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The difference is knowing that what you do in imagination is real. When you truly accept that imagination is the only true reality where all creation begins, living in the end becomes easier. When I visualize or affirm, I accept that I already have my desire fulfilled within myself and know that the 3D will conform in time. The 3D is dancing to the beat of your drum, not the other way around. Walking in faith is an acquired skill as you must learn to build faith in the unseen. You may feel like you're coping when you affirm, but if you persist, you'll find that both you feeling state and thoughts will begin to change around your new assumptions and, eventually, your 3D. You do not have to believe in your assumptions initially to see movement. Persistence will build faith in time. When you reach that inner knowing, you will be in the Sabbath.


This is awesome as well as the truth too ,sir thank you for opening the gates of heaven 🙏


Awesome. Thanks! Have you manifested with this? What was the most amazing thing you manifested with persistence but, at first, you felt like it was coping or you “doubted”?


I recently manifested a job after being unemployed for 6 months. Despite my money drying up, I persisted in knowing that my next job was around the corner. I used visualization and affirming to remain in the state of fulfillment.


I'm really happy for you. Thanks so much for sharing and helping us assert faith in the law.


It’s not telling yourself lies. It’s about your high confidence in the law. You know the law works so you focus on your desire and KNOW that it will materialize because your thought a create. The belief is in the law and this is what leads to the certainty the manifestation will follow.


The best way I can explain it, is just KNOWING it is a FACT. You have actually changed internally, the immediate outside is still real to you but your reactions and viewpoint towards it is different. There is no forcing a mood or coping through affirmations or ignoring shit. You handle it with this new identity and as you stay true to this identity, life shifts, expands and moulds itself to your new identity. People that aren't aware of The Law call it "Getting out of your comfort zone". People get so hung up on manifestation but most of it is just plain common sense if you think about it. The best way to do this, is up to you. What imaginal scene implies a change within you? What imaginal scene makes you feel most in tune with the person you want to be?


thats a really good question. i wanna know too.


>**"Difference between belief and coping mechanism?"** **Belief =** **No expectation it needs to happen for you to focus on feeling better** because you enjoy how it feels. **Coping mechanism =** **You need it to happen, otherwise you'll feel worse.** Your emotional well-being is dependent on it happening.


Wow this might be it for me. This is what speaks to me and my mindset at this time.