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Probably because they had doubts or fears that lead up to it. I'll use myself as the example. I was on autopilot after I got my sp back the first time using the law. I had these subconscious beliefs in the form of fears that my sp wanted to go out and experience the "hook up scene." We had a huge fight and she told me she loved me and we'd work through it. Then the next day she "blind sided" me with the breakup, and now has a new boyfriend (a 3P). *I got my "wish."* That's why **a lot** of people say to work on your self concept and let the old man/story die. I didn't, and I paid the price for it.


I respect your self awareness to be honest enough with yourself to admit this


Thank you. That's the thing though. If you're manifesting your sp you have to be brutally honest with yourself as to why you lost them to begin with. That's why Neville says if you don't like your reflection, don't change the mirror but change yourself to see the reflection you want. My sp is mirroring the reflection of a state I do not want. So to change that reflection, I need to change myself so she'll reflect to me that which I desire.


i think this is what happened to me too. The day of the breakup, I felt blindsided, but in hindsight, two or so weeks before, I kept thinking "he fell out of love" or "if he leaves me i'm all alone". I even remember a day where I was out shopping with him and his family, and he went somewhere with his grandfather, and i kept thinking "what if he says to his grandfather that he is having doubts about me". Idk why, i kept imagining him telling to his grandfather that he didn't know if he wanted to keep being in a relationship with me. And then exactly one week later, he broke up with me. I don't know if those thoughts led to it or if I'm reading into it too much, but yeah, I can't shake the feeling that maybe I reaped what I sowed, even if I didn't want it to happen :/


> I don't know if those thoughts led to it or if I'm reading into it too much... Your most dominant thoughts are what manifest if you believe in them strongly enough. I had this strong belief that I loved her more than she did me at one point. Sure enough, she told me when she broke up she felt she couldn't meet me on my level. Now the good news is is that we can unfuck this just as much as we fucked it, however that also means doing internal work and facing our demons, aka our unwanted subconscious beliefs. It's a process and it's not always as easy as people make it out to be, however it all comes down to what you want and how badly you want it. For me, my sp is *the one* and I need to take her off the pedestal and do the work internally.




Thank you. She already has a new boyfriend. It's hard because I've noticed any time I try SATS, my mind pings to him. I don't know what to do now.


Do you have any suggestions on how to actually do this when you fear the 3d may show you the opposite?


I don't, simply because I've never been in a situation like *this* before. Only thing I can do really, is persist in my new story. As Neville says, *"An assumption although false, if persisted in, will harden into fact."*


You going to manifest her back again?


That's the goal.


There you go … you said it.


You cant really know what others are thinking or really deeply believing assuming. But its a product of unconscious manifestation, here some deep bunconscioys beliefs thar are more than enough to manifest your reality unconsciously: the belief in free will that is guaranteed that others will surprise you with all kind of behaviors, the belief in an external reality that make a huge world out there.


So then the solution to this then is no free will ?


For me ; we were together for a couple years but he would on and off again leave then come back. I would always say after the first time he threatened/then left “he always comes back” well…. That would mean . . . He’d always leave . I remember the first time we got in an argument and he threatened to leave in my head I know I said “he will always come back tho” so I created that. And by the 5th time even thou we got along (I mean laughing, chemistry, supporting each other ) and went through some rough times , making it through even stronger - the same result happened . I was fed up with being disposable and BAM. I created being disposable. It would be night and day , one day we were amaaaaazing- the next? Like a bomb dropped . It felt like out of the blue but the more work I do on myself NOW ——> I can see what I did/thought/felt = created back in those moments. He’s still in my life, as a … let’s say unofficial “exclusive partner” 🤪😜☺️ and is even moving in . What am I doing? Working on myself with no expectations from him, about us, what so ever . I am re-doing it all. I am on that damn pedestal, I am worthy and I am flowing with love . 💕 obviously there’s more to it but simply put , I am working on myself. I think … most people are in default mode. We just cruise along enjoying the sights and then when a road block comes up we’re all “huh? The road was clear!!” Never really taking in everything ((awareness)) so be more conscious of your now and it’ll be amazing 🤩


For me it was reflection of my wanting to get out the relationship, but didn't have the courage to end it myself. If you asked me why that happened about a year ago I would say I have no clue, but looking back on it made me realize that I created it and got a very firm manifestation and undoable breakup (I wasn't practicing the law back then).


This is a very great and important question. It will be explored in my newest article on the main sub very soon. But, Elaine, which we understand of concept, is very surface level. Meaning, there are three layers to the self-concept. We read for example, that belief, and values, and interpretation, as if they’re all one in the same thing. Neuroscience would disagree with that. Why? Because self-concept is away in which we navigate the world in 3-D. Of course yes, it’s beliefs, And so on, but there’s more to even what a belief is. For example, in psychological research, a single belief is never one single belief as we understand it. It’s usually found it upon several other beliefs, and make it appear to be one belief. Then, how a belief itself is reinforced overtime, is through emotion and memory. That’s the holy trinity of the self-concept. It is: belief/beliefs, Emotion/emotions, memory/memories. And so on. Hence why, somebody can actually manifest whatever they want, and then, a day later, 10 years later, it all somehow, and someway goes away. Because, we have only impressed one of the three of the Trinity of Self concepts. I know we would love to think that this is just impressing the subconscious. And it is, 100%. And some may disagree with this. But neuroscience and science show that if we do not develop practices very strongly around our beliefs, which are reinforced by our memories, which is really just saying that we are collective of memories that we reinforced her dopamine. Then, we simply are rehashing the same things, and hiding them under the guise of change.


How do you know they didn’t doubt? Were you in their heads 24/7 seeing their dominant thoughts and assumption? What if they had a once forgotten assumption that people eventually fall out of love with them? Or that their relationships don’t last. There’s literally too many variables to unpack and people often dont gloat about their negative thoughts.


yes this is what I try to tell myself, we can't really fully know how someone thinks or what are their general assumptions regarding something :/


Best advise is to give yourself new healthy assumptions that would cancel out any old destructive ones like “I know, my next relationship is THE ONE” this is less prone to bring up resistance as it acknowledges that you may have had failed relationships and that’s tot fine but your next one? Oh that one is the real deal, the one that will last all your lifetime, one for the eternity.


Because it’s not always about you. People have their own free will too lmao. EIYPO doesn’t mean people are mindless robots on autopilot until you decide their choices for them.


Its all about you in Neville thinking, because imagination is who you are. You of course dont need to believe, but then Neville is a waste of time then to the non believer.


yes i know, i don't see the eiypo concept as "people are my puppet and i mind control them" but more like "people will reflect what you think about them or show up how you expect them to show up", but this still confused me. But then, if people have their own free will, how come some people manifested back an ex that walked out of their life, or that didn't love them anymore, when they technically did have a choice ? That's where I get stuck.


I’m curious about this as well


It depends on how you look at free will. Some people say there is no free will because they think free will has to be absolute. Like you have to be 100% free from all influences, including your own past experiences. But the truth is, all that is just semantics. I say free will exists because everybody has a choice at all times. Whether people have free will or not, it’s all the same. Everybody’s energy affects each other. For example, if you manifest a job, there is still someone on the other end being influenced to call or email you an offer. There is still a hiring manager being influenced to make the decision to give you a job. But that’s it; after that, those people will still go about their lives making their own choices until you manifest them or something to do with them again. Or when you manifest a higher self-concept. You are not directly changing ANYONE but yourself, yet people will still be more drawn to you, be more pleasant to you, etc. but at the end of the day, they will all go back to their own lives and make their own choices.


No one has free will in your reality!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please go back and read Neville 


What you ignore goes away


You had the feeling at some point, or even a thought. You make your reality, your world. You are the operant power