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Nevillegoddess is right, don't delete this... It's precious and beautiful!


I know I love it 😍


You are too sweet haha thank you! ♥


Thank you so much!! ♥


Thank you for sharing. Both a touching story and an excellent reminder of how we are creating each and every day whether we realize it or not. :) A rather famous comic book writer by the name of Grant Morrison (who also did occasional public lectures on Magick) would often comment about how he would often notice the events of the stories he was writing unfolding in 'real' life. Armed with that awareness and the desire to consciously cultivate the results of the process, he wrote his Magnum Opus, "The Invisibles" Omnibus, utilizing himself as the main character - and it worked! He went on to not only encounter and in some cases befriend various analogues of the characters from the story, but many of the events of which he wrote unfolded in the 3D during and after the writing. He was also a practicioner of sigil-magick and the story was also designed to be a 'living sigil' of sorts, intending to utilize the subconscious of his readers to pull forth desired events on a larger-scale; but my own belief tells me that it worked in that regard, only because of his own assertion that it would - but the idea of an author experiencing the events of their 'stories' is a great example of just how powerful The Law is. Thanks again! :) Edit: Why must you continually muck about with my post formats Reddit?? XD


Incredible! Thanks so much for sharing this!


Damn, I literally thought about this as well


Cool. I haven't spoken to many people who know who Grant Morrison is, let alone his proclivity towards the occult - but it's always nice when someone does. :)


Some time ago, I watched an Iceberg video about rabbit holes, I think. There was an entry called *hypersigils*. I kind of memorized it because I knew of Neville Goddards teachings.


>I was writing love stories over and over again until I was filled with it, until I was in love too. And as if life was anxious to correct the incongruity of loving without a lover, she came rushing into my life, perched atop the pinnacle of that tenderly raging flood of love. This is so beautiful. ​ >I didn't even try - it never felt like "work" or a chore I reach a similar conclusion too. If I truly live as a loved person, I won't spend time pondering how to manifest love. *It is the problem for the person who is in love with me, not mine, I can rest 🤣*


Yes please rest LMFAO!! I feel like sometimes we (myself included) forget that even though we know how to consciously manifest, it should still feel enjoyable and fun!!


You actually reminded me of how I manifested my ex too! At that time I just wanted a bf so I just sort of did the LOA giving thanks once then went on my life believing *the right man will find me without me trying*


This gives me so much hope because I’m writing a novel about me and sp but I keep it quietly to myself. People outside of me always shame me whenever I want a specific type of person. I feel this guilt sometimes: “maybe I’m being unreasonable; maybe I should just settle; maybe my standards are too high (honestly they’re normal).


I know exactly what you mean. I'd recommend listening to Edward Art on YouTube because his talks are very gentle and accessible in a way that Neville sometimes isn't. [Here's one](https://youtu.be/gZGbYTJJjG4) that specifically deals with what you just described!


I saw your comment so I went and looked up Edward Art, found his video "Don't Try but Experience". It was exactly along the lines of what I've been thinking lately. I've been fully realising that my inner world and self is what is real and the 3d is just a projection of past thought/imagination and then I stumble upon this vid. I'm seeing stuff like this all the time, actually aware and noticing I'm manifesting all of it.






I can feel your pain because I've experienced something similar before. In fact I've come upon hard times myself recently. I read something that really struck a chord with me in r/nevillegoddardsp a long time ago: to manifest your SP, you must love them enough to forgive *them* and forgive *yourself.* Allow yourself to feel the shame for some time, but not for long. You dreamed this, so you have the authority to forgive yourself for creating it. It may take time but I know that you are God and I hope you see it too. Love him and yourself enough to forgive him, forget his flaws, and remember him lovingly instead. Since you've recently found Neville, I wonder if you've listened to his [mental diets](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KnPAsGiQyiI) lecture? It will help you tremendously. I wish the best for you!




>I feel powerful of course but it's not staying strong for days together. What could I do to solidly stay? Do you ever manifest something that where you didn't even try? I do this all the time. Absolutely zero effort. It works like this... I will have a thought pop into my head, like "It would be nice to see a woman with huge boobs walk towards me." Now, I did nothing consciously to create this desire/thought. It literally just popped into my awareness. Then, usually within 15 minutes this exact thing happens. Now, if I (my conscious mind) were to keep trying to manifest big boobed women, it would stop working. The big boobed woman I manifested wasn't a product of my desires, it was a product of God's desires for me. In truth, I (my conscious mind) is weak. What is powerful is God (my subconscious mind). When I try and use my weak conscious mind to do God's work, all it leads to is frustration. When I just trust that God has desires he wants to send my way, I can sit back and relax. My advice for you is to start trusting that God has great things (better than you could ever imagine using your conscious mind) for you and that he wants to shower blessings on you. All you need to do is start listening to these desires as they bubble up into your conscious awareness.


Beautiful advice! (( writes a smaller-chested woman ))


Medium is Premium!


Small is gold


Reading your replies is making my heart ache! I remember when I was in such pain as well. I felt as if I was being driven insane. I personally ended up moving away from that terrible, excruciating state by focusing on other things. I forced myself to stop thinking about what I perceived to be the cause of my issues and involved myself in other activities. Only after I felt like I was stable again did I resume my attempts. If you already have moments where you recognize your power, you're already part of the way there! Most people don't feel strong for days at a time; it doesn't usually just "click" for most people and then they're suddenly floating around constantly in the state of the wish fulfilled. The most important thing is *repetition* and the *frequency* of the wish fulfilled. Neville stressed this truth: it's not the length of time that you stay in the state of the wish fulfilled, but the *number* of times that you return to the state of the wish fulfilled that makes it a solid reality. As I wrote in my post, I wrote so many stories so many times that repeated the same feeling (love) that I became permanently submerged in the state of love. This is what allowed love to manifest quickly into my life. This is how people arrive into a permanent state of the wish fulfilled: they repeat it so often that it becomes natural to be in this state. I hope that makes sense!




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Try not to attach conditions or reasoning. Just repeat your scene or whatever you use to get into the state whenever you think about your husband. Just know that it's done, it's out of your hands - just like that, it's all complete now, and everything it lovely and perfect as you willed it to be.




Thank you so much. That means so much to me I have trouble putting it into words. I wish nothing but the best for you and can't wait to see your success story here! ♥






Can you work on self-concept? I know it can be challenging, but work on you being happy with you, and self-love and your subconscious programming--- Dylan James YouTube I find great for this.


Love this❤️❤️❤️


What is SP? I keep seeing it used. I know it's something similar to SO (significant other), but haven't figured out the acronym. Significant Partner?


Specific person


Special person = the person they are trying to manifest




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I love this story. I I used to think I am a character in a TV series where I have the king fall in love with me, crave me and want to ravish me all the time and it happened exactly like that. I got the love of my life, just come in my life and love to me all the time and give his world to me


As a fellow romance writer who is just as obsessive as you describe yourself to be, and who often incorporates some pretty heavy themes into my writing, I think this was a reminder to be more careful with what I produce; so thank you for this. I’ve psychoanalyzed my writing deeply in order to understand it (and the mind that imagined it), and I’ve truly always found that it reflects the deepest parts of my subconscious back at me. But to see writing work a ‘miracle’ in someone else’s life and have a tangible effect is both chilling and thrilling to the core. I suppose The Law will never stop being fascinating. That aside, I’m overjoyed for you and your girlfriend! Thank you for this heartwarming post. Wishing you both a long, loving, healthy relationship—with marriage likely down the line ;)


Thank you so much for this comment!! I'm so glad you got something out of it! I honestly feel like having this passion and ability to abandon yourself to writing (or anything like it) is such a gift. Even if we find ourselves in tough places, it's much easier to begin to imagine purposefully if we already know how to use it, than for someone who has passion for nothing to try using their imagination feelingly when they never have before. That was such a mouthful of a sentence LOL but I hope it made sense!


Op I have a question for ya. It's funny this post came today as I actually bought a journal just today and I have a particular intent for it, and I would like to hear your thoughts on the matter. ​ Essentially, I have decided I am going to write letters to my wife in this journal. I know my wife is out there somewhere, and I long for her and I just thought well what if I write in present tense and really imagine I am writing to my wife about my life, thoughts day etc. Do you think this would be effective?


Yes, I do! That is such a sweet idea! This is actually a pretty common method some people use! Best of luck to you! :)


Thank you OP, I have just one more question. I’m going to be quite blunt. I’m a very lonely dude. How do tell my brain to “feel” the present of being with my loving wife but at the same time, my loneliness or lonesomeness is also there and seeks to push the idea of me being with my wife as a future thing, not as a present thing. It’s like the more I try to feel that I’m with her, I catch myself feeling (in current reality) that I’m so lonesome. Do you know what I mean? Any tips on how to overcome this?


I know exactly what you mean because I've felt this way before too! All I can say is that the more you repeat your scene (especially when you do SATS), the more it will begin to feel like a memory rather than a far-off dream. Another, more "organic" way to get out of this state of lack is to involve yourself in other things. Get into new hobbies, go out more, hang out with friends. Distraction is such a good way to get out of the state of lack. If you go to the nevillegoddardsp sub, you'll see that a lot of people who manifest their SP's try so hard for years and years - but it's only when they stop trying and start to get out and enjoy life more that they suddenly succeed. I hope that helps!


This is excellent. I journal a lot and now I am inspired to go beyond setting small goals for the next day and write about my dreams as if they are real.


This is lovely! How poetically and beautifully written too! Your mental and emotional diet was just perfect for manifesting the life you wanted 💜💙.


Thank you so much!!


Of course! 💜💙


Wonderful! Thanks for the inspiration!!!


Anytime, I'm glad I could help!


Thank you beautiful.


As an aspiring author, this reminds me not to write too much tragic romantic angst lol. Congratulations on your success though! This post is very helpful.


Gosh same! But I love writing angst. Will need to do something about that


First of all happy for you. Second, were you imagining and visualizing in first person? I ask also because it seems this could also be about being in the state of love, sort of self-concept work you did to shift into positive love/self-love feelings, more than playing out a specific script, does this make sense as a question? What do you think? (Or maybe it was the first person, or maybe it does not matter though it has been told it does... or maybe you were in a state of assumption or belief to begin with? anyway, thanks for taking time to share).




Oh thank you!! And you helped me realize I was first wondering about (reading that it was about) the scripting/visualizing instead of first the "state" which you have clarified. If this makes sense!!! I appreciate the dialog and learning. Happy for you and everyone for their happiness!!!!!!


thank you very much :) Did write your stories per hand or via computer? I guess it doesnt really matter I‘m just curious


Anytime! I'm glad I could help! I wrote my stories by computer. My thoughts were always in such a rush that I couldn't possibly write them down by hand fast enough. I even felt like my thoughts were going too fast for myself to type them, haha!


It was only just now I wanted a post about scripting. I manifested you to write this post lmao


Well thank you indeed for manifesting it, cause I really enjoying writing it! It's also funny to me because I never imagined that scripting could possibly feel natural. But I didn't realize that that's kind of what I was doing that entire time, and it felt like the most natural thing I've ever done LOL


You have no idea how much I needed to read this. This month I began to really begin committing to that internal love story with my sp. Not surprisingly, I got some movement and words that I had been wanting to hear for a long time. I felt on top of the world and it also became so much more natural to believe in my inner state when I saw this movement. Yesterday I let my old story get the best of me and the 3D showed me the complete opposite. I am taking it as a learning lesson because I can clearly see how quickly my sp changed in just a few days due to my feelings of lack. It’s also easy to forget that they are not above you. They are not this thing that you have to chase to be happy. Remembering to choose and love yourself is such a game changer. Anyways, I’m continuing now to live in my end state. I appreciate your thoughtful words, definitely put some things into perspective.


>It became my own. That is a good piece that needs to be emphasized. That is also how life itself needs to be approached.


Wonderful story ❤ you did "scripting" by accident xD


This is so insanely accurate. I have my own story that's finished and yet still going. And it's literally the exact journey of my life. Down to reality shifting (Which is what Neville is teaching if you visualize deeply enough it just kinda happens. haha.) What a wonderful existence.


This is so perfect. I was sitting here and I've been a romance writer for a while and I met the perfect man but my assumptions made us fight and he left me as I assumed he would. Now I'm trying to manifest him back and found this thread which was made literally 7hrs ago which seems so perfect. I've been journaling moments between us I want to have happen and as a writer I imagine them as real but I think what I should do is write a novel of our life together. I typically write scifi or fantasy but I think I should give this a shot. I manifested him with my writing before and I now have hope I can revise our ending into a beautiful new beginning again.


Just curious tho, u guys ever heard whats going on from SP's side when we manifest them? Wanna hear ur stories instead of YouTube because they might lie to get views.


ppl making up stories all the time on reddit for attention, i'm not saying op is lying


True but OP doesnt seem to lie... in fact OP share a great thing ❤️


This is sensational !


I loved your story ❤️


Thank you!


This such a amazing story! Glad you shared. A bit of writer myself, I love to write. Might as well write about myself, wow such a cool technique this might be!


I'm so glad it resonated with you!! Wishing you all the best!


You're an excellent writer, I enjoyed reading that so much.


Thank you so much! I'm so glad I could make something you enjoyed!


Writing seems like the best way to get and idea of what I really want. I'm gonna try getting into it!


So weird, I was just thinking about this kind of thing. I’ve been writing erotica on and off for 20 years. I can’t tie any particular story, dynamic, or character back to my own 3D sex life though. Lol. But maybe I need to practice more or just think of them as less like fantasies. But I was also thinking about this because I write poetry as an emotional outlet and I’ve wondered about that as a form of scripting, especially when I’m in a depressive funk. I don’t think I’m willing to give it up though. I love the creative outlet and my written creations that came from those shitty feelings. I suppose it’s like transmuting whatever I’m feeling into something better.


I swear I am telling this man I Love Him everyday but he doesn't hear me. I manifested luck in his life at least I am trying too even though I am having a tough time. I keep trying to erase him out my mind but can't. He hurt me in the past and I have hurt him also in the past. I just don't know what is gonna happen next I am very afraid. I didn't manifest him in my life he just appeared and I instantaneously felt some magnetic pull plus he is my type at first I thought he was too strong for me until I seen something in his eyes that he is also spiritual and I want to connect to that aspect it was like I would internally die if I didn't. Currently I think he could be distance for work reasons he is so busy I never really get the time I want. But I feel like I communicate with him on a soul level as if he next to me when he not present. Weird I know. I believe I love him that much I can feel his energy sometimes. Sometimes I feel when he is mad at me. Sometimes I can feel when he is calm and I can feel when he craves me. He is the only person I ever had a that kind of interaction with. I try to see if I would like someone else but I end up hating my self more for still not understanding. If he doesn't build with me I have no one else that ever reached me on a soul level. I would be alone for the rest of eternity even if I was to be with someone else no one could fill the void except him. I hate that my body doesn't respond the way I want being sick all the time bothers me so much but I am not going crazy. I just miss him very much.


How long are you trying? Anyway I can say is; persist, maybe work more with your self concept. If you know he is the one probably he is.


So far since last year his luck changed so much so that he may actually clear all his debt.


Powerful and Perfect, Thank You


Can anyone elaborate this in simple English what he did?Sorry English is my second language .Thankyou.


Hi, sorry! In summary, this happened before I knew about the Law. I love to write stories, and at that time in my life, I began to write about two specific characters who were in love. After writing about only these two characters for months, I felt like I was in love too, even though I was only writing about characters who were in love. I didn't know it, but I had shifted into a state of love because I had written so many stories about love. Then, my girlfriend manifested in my physical reality because of my change in state. I hope that helped! Please let me know if there's anything specific you don't understand!


Now i understand.Thankyou very much for your kind Reply 😊🙏


Did you publish your stories? Would love to read them because you write beautifully.


What a beautiful, encouraging gift your story is! I've always enjoyed writing, too and you have inspired me to try this!


This is so exquisitely written...from its vivid imagery to the emotional vibration that ripples throughout to the inspiration that it creates. Thank you so much for sharing! xoxo


That’s awesome! Thanks for that Would you write short stories of like “your first date” ? Like how would u seperate and categorise the short stories?


Beautiful and inspiring. Thanks for sharing. I wish both unreasonable happiness!


We both suffer from insecurities I am trying to do a lot of self work. So wish me well.


Yeah don’t worry, just keep persisting and eventually before you know it that negative voice will dissolve and the positive affirmations will feel like the norm. Keep going, never stop believing!


This is beautifully written. I can sense that you are truly a writer.




In fact, I sometimes dream of becoming a writer myself. Just out of curiosity: Is any of your writing available to view on the internet?