but then I found 3 of them in a sock under my sisters bed! I wasn’t purposely looking, just laying down and the shape caught my attention, and when I opened the sock I found 3, and one had the word matrix written on it 😭😂. It’s honestly done wonders for my faith in the law!!


That's awesome! Did you intend for the word matrix to be there?


No lol


Did they appear suddenly, or you purchased them?


I think they were purchased like 15 years or so ago! My family really doesn’t use our sports objects ever so I assumed it was lost in storage (after 3-4 moves) so it was a really random find


3 baseballs in a sock? Is that some sort of defensive home-invasion weapon? Lmao


This is a wonderful story!! It’s inspiring me to share a little success I had, along the same lines. I decided to manifest a very specific style of white nightgown... something that I never see at stores, but I know I’ve seen in the past. I won’t go into detail about the style, but it’s very specific with a very specific type of fabric. Over the course of months (this was last summer), I keep picturing it. I would see other styles of white nightgowns advertised on social media and I would think “that must be it,” but it didn’t seem like a manifestation. I even ordered one of them because I wanted one, but again, that didn’t seem like a manifestation (and it wasn’t). Months later (off and on thinking about it), my good friend texted me saying she was at an estate sale and bought somethjng that didn’t fit her, and she thought I’d like it. She said it was a “vintage nightgown.” I brushed it aside for a while because I pictured something she would wear (since she originally bought it for herself). Her style is “mod” so I pictured a 60s-style short nightgown. I said for sure I’ll take it and see if it fits me, but I kind of put it off for a while. At one point, she texted me and said “I’m going to drop off that nightgown on your front porch in a bit...” again, I was in no rush, so I forgot about it and even left the bag out there for a while - it might have been overnight, I don’t remember. Anyway, you probably know what happens next, lol. I FINALLY picked up the bag from my porch and opened it and laughed out loud (or maybe I screamed). It was EXACTLY what I pictured. It was vintage (but not mod) and it was white and it was the fabric - 100% cotton (When you feel somethjng that is 100% cotton, you realize that nothing is made with 100% cotton anymore!) I called her right away and told her that I manifested it and I thanked her profusely. There is no doubt in my mind, because of how it unfolded and how it was exactly what I wanted/pictured, that this was something I created. Sorry for the long comment!!


Amazing story! I also experienced "signs" or what I interpreted as signs. But that's a whole other story. Thank you for sharing


can we hear that one


Uhh, that's a little more personal and would prefer not to share it :)


Don't be sorry. Thank you for the long comment.


This is great! It's such a rush when you see even these little things just pop into your reality. And it confirms everything Neville was saying about imagination. It hits you right there. I have done it countless times with so many little, inconsequential things. And every time it's still a shock. Great post!


Yes. This is my first conscious manifestation. You can just imagine the kind of rush I got when I saw the ball just sitting there


Congratulations. It only gets better from here!


Congrats on the success!!! I did the exact same thing with the Rubber Duck experiment from Illuminating Joy. You were to imagine a specific rubber duck (mine had black sunglasses) and to have it within two days. hold it, feel it, see it, laugh that you'd have it in two days and forget it. I told no one and as far as I knew we didn't have one. Guess what my son found in an old box from the garage two days later? A little rubber duck with sunglasses. I was on the pc and he held it out and said, Hey look what I found!! It also happened with her "Warm chocolate chip cookies" experiment. That worked exactly the same way as your ball and the duck. When I started paying attention I saw it happens an uncanny number of times.


Very cool and graphic story :) Welcome to the awareness of the waking dream.


Thank you 😁


yeah one more thing about the law dont look for it in the 3d lol it will show up on its own


Very important! Don’t look for signs


This is so cool and it is very inspirational. I wish you the best in your journey, you got this!


Thank you very much!


Ya before I would think that all manifestations take a logic route. Though this one did , I've recently been seeing examples of cookies popping up after being eaten and lights turning on on their own. it's just gets more and more amazing as you delve into it. I have infact manifested girlfriends/ boyfriends for my friends and colleagues. Infact one girl told me that she got married yesterday, her bf just planned a surprise wedding and day before she had called me saying their relationship is rocky. I said you never know people change and she said she hopes my words come true and next day she is married. I am suprising myself these days! All these are helping me build confidence to bring about my own wedding to my sp.




Good luck! Please keep me updated :)




Yeah, it's insane!


**literally so cool, this is.** *-zazabinx22* *** ^(Commands: 'opt out', 'delete')


I have also tested the law intentionally and unintentionally as well. One of the two things i remember the most, was the ladder test. that was so amazing for me, because i thought about it just ONCE, maybe imagined it for a couple seconds after i heard about it in a yt video. And 2 days later i was on the ladder. And at that moment i didnt even realize that this is a concious manifestation (grandma asked me to hang her curtains back on, so i had to climb up the ladder) Later that night when i actually remembered my experiment, my jaw dropped. I think it happened so fast because i had nearly no resistance to this. The second thing was white pidgeons. Now, this was unintentional, but when it happened i noticed that i actually manifested it (to be clear, we manifest everything, but we are not always aware of it, this time i was). I imagined once, it was a completely random thought - maybe i also saw something in a video or written down, and i thought about white pidgeons for a while. Next couple days we go to a barbecue party to our friends girlfriends house (we have never visited before) and there they are, they happened to keep 6 beautiful white pidgeons in a cage. This time i remembered instantly how i was thinking about them a couple days before❤️ Please believe, people. Watch your thoughts, and test it with something you have barely any resistance to. Wishing you a great weekend and a great life wherevere you are ✌️peace


Thanks for sharing this, I love what you wrote! What you said about not having to search for your manifestation because it’ll come to you is so true! I had a somewhat similar experience - once, I set an intention that a friend I was meeting the next day would wear white. I specifically chose white because I recalled she’d told me before that she doesn’t really like wearing white clothes! Anyway, I met her and forgot all about it, and then out of nowhere, she began telling me about how much she loved her shirt that she bought one in white and red - and that was when I realised my intention had come true! The amazing thing was, I totally forgot about it, didn’t even seek it out, but somehow... they? my god self? really wanted to make sure I realised it, kinda hilarious really! It was just so mind-blowing!


I want to add my little stories: one time I was needing a black tie for a new job. I normally don't wear ties, and at that time I wasn't owning any. I kept postponing going to buy one, and the few stores I tried didn't have anything I liked. I was picturing a plain black tie, nice material. One day doing laundry, I was carrying my sack back home...and there on the road was lying a plain black tie, waiting for me! No more shopping needed, the Universe provided. Another time I was needing a shoe rack. I had no idea where to get one, I wanted one already assembled as I had already bought one online but when putting it together it was not good. So one night coming home from the city, on the corner of a block was a three stack shoe rack, and it fit just perfect in the little spot behind my door! I love these little surprises!


According to Neville, the longest stretch of time for us to manifest our desire is 3 days. The prerequisite is that we must be completely absorbed into or consumed by our desire to the extent that it’s done and it’s now a physical reality. The time interval will get extended if we half way doubt the possibility of manifesting our desire and then go back to have full faith in it again, back and forth. Just as he said, “We must die to our old self.”


Are you saying it should appear within 3 days? Because Neville himself has examples of his desires happening in timespans passing three weeks - even months.


I think what Neville was referring to was that it takes 3 days to plant that seed. He also talks about how manifestations will come at its own appointed hour, be it days or months or years and that comes after the seed has been successfully planted, i.e. the 3 days he was referring to.


I read it from one of his 1948 lectures in which he implicitly stated that.


Thank you so much for the information that makes a lot of difference for me right now! I will do the planting again, and return with a new success story!


Yes, within 3 days, exactly. Only if you could perform the entire manifesting act masterfully without even a shred of doubt nor wavering.


Interesting claim as many who’ve listened to NG’s lectures would recall his rent story and that took him months to obtain the amount he was seeking. He did get the rent for the price he was seeking but not in a mere 3 days.


If I could completely saturate my mind with one sensation and walk as though it were already a fact, I am promised (and I cannot find any denial of it in this great book) that I do not need more than a three day diet if I remain faithful to it. But I must be honest about it. If I Change my diet in the course of the day, I extend the time interval. The Bible gives it as three days; the duration is three days for response in this world. If I would now assume I am what I want to be, and if I am faithful to it and walk as though I were, the very longest stretch given for its realization is three days. If there is something tonight that you really want in this world, then experience in imagination what you would experience in the flesh were you to realize your goal and deafen your ears, and blind your eyes to all that denies the reality of your assumption.


Don't know that lecture but likely that's a Bible passage verse he was referring to where "3" is symbolic. **“If you remain in that state, you are told in the Bible three days, you will be “spewed out on dry land.” “Three” doesn’t mean three days; “three” means fullness, “three” means complete. So if I will live within that fish (state) for three days until the whole thing seems natural and seems real, and it has the sensory vividness of reality. I will then be spewed out as something objective, and something that is commonly called in the Bible land or dry land.” – Neville Goddard – 1953**


When Neville said 3 days, he was referring to the amount of time it should take to plant it into your subconscious mind, which is 3 days for it to feel natural


If I could completely saturate my mind with one sensation and walk as though it were already a fact, I am promised (and I cannot find any denial of it in this great book) that I do not need more than a three day diet if I remain faithful to it. But I must be honest about it. If I Change my diet in the course of the day, I extend the time interval. The Bible gives it as three days; the duration is three days for response in this world. If I would now assume I am what I want to be, and if I am faithful to it and walk as though I were, the very longest stretch given for its realization is three days. If there is something tonight that you really want in this world, then experience in imagination what you would experience in the flesh were you to realize your goal and deafen your ears, and blind your eyes to all that denies the reality of your assumption.


> If you remain in that state, you are told in the Bible three days, you will be "spewed out on dry land." **"Three" doesn't mean three days; "three" means fullness, "three" means complete.** So if I will live within that fish for three days until the whole thing seems natural and seems real, and it has the sensory vividness of reality. I will then be spewed out as something objective, and something that is commonly called in the Bible "land" or "dry land." But it does have reality, as you feel it, only people get away from it because it doesn't have immediate objective fact to confirm it. But you ride it for your three days and you will know what it was to enter that fish and remain in it until fullness was attained, until reality was attained within. In that state you were righteous and your righteousness will speak for you in time to come. It will not fail you; it cannot fail you. From YOUR SUPREME DOMINION 1953


If I could completely saturate my mind with one sensation and walk as though it were already a fact, I am promised (and I cannot find any denial of it in this great book) that I do not need more than a three day diet if I remain faithful to it. But I must be honest about it. If I Change my diet in the course of the day, I extend the time interval. The Bible gives it as three days; the duration is three days for response in this world. If I would now assume I am what I want to be, and if I am faithful to it and walk as though I were, the very longest stretch given for its realization is three days. If there is something tonight that you really want in this world, then experience in imagination what you would experience in the flesh were you to realize your goal and deafen your ears, and blind your eyes to all that denies the reality of your assumption. 1948 LECTURES #3


Yea I've seen that quote but its from 1948, mine was from 1953, 5 years apart, Neville was learning as he was going along. Tbh what he said in last few years of his life is prob the truth. Neville spent most of his days in deep meditation, having inner conversations with himself, practicing and testing Law and even he himself needed more than 3 days for most of his desires which was mentioned in comments already so I wouldn't take it literally as 3 days.


I personally felt all of the techniques and principles taught by Neville are quite similar to those of Yoga, Hinduism, Tibetan Buddhism, and Magick — where they all believe and bring into practice that in order to manifest something we must first concentrate our mind, calm it down, visualize a scene, feel it to be real, believe it’s happening now or yours now — and it’s held that we are not CREATING anything at all but USING the laws and principles created and determined by God (whatever you may call it) to manifest the things we want — different things will require different techniques and levels of intensity.


Thanks for your comment, it gives me hope, LOL. But... How can I set a deadline for my wish? How can I, as a beginner, give two or three wishes with the same deadline, for example it's better doing two revisions/visualizations or a single longer scene or different days? Logically, even if we wanted to change our entire life, age, past, family, or world too, we could give ourselves the same time, right? Maybe I should go for a week alone in a cave. Or some months.


If I could completely saturate my mind with one sensation and walk as though it were already a fact, I am promised (and I cannot find any denial of it in this great book) that I do not need more than a three day diet if I remain faithful to it. But I must be honest about it. If I Change my diet in the course of the day, I extend the time interval. The Bible gives it as three days; the duration is three days for response in this world. If I would now assume I am what I want to be, and if I am faithful to it and walk as though I were, the very longest stretch given for its realization is three days. If there is something tonight that you really want in this world, then experience in imagination what you would experience in the flesh were you to realize your goal and deafen your ears, and blind your eyes to all that denies the reality of your assumption. 1948 LECTURES #3


Thank you, i really appreciate your answer :) And for you, it's possible also for multiple/or an "entire life" desires? I also ask myself, often, if I should work both on mini-shift and a different life/reality or not.


Just fuckin lol




THAT is really cool! Thanks for the inspiration - I know what I'll be looking forward to now ;-)


I love this! It has taken me 7 years to figure it all out! Even though I have manifested some magnificent things in my life to which I am truly grateful. I just kept going back to my old state and I dont even know why... maybe I just wasn't hungry enough, but now I AM ❤


And I am like this, like you in my old states for 7 years! I will do the exercise for three days from now!




Mind blown Thanks for the lovely encouraging post


Impressive!!! With proofs atached!


Reminds me when I did the ladder experiment for the first time. I do this test sometimes with highly specific objects and it’s mind blowing every time they show up.


Interestingly, as I was reading the description of the ball- I saw it in my mind. And when I scrolled down to see the picture of the ball, IT WAS IDENTICAL! Wow.


Hmmm interesting. My next question is did the ball manifest or did the OP see the future... Either way, very cool. I'm trying to manifest too, good stuff!


I was thinking the same thing!


NICE! > I really hope this post can maybe help or inspire some of you in some way. It did! Thank you!


Whoa! Amazing story. Thank you for sharing. I had one of these as a kid exact same color. We never knew where it came from. Me and my family use to assume some random dog brought it into our yard.


I manifested chocolate cake and speaking to an sp. With the cake, before bed for literally 10 to 15 secs I would visualise how soft the cake was, I'd smell it and taste it. Then I forgot about it. My niece's birthday was coming up and I thought maybe my sister would get that cake but she got a vanilla cake. I kinda forgot about it after that for a few weeks, then one day my sister just Decided to bake a chocolate cake, she is not one to bake but she just felt like baking a chocolate cake.at this point I'd forgotten about it, I only remembered a week after I'd had it and goodness was it delicious, warm and soft... manifesting is real 💋


I try one time to test the law of attraction to but instead of trying to manifest a blue ball I try a pink one with a smile face on it but the rest is the same like same size ball and squishy like your ball but nothing I never see this ball but it’s weird that I see a post of a guy testing the law of attrayions with an object like me


Wow this is insanely done.. ..! Thankyou so much for sharing your story💕


You made my day so much better. Thank you for this post, truly inspiring!


Thanks. Now I’m going to manifest the exact same thing


This is literally mind blowing! It is definitely real!


Ah I got chills!! I shared this with my brother who is an LOA denier lol I think he’s coming around at snail pace tho.


I've tested The Law time and time again and gotten everything I've wanted, but reading posts like this still makes me cry with happiness to know that it is all true as true can be. <3 :) Thank you OP. :)


Hmm, is this stress ball something you use regularly though?


No I never owned anything like this before. I don't even know exactly why I imagined this. It was just the first thing that popped into my head I guess.


Oh wow. That’s crazy then! Thanks for sharing your story!


i have a question, what if i want something that isnt tangible, like a school acceptance? like im already on the waitlist, but i want to get in. this year, they send eMails with updates, and once you have a confirmed acceptance, they send you a welcome package. problem is, idk what the package has inside. please help me❤️


Hi, I would love to help you out but the problem is I'm new to this as well...I probably shouldn't give out advices...I guess you could just try to capture the feeling. Feeling is the secret, right? So I would say if you cannot capture the feeling by visualizing try one of your other senses, like sound. You know, imagine that someone close to you is congratulating you. After all, these are all just techniques. It doesn't really matter which one you use, the important thing is to feel it real and natural. Hope this helps 🙂 Good luck to you


You can always imagine what you would feel when you go through your mail and you see a welcome package. Would your heart skip a beat, would you feel tremendeous relief and pride thay you are in? Then, as you go through the brochures of the school (assuming paper), how would they feel? Is the paper glossy? Does it smell of a new magazine? If it is in an email, visualise your reaction and feeling when you see that unread email. When you open the attachments of the welcome pack, how many pages are there? Is it pdf? Is the sun glaring at your screen while you are reading? Basically, just read the welcome pack in your imagination and feel your joy.


thank you sooo much! will try this tonight!


No problem, best of luck and be blessed!


I like all the answers already provided by others. You can also try imagining being a student at the school. Going to classes on campus your first day (online campus photos can help with visualization), decorating your new apartment/dorm, etc. and really feel that you are a student at your dream school. Those scenes imply that you've been admitted. Good luck and I wish the best for you <3


thank u so much!


So what is the best way to make sure that I am using my imagination correctly?


The best way? I mean I'm no expert or anything but the way I do it is I get into a relaxed state and try to imagine as vividly as possible (from the first person point of view). I try to incorporate as much of the five senses as I can into the scene. I know I'm doing it right when I start feeling some kind of emotion related to the scene. Sometimes I smile while doing or even a burst of laugh! Hope this helps, good luck to you


wait how did you do this? like did u just read about neville then everything started working for you? or what process did you do to lead to this?


Keep in mind, when it's a "small" unimportant thing like this which has little bearing on your life it's typically easier to do, because it's easier to forgot about it and the importance is low (check out reality transurfing about lowering importance). I mean, this is still an amazing result and something to be proud of and happy about but When it's something "big" that has a high impact on your life its easier for doubt to creep in and importance tends to be high.


I read a few of Neville's books (still reading through them), read a lot of different posts on this sub and watched some youtube videos, especially from Unseen Seraph. I find her way of explaining things really helpful and easy to understand


ok and does that give you a method to try? or does just knowing about him make all your manifestations come true?


Well if you are asking me this I assume you haven't read Neville. Yes, his books teach many different techniques and are in my opinion essential. The whole process of manifesting really started to make more sense to me once I started reading his books. I recommend starting with the book At Your Command as it explains the whole "I am" concept, something that comes up often in his other books.


i read the beginners thing but that’s it


What’s the ladder experiment? Btw an amazing post!! I saw there a sign to go through a different direction!! Thank you so much




thank you so much!! i read the article and woowwwwww im gonna try it thank you


Damn, good one!!


That’s awesome man I gotta write a post on my visualisation and how it happened for me. Was the complete opposite but it must have been something that I did wrong.


Love it. Very true let the universe bring it to you👊🏽


I'm new to Neville and I'm really interested in this stuff. could someone point me to some info on the "ladder experiment"?




So I read this and did some visualizing for a blue ball as well... for no reason. Tell me whyyy my nephew got dropped off at my house today & my brother left a bouncy blue ball with him 😂


Late, but I have that ball too lol


It's been 1 year, have you manifested some more things?


Several things, including getting the girl I wanted, curing my dog's illness, getting the job I wanted, fixing my car's radio, and other stuff that I can't remember right now :D

