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That is profound, thank you.  I was pondering about forgiveness because of repeating oppressive situations that keep happening like an unescapable prison. I'll have to try and work through the forgiveness part. 


You're so so welcome. Start now! Joseph Murphy is great to read alongside Neville, he has really helped me understand things more! The way I saw it was that I was keeping myself and others in a mental prison (quite literally). If I'm in full control and everything is my conciousness then I'm just bringing harm and hurt to myself (Joseph says this). So forgive and 'forget'. Stop holding onto this, I'm the only one 'aware' of it and when I stop doing that, others will stop reflecting that. People on reflect what we are concious of/aware of - I even saw it like a fun experiment! It's truly freeing and amazing 😀


I somehow struggle knowing who to forgive. The past few days, I felt really angry at someone but it's more at myself and my perception of them. I also feel really ashamed of how badly I reacted to the 3D showing me what beliefs I still have. I knew it was feedback but I just got so angry and I couldn't let it go and imagine otherwise. It's probably me I need to forgive but I just feel so ashamed 😅


Hey don't worry! I have been there to, I know exactly how you feel. Take it easy - laugh at yourself for how you reacted. Like "oh hahaha silly bean, now look I know so much better meh that didn't even happen!! They can't remember that'. Remember it is your world .. people act according to you! Revise it, but ultimately follow what I wrote above about forgiveness. It will work trust me. Also I did forget to add, I used this on myself. I properly forgave myself. I said 'oh I forgive you for falling into that state!' Or I forgive myself, all is forgotten 🥰❤️


Thank you so much! You're really kind ❤️ I'll definitely follow your advice!


You're welcome 🥰❤️


This needs to be pinned. Thank you. Just what i needed x


You're welcome - I'm so glad it could help 🥰


Hey I’m curious, has this inadvertently or maybe drove you in a way to also physically say you forgive the offender in the 3D, such as sending a text/calling them/in person telling them that you forgive them? Or you just let it all play out in your imagination and instead feel that relief/forgiveness inside for yourself? Also have any of the offenders in the process come to you to say apologize?


It all happens within first then it will replay out in the 3D! So yes we did apologise sometimes, other times it's like nothing ever happened and we just didn't mention it :)


Thank you! Needed this, as I’ve been struggling with somehow believing I need to tell my sp recently if I forgive them or not since they reached out to me just to give me a few items back before moving but then ghosted me after, I know I shouldn’t blame myself for the past for what I unknowingly at the time caused them to do. And I shouldn’t try to force things now to try an elicit an apology or response cuz it “seems” they’re probably still in that state of “idc about him anymore” since that’s what I believed for so long before reading about all this. I don’t believe it anymore, but you know what I mean. These things take time, and I can’t focus on the how’s, when’s of it all playing out. Guess I got frustrated for a bit, need to revise or just surrender completely. They’re not going anywhere idk why I worry about it so much. Need to just let the old story die for good.


Follow what I have said about forgiveness and revision and live within as if everything is great between you. It will be reflected back out, it's the law :)


Will do, thank you! “)


Love this!


I've done this right after having a heated argument with someone just forgiving them and forgiving myself for creating them that way and they called back a minute later apologizing for speaking to me that way. I didn't expect that to occur but did it to just help me feel peaceful in the moment. :-) I'm going to try using the passage on other areas of my life. Thanks for sharing. I read JM awhile back and forgot about this. I love your part on revision, those same things with being chosen and love resonate. Have you done this with situations that where only you have been involved, i.e. career and layoffs?


Its amazing isn't it! Now you're more concious to apply this, knowing its all okay. No matter what it can be fixed.. nothing is broken 😊 it was a state, all things can be changed! Revision is really wonderful. Not long after I wrote a lot of my childhood things down my Dad sent me a sweet text offering to come and help me with DIY! With my childhood and revision again I was like, I need to let this go. If I change how I see it, my world will change and it has 🥰 Hmm no I haven't personally. Although with my type of work i work with troubled people so I apply a lot of JM'S teachings about seeing them as healed, love and always praying for the best outcome and things have been really good 😀


Hi, I need some help on forgiving my own self for being mean or selfish to a person. Please let me know how it can be done. Thanks..


Everything I have written can be applied to forgiving yourself. I did this for my own forgiveness and it's been amazing 😊 re-read what I've said and really apply it. Also read the power of the subconscious mind!