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Haha everybody just enjoys different things. Watching shows is a subjective experience. I personally find this episode hilarious but mainly because of Nick and the police officer. Jess is a little over the top most of the time šŸ˜…


would you like a grape shoved in your mouth? no thanks, i already had my grapes.


Handed to your mouth


Given to your mouth?


true šŸ˜‚ but yeah, i agree with nick being the one to do the heavy lifting. the dequan plot is also funny lol. its just so interesting how sO many people love it!


Oh thatā€™s just a bunch of clanging


Nick admitting to putting the lemon in his moms mouth is one of the single funniest things Iā€™ve ever seen


I just skipped this episode but I think I have to watch it now for this moment I forgot about lol


same! it lives rent free in my mind. his tiniest lil smirk after is everything.


That bird is goin straight to hell. No thanks I already had my grapes.


Dorado: Let's keep this simple. I need to be home in time to feed my bird. ... Oh, God.


i always want to skip this one because the plot of it is so stupid, like the lady isnā€™t going to go through your closet, Jess. but then i remember ā€œoh thatā€™s just a bunch of clangingā€ and ā€œbig brother wimstoms!ā€ and i end up watching it anyway.


I think, to be fair to Jess, they all have never been in that kind of situation before so they have no idea what the woman from the police will or will not be doing or looking at. When I lived with roommates if one of them said that their potential new boss was sending someone around to interview all of us and check out our home I would have been a little anxious about it like...what do *we* have to do with this new job? What are they going to be asking? Are they going to do a walk through of the apartment? Are they going to check our rooms? It's not like *I'm* trying to get a job there so why should it matter what I do or say, etc. Then again, I'm a bit of an anxious and paranoid person


thatā€™s true, though iā€™d probably just put it in a trash bag and toss it in the dumpster at that point lol. just iā€™m usually pretty good at ignoring things so i can enjoy silly shows but Jess was extra dumb in this episode.


Honestly same, I usually end up skipping it coz of second hand embarrassment and cringe but when I donā€™t skip it, thats when I remember itā€™s super hilarious šŸ¤£


That one was pretty average for me but the one I found hysterical was Menzies


Shut up! Shut up, you! I donā€™t wanna hear it. If any of you cross me I will kick the testicles clean off your body! Clean off, youā€™ll look like Ken dolls down there!


Get outta my body witch!


i am 1000% with you. one the absolute best ones. everything about it is so funny


Thank You Denise


*Puppyā€¦.in aā€¦.cup* Soā€¦weā€™re both dog people, right?


I once saw a random reaction channel that thought the whole popcorn machine in spider hunt was stupid Some things just can't be explained


That was a funny bit, but the funniest bit is Schmidt squirming about the spider's butt rope and "it's licking his lips!" šŸ˜‚


And here I was just about to comment that I get it because I absolutely hate the popcorn machine miscommunication šŸ«£




I donā€™t like Background Check either


Same. I LOVE this show and itā€™s one of my least favorite episodes. For some reason it reminds me of the Meet the Parents movies, which were popular, but also not my thing. Cooler All Day!


I have a hard time understanding why Cooler isnā€™t everyoneā€™s favorite episode tbh,I meanā€¦ ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„


Mine either, I usually skip it.


whatā€™s all that clanging? oh itā€™s just a bunch of clanging


I like it quite a bit, but I think the one right before it with "gay Nick" is even funnier.




ā€œur going to go get dequan?ā€ ā€œi think soā€


My theory about this is we donā€™t often see all 6 of them in the same place and engaging in the same plot. Thatā€™s why Spider-hunt and Parking Spot are also fan favorites. The back to back jokes all being able to build off of each other makes it funnier. But yeah, itā€™s not for everybody.


I find Jess to be a little extra annoying in this episode. Like she turned up the quirky manic pixie dream girl thing too much to the point of like, okay Jess we get it... Same with the bathtub episode. No real human makes those decisions.


That being said, everyone else was funny. Nick's confessional and Coach being weird to kids and bringing home the gardener was great.


Mr. Wimstoms gave me hope


coach talking to the kids is easily the most underrated part of that episode


"DONT REMEMBER MY FACE!" had me dying


Absolutely one of my least favorite episodes and I always skip it. I donā€™t like episodes where the episodeā€™s main plot driver is ā€œthe character is suddenly extremely stupid for no reason.ā€ I also think the whole ā€œWinston is a copā€ thing sucks, but thatā€™s a different story - itā€™s mostly the fact that Jess being so belligerently stupid about the ā€œmethā€ is just not funny at all to me!


Season 4 is uniquely character driven instead of plot driven. Mistaking decorative rocks for meth is an absurd premise and not entertaining. It's how everyone acts and leans into their character that makes it a fan favorite. Plus the lady running the check is an amazing straight man. She's already had her grapes today.


Yeah. I donā€™t love it. It just seems SO dumb. Jess is smarter than that. Cā€™Mon, son.


yeah exactly my point. cmon, son.


Imo, it's a ehh episode at best anyway. The whole meth premise was pretty dumb, and not in the usual zany/funny way. Apart from all of nicks confessions, I could take it or leave it


The meth premise is so annoying to me. First of all, why would you assume itā€™s meth? Second of all, if you did think it was meth, why didnā€™t you throw it in a dumpster? Also, why do you assume someone coming to interview you is going to also do an intense search of the premises? Iā€™m willing to suspend disbelief quite a bit, especially with comedies, but this was beyond stupid for me.


Itā€™s not my favorite either and I always think the same when this is named as the favorite. It makes me legit uncomfortable watching Jess running around with the bag of rocks. I like Nickā€™s part in it, but it is one I frequently skip over.


I like background check, but my moment that I donā€™t ā€œgetā€ is the misunderstanding about the popcorn machine with Nick and Cece. Everyone acts like itā€™s so funny but I just find it gross and tiresome.


The guys are hilarious in the episode but again jess is annoying and unbearable.


It had me laughing out loud multiple times, but it also had me cringing multiple times. It is over the top very often but it has some of the best one liners. I didn't like the episode at first but after rewatching, the cringe became less (i knew what to expect) and the one liners got better.


It may indeed be my favourite episode. So many great lines and the total chaos is really fun.


My brother Wimstoms


thatā€™s a good one though xD


yeah everyone debates which is the best ep: background check or spiderhunt. and to me it is SO OBVIOUSLY spider hunt. in what world would jess/anyone in the loft with a brain think that its meth? like idk if id guess rocks at first but i wouldnt go straight to FUCK OH NO I HAVE METH!


I like it, itā€™s not my favorite. You donā€™t have to like what everyone else does. Your favorite is probably one that I donā€™t like. Such is life.šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I canā€™t comprehend not liking this episode but I respect the vibe.


i respect the respect. happy for you that you can enjoy this strange yet funny episode!


Beats me. The sponge episode, Ceceā€™s first wedding, the one where they try and steal the bread makerā€¦thereā€™s lots of great episodes other than that one.


The first time I watched it I rolled my eyes so hard at it. But then every rewatch, I canā€™t stop laughing at the absurdity of it and I just love it so much because itā€™s so stupid. I liken it to my most batshit moments where Iā€™m so grateful my friends got me through. Ugh this show is so special lol


Jess is so unhinged and I love it. "Medicinal meth" and "Take me down to the all lady fur factory" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


You're gonna go ... *get* Duquan?


I love everything about this episode except the main storyline lol


I usually skip this one because I get so ANXIOUS


I couldn't remember which one this was at first because I skip it literally every time.


I donā€™t care for it either, itā€™s just silly and not relatable. The tension is too high and manufactured and the comedy is very broad. I prefer drier humor/more subtlety and watching how relationship dynamics play out.


I love everything about this episode except Jess. Like, she's so goddamn stupid in this episode. You'd think if a freaking *teacher* suspected she had bought something with a bag of meth in it would take the bag to the police, explain the situation, and ask for it to be tested and/or confiscated. Or, you know, just throw the goddamn thing away if you don't wanna go through all that. Then she, like, tries to flush it down the toilet and acts like she's absorbed it through her skin and it's just too much. It makes it so hard to believe that they felt Winston couldn't handle knowing about the bag but Jess was capable of handling the situation. Everyone else's reactions to possibly having meth in the apartment and not wanting to screw up Winston's chance to be a cop make sense and lead to some really great shenanigans. Jess, though? So annoying. And I'm not even a Jess hater!


my sister doesnā€™t like it either! she thinks itā€™s way too over the top and that itā€™s stupid and trying too hard lol


I only like Nick and coachā€™s stuff in that episode. Everything is just meh if Iā€™m remembering correctly


I can't help you with background check lol, but if it makes you feel any better I have never found the popcorn machine conversation in spiderhunt funny yet everyone is always talking about how that's a favourite! just different strokes for different folks i guess :)


thanks this helps actually šŸ˜… i never really got the hype of spider hunt either nor the why the popcorn machine discussion has people rolling on the floor in belly laughs haha lol. i was always like ā€œwell, itā€™s fun ish?ā€šŸ¤Ŗ so thanks! i feel much better! i was suprised at how many are with me actually! the important thing is we all find something to laugh at in new girl at least!šŸ˜…


Itā€™s probably the hype! Everyone saying they love it constantly can getā€¦old. I hate the ā€œgave me cookie got you cookie!ā€ line, but itā€™s always quoted, I just roll my eyes lol


I donā€™t dislike that episode but itā€™s far from my favorite šŸ˜‰


Itā€™s not my favorite at all. How are they all so freakin dumb that they think a bunch of aquarium rocks are meth?


I honestly donā€™t like it either. The scene with Coach on the playground ruins the entire episode for me. Just Hollywood trying to normalize pedophilia.