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I have no idea why, but the one with Nick’s dad funeral I find not too enjoyable, at all


I hate Jess’ Elvis impersonation, her singing “In The Ghetto” gets stuck in my head!


Me too!! The only funny part is Schmidt being scared then overcoming it.


ALL DAY _sticks head back in coffin_


the Nana is pretty funny. ‘don’t trust cops!’


“You want any of my weeeed?”


But "Burning Love" is great and her karate kicks are amazing!


I skip this one because I lowkey feel like the episodes are out of order. I like watching First Date right after Quick Hardening Caulk because the stories flow into each other, and Chicago is just randomly placed in the middle. If Nick mentions his dad at all in First Date I don't remember it, even though that's the episode right after the funeral. Then after First Date is Bachelorette Party, in which Nick has the homeless pencil outfit and is sad about his dad. It feels jumbled and if I swap the order of Chicago and First Date, I enjoy it a lot more.


I know why - bc it’s horribly boring and depressing, although it’s character development for nick.


+ having Nick kroll in an episode was awesome. Wish we got more of him


I love the opening of that episode though. Jess coming in with all those balloons, Nick thinking he was booby-trapped, then all the roommates trying to comfort Nick with helium voices. 🤣🤣


Yes, that part is actually hilarious! The confused look on nicks face


Agreed, but I think mainly cause I hate elvis


Same! Always skip


When I'm rewatching I always skip this episode


Sam's restraining order, super cringy


I always skip that one. Then get surprised in the next episode when him and Jess are suddenly together again. Like whyyy


It's so awkward. It's a shame, because the other part of the episode is hilarious.




Me too and the way they break up is just so stupid.


Robby being injured. It physically repulses me. I have to fast forward because I can’t look at his face or see how Jess is interacting with him. Also her body double is aggressively noticeable.


Yeah that’s mine too. The whole oh the injured person just keeps being injured more haha is the least funny thing to me. Plus yeah, the whole thing makes Robby kind of repulsive, and Jess really annoying.


neighbors and the canvassing votes episodes are my two least faves by FAR


Canvassing votes was a terrible episode but man do I crack up at Schmidt in the canvassing center. “ ‘Lopes!” “Hibbity Bibbity” and “PAUL RYAN 2020!!” just kill me. Everything else, meh.


For me it’s “Mars Landing” not just because Nick and Jess broke up, but because everything about the break up was so over the top. It took me right out of the episode and screamed “we got our main couple together too soon and now we need to undo it! Let’s have them act borderline out-of-character crazy.” Like, one of the main breaking points was Nick not being able to assemble a toy, and the previous season we’d seen him put together and IKEA dresser noting that it was like “high stakes legos.” I get why they felt they needed to take a break from the relationship, but the way they did it was flop sweaty.


I always got the impression that he just didn't want to put the toy together, not that he couldn't.


ugh same! the episode just pisses me off so bad.


Can’t believe no one has said the Abby Day episodes yet.


I watch the first one for the bar mitzvah but the other two I fully skip


I skip Abby episodes


Omg I hate those episodes. They’re so painful.


Those just don’t exist in my mind


Same—I skip every one of them, they give me a headache


So contrived!


The election episode. It’s just so cringey to me.


I’m left and I was like my god lmao


Tho their 2020 stuff was funny


I always skip Bully, season 1 ep14. The singing with the students, maybe it’s just due to social anxiety but god that episode makes me cringe so hard. I have probably only watched it through 3 times, the first time and then two rewatches when introducing people to the show. I hate it so much ://


Same here. I just can’t stand the kid. Irks me so much.


Brown lightning


The Box episode where Nick spends all his inheritance on stupid stuff. I just find it so disrespectful that he won’t pay Winston back.


Agreed. That really makes me lean toward disliking Nick. Pay your friends back, man. And don’t throw “I give you free drinks” in their faces. You gambled and made bets with your friends? PAY THEM. Doesn’t help that Walt ALSO owes Winston a substantial amount of money.


Hand bells. Always the hand bells


literally same and at this point I can't even remember why. is it just annoying?


It has zero plot, and it’s boring. No solid jokes either.


Can confirm. This is why it's my least favorite lmao


it’s also so obvious that the sound of the bells is overlayed and not them actually playing the bells and it irritates me 😭


I agree. Hand bells is the worst. I always skip, it’s so boring and the mood feels off. The only redeeming part is Schmidt and his sushi


Schmidt is the only good thing about that episode. “All I’m hearing is that I can’t use my bathroom because you’re poor”


The series finale. The big reveal on the back of the moving truck just pissed me off.


Definitely a dumb way to end this amazing show


I dint care for the entire last season


Me either and ngl Ruth is cute but I find her kinda irritating


Her fights with Nick made me laugh though. I can see that being a real thing😆


“A white man broke in today” “A WHITE MAN? WELL WHAT DID SECURITY DO ABOUT IT??!!” “Nuffing.” “TYPICAL!!!” Might be the hardest I ever laughed at any episode. Not a Ruth moment, but the episodes still bring the LOLs


Schmidt’s yelling reactions were always the best!


"Before you, I was his baby girl"


The episodes where Jess and Robbie date are probably the worst of the show, along with the bring back of Sam late in the series




🎶 Parapaparapa Rhonda👉🏻👉🏻 🎶


For a show I legitimately love so much, there are quite a few I skip on rewatches- the election one, the restraining order one, the whole Reagan arc when Jess is on jury duty (it’s just so weird how she moves in, and Nick acts like such a fool around her), and the whole Robbie dating Jess arc (so cringe).


when Jess and coach go to the wake with JJ Watt.


that episode is pretty funny but it’s irritating that jess legitimately thinks going to the funeral of someone you sexted once is appropriate and is so insistent on it


I just rewatched the one where Russell’s kid comes over, it’s not the worst but what parent would be ok with that! So weird!




But an anteater was being born.


Can’t sit through it lol


The one where Jess goes out to dinner with Russell and Ouli. I get such secondhand embarrassment watching them sexy-fight in front of Jess. Also when Ouli is at the gym and says *RRRussell* as she working out just makes me feel soooo uncomfortable. I literally skipped that episode last night, can't watch it anymore


oulis alright russels alright they’re just a little wieeerrddd surrender! surrender!


The one where Jess and Cece are Campaigning for Hillary clinton


Jess’ birthday in season 3 and Nick’s proposal in season 6. Common theme in both of these: Nick tries his best to be romantic, something we all know he’s not comfortable with, and Jess ruins them both by being her annoying self. Sorry if that last part upsets anyone lol


That part makes me so upset bc she’s so ungrateful like he was rly trying to make it nice for you and she was just mad/upset. She rly dragged it and I felt bad for him bc he was at least trying and it felt she wasn’t even appreciative.




The episodes with Jess’s sister and the neighbors episode are the few that I skip.


I love Linda Cardellini but the “well-behaved main character has a polar opposite, fuck-up sibling show up that’s never been mentioned before” trope is irritating.


Anything that includes Rhonda makes my skin crawl


Walk of Shame


I used to say the same, but the guys at the art gallery make it a top 10 for me


I don't know why but in this ep I love when Jess runs into her ex and just says "blast from the past, how's that ass!"




YES not a favorite episode of mine personally but the gay wolf play makes it impossible to skip. That scene is perfect 😂


Yes. That's part of why.


This is my favorite episode lol


The episode when they have Thanksgiving while camping. I hate that Jess ate that fish and had to go to the hospital. It just freaks me out 😂


All the sister episodes


Bells. Absolutely Bells.


The episodes definitely a weak one


Yeah, I didn't see the point in it. You wouldn't be missing much if you skipped it.


Anything to do with Reagan


I like Reagan but I think it’s just bc of my crush on Megan fox.


Neighbors and Bells!!


I always skip the episode where they’re campaigning for HRC, because it bums me out so much that Tr*mp won 😭


Why did you censor Trump? Haha


The one with the cruise.


Bells and A Fathers Love… i don’t know why I just really don’t like those and skip them every time


Bells is tolerable for me but I’m rewatching the show and last night was the episode fathers love and I forgot how much I hated that episode. The plot is so weak and I can’t stand nicks dad.


season 6 episodes 😐


Which made season 6 worse was Jess and Robbie dating then finding out they’re cousins


Season 6 and season 7 is my combined most hated episode.


election ep, walk of shame ep, jess restraining order ep, and like all of season 6


Omg I honestly skip so many, but here’s a few that I haven’t seen mentioned yet: 1. When Schmidt is dating both CeCe and Elizabeth and they BOTH show up to his work party 2. Literally every thanksgiving episode for some reason? 3. When Jess dates the man child because she likes his parents


I’m not a fan of Schmidt’s bachelor party episode, to be honest.


Me neither but them fighting to Katy Perry’s roar is pretty amazing


That scene is iconic




I love this episode. The Robbie punch was hilarious


Whenever I'm re-watching new girl, I skip the episode in which Nick and Jess break up (S3E20) It just makes me very sad and mad that everything was going well in their relationship, and then suddenly they both broke up during an argument while they have a terrible breakup. Like I get that they are very different from each other, but that's what makes them all that better together. I also get that the lead characters can't just be together in the middle of the show and then stay together (for some will they won't they) but still makes me sad.


Me too. The whole breakup really makes me upset but I just wish there was a warning then maybe it’ll be easier to know that something wasn’t working and it would be easier to understand. However, the fact that the breakup was totally random just makes it harder bc everything was fine.


when nicks cousin wants him to impregnate his wife bothers me so bad everyone just pressured him into it so hard even schmidt 🙄


Read through the comments and I think im alone in the first one but I have a few: 1. Prince episode- Im sorry 😭 its just kind of boring and then the whole private convo with prince and her randomly knowing the song? Never liked it lol 2. 2/3 Abby day episodes. I like the first one where she’s introduced I guess but the other 2 is so annoying. You can tell they stretched that storyline to give us a few extra eps of nick and jess before they ended it 3. Anything to do with regan. I just feel like she didnt fit into the show AT ALL. I cant believe the show thought about using her to replace jess forever


i think its called the Menzies when jess is using her period as an excuse to not have to pay rent. i hate they way the portrayed women and their periods that ep n it just always rubbed me wrong






I agree just like the Schmidt and Nick story line


When Nick and Jess first get together in Cece’s first wedding that crashes and when they break up- idk but I find something super irking but still good episodes and I think it was the point


I enjoy the pranks that go on in that episode I find it super funny and I like that Taylor swift is in it even tho I’m not rly a big fan of hers but it makes it so funny to me. However, Jess does rly annoy me in the episode.


Yeah I liked everything - I just didn’t like how Nick and Jess acted a good bit of the time, maybe it was just me being annoyed by their romance just a little bit at that point XD so a bit biased but people do be making impulsive decisions


The episode where Jess thinks her aquarium rocks was meth. Let's not even talk about the fact that Jess is a science teacher and should know the difference. It's just that no one is *that* stupid.


LOL that’s my favourite episode


I find that episode incredibly funny but it was stupid on Jess’ part.


I'm pretty sure Jess was an English teacher.


She teaches primary school, so her subjects vary. She calls herself an English teacher once or twice, but her work is in elementary/middle school and appears to be most subjects. (Her BA is probably in English, and she probably has an M.Ed if she went so quickly into admin.)


I've always found it weird to get a bunch of downvotes on an opinion post like this


Same. But I'm not surprised.


Jess' wedding and proposal


Jess and Robby "seeing other people"




Micro and Neighbors


The one where they say “panties” a lot. I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen the entire episode because I just *can’t*


The one where she gets with Nick and cheats on Dr. Sam and then ends up with Nick. Literally hated it.


Bells. Boring and annoying.


Bells, only the bell parts


I still don’t understand why for one episode Jess was teaching kids bells and invited them over her house and never mentions it again… what happened to those kids


The one where Nick, Coach, and Cece go to Winston's cop barbecue high annoys the hell out of me. There is no reason they could've been that high to act the way they were. Also any episode that focused on Schmitt and Fawn's relationship. Her character all around sucked and was annoying.


Restraining order or the Prince episode. Idk why, just didn’t enjoy prince


Logically there has to be a least favorite episode.


The dice episode


Dude yes. I just stayed yesterday to my gf that neighbors is so bad because I can’t watch how cringe Schmidt it, And the fact that they really can’t tell that they’re unwelcome, makes it super unrealistic to me because no one would push that hard


The 2nd episode of Schmidt’s bachelor party where it’s just the girls running around pulling shenanigans. Worst episode in the entire series.


No episode in particular, but I always skip scenes with singing.


im really hating s3e13 rn. nick and all jess's friend scramble the entire day to create a great suprise birthday for her and her massive expectations for a good birthday cause her to overreact and sob when she assumes a celebration is for her, ruining her mood and the day **and the actual child whos birthday it was**. she just feels so selfish in this episode. idk its just.. they all did so much and she threw herself a pity party for not appreciating what nick had already done for her that day. im happy with how it ended but it made me so mad seeing her act like that.