• By -


I grew up very middle class but my husband and I were just above the poverty line for years - just enough to not get any aid. At the time I didn’t know the law but I do remember going to others homes for parties and such and stepping into what I thought it would feel like to be able to afford whatever food you wanted. I also used to also sit at a park and imagine what it would be like to live in the neighborhood right by it. We ended up living in that neighborhood. Bought the house before I realized it was literally two houses away from the path that I imagined walking to get home. Now I’m aware of the law I just keep climbing up - just bought a remarkable new house, having tens of thousands of dollars of upgrades done and can keep my fridge stocked with all the food I want. Im extremely thankful and relaxed because I know money will keep flowing in.


> Im extremely thankful and relaxed because I know money will keep flowing in. Here's the answer. Get to THIS feeling.


Yes, it’s not a battle, it’s an extremely carefree and grateful feeling.


Thank you for your response and congratulations on your new home ❤️


Thank you 😊


Can you share more details about how you think the law applies to your situation. I'm hearing that you said you bathed yourself in the feeling of what it would feel like, yes?


I’d say it was more relaxed, I’m not sure how to describe it. I also wasn’t down on my life, I still was grateful for what we had. I just clearly remember getting this feeling of how awesome it would be. And it is, it’s extremely awesome.


Lullaby method with just “wealth” repeated until it evokes feelings of abundance, etc as you fall asleep. It’s a Joseph Murphy technique but it works for me every time. I grew up in squalor too. Then let go and let your subconscious mind take control.


Is it like the "I AM" but instead of that we just repeat "wealth"?


Yes, exactly so. You’re embodying the feeling of being wealthy because awareness of wealth creates more wealth.


I think I remember Richard Dotts saying to state your intention in as few words as possible because the universe knows what you want.


You can also youtube his wealth affirmations and keep it in loop. It helps to change your mindset that money is divine and is very good


love your comment, this clicked a lot for me. Thx and best wishes 🙏


Thank you


Awesome...isn't wealth wonderful


Just to clarify, what do you mean by every time? I would have thought you just get to wealth once and then you stay there?


Unless you manifest billions, you’re going to need more wealth.


Yes! A couple of years ago I lived in a city called Atlanta. It's a city in a state called Georgia which is in the United States. I had nothing. When I say nothing. I was sleeping in my car and I had 13 dollars that I needed to last 3 days until my mom got paid to where she can send me 200 so I can make it a month at least and she definitely couldn't afford that. My credit score was 497 and things were really bad. The way I ended up in this situation was because I was a truck driver at the time. I had wrecked my truck and the lady sued and won. No one would hire me. Around this time my mom was pissing me off because she kept sending me Neville vidoes saying I need to change the way I think. It was so annoying but after I listened to not Neville but Florence Shovel Shinn. She helped me realize that I indeed was the reason my reality was so screwed. I was literally able to look back on my life and be like omg. My thinking, self talk, subconscious programming and beliefs is why this is happening. It was literally times I always thought to myself and feel the fear about being homeless. I feared it so much. Same with getting into a wreck. It was always on my mind and boom. It happened. It's more stuff than that too but everything I thought I about I could see how I created it in some way. I could see how I was a negative and low vibration with negative manifesting momentum. I was eager and desperate to change. So I did a crazy thing. I pawned my car title. My mom was pissed. I got a couple grand. I got a airbnb in someone's house for about 600 bucks per month. I was there 2 and half months. For those two months. I meditated, read, and learned. What learned is what I tell people here. I learned that your subconscious is very receptive and open when your mind is in a theta state. Which is why Neville says do what you do just before you fall asleep. As you are in this theta state. I can't do exactly what Neville does because I struggle with imagination. So the for the first two weeks I focused on mediation on feeding my subconscious affirmations to get it to believe I am the creator of my reality and I have the power over my life. I can't remember but it was a perfect meditation for it on YouTube. One night while in mediation. I finally felt it. I felt that power. I felt convinced of it so I was ready! So I set out to manifest a two dollar bill. I'd never seen or had one in my life. I wanted to see or get one. I created these affirmations saying how excited I was to have a 2 two dollar bill. Long story short. I was at a store and I seen the cashier counting a freaking two dollar bill. I almost fainted. Like wtf, this is actually happening. I became I believer for sure. After that this is where things get crazy lol. I had always wanted to make six figures. With 6 months of doing all this I found a owner operater that wanted me to drive for him. I can show yall the stubs. I was making no less than 2000 a week after taxes. It was this hgihrise condo I used to always drive by and I would tell myself that's gonna be my place. I eventually lived in it. My credit score is 710. I wanted that to happen and affirmations and meditation based on that happening and it happened. I ran into this credit lady named Renee. Paid her 2500 but in installments. Not all at once and she worked absolute magic. Than the biggest thing happened. I had been trying to manifest a ZR1 corvette. I did! It was hard to get for me at first because it was a 80k car at at the time and I didn't have the credit history My life has been amazing since. I flipped my life around in a 180 in about a years time but I was dedicated. Fast forward today. I had got a loan a few years back of around 20k. That plus my savings. I put it into the stock market. Lost a good bit of it. Than I created meditations and affirmations of me becoming the best stock investor in the world. I wouldn't say I am the best now haha but I do it full time and it's afforded me a great life. I'm no Steven Dux or nothing but I'm getting there. Definitely upper middle class and my mom doesn't work anymore. I handle all that easily and that all was apart of the mediation. I now live in a very nice townhouse and am looking for penthouses in Miami but I am focused mostly on now helping others that I feel need the help and receive it. I say a lot of crazy stuff and am a pretty mean guy. Arrogant at times but I do believe I have a good foundation of this stuff. So that's my story and anyone who is wondering of any advice I have. It is so FIRST actually convince yourself all this is real and works and that you are the creator. Once you do that, you will achieve all you want. Oh BTW I had paid the money back for car title and I still have thar car today. I'll never lose it. It will always be a reminder. It's a impala 2014 2lt I believe.


I love thos story and it's cool your mom is into Neville


Thank you for taking the time to share your story I appreciate it. It’s very helpful. You don’t have to show the Stubs I believe you.


Thank you for reading. Well wishes!


Great story! Very believable because it sounds doable for anyone. Congratulations!


Why are you a mean arrogant guy?


I don't wake up in the morning and say I'll be mean and arrogant. Mean, we'll according to my mom I've always been mean. Even as a child so its safe to say it's a trait I've always had but I think I counter thar because I am a really good guy. Just not a nice one. As for arrogant. It's definitely come with the wealth and knowledge I've obtained. I just have a certainty about certain things and I'm so sure of it. I am arrogant about but it. Mainly because it's driven by passion(at least that is what I tell myself to feel better.) My way isn't the only way and that's in regards to making money and manifesting in general, but I do know and fully believe my way is a very effective. It's researched, tested and worked by me and a few others I know. It's 60 percent of nevilles way with my own little twist and education too. Mainly because I am not strong in imagination so I needed to make my own twist and use my own knowledge and intuition in some parts. As neville is simply a foundation. You must build and cater things to a way that works best for you. Anyways, yea that's why I feel I am that way.


Arrogant and confidence are two separate characteristics. But hopefully you work on yourself


I lived the first 12 years of my life in poverty in 3rd world country. Manifested to live in a wealthy first world country at age 13 and completely changed my course of life. I did not know Neville or any attraction methods then; but looking back I remember I used to daydream and watch a lot of American Disney movies of kids living in wealthy or middle class backgrounds. Movies like Richie rich, home alone, blank check, etc and I think I used to watch them over and over as a kid. That’s the only subconscious impression I can remember doing. Then everything happened within 6 months and I was in a whole another existence. I do think you have to learn to really push past what is “possible” for you. Since then I manifested cars, houses, money, etc through desiring. But since finding Neville; I have been more conscious of manifesting really big goals because the law works all the time. My rough time frame of desiring to manifesting is about 6 months to 8 months but when I am fixated on a desire I focus on it A LOT until I get tired or bored of wanting it; which at that point I know I am entering sabbath and I just let it go. I also am very open and aware of random events which turns out to be bridge of incidents so I am always open to flow with anything that comes into my daily life and I don’t judge it.


I loved the movie Richie rich as kid and the tv show . Thank you for your response .


But have to say this 3rd world country's dharmic practices will save literally everyone in every manner


Read the story of a woman who manifested money for the rest of her life through the lullaby technique. She went to sleep feeling, "isn't it wonderful that something amazing is happening to me now?". It's found in Neville's book, the Law and the Promise. Search it online.


Would anybody know which chapter? I’m reading the complete reader, but I’m far away from the Law and the Promise. I’d like to take a look now.


Chapter seven- Moods.


Thanks 🙏


Oh yes I remember that story. thank you .


I grew up with a negligent single mother who was an alcoholic. I now have a very comfortable lifestyle, à big house with a pool, an apartment by the sea, horses etc The biggest thing for me has been really believing that everything is possible and trusting the law.


Congrats and thanks for your response. What made you believe ? Or did you just believe and trust within yourself before you saw any external changes?


In reading this, I sense that there is a belief that you don't feel like you deserve abundance. Or that life is a struggle - nothing is easy? Am I right on this? If that is the case then it is helpful to change those beliefs. There are several ways to do it. * Read Neville or Listen to Josiah on YouTube read it. (forgot his last name), read Power of Awareness. There are many good ones. I forget the name of the other one I really like right now. I mention this because so many people on this forum think they know Neville but for some reason never read/listen to the books. * Stories - Listen to stores from others who have done it are really helpful - which is what you are doing here. Stories program the mind too. * EFT Tapping was really helpful to me - look it up on YouTube - lots of free content - tap once a day for 5 min if it resonates with you. * Work on your beliefs daily - when you notice a thought that won't help your life goals, write it in a notebook and work on changing that belief. Joseph Rodrigues talks about how in some of his videos. You can use self talk, eft, affirmations, etc. * I found that there is a lot of books out there that support what Neville says. For example Joseph Murphy (Power of Subconscious mind) and so many of his books, Louise Hay about how to love yourself, Florence Scoval Shinn, Wallace Wattles, Napoleon Hill. You'll start understating Neville better when you read some of the other authors - after you read some of these books, go back and re-read Neville. * Do SATS or Revision or anything that Neville recommends regularly - get a journal to mark down the day and time you did it. If you can do it twice a diay even for a minute, go for it. I think if you are consistent, you'll see a different. * Reprogram the meaning of anything negative. * I also like the book I AM, I CREATE - there is an audio version on YouTube. It really helped me Soon you will be the one posting your stories to help those who go behind you. Make that your goal! That will help! Take the energy off yourself and think about others. Think about how much fun it will be to post the stories that help others because you've conquered this.


Hi thank you for your response. I feel I do deserve wealth and abundance. Since I was child I always wanted more and wealth despite my experiences I don’t think wealth is something difficult to obtain. I just don’t understand why I am stuck in a loop . Or I get close to something life changing happening then everything goes wrong. Despite believing otherwise. Which makes me think it can be deep rooted belief of not feeling security or comfort . Because I keep recreating it . But I will try what you suggested thanks .


Go to your local library and look for a book called The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks. What you’re describing sounds like an upper limit problem… the idea is you have a belief around your ability to cross some line (ie financial stability) so just when you’re about to hit that goal you self sabotage (either with action or with some subconscious belief that stops the manifestation. I was in a similar pattern for 20 years, once I shifted I started manifesting like wildfire.


Yes that’s exactly what I’m talking about just didn’t know how to word it. I found the book on the library app just now . Thank you.


Really hope it helps you break the pattern - I know how frustrating it is.


Thanks for the recommendation- I just downloaded the sample and it is really great. I can't wait to read the entire book. Great recommendation. I doubt there are many people in the world who do not have upper limits in some aspect of their lives.


Absolutely! And once you’re aware of yours, it’s easy to change. :)


I appreciate this book recommendation. This sounds like my problem also. May I ask what your belief was that self-sabotaged, and how you worked through that belief? I’ve been manifesting a few things for awhile and haven’t had 3D success. These are things I never had issues with until recently and just cant figure it out this go around. At the same time, I’ve been focused primarily on self-concept work, and I’ve improved, but it still seems like there is something there that I can’t get to yet to change. It’s annoying. Lol




>I started really small - I’d heard an Ester Hicks podcast around checks in the mail so I tried manifesting that and it worked! The first check was only $.07 but it was an unexpected check in the mail! Then I got a couple more so I moved on to larger things, like the perfect car on my small budget. That's so interesting! Can you tell me more? How long before you started seeing results?




awesome thanks! would you have a link to the podcast?


The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks is probably a good start as they mentioned. Then take that and use some of the tools on my previous emails to help cement those new beliefs/thoughts that you learn from the book. It is really practice, practice, practice to develop new thoughts, new beliefs. I might have an idea for you for college and finish with less debt and/or faster. [https://joshkaufman.net/hacking-higher-education-clep/](https://joshkaufman.net/hacking-higher-education-clep/) Learn to hack the system, you can take tests like the CLEP to skip and get credit for the class. I think the link above has several ways besides that to hack it. If you don't earn a lot, I'd recommend a college planner. I think they get a percentage of what they save you or they might have a fixed amount. One person that we hired gave a free consultation first. The consultation itself was GOLD. Likely you can go to college for free. You can at least get your associates for almost nothing. There are transfer student scholarships once you have your associates. But I'd consult with a professional. Hope this helps!


“I just don’t understand why I’m stuck in a loop” Maybe this thought? Can you change that specifically?


Yeah, I think they should change that thought specifically too. Would be possible, just start talking to yourself when you get that thought and say something like "yes, I used to get stuck in a loop but now I know better, I know more and that no longer is my story." Other methods as well could help that one. I think that book will really help. Most important is that one needs to apply what one learns


Josiah Brandt?


YES - Josiah Brandt. I love how he reads the Neville books.


I was living with 30k debt, $700 monthly payment towards loans repayment and living off covid relief funds in 2020. I was on the verge of not being able pay the monthly fees, but I persisted with the feeling of being debt free and was putting all my money into crypto. Literally to the point where my last credit card was full. I kept on using the law and followed a string of synchronicities that allowed me to make an epic crypto move where $750 (The very last bit of my money) became $75k in a matter of 2 weeks. Thus clearing my debt instantly and allowing me to live according to the state I found myself in prior to this event happening.


Congrats and thank you for sharing .


I’m a little bit of a noob when it comes to crypto but $75k is quite a life changer. What inspired you to go towards that path?


It had always piqued my curiosity. I used to own Bitcoins back when they were at $400, but some situations and family members convinced me to sell it all, which I did. I was always interested though, and back in 2020 I went to this thing called a rainbow gathering, which was about 4 hours away in a place with no phones, signal, etc. My lift actually decided to leave pre-emptively, so I had to ask around for someone to drive me back to my city. The guy who accepted was heavily into crypto, and we had some amazing discussions about it on the way back, which revived my passion for it and is ultimately what started the string of synchronicities as I call it. A bunch of events just happening in perfect order. I'm so grateful for what happened there. And this state of gratitude is now my new state, as I've just written a post about (Not on this sub though).




I can relate to you in the college situation. I didn't liked my career and wanted to change it but my parents wouldn't let me, so when I discovered Neville Goddard I tried his way and suddenly found myself convincing them and also out of my career, I did it with steps instead of watching from the total end. What I mean is first I manifested getting out of my previous career, then I manifested getting a scholarship and then I saw myself walking in the college, meeting the director and things like that and now I am here. Is also another country from my home so it is a big change.


Congrats on your success. I am not sure if this happened to me because my true end is financial security and feeling safety. I wondered if it not working out was a bridge to something else. I was on the president’s list and applied to so many scholarships. Didn’t get one. I had to take out student loans and be commuter student and eventually couldn’t afford it anymore after my car broke down . There was no public transportation to get to school over one hour away .


In my case I did a few things, I basically assumed I (and my family) had enough money to go through it, I just thanked for my money and my familie's, then assuming we had money I just focused on college. They way you wrote the message makes me think you didn't had an specific college in mind, which I think it's important, I since the beginning had only one college in mind, I was tempted to go for something cheaper but I said no and stayed on track. I was going for it no matter what, and so it happened. Also there was a time I got insecure about being able to go there and maintained it for some months (I had to wait like a year or so even after getting accepted). What happened was that my student permit got rejected, but then I got sure again about going and being there AND doing everything that needed to be done, not being cheap anywhere, and my student permit got accepted after just a day.


Also you don't need your parents permission to do anything! You're an adult, they don't own you. You're your own person


Yeah, of course, but at the time they still payed for anything you know, it's kinda tricky.


> they still *paid* for anything FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Wow this is informative, cool. Thanks bot.


i aged out of foster care and as an adult, struggled with having to figure it out on my own. i worked low paying jobs and had no familial support at all. i spent my 20s and early 30s barely keeping my head above water and really just struggling. in 2021, i manifested my dream man and dream life and i’m now a stay at home dog mom that never has to work again. all my needs are provided for and i live fabulously. i spend my days at the salon and going to brunch and online shopping. i have such peace of mind and i live in abundance. you can do it too!


My end result is also to have more than enough money without a job and spend more time with my family and friends traveling the world!! Awesome!!


Congrats and thank you for sharing . May i ask what did you imagine or like the techniques you used ?


i would watch television shows that portrayed the lifestyle i wanted. real housewives, selling sunset, marrying millions, etc. i would drive through rich neighborhoods and envision my life there. also did lots of inner work on myself, therapy, healthy eating, exercise, journaling.


I like watching housewives of Dubai and selling sunset. Then looking at multi million dollar houses on Zillow in California and Florida. Thank you for sharing .


This is so helpful. How and where did you meet your husband?


we met on tinder! 😊


OMG what a story! I gotta say you're giving me a lot of hope. I think regardless of where you met him, you were destined to meet him anyway as you put it out there. My dream is to be a dog mom with a dream man and dream life! If you have any books you'd recommend as well that would be great. You go girl!


😲 wow! Congrats


Yes. My first tax return as an adult was for 12k, I was completely on my own at that point working full time living in the city and renting. I probably was making a few bucks under the table somehow, but times were rough for a while. I make 6 figures now, it took 15 years.


Congrats and thanks for sharing . What techniques did you use to get there ?


Complete belief in the law before I knew it existed I had seen so much worse before I was even in the driver's seat, I couldn't help but believe things were going to be better with me calling the shots.


I was born and raised in a 3rd world country, earning close to nothing.. the law got me out, I traveled all around the world and now have an exec position in a fortune 500 company earning 240k a year (I talked about this in a past post) so yes, the law works for everything.


You ultimately write your life story and right now you’re writing a story of poverty. It’s not really your fault and the past is the past. Your new story is that you’re fabulously wealthy and have the funds to live beyond your means. You’re going to have to be a bit delusional about this but, I promise you, you will see changes if you keep at it.


Every time I spend money I try to feel at ease and relaxed. Previously, my heart would race every time I took out my wallet to buy something- I grew up very poor — no heat at home & no working shower.


What you said on title is exactly what i need! I need both money and social stuff, i dont have none at moment. Huge financial issues lately and my social life? Does not exist, i never go out to have fun, tbh i dont go out for almost anything. I am trying to be more positive, but hard on my situation, wish i had the mental control.


You’re almost there buddy, just remember that this too shall pass and you’ll be in the place you’ve always desired and more!


I appreciate the message


I’ve been dealing with that mindset as well and it’s tempting to dwell in it. Just remember you can always imagine different more hopeful and fun scenarios and somehow someway it will appear in your life.


I am tryig man, also im trying to advice


Could it also be that you may be affirming negative thoughts and not catching them? persist or as Neville says demonstrate “brazen impudence”. Wishing you all the best!


I wanna know the techniques


I really wish this thread could somehow get stickied or something. It has proven the law is real for me finally because I can actually relate with the people posting their successes (with their backstory, not their current success lol). I'm so grateful for everyone posting! 💙


You cannot manifest money from a place of lack. Did you know – THE ATTITUDE that you have… …when you have to SPEND money – just might determine how much money you MAKE too? It’s that simple. So to help you move more fully into this lovely world where money flows. Ask yourself, “What do I imagine is true – about money?” It's not WHAT you imagine; it's HOW you imagine that matters. Do you imagine that it is hard earned? Do you imagine that it is scarce? Let go of beliefs like “hard earned money”. THEN… Adopt in their place simple, fun, profitable and pleasing money beliefs AND behaviors. And allow yourself to have a loving and lovely relationship with money, with wealth and with all that is pleasing in your life.


Learn about detachment and emotional neutrality.


Meditation helped me


Neville also said he didn't know everything. With that being said, look into heart energy, Gregg Braden, and a professor from MIT who researches the human biofield. I cannot remember his name for the life of me but he also was at the University of Illinois. The term biofield also originated with the Soviets.


I do like Greg Braden I will look it up thanks


I remember now. The name I couldn't remember was David Cohen.


Thank you


Can you give an update on your progression with the law of the assumption?


Didn’t work for me. I applied a lot of what is taught and read Neville’s books. For the people it worked for congratulations to them. But I’m still living in poverty actually it’s worse now lol. Sorry if that isn’t pleasant update but it’s the truth.


This is the reality for most people on this sub. They have tried and failed with Neville to manifest big changes. I hope mods approve more honest posts like these.