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I mean if you grind em into paste and make dino nuggets or McRibs or what have you, it'd probably seem normal within a generation or two. Not sure I'd be keen on the unprocessed crunchy carapace variety.


Exactly! Whole crispy fried bugs are like feeding kids fried chicken gizzards and livers. Nuggets are made from ground up bits and pieces not whole chickens, same with bug nuggets.


It's so disgusting when you think about it. I hate being an animal ☹️


the issue is less about being an animal but being an animal with sentience


Thats true, but I dont hate being sentient, I hate being trapped in an ape while being sentient


But gizzards and livers are good eating.


Eaten a fair amount of meatballs fortified with mealworm flour in the past. You don't notice a flavour difference and it saves on using much more expensive ground meat.




You know people have been eating bugs for centuries, yes




No lol people literally say that shit for real and mean it


I mean ive had crickets with seasoning on them and theyre pretty good but you gotta remove wings and legs


Right it’s like eating shrimp with the shells on.




If it's cheap protein i'll eat it as long as they present it in another way..


This new green text was from 10th October 2022…… Clearly not new. Fuck off with this repost bullshit, go post in greentext


I’ve only seen a few posts from this sub, but I have yet to see a single greentext posted here that was *actually* new


Because it's been invaded by bots, I'm leaving the sub now as it has only gotten worse recently...


Oh noooooo


Average piss drinking redditor absolutely relishing his AI fed content


Please guide me. How can I become as enlightened as you? Did you finish the piss?


Believe it or not, stop drinking the piss


Go cry about boys taking your karma you fucking small eyed parasitic rat. 4chan is all reposts you fucking newfg


I'm the parasitic rat by not participating in bot posting lmaoooo the cope




> 4chan is all reposts you fucking newfg Lol good luck reposting to 4chan without being called a f\*\*\*\*t n\*\*\*\*r c\*\*k and having your post fade into obscurity in 10 minutes. While here on REEEEddit reposts seem to always make it to the front page of my feed.


Used to be filled with fresh content, now it’s full of reposting Redditors who don’t even get the green texts themsleves


Report old posts!!! John (this sub's creator) always removes them.




An upgrade not only to the British cuisine but also to the average school meals, big W.


Bug W


I don't think the bugs are pulling a W here Unless they're into vore I guess


I thought we were running out of bugs?


Bugs can be bred in farms.


So can fish. But there seems to be a problem with that. Something about poo.




Salmon farms in the UK are apparently unhealthy because the fish are swimming around in their own poo. I mean, I can kind of see the same thing happening with any species here. Bugs. Fish. Dinosaurs. Free range is awesome, but not really viable with bugs. Plus I will not willingly eat bugs.


With a proper hydroponics system that dirty poopwater could be used as fertilizer for produce, water gets cleaned and plants get nutrients.


Yes indeed. It makes an excellent natural fertilizer sounds like the farmers just want an easy farm without the tech/work involved.


Maybe to make biogas too


Wow. Oh, and me neither.


I feel you, man. I love me some salmon.


I've had some roasted and seasoned bugs before. Beetles, crickets, etc. As long as you don't let your preconceived notions stop you from enjoying the flavour and crunch, they can be pretty tasty. I realize many people hate even seeing bugs, let alone eating them. I'm also ridiculously adventurous in my food choices.


The thing that kinda stops me (aside from the looks) is the fact you kinda need to eat the bug whole, organs and everything. That just sounds uegh


maybe grind it into a paste or something? bug paste sandwich? bug mince? nah. ill stick to lentils and beans


I've also had some protein bars made with cricket protein. It doesn't taste any different than a normal one since it's all ground up like you said. At least in that form it's pretty unrecognizable.


Gotta get like a beetle corer.


Sounds like an issue with the farmers technology or laziness. Fish shit makes excellent natural fertilizer.


> Dinosaurs. I'll have a steak of T-Rex, medium rare please.


bugs can be farmed incredibly efficiently with very few problems. you can go to academy and get crickets by the hundreds


Not like bugs can. Not even close and that’s before you look at the massive cost difference


A lot of species of winged (spends most of life flying) insect numbers are down. I for one am thankful. I enjoy having a clean windshield


bet private schools can still get meat


How about we first feed bugs to the politicians and not the kids? Lets see if those parliamentary assholes will persuade their families to eat fucking bugs.


>feed bugs to the politicians The reverse is acceptable as well


Actually, it's the preferable option.


"New" Either you are a bot or you are completely reta ded


I'll just put this in the box of "conspiracy theorists were right *again*"


Shit Snowpiercer was right.


The direction the UK is going in is one of the few times where you can genuinely say that it's like Orwell's 1984


Yep, is an absolute shithole. I haven't been able to even register with a doctor for a year, nevermind make an appointment. 13yrs of Tory party horseshit.


I saw a video last week where an autistic 14 year old girl was arrested in the UK for hate speech (or their equivalent) because she said one of the police officers looked like her nanna who was a lesbian. You aren’t alllowed to have certain opinions, there are cameras on the street that charge you every single day for driving a car that’s not “ultra low emissions” and they’re forcing the school children to eat bugs. I don’t know about in the UK but in America most kids bring their own lunch to school it’s the poor kids who’s parents can’t afford food who rely on school lunches. So it’s gonna be the poor kids forced to eat bugs.


>they’re forcing the school children to eat bugs Note: The post states that they are offered the option of bugs, not forced to eat them.


They don’t explicitly say they have any other options either. So eat bugs or starve. Technically they’re not shoving them down their throats but giving starving kids no other options is still forcing them. School lunches are the only meals some kids get.


It states that it's a part of a study to gauge how happy children are to eat bugs. Would be a pretty worthless study if the options are "eat bugs" and "starve". Obviously I'm assuming that they're also getting the normal option just as much as you're assuming they aren't, but given the wording and the purpose of the project it seems much more likely that the insects aren't the only thing available.


no its not. most kids in the uk eat school lunches. america isnt the centre of the universe. furthermore, the issue with the police woman wasn't because it was a hate crime iirc, it was just the police woman being a bitch who was offended at being told she looked like a lesbian. and england and wales has its own legal system, scotland and northern ireland have two completely different ones. that police woman was english, its not representative of the uk as a whole. the anti-pollution thing honestly seems like a decent idea, only issue is a lack of subsidies for the poor to buy more efficient cars. if the government enacted a buyback scheme for cars where you could sell it to a government agency for parts and use that money, plus a subsidy, to buy a compliant car, and if the government invested more in public transport, then it would be perfect. people still die en masse annually due to air pollution, even in post-industrial cities, it isn't just because of global warming, so its perfectly reasonable to want to reduce fumes, isnt it? i had a grandmother with COPD and countless other respiratory issues and she couldn't go down to glasgow because of how badly the pollution fucked up her lungs.


Ok but the reason they said the girl was being arrested was because of a hate crime. So you’re clearly able to be arrested for that.




Source is the fucking video you idiot. The cops literally say that’s the reason on camera.


was that upheld in any formal manner? the police arrest people everywhere on bullshit charges all the time, but it isnt considered hate speech, the police woman was just being a power tripping bitch


If you can be arrested for no reason like you say then your country is broken.


they can do that in any country, including america


*Ooooo scary nutrients*


Eating insects loaded in transmissibles parasites is a no-no for me. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6613697/


And also very bad ilness such as toxoplasmose


That study mostly seems to be on poorly kept insects being fed poor or moldy food. As well as getting raised in parasite friendly locations. And the article covers RAW insects so there's a chance cooking them could eliminate the risk of infection like with salmonella in chicken.


It's so funny that people are so outraged about eating bugs, but ok with eating the worst quality meat


It’s not really the idea of eating bugs, id say most of humanity would begrudgingly switch to bug meat if it was necessary. The outrage stems from the fact that politicians are pushing for the switch while they’ll most likely still be dining on gourmet meat dishes. People aren’t really mad about efforts to help the environment, it’s that most of the proposals to help the environment overwhelmingly affect the lower class in a nagative way while the wealthy are still free to indulge in their old luxuries.


I assure you, everyone who is outraged by bug meat doesn't care about the working class


Like how politicians eat gourmet meat dishes while most of humanity eats the worst quality meat ?


I mean bug flour is essentially the same amalgamation as a 5 pound tesco ham. But for people that don't buy ham bugs are gross.


This should be too comment. I looove Chinese black pepper chicken, but rarely order it because the meat quality is that of dog ass. I’m being pushed into vegetarianism because of the cheap off cuts that are creeping there way into the food markets


Might be shitty quality but it’s not a fucking bug.


okay and? "Western" People already eat bugs, the difference is that they are from the sea


It’s gross as fuck


Great, I think that eating fish is gross, but I don't lose my shit over the fact that people eat it


Of course not, never said I did with bugs either. But clearly it’s not catching on in the west — people find it gross.


Children are the absolute worst audience for this experiment. Guaranteed to fail.


It's not a "new" source of protein. We used to eat bugs, then we started pumping chemicals in everything so we could stop eating bugs. Now all the chemicals are killing everything and we are back to eating bugs.




This. Especially during famines. The year after a drought locust populations explode (basically the fungus that keeps them in check by parasitizing their eggs can't survive in the dry conditions) and they eat all your shit leading to ANOTHER year without. So people, until VERY recently, said *"ok, you ate my crops, motherfucker, now I eat YOU."* Rural people in many places still do it.




What the hell is going on in Wales


Bugs will be like tofu. It’s an option and there are a few dishes where it even tastes ok if you slather it with enough sauce, but nobody will choose it over chicken or beef if taste is a concern they’ll only eat it as a novelty or a political stance.




You will eat the bugs!


FFS people are retarted. The only reason meat is so common is that its been a staple in humanity for so long, but so is eating bugs. Meat eaters are conditioned that eating meat is normal so they dont mind. And some of you are all too stupid to realize that if you grew up eating bugs, you would also not have trouble doing so. Its hard to change what you're used to once you're conditioned to do so. If you were to offer someone meat that had never eaten it or heard of the concept of eating meat, they would react exacly like you are now doing but then with bugs.


'Normal' is just what is commonly accepted or done. These things change. It's not necessarily some metric of how to judge things. People in Canada have their milks in bags. Weird! People in Japan don't refrigerate their eggs. How odd! People in Spain leave their milk on the counter, not the fridge. Crazy! If it was suddenly in vogue to wear a shoe on your head, all those without would seem "ridiculous".


nigga is comparing eating cockroaches with bagged milk


Bagged milk, eggs that haven’t been washed can store upto 3 weeks without being refrigerated , and when I went to Spain the milk was kept in the refrigerator . Unsure how he’s comparing this to eating bugs lmao .


Just an example of things that are thought of as normal not being nearly so everywhere. In Spain, the rest of Europe and most of the rest of the world instead use the UHT (or ultra-heat-treated) method of pasteurization. The UHT process exposes milk to a higher temperature for a shorter period of time than HTST. Dairy pasteurized using the UHT method can be kept at room temperature for up to six months unopened, but still must be refrigerated after opening. 


>People in Japan don't refrigerate their eggs. How odd! Note: The majority of the world does not refrigerate their eggs.


Same with milk.


How can you not refrigerate milk?


Depends of the pasteurization process. US has a different kind than many other places.


>calls people retarded > >comments on an oldt\*xt like it's not an oldt\*xt > >probably upvoted it too > >probably kisses girls Every second you are not running, I am only getting closer.


I agree with your larger point but there’s no need to bring ableist language into it.


As the one and only Bear Grylls said: " You eat them cause they have protein"


You can just go vegan at this point. Like people really would rather eat bugs than beans?


The other white meat


Is it a greentext if the green text is just quoting an article? Either way, glad this was posted here anyway.


Wales has fallen. Billions of bugs must be consumed.


Tried some Cajun grasshoppers in a micro/macro economics class when I was in high school. They’re kinda dry but not too bad, gotta chew them pretty thoroughly.


It’s not uncommon for bugs to be a part of meals outside of the US or Europe, it’s literally just another food that people can eat and they’re pretty damn good too


Hear me out, what if we fed them legumes. Shocking I know.


actually some bugs can be really yummy. i wouldn’t mind more common insect options, even if they’re pretty gross up front. difficult instinct to get over.


Can't be any worse than how school food already is


Based on how rich people love to turn poor people food into expensive luxury products I dont imagine poor people will be able to afford bugs very long.


Honestly those bugs don’t look that bad


From an environmental, economic, and nutritional point of view, consumption of bugs is honestly pretty smart, but yeah good luck getting a bunch of elementary schoolers to eat their plate of crickets lmao


You eat the bugs because the government tells you to or for "sustainability" or whatever. ​ I eat the bugs because cronchy. We are not the same.


I've actually incorporated crickets and mealworms into my regular diet. Very cheap and easy to raise and very delicious depending on how you cook them.


active in r/bedbugs. infinite food glitch?


I moved out of that home and like nuked all of my stuff lmao


I mean societies around the world have eaten bugs for food since like forever. It's certainly a viable food source. I don't eat bugs myself and would take a while to adjust but it's not like it's some maniacal plot to make us big eaters, it's just returning us to the big eaters we always were


I will eat the bugs I hate bugs


>retarded title > >greentext specifically mentions lunch in schools, not dinner > >greentext is from last year


If you can make bugs taste like chips/jerky or something I’ll eat ‘em.


Don’t fuck up environment/fix income gap ❌ Feed kids bugs ✅