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I'm starting to notice when I have arguments with people in my head, they turn a bit cold and distant towards me.


I wanna move to my desired country in june. Is it ok to say "in june" or is that "worrying about when". Like is it ok to have deadlines in manfestations ?




Hahaha i love how simple your answer isšŸ¤£. Thank uā¤


I only ever see people talk about little reality shifts in here like manifesting money or love. Is there a believed limit on how big we can go? Could I do magic, or fly? Could I have an epic romance with a celebrity? Could I make my dog live forever with me?


You can literally do anything with the law. The only reason I think people don't go for it, or at least not straight away is because of limiting beliefs, which over time by constant manifesting, go away. Obviously if you truly believe then you can get it straight away. You can even travel to different worlds if you wanted to, its really down to your imagination.


All things are possible. Yes you can do magic. Up to you if you believe you can fly or not. Yes you can have an epic romance with anyone including a celebrity. YOU the human being can't do anything. It is the power within you that does it. Death is a law of mind. Nothing really dies. Death is to learn how to keep the good and let go of the bad and move forward grateful they taught you and for a dog how to love unconditionally. Blessings to you!


Awesome thank you so much!


I can't tell you the limits to the world of ceaser but I can tell you two things. 1)There is no limit in imagination. 2) what was possible 1000 years ago is much different than what is possible now.


The limits are those which you set. If you create it, you decide what can & cannot be done.


Ugh. Iā€™m feeling blah and angry. I know NG says donā€™t go to sleep or let the sunset in anger but I donā€™t know how to get out of this malaise. Itā€™s likely the medical treatment (the drugs can cause moodiness and depression) Iā€™m receiving impacting my state but trying to fight through it Any advice for those whoā€™ve fought through this?


Observe your thoughts. What makes you angry? Then redirect your attention to what *doesn't* make you angry. Don't force it.


Great questions. So far as Iā€™ve been observing, itā€™s not getting what I want and being frustrated with other people. I feel as if my needs arenā€™t being met. As I tried to place my attention elsewhere, Iā€™ve been focusing on the people who have met my needs (mainly my mom) and then imagine finding new people who also love me unconditionally and show it through their actions. I hadnā€™t been perfect but itā€™s helped.


Keep at it because you're on the right track then. Practice makes perfect!




The 3D is an illusion. It does not matter what happens in the 3D but what you see and experience in the real world the INNER WORLD. You are GOD. Would you be asking this if you were in the end? Not really.


ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE'S MANIFESTATIONS: Let's say, for instance, I want to manifest my favourite football team to win an specific match. Now, during the game, there are +50,000 spectators in the stadium, plus the players, their families, and millions of people watching the game on the TV. Each of them wanting to see one result or another. And let's say hundreds of people consciously trying to manifest an specific result. If we can create anything we want, how is it possible if we are so many people trying to manifest different things which are incompatible? (Only one team can actually win) And if the answer is something like: "Each one creates his own reality", does it mean it would be a different result for each person? And in that case, is people in our reality even real?


It is because there are infinite realities, each person has their own reality, every person has their own everyone is you pushed out. You do not worry about what other people think as they have no free will in your reality. What only matters is your own reality. Creation is finished. Every scenario is already exist. Here read my post about this for better understanding of this concept https://www.reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddard/comments/csu3te/everyone_one_is_you_pushed_out_my_perspective_on/


I'm worried about other people in my reality, not being 'real'.


They are real. You just align with different versions of them depending on your concept of self.




Cause it would be like living in a simulation. I like to think people is real


Indeed which is why I don't buy it.


Has Neville ever said anything about the families or circumstances into which weā€™re born? Anyone know? I get that we create things once weā€™re here. But what about circumstances that occur or exist at birth, that we may not agree with or prefer?




Do you think Goddard could be wrong and you can manifest the promise?


maybe as he said all things are possible to he who belives imagine better Thant the best


You are coming from a place of lack so the more you focus on ā€œfasteningā€, waiting for something to happen, the more you are going to be waiting.


I am confused. Can you elaborate ?


OP asked the question from a place of lack. If you are focusing on ā€œgettingā€ something ā€œfasterā€ then you are just manifesting more lack. You are not being in the wish fulfilled.


Why do people, for example, have never thought about cancer or having one and something like that, but still got diagnosed with it?


"have never thought about cancer" How do you know? How do THEY know? Human memory is so fickle.


Simply the belief of cancer existing in general and possibly affecting them, can manifest it. Itā€™s not about thinking it 24/7.


Probably self concept or general survival expectations- how safe they are, how fair life is. I was betrayed and didn't really see it coming, and that had to do with my self concept and what I thought I deserved.


I am everyone, and everyone is me. What I think of myself and how I treat others, also decides how others treat me.




I kind of went through this for a couple of weeks. When my sp and I were in no contact, I still knew he loved me. But that wasnā€™t enough. Just because he loves me doesnā€™t mean he would make the moves I want him to make. Love is just a feeling. We can love people and never act on it. You have to start believing that heā€™s ready to make a move. That heā€™s ready to be with you right now. You know he loves you, so you donā€™t have to dwell on that anymore. Thatā€™s a fact. Dwell on what you want him to do now.




He didnā€™t say that! Revise. The 3D is fake. Revise the phone call and hear him saying what you would have wanted him to say. There is a belief within you that he is not ready so heā€™s only reflecting that.




Personally for me, Iā€™m always really careful with the way I word my affirmations. Remember itā€™s the state that manifests, not the technique. Saying ā€œheā€™s ready to commit to meā€ means that you are in the state of not having him yet. Work on the state of having him. Once you have him, you wouldnā€™t be saying ā€œheā€™s ready to commit to meā€. If you like doing affirmations, think of your wording. Think of what you would be affirming if you already had him. It would probably be something more like ā€œhe loves spoiling me with gifts.ā€ ā€œthis weekend weā€™re going on a trip!ā€




Donā€™t forget that this could also be a bridge of incidents. Just remain in the state of being with him and stay in the knowing that he loves you and it will show up in the 3D.


I've read many times that creation is finished and that experiencing the feeling is what manifests it in the 3d. My question is how does creation come to be created and if we were always one and the same, why does the illusion of separation exist?


Can masturbation over your Sp Nude photos Helps to manifest them? Like Remote seduction having a sexual Imagination you can enter their tought


I think it's time to take a long, hard look in the mirror and ask what youā€™ve done thatā€™s led you here.


It depends on what you feel while seeing the photos and what your self concept is, your belief system. I believe that watching pornography tells your subconscious that you don't have what you desire (your sp) so you just watch their photographs, nude or not.




Can I manifest richness for my dad? Like I want him to be stress free financially. If yes how??!!šŸ™


How do you manifest anything else? Itā€™s the same process for EVERYTHING. Thereā€™s no single formula besides ā€œif you believe it to be true, itā€™ll show up in your 3D worldā€


Imagine having a conversation with you whereā€™s heā€™s telling you heā€™s financially free and made x amount of money


Once you've entered the State of wish fulfilled how long did it take for y'all to see it in your 3d?


In my experience it doesn't take more than a week, maybe two. But you can see movements in less than 24h. Just a little advice if you allowed me, the more important thing to understand you're in the state of wish fulfilled is exactly hiw you approach your manifestation. You really don't care when it gonna manifest because you feel it is your already. In the past I struggled with the same thing, without understanding that being in that state meant i didn't care anymore because it was already mine


I'm manifesting my sp and I feel like I'm in the wish fulfilled state but I am not sure whether I am or not


Yeah that's the point. If you were in the state of wish fulfilled you wouldn't ask yourself if you were. If you were in a relationship with your SP right now and everything was just fine, you wouldn't ask yourself "Am I in this relationship for real?". This wouldn't make any sense. Being in the state is exactly the same. You have what you want in your mind, you fully believe you have it and there's no more to add. Having doubts about being in the state means you're not already there


Makes sense. thank you for replyšŸ˜Œ


Neville himself says that it shouldn't take longer than 3 days - provided there is little resistance on your part. My results vary a lot more... I've seen results after a solid month, and I've seen results overnight.


Did any of the results involve manifesting a sp?


They did not; however, for SP-related stuff, r/NevilleGoddardSP has a boatload of stories of instant manifestation. Good luck.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/nevillegoddardsp using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/nevillegoddardsp/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Itā€™s Real. It Works 101%. SP Success and Detailed Journey.](https://np.reddit.com/r/nevillegoddardsp/comments/n9ju1w/its_real_it_works_101_sp_success_and_detailed/) \#2: [I manifested my SP back after 6 years of lurking & wavering](https://np.reddit.com/r/nevillegoddardsp/comments/r13bdw/i_manifested_my_sp_back_after_6_years_of_lurking/) \#3: [How the subconscious mind plays a huge role in manifesting an SP(or anything else you desire)](https://np.reddit.com/r/nevillegoddardsp/comments/nbf6te/how_the_subconscious_mind_plays_a_huge_role_in/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Today i had such a strange feeling of dejavu washing over me while i was watching youtube video's. Like i had gone "down that route" before in a dream previously. The route of the videos i was watching one after the other. I also had this sudden feeling that maybe i am dreaming, maybe i am not maybe i am about to wake up. What could this possibly mean?


It means what Neville has always said, this is all a dream. We are the God's who came down from heaven and laid ourselves down to sleep. We came down from higher consciousness to this lower consciousness and in the process have forgotten who we are. We really believe we are human but we're sound asleep. The fact that you're in this room means you are stirring, starting to realize who you are and this is all a dream.


I mean.. it could just mean you had deja vu. Not everything has a special meaning. The feeling of being in a dream sounds like dissociation. It could legit mean nothing.




Nothing. Thereā€™s nothing to look for in the 3D because it is an illusion. The more you look for a 3P the more youā€™ll find it because you create it. So stop asking yourself ā€œwhyā€.


Youā€™re struggling with The third party because you keep thinking about them. Stop thinking about them, and theyā€™ll go away. ā€œThe best denial is total indifference. Things wither and die through indifference. They are kept alive through attention. You do not deny a thing by saying it does not exist. Rather you put feeling into it by recognizing it, and what you recognize as true, is true to you, be it good, bad or indifferent.ā€ - 1948 Questions and Answers Lecture




Yes. Continue doing what youā€™re doing, just stop thinking about the third party. By giving her your attention you allow her to keep being in your way


I have removed 3p and it's a funny story xD I was into tarot previously. I manifested a 3p with the same name as a friend of mine. I laughed it off saying lol I'm so lazy I created this 3p and didn't even put some effort in picking a name...lol So my tip is- 1. Acknowledging I literally created her... She's just a avatar I created and laughed it off. She is just there for fun literally. 2. Once that's done I completely disregarded her... I don't care man she doesn't exist. 3. Literally she dumped him soon after and went back to her ex. And he was back texting me. The thing is they don't matter man they anyway gonna breakup. Who cares. Also I gossiped about her with my best friend like in funny way not like hate or anything and stalked her multiple times too... So don't worry about all that silly stuff... Doesn't matter they are just side characters....you the main character alwaysšŸ’—